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Before you get started here are the rules of the page!

-There is a TWO promo/2000 word limit for our regular bi-weekly shows and THREE promo/3000 word limit for our major events! For our side show Atlantis it is only ONE 2000 word promo.

- Promo deadlines are two days before the show (So, a Saturday show has a Thursday deadline for example.) The only exception is Atlantis which allows for a day before.

-If everyone involved in a match would like to extend or shorten the promo limit due to personal circumstances or preference, you have two days at the start of the new promo week to confirm with a member of the writing team the agreed upon limit for your match, if not it will remain the standard limit set for bi-weeklies and major shows.

-You must wait 48 HOURS before double posting. If your opponent has not responded to your first promo within a 48 hour period and you'd like to release another, you may do so. However keep in mind that with the promo limit, if you expend both promos, your opponent has the right to do their two (or three on a PPV week) uninterrupted.

-The page is not a place to make challenges or try to book matches!

-Do not break kayfabe! Remember that everything is entirely storyline based and there is no reason to either take things personally, or make it personal for someone else.

-Have fun! Enjoy writing your work and feel free to hit up the chat for feedback!

Michael Bishop, Diantha Rosso, Christopher Sabertooth, Zumi, J.D. Damon, Jeff X, HellFighterINC and have spoken. It’s such good shit!

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Jeff X
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 11:56 pm by Jeff X
New Bern, North Carolina
November 19, 2021

The scene opens up in a small rundown dive bar that’s relatively dead for a Friday night.  The handful of people that are out, however, seem to be enjoying themselves.  Some are shooting pool, others are dancing, and the rest just mingle around the bar area as they laugh and chat with one another.  But in the midst of the happy atmosphere, there’s one person that doesn’t seem to be particularly enjoying himself.  Jeff X.  The OWA Alpha sits by himself at the end of the bar, hunched over his glass.  He’s dressed in just a plain gray t-shirt, blue jeans, and his usual camouflage Realtree cap.  He seems to be completely unaware of everyone else and just casually drinks from his glass and stares blankly in front of him at nothing in particular.  It’s been weeks since Hardcore Havoc, but you’d think he just walked out of the ring considering how rough he looks.  His beard and hair have grown noticeably longer than they were even just a few days ago.  But the look of anger in his eyes appears to be gone, replaced only with nothing.  He looks empty and as emotionless as we’ve ever seen him.  As if he’s purely focused on one task.

“One match.  It’s funny how much just one match can warp everyone’s opinions and suddenly change the way that you’re viewed by the masses.  Fans, media, peers…I’ve heard them all talking.  I’m not deaf.  It was one match.  One match at Hardcore Havoc in which all hell broke loose as Abholos has seemingly returned to our brand to once again try and destroy everything that I’ve worked so hard to build…that is…if Arata doesn’t destroy it first.  But they act as if that one match has suddenly erased a body of work that, if I retired tomorrow, would allow me to waltz right into the Hall of Fame unopposed.  They act as if I didn’t just hold onto the OWA World Championship for the entirety of this season up to Hardcore Havoc.  As if I haven’t main evented Final Destination two years in a row.  But you know what?  That shit’s fine.  I can deal with fans or reporters having their own thoughts.  That’s what they do, it doesn’t bother me.  Armchair bookers will last as long as professional wrestling exists…but what DOES bother me is this same bullshit from my contemporaries.  This misguided notion from the same people that step into that ring each and every night and should be much more aware about my standing in this industry in comparison to their own.  Maybe they thought this would break me.  That I’d have nothing left to compete for after the loss of the very thing that I’ve worked my entire career to get.  But…do I look like Bull Connors to you?  Do I look like the fucking Derelict?  Do any of you really expect me to just suddenly take my ball and go home?  Hell, this isn’t even the first time I’ve fucking lost the title due to the arrival of Abholos.  Or did everyone just suddenly fucking forget about Game Over last year?  I didn’t quit then, did I?  I put my fucking head down and waged a war that would petrify the bravest of humans.  Do you really think that I’m not going to do the same this time around?  Things have changed over the last year, sure, but…they ain’t fucking changed that much.  I am still the man that walked into an alternate dimension to do battle with a fucking God.  I am still the man that traveled to enemy territory and took down an entire army with nothing but my bare hands and a pistol…and I did it twice.  I am still the exact same motherfucker that stands over this Kingdom, ready to protect it with my life because this shit IS my fucking life.  I’ve poured everything that I’ve had into this since the moment that I arrived here.  I’ve been the first one to step to the plate when something needed to be done that others were too squeamish to accomplish themselves.  I have fought, bled, sacrificed, and given everything to earn the position that I have within this industry and now…that’s all supposed to be thrown out of the window cause I lost to fucking Arata one time?  If you ask my opponents this Sunday, they’d apparently tell you so.  Well I hate to break it to all of you, but that ain’t how any of this shit is going to go down.”

Jeff reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a pack of Marlboro Reds.  He lights one up and takes a long drag from it, contributing to the bar’s smoky atmosphere.

“Maggal, Nobi, NAMI, Devi…you listen to any of them speak and it’s almost as if it’s a foregone conclusion that Chris and I have no shot to walk out of The Festival as the tag team champions.  They say that I’m preoccupied with other things, that I don’t care enough about the titles, that me and Chris will never be able to work together.  Now those are all fair criticisms and every one of them may be true.  But let’s not forget just who in the fuck those critiques are about.  Jeff X and Chris Sabertooth.  We have both reached the mountaintop in this company.  We’ve sat at the pinnacle of this industry for a long, long while now.  The main events, the championships, and the accolades on our resume would rival any two people that have ever competed inside of a ring.  But our four opponents?  There’s frankly no comparison.  On our WORST day, neither of these teams could come anywhere close to us.  Hell forget us as a duo…neither of these teams could beat either of us INDIVIDUALLY.  Because this?  This is OUR world that you four are just lucky enough to be living in.  And I don’t just mean Kingdom.  I don’t just mean OWA.  I mean this entire fucking industry.  This business belongs to us because we have continuously taken the bar of what the word ‘great’ means and raised it time and time again.  Just because neither of us currently hold onto the OWA World Championship, that doesn’t mean we’re dead.  We’re still the standard that all of you are held to and, quite frankly, none of you even come close to measuring up.  And I know, I know.  We don’t get along.  I’ve heard all of you repeat that over and over again as if it’s somehow breaking news.  My issues with Chris over the years are well documented.  Everybody is aware of them because it's those issues that have been all anyone has talked about for the last two years.  It’s been our feud that took OWA from a promising young upstart company to THE dominant wrestling promotion in the world today.  So yes, thank you to all of you for pointing out the obvious.  I don’t like Chris.  I did not want to team with Chris.  I didn’t ask for this fucking match.  But I’m in it now.  We’re in it now.  And judging from the competition they put in front of us, the sheer effort it would take from a team consisting of Chris and myself to NOT win sounds exhausting.  We would literally have to TRY to lose this match.  Because regardless of my personal feelings about the man, I have never once argued with the fact that Chris Sabertooth is one of the best wrestlers on the planet.  He and I are in a entirely different league than the rest of you.  Maybe you all want to plant those little seeds of hope in your minds that our disdain for one another will keep us from winning, but once we actually step between those ropes you will quickly realize that it was nothing more than false hope and that there was always only one inevitable result.  And even if this tag team cohesion illusion you’ve all conjured up with was an actual real thing…Chris and I were teaming together long before either of you were.  Long before Maggal and Nobi had ever met each other…long before Devi and NAMI were even signed to this fucking company…this isn’t our first fucking rodeo.  Now obviously our relationship has changed drastically since that time period, but I guarantee you this…I know Chris better than anyone.  I’ve been in the ring with him countless times.  I know his every move and his every thought inside of that ring maybe better than I know my own.  And I’m certain he feels the same way when it comes to me.  Can Nobi and Maggal say that?  Can NAMI and Devi?  The truth is, despite how many times we’ve nearly killed each other, Chris and I are more of a team than either of you.  Nobi and Maggal have teamed what?  A grand total of one fucking time?  And NAMI and Devi’s entire friendship is based around a shared interest of getting their shit kicked in by Dorado Enterprises.  So please…grasp at another straw to try and make yourselves believe you have any chance whatsoever.  Cause this one just isn’t working.”

Jeff pauses to take another hit from his smoke and he chases it with a long drag from his smoke.

“Honestly, if anything this match just goes to show how far down the tag team division in this company has dropped.  Say what you will about Wolvesden or The Dollhouse, but at least they were actual teams made up of people who could more than hold their own with or without their teammates.  But now?  Now we’re left with the BBC as the fucking tag team champions.  Pathetic.  Things have gotten so bad that they literally decided it's better to team up two people who literally loathe one another because THAT would be a better option than you two fucking imbeciles.  Half of the team is some fucking clown that can’t decide whether he wants to worship Allah, Bad Boy Know, Dr. Umar, or fucking Ronald McDonald.  And the other half is a D-list movie star whose best acting of his life was convincing people that he actually had an ounce of fucking competence inside of a wrestling ring.  Jesus Christ…THIS is what the division has been reduced to?!  THIS is the best that OWA can offer up as the supposed Tag Team Champions?!  And worse yet!  They don’t even have that mythical fucking ‘cohesion’ everyone keeps going on about!  Whenever Maggal’s not stuffing his mouth full of fucking cheeseburgers, he’s going on and on about how much he hates white people when his partner is 100% the whitest of all whites.  I don’t care what country he says he’s from, the man has literally referred to himself as the WHITE Knight for YEARS!  And then there’s Nobi…droning on and on for longer than any man should about how attractive he is!  How do you think that makes Maggal feel, Nobi?  There’s five fat people in this company and your partner is three of them!  Yet you still feel the need to rub in how good you look?  Damn, and here I was thinking you two were friends.  I sense a little dissension in the BBC, after all.  Not to worry though, because I got you guys.  After this Sunday, you two will no longer be bound to one another by those titles.  You two will be free to go your separate ways.  Nobi can head back to Hollywood, Maggal can head back to Golden Corral, and the both of you can put this mistake of a team and joke of a title reign behind you.  Or you can stay here in OWA, where you’ll continue to make an embarrassment of yourselves, the Bad Boy Collective, Olympus, and the tag team division as a whole.  I don’t give a shit either way, but I do know that there’s a better chance of Cars, Guns, and Fights winning an Oscar or Maggal going for a fucking jog than there is of you two hanging onto those championships after this Sunday night.”

Jeff takes one last puff of his cigarette before snuffing it out in a nearby ashtray.

“But I suppose the BBC aren’t the only fucking ones that suddenly think they’re ready to punch above their weight class.  Poor naive Devi and her friend unfortunately find themselves stepping into that ring as well.”

Jeff shakes his head as takes another sip from the glass.

“I tried to warn you Devi.  As a friend…as someone who has wanted to see you succeed from the moment you walked through the doors of Odyssey…I warned you.  I did you that personal courtesy because, despite everything that I have going on, I didn’t want you to get hurt.  But I knew you wouldn’t heed that advice.  I knew you wouldn’t because I wouldn’t either.  But unfortunately, that changes nothing.  You’re still stepping into a situation that you’re ill prepared for.  Nothing you’ve done in the past has you ready for what's to come.  A few tag title matches with Azurine and an Ultimate X match are nothing.  A fucking discus throwing contest and a pickup basketball game are meaningless.  Especially when you’re stepping into the ring with the two men who actually headlined that fucking show by…you know…actually fucking wrestling.  I tried to be nice.  I tried to give you a way out.  A chance to enjoy your birthday weekend...but there’s no backing out once you show up at that arena Devi.  Your passion and optimism have always been admiral, but none of that is going to help you when you’re in the ring with people like Chris and myself.  In fact, your blind optimism about this is all the proof that I need that you’re wildly not ready for this.  Because this shit that we do on Kingdom…it’s not a game, Devi.  This is as real as if fucking gets.  Your health and potentially your life are on the line every time you walk through that curtain on this show.  Especially when your opponents are the exact two men who have waged the very war that made this show the way it is in the first place.  There’s nothing to smile about.  But I guess you just have to find out for yourself.  Don’t worry.  It won’t take long.  Once that bell rings, you’re going to find out very quickly that you’re not on Odyssey anymore.”

Jeff looks almost disappointed about Devi not taking his advice as he again takes another drink.

“But then there’s your partner.  The woman who has oddly been the most vocal out of any of you for the past week, going back and forth between a complete lack of confidence and foolish arrogance so fast that it’ll make your fucking head spin.  NAMI…I get it.  I really do.  This is the biggest moment in your career up to this point.  Sharing the ring with Nobi, Chris, myself…it must be a whirlwind for you.  It must make you feel like you’ve finally made it.  But sadly, the only thing that you’ve made is your fucking bed and now I have to make you lie in it.  Seriously…who in the hell do you think you are to judge me?  To talk sideways at ME for how I’m dealing with a loss to Arata.  Yeah, you’re right…I am taking it kind of hard.  I allowed the Black Sun to take control.  I allowed Abholos back after all of this time.  And I lost my fucking World Championship.  So yeah…it’s been a rough few weeks and I’m not okay with it.  It has absolutely been weighing on my mind and slowly eating away at me, but that’s what happens when you’re me.  I don’t deal with losses that well.  I’m sorry I never quite developed your comfort with it, but it doesn’t happen to me very often because I’m actually good at what I do.  Maybe you’re content with going on a fucking losing streak that would make the New York Knicks blush, but that shit doesn’t sit well with me.  And that’s the real difference between us.  It’s not my size or experience that gives me the biggest advantage over you.  It’s that I’m not okay with being a failure.  But you?  Hell that’s a role you’ve gladly fallen into, even dragging Devi and Alyssa down with you at this point.  Can you even remember your last victory?  I watch Odyssey every damn week and for the life of me I can’t recall.  So instead of worrying about how I deal with loss, why don’t you take a long, hard look inward and figure out just how you got to this point where you’re this comfortable being who you are.”

Jeff finishes what’s left of his beer and pulls out another cigarette, quickly lighting it up.

“The fact is that I will never see eye to eye with Chris.  But the two of us have done more than any of you.  We’ve been through more than any of you.  And we’re prepared for a whole hell of a lot more than any of you are.  We’ve lived through wars and come out the other side.  At this point, the only thing that the four of you can hope for is that when the time comes…that we stop.  That we settle on just a title victory.  But I can’t promise that.  You see it's true what they say...war can warp the mind of men...and we have both been fighting in this war daily for well over a year now.  I gave you your warnings…none of you wanted to listen.  So this Sunday…your blood’s on your own hands.”

Jeff stands up, throwing a pile of cash onto the bar to pay his tab as he turns and makes his way towards the exit, still puffing on his smoke.

[Fade to Black]

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Diantha Rosso, Mav., Alyssa Grace, The Banshee, Rebecca Filth and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 11:45 pm by Muhammad/Maggall
OWA Promos - Page 16 CyekIL0
Barakallah fii umrik, happy birthday to Devi Krysis.

I know this is a day full of madness, but Allah is with us always and we shall preserve through all forces raised against us.

Personally, I am not one to listen too much to news and social media activity, otherwise known as propaganda. So it’s always amazing to me how rabid and lost the general populace can be when I come to hear their narratives spouted towards me. Oh, Maggall ran from OWA when things got tough. Maggall left after losing one match.  Intersectionality is the greatest force against white men. You’re copying the Black Sun. Maggall came back for handouts! If Maggall doesn’t like white people, why did join OWA with the Phantom Troupe? If they’re for the culture, why are they wrestling at the Festival instead of Harlem Heat?

The senseless prattle of infidels is endless!

Do none remember how I came to OWA in the first place?

I ventured to OWA under the leadership of The Phantom(also Black) Queen Aria Jaxon in November 2018, then leader of the Phantom Troupe.

I have heard of Arata Asakura’s connection with a godly being. Has this given him the power of time travel? I was so pro-black, people thought I must have been in Unchained long before anyone knew of Asakura, let alone his Black Sun.

The Phantom Troupe is one of the biggest failures known to OWA history. Can anyone tell me what could have POSSIBLY more tough for me than being saddled with a faction that was dead on arrival? If I stuck by doing the work, forced to carry Nolan Eliwood when everyone else bowed out and Aria stopped caring, why would I quit based on hard work later after I was on my own and became a champion?

Let’s not pretend OWA cares about handouts now. Allahuma Thabetna, do not even start. What have either teams done together to earn a shot against us? Whites are always like this. They are born with immense privilege but are the first to cry foul when another group is given the slightest break. Look through the history of WORLD champions, see those who never deserved it at the HIGHEST rungs of OWA, and worry not of Bad Boy Collective.

And since when does the BBC decide where we wrestle? The fact Sabertooth assumes that would be normal screams his privilege. So now I wonder if he and Jeff are the ones getting a handout title match. Now the ass beating given to them will be ten times worse.

There is nothing strange about my actions. Allah has merely shown me the way by how much he has punished me for my sins. I used to believe in the lies of intersectionality. Under Aria’s leadership, I first brutalized CM Nas and Jacob Senn on my debut here. In Wrestleworld, I foolishly didn’t learn my lesson, and listened to that white devil Claudia Michaels so I could help destroy the white devil Jaywalker. I still have love for sister Aria, but it does not change that she left me alone with losers like Nolan Eliwood. And Claudia betrayed me, just like all white women do the black cause when it suits them, and fired me on Juneteenth. When I work under the leadership of women, I suffer. But, when I work alone or with my fellows of colour, I am a champion!

That is why I vow to never listen to women again!

And no, I do not believe in intersectionality anymore, as white women are devils too!

Tell me Nami, if women are so great, why is it that they outnumber men in America and America is still as twisted as it is? Any single minority race gets near 20% percent population in America and the whites get scared that race will take over the entire country where their white agenda will never win an election again. But women are 50 %, do nothing, and we’re supposed to kiss your asses? Nami, nothing in this world exists without the direct support of women! Now I would not go as far as to blame everything on women, but they are overrated in how much people pretend that they would save us and make this world perfect. If women are so kind and pure-hearted, why do they, as the gender who votes the most, not made every elected official a good person? If they are so smart why do they not outsmart men and take over by now? Why do they not simply wake up and beat up the men they claim to be their evil oppressors if they are powerful? You know the answer. They can’t. They’re not leaders, and they’re even less fighters! You’re frail and weak, Nami! You’re telling me the Banshee broke you and sent you to JET???! She’s pretty big for a girl, but compared to me might as well be just another vanilla midget! If she could snap that arm of yours, what do you think I can do to your entire body if you mess with me? You can’t budge me, let alone lift me. Stop this nonsense, Nami. As I said, I do not hate women. I would not put my hands on you if you had not foolishly become a wrestler and been put in front of me. I just can’t tolerate undue credit being thrown your way. Women will never lead the revolution, Nami; You’re complacent. That’s why you should stay home under hijabs helping your men. If you disagree, why has there been the Unchained, BBC, and the Black Sun, yet no women have fought for racial or gender change here?

It’s true, I do have to have a bit of a sense of humour to play along with Bad Boy Know’s usage of white’s fearing the stereotypical BBC, but men know how to take a joke and realize revolutions aren’t perfect. Just like Bad Boy Know has to accept I’m not afraid to establish why we men are in charge. You’re actually a great example of the problem with intersectionality, Nami. White women will always back their men when times get tough, no even when times are good they’ll uplift their men, but here you are aligned with a white partner. Even worse, all you seem to do is bad mouth us, Serena Bennett and Dorado Enterprises, while bragging about how much money you make from horny white men buying your merchandise. Like most women, you’re all talk about hating men. You won’t take action! You’ll just count the money they give you and protect their system! You won’t fight by our side because deep down you know if we succeeded, there’d be less white perverts backing your lifestyle! But worry not Nami, just as they’re the twisted perverts who will enjoy watching you get hurt, they’ll also be the weak-willed fools that’ll pay your medical bills when you set up a GoFundMe.

Jeff you are one funny guy. I walk with Allah himself, why would I be concerned with Abholos and other of the beings in OWA? People get shot up and killed largely before they even become adults in my community, but a few bums get killed on Kingdom and I’m meant to be scared like this is a no go zone? You act like this is big bad a hood, but Father Fiora goes here! Kingdom is just filled with weak infidels, that’s why the bodies keep piling up on this brand. Now I’ve never witnessed your boogeyman mess with anyone down with the culture, so he’s cool with me if he keeps taking y’all out. As far as I see it, this is his and Arata’s home, so they’re the only ones I need be careful with at all, if I am to be at all. So I’ll mention any dead white boys that I feel like. As far as I know, Abholos might take it as a sign of respect to speak of his tributes! I feel like you got the wrong idea about me Jeff. You say things as if I’m one of you OWA lifers. I’ve only ever been here because people asked me to be, and then I stick around to fulfill my contract and do my thing for the culture, nothing more and nothing less. I was kicked out of the Wrestling Grotto, I have no true love for professional wrestling, let alone this company that has connections with allowing the ungrateful J-Dynasty members to be here. So what’s with the guilt trips about my work ethic and my loyalty? I’m a mercenary missionary or a missionary mercenary, depending on if your friend or foe to spreading the word of Allah and black power. You can crack all the weight jokes you want, but I move with the swiftness of Allah’s winds, I’ll be squashing you under my weight! When I’m not throwing you around like you’re a lightweight. You’re a grown man Jeff, but I’ll be treating you like a child in that ring. You say you won’t be sending your friends to get hurt anymore? It’ll be my pleasure to test your word.

As for Sabertooth. You seem to make a lot of strange assumptions too. Who said anything about black face? Do you have a guilty conscience? You white devils are an interesting breed. I can’t put anything past you, And this accusation about Elijah, why should I give a damn about his progress? I’m prize fighting wrestler, I don’t take it as my job to uplift some guy you people put your stock in. He’s just another you from when we first met, a punk with at title who couldn’t beat me, but unlike you the machine couldn’t save his title reign. I’m a double champion now, there’s million of black children out there that now have someone to look up to while they watch OWA. There’s even more brothers inside jail about to their turn lives around because they hear of what Allah has done for me! It’s too bad you don’t get along with Jeff, you too are a lot alike with this whole quit narrative. Is this some sort of “work is family” type of arrangement where you fools don’t realize a job is merely a place to make money and give people a product? I didn’t come here to be your friends. OWA is a corporation! OWA doesn’t care about you! It doesn’t care about me! If Oasis could make an extra dollar off it, he’d sell out any of you at the drop of a hat!  I knew it was bad here, but I didn’t know you were all slaves to capitalism this badly!  Being good little boys that tow the company line isn’t going to help you in this match when Nobi and I get to brutalizing you all.

Nobi’s a Hollywood star, he knows about getting paid and making content that revolutionizes the world instead of this kumbaya nonsense. That’s just another reason we get along. You’d never find either of us running around forgetting that this is a job. I swear, this whole never leave your job mindset is something whites invented when they needed new slaves. I’m not here to churn out classics on behalf of OWA. I’m here for as long as I can do something to help the cause and spread the world of anti-white capitalism. And yes, I know that means Nobi and I are both getting paid, but sometimes you have to subvert the system from within, just like how you need to put the BBC in some pussies to create new life.

Nobi and I are the only legitimate tag team in this contest. One team doesn’t even get along. The other is made up of losers that include Devi Krysis. They don’t have the chemistry, the brawn, the experience, but they’ll serve to prove a point to all of OWA to never mess with this collective.

Mav., Alyssa Grace and The Banshee have spoken. It’s such good shit!

OWA Promos - Page 16 RqMkbhD


Oh oh, forgiving who you are, for what you stand to gain
Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away
When you get out of bed, don't end up stranded
Horrified with each stone on the stage, my little dark age
— “Little Dark Age” by MGMT.

There was one more night that remained between now and The Festival and considering the competition had been on one another’s necks since the match was made, the tension for this OWA Spartan Championship match has been at an all-time high. With the feed soon fading in, greeted with the sight of Jason Long sat in his office and looking out through the balcony window — seeing the moon rise in the distance as it began to get darker in the evening. His mind has been filled with possible scenarios of how this match could end for him. The chances of him walking out with the championship are slim to none with the odds stacked against him but considering the half-smile that rested on his face, he doesn’t seem so phased by it — in fact — he seems confident about himself. The Spartan King soon raised from his chair and walked around the desk to head closer to the balcony window. There’s a moment of silence before he turned to face the camera, beginning to speak.

“I remember when The Awakening first began — with Fiora, Quinn, and Blue — and I thought to myself that they were going to be something in the future. I watched them tumble, I’ve watched them fall over and over again, and I’ve watched them rise to the very top of their respective mountains. And even with the addition of Mark Michaels, I always had that feeling that — at some point — those four would stand at the top of Mount Olympus as the men they were. I might not have agreed with their actions now, but back then I was all for the carnage and chaos they controlled. I used to think that — if The Awakening would ever show up on Kingdom — they would have continued their own chaos over here and there’d be nobody else left who could’ve stopped them apart from The Frontline. Listen to my words when I speak, gentlemen. I used to think highly of you two. I used to think you’d be higher powers on this brand if you had the chance to show up. I used to believe in what message you two were bringing over there on Olympus. But now that I see what The Awakening has become right now? You’ve left me more disappointed with how much you’ve fallen down from your perches. Mark Michaels and Eon Blue are doing their own thing over on Olympus, they’re running their own shit and they’re calling their own shots, after being held back against someone like Fiora. And speaking of the other two? I mean, look where they’ve gotten since coming onto the gold brand. For a group that was so dominant and so powerful that it seemed like nobody was able to stop them — not even being brought to hell and back — all that you could see in them is former shells of themselves. Former shadows of their own past. Images of their old selves of when they were in the peak of their time.

Noah Quinn and Father Nathan Fiora — both of you together are a tough challenge to take down and that’s no lie, I’m sure you’ll even admit to it yourselves. But I can’t look at you and forget where you both came from. Noah Quinn was the Apex of Television and you, Fiora, were an Omega Heavyweight Champion. A messiah to the masses that have looked to the heavens for answers and allowed you to answer their calls. But it doesn’t make sense when you think about it because at first, The Awakening was slowly riding high. Though there was no luck in the Dark Kingdom Tournament, you found a way to release the demon of Havoc from Sabertooth and allowed him to join your ranks. But ever since then, since the first night of Game Over, nothing was ever the same again for The Awakening. Every turn, every corner, every sight on something always resulted in failure. For when it was the OWA World Championship, nothing was gained. For when it was the Outlaw Championship, nothing was gained. For when it was the Spartan Championship, nothing was gained. And even when you had to fight for the attention to be placed onto you all? You’ve both crumbled at the feet of those far superior from you. This is what The Awakening have become, this is what they’ve shown themselves to be and yet — they have continued to show how naive they seem to be as they reach out for one more chance. One more shot. One more moment to prove themselves. Not knowing that all hope for them has since long passed on and the numbers game that they might think they have for one another seems to be fiction.”

That gives Jason a laugh as he steps closer to his desk, picking up the championship and resting it down on his shoulder, allowing it to shine in the sun’s setting light. The first person on his mind out of the two? A man he has faced many times in the past. Noah Quinn. A confident smile soon appeared on the face of The King followed swiftly by a light chuckle.

“Noah Quinn, a man that knows how great it feels to be at the top of a mountain like mine. When I first heard you saying that ‘it must be great standing at the top’, I always remind myself that you know what that high is like. You know what it’s like to be where I stand. So why don’t you elaborate on what it means to be where I am today? ...ah yeah, that’s right. I forgot that I’ve accomplished so much more than you. The mountain I stand at the top of is nothing compared to the one you stood on. How could I have forgotten? You see, Noah, I had a feeling that you’d be the first to jump on the bandwagon of my recent losses and when I first heard it from you? I couldn’t help but to laugh because it’s like you’ve forgotten that out of the possible fifteen matches I’ve had since the beginning? I’ve only lost three times. I’ve only lost three times and that’s almost the same amount of times that I’ve beaten you. So, yeah, I find it hilarious when you try to mock me of my losses. I find it absolutely hilarious that you try to make fun of me for losing to Christopher Sabertooth and Nathan Fiora, Noah. How was that loss to The Frontline and The Mafia, Noah? I’m sure you remember it, when you carried the whole team on your back and fought three to one. You’re so predictable, Noah. You’re just way too predictable when it comes to this and it’s embarrassing to sometimes listen to you speak knowing that you can’t even be half-arsed to just pay attention and look shit up.

Although I repeat myself when saying this — I thought I taught you the first time. I thought I taught you the second time. Now, I have to teach you the third time about the same fucking thing again. But the more you come back to me and the more that you open your mouth towards me, It makes me think of how much you’ve just ignored everything that I’ve ever taught you in the past and that’s a worrying thing to say the least. Because as much as nobody else would have the fucking balls to admit it, Noah? I see a major fucking successful star on the horizon in you. I saw that when you held the Television Championship and I know you have that in you. But please, elaborate to me why you keep coming back and begging for more. Please, elaborate on why I should be the man you need to beat to find peace with. I just don’t get it. And I’ll tell you why I get so confused when you say that, Noah, it’s because — in my mind — I am the last person you want to look towards when trying to find peace for yourself. Yes, I have beaten you multiple times right now but haven’t you thought about the man that’s been holding you back for so long now? Haven’t you thought to yourself that the man that’s been holding you back for over a year now is the reason why you haven’t found peace? Don’t get me wrong, Noah. I appreciate you commenting and calling me your ‘final boss’, I am honoured to be such but you’re fighting me for the wrong reasons. And all of this talk is just a waste of time. Hell, it just seems to me that you’re desperate and for nothing.

‘But— Mister Long, I really need that championship. I really need to find myself. I really need this win. I cannot afford to lose. Please give me this win and I won’t hurt you as much as I would with Fiora. Just let me have the Spartan’s Championship so I can find myself again. Please. Please. Please!’

I have never met a man who has pleaded for their life to be given something so he could feel alive once again. Are you seriously unaware of how pathetic and stupid you sound when I pratically hear you beg for me to just give up and give in — hand in the championship to you and let you live the life you were destined for, fuck everything else because nothing really mattered, so long as you had that briefcase and you’ve beaten all of my friends to try and bring yourself onto my level but that’s the problem with you is that you haven’t got a clue to what it takes to beat me. You see, when Kevin Maverick pinned me? My eye was off the ball. I was distracted and he took advantage. When Nathan Fiora pinned me? My eye was off of the ball again because he had Miltiades come out to cause a distraction before landing a low blow. Christopher Sabertooth is the only man to stand face to face with me and beat me like the fucking man I am. No bulllshit or anything. If you speak of my losses, then I hope to god that you are studying them well and you know what it takes to put me down. Considering what I’ve already told you? It takes a whole fuckin’ lot. What did it take me to beat you? Almost breaking your neck and popping your shoulder out of your socket. You and I are not the same, Noah. And I hope that — after all of this is said and done — you finally find the common sense you need to realise that.”

A simple side-to-side shake of the head as Jason dropped the championship from his shoulder and back into his hands again, taking a moment before moving onto the last man in the last — Nathan Fiora. Knowing how heated he got by even speaking about him, Jason took a longer moment to prepare himself.

“You know what I love seeing from someone like you, Fiora? Those inflated egos of theirs.

I spent about five minutes of my valuable time just basically listening to you stroking your tiny fucking cock about a win in a wrestling match — where you didn’t even win fairly but still treated it as it’s your proudest win to date — and as much as I’d like to stand here and correct you for how much bullshit you’re putting out there into the world? I think it’s just time I give up and let you do your own thing. Like, you know, it’s bad enough that your ego is already that fucking massive and infated that you need to stroke it a little bit more over something so overplayed out but then to constantly bring it up over and over again like it’s breaking fucking news on whatever news channel they have in New York? There’s just a time and a place where that can be settled with, Nathan, and I’m just done trying to ever settle that with you. Seriously, a match where there was interference and illegal moves and then it somehow is accepted as a chance to step forward and take this championship from me? Alright. Everything else will tell you otherwise but keep it up, man. Rest assured that nobody in the past seven or eight months have ever payed attention to a single fucking thing you’ve said. And then, you have the absolute fucking audacity to tell me that I — five-time World Champion all over the damn world, Jason Long — am not in the same league as Father Nathan Fiora? The same man whose only claim to fame came from matches that were called ‘I Simp Matches’? The same man whose only claim to fame is holding onto the cursed piece of shit title known as the Omega Heavyweight Championship? That’s the man that I am not on the same level as? Alright then, name me a memorable Nathan Fiora match that isn’t the same one where Darkane fucking killed him. I’ll wait.

You tell me you’d die for your beliefs, Nathan, but I find that very hard to believe because if that’s the case then your only belief worth almost dying for is your losses and I know that’s not what you’re going to come back and correct me with. But didn’t you almost die inside of the Chaos Crypt last year in a losing effort? Didn’t you almost die when Darkane took the Omega Heavyweight Championship from you? Didn’t you almost die after that fall in the Circus Deathmatch at Hardcore Havoc? ‘Die for my beliefs’, and the only thing to prove that point is every loss you’ve eaten. You’re just as fucking naive as Noah Quinn. No fucking wonder both of you are so close to one another. You’re standing there and telling me that you pushed me to my limit but you didn’t, Nathan. But you’re right about one thing, and I’m so fucking glad that you brought it yourself, Nathan. This is a Triple Threat match and there’s no rules. Obviously, your choice of words thinking I’d wanted this to be a clean fight? Wrong observation, my friend. I’ll be beating the fucking piss out of both of you with whatever I can get my hands on. Especially you, Fiora. And trust me when I tell you this, I have waited two fucking months to make sure that I got my fucking hands on you again for the bullshit that you pulled on me. You said you’d die for your beliefs then let’s test that theory and see how close to death I can bring you for your beliefs to come true.

But this is it for us all. One last ride into the sunset for all three of us.

I’ve learned throughout my time as a wrestler that not everything is meant to last forever — and I’ve definitely known that clearly with the numerous amount of championships that I’ve held — but I’ve always dreaded the day that I lose this championship because I know that I’ve been a fucking great champion and I know I’ve done a whole lot for this belt and for this division and I lived up to the promises I kept close to me. But you forget one thing. I will die for this championship. I will die for this division. I will die to make sure the legacy of this championship is kept and I WILL DIE TO MAKE SURE THAT THIS CHAMPIONSHIP WILL CARRY ON WHAT I GAVE IT.

And let’s be real — I am nowhere finished with this championship so soon. I have so much left to carry out. I have so much left in the tank to make sure I continue to carry this championship through main events and pay-per-views in ways that it has never been showcased before. The Awakening may think for one second that the only thing that dies this weekend is my championship reign but that’s far from the truth. The only thing that dies this weekend is The Awakening itself. I am hammering down the final nails in both of your fucking coffins and I am throwing in the last patch of soil as you are placed into your own graves. You might not think it to be the truth but trust me boys, the worst fucking mistake of your lives was putting the numbers game on me because when the odds are stacked against me? I always win. It’s happened before. It’ll happen again. This match won’t make things different.

Because when you come at the king, you best not fucking miss. And for the past seven or eight months, Awakening? Miss after miss after miss— AFTER. FUCKING. MISS. AND THIS WILL BE NO DIFFERENT THAN THE ATTEMPTS BEFORE IN THE PAST.

Noah Quinn. Nathan Fiora. May god have mercy on your wretched fucking souls come The Festival.”

He takes a deep breath as he holds the championship up to head height. Keeping a sick smile on his face.




The smile is soon wiped from his face and he drops the championship from the shot before walking out of the shot and allowing the lights to dim within the room.

Fade to black.

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, J.D. Damon, Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Father Nathan Fiora
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 10:57 pm by Father Nathan Fiora

I have a special place for you two, Noah and Jason. Prepare for the flames of your sins to consume you for belittling me as much as you two have.

What do you believe I’m here for? Did you really think I’d be the man you’d be pinning on Sunday? Don’t make me laugh. I’m not that much of a fool; my strategies are planned in advance and now that each of us has said our piece, it is time for the final countdown. Each of us wants to win this match and leave with the Spartan title at the end of the night, but by the nature of this match, only one of us is leaving with it. All alliances are off and my only remaining disciple has betrayed me by turning his back on me. He believes that pleasing this world and the fools here will give him the glory he thinks he deserves. Jason, you hold yourself to a mantra that is a facade of what the world wants to see in their heroes. You act all moral but you really aren’t that; you’re a flawed individual who desperately seeks to please those you’re atoning your sins for. That isn’t to say both of you aren’t spectacular individuals in the ring, far from that; you’re two of the most promising talents that OWA has, but are vulnerable to becoming nothing but another body here. I’ve seen guys like you two come in and out of this company over the last three and a half years. They were all talented like you two were, but they lacked knowing the reality that this company will chew you and spit you out unless you carve your own path by force. Some went through the motions and faded into obscurity while others, like me, were able to change the game and win a world title when nobody thought they ever would. The point I’m trying to make is that people’s opinions don’t matter. If you spend your time trying to be some goody two shoes for the people and kids, then you are just being fake. Who cares if Chris is trying to atone for his sins? All the people he killed and harmed will remain there; he is acting as if that never happened and that he can walk with his friends again. Noah, who cares if you’re trying to be just like Chris, people will always know you to be the guy who cheated to win time after time; that will never escape you. Every time someone challenges you, it’ll be already in their gun’s ammunition; you will be ridiculed by all for turning your back on your father. Jason, you are just the same as both these men; you are nothing but a man who was possessed and committed some truly evil deeds. You have not been forgiven for them! The ones in the sky above have told me that you all are still being judged for your sins, no matter how much time passes by. You have not been washed by the blood of the saints and are doomed to exist in misery. No matter what, you will live with the weight of your sins holding down on your conscience. In my case, I’m a free man. The heavens have blessed me to the point where I feel like I can float, free from any shackles that may hold me down. You can name all the sins I’ve committed but since I’m a new man, none of those sorrows apply to me anymore. I’ve been cleansed with the holy water and bleached by the holy fire that saves my soul. I know that I’m an animal; a beast who can hurt others, but my purpose lies in the sky where voices whisper sweet words of instruction to what I must do next. They’re telling me that they need the Spartan Championship in my hands to continue the success of their doctrine. This is how I will continue my legacy and continue to wash myself of any marks that I may gain while living out my purpose.

I seek a purer world with everyone’s true intentions out in the light. Jason, you do not represent that philosophy as a champion. You parade around your former enemies acting as if you’ve learned so many big lessons since you left The Ashes, but you are a fraud. You didn’t accept Chris’ apology until after you fought him, which didn’t matter. His words should’ve mattered if you were truly such a good guy. Instead, you thought beating him down would be more satisfying. Is this really who our kids should look up to?! You seem tired of facing The Awakening but really, shouldn’t your mentality as a champion be fighting every challenger that comes your way? Isn’t of complaining maybe you should be the champion that you “promised” to be and take any challenge and coming out triumphantly. You sound like the people you hate on; ones who want to take any shortcut possible to avoid trouble. You just want a newer guy to face so you can easily rack up your stats, but that isn’t what is happening here. Not even I would complain this much as a champion yet I’m viewed as human scum. What does that make you, Jason? You think I’m some sort of snake, waiting for the perfect opportunity to you’re wrong. I did strike when I needed to because this ultimately might end up being the final shot Noah ended up having for the title. I wanted to ensure this title ended up in one of our hands, but after Noah’s words, my focus has changed. I want this title to end up in my hands alone. You frown at me being a master tactician and influencing outside factors to win my matches, but you act as if you’ve never done that in your life. You worked for a literal demon who killed people, I don’t want to hear anything about you looking down on me. You’re human scum, the worst kind of it; you are a hypocrite who toots his own horn attempting to show how good he is. You hide in your criticisms and believe that your words are true, but your mind is in shambles. I messed with your mind and you couldn’t handle it after I beat you. I can’t believe a simple defeat has hurt you this badly and you know what’s worse? The audacity you have for blaming me for your own failures. I did what I needed to, just as I have said time and time again. Stop acting like you haven’t interfered in matches either because you absolutely have, so where’s the same energy for that? Oh wait, you’re one of those people who constantly criticize others for the same things you’ve done. Chris beat you afterward but as you indicated, I derailed you and hurt your momentum. You weren’t at 100% for that match, but you were for mine. How does Chris get the praise for beating you at 60% when I beat you at 100%? I did use some tactics for sure and I own up to them, but again I’m an opportunist. Instead of complaining and whining about your losses, maybe you should start strategizing kid because another loss is coming your way if you don’t change up the way that you’re doing things. Your morale is low and you complaining again and again isn’t going to fix that. Do you see me complaining about my loss? No, I’ve owned up to it and moved along because I know I cannot falter and let previous losses get to me. I’ve lost so many times in my career yet I’ve been able to accomplish everything I have throughout my career. You’re simply a sore loser who pretends he’s some sort of hero who’s inspiring people by preaching moral values that you just got from some scam of a book. I live the ideals I preach about and I would die by them. I’ve accomplished a lot more than you have on that alone, Maverick. I did what you couldn’t do either; I beat Chris in a match by my own merits and made the man that beat you clean in the ring. Imagine what I can do if that’s what I did to Chris. I know I can beat you “clean”, but that’s not fun and there are many more factors to consider. Who knows who may interfere; maybe you’ll get your boys to jump Noah and me. Maybe The Black Sun comes up and screws you, I’m not sure what could happen. My plans are devised from whatever may come and I make sure I win definitively, at any cost possible. I have no shame about it; I’m so creative. Why waste my energy on moves that may not take you out at first compared to just using some tactics that will take you out for sure? I have beat you with those strategies as well and been in a world championship match, something that you can only dream to do at this stage of your career. 

I’ve addressed my failure to Noah and I understand his frustration, I was absolutely not there for him when he needed me at my best. But, a side effect was that I’m very healed up while Noah might still be a bit beat up. He did betray me so what happens to him right now doesn’t matter. If he apologizes, I’d be a bit more apologetic for my actions; I’ve already atoned for my sins with the voices above so nothing else matters to me at this moment in time. All my friends, my disciples, have betrayed me and I can only count on myself. Noah deserves no sympathy for turning his back on the person who was the most patient with him. I made a strategic move to enter myself into this match; yes I must deal with two other people, but usually, the champion is the main target. That actually lowers your chances of winning and creates a lot of opportunities for me to sweep in and get the win. You are the Spartan King, but noble causes never has gotten anyone anywhere. This title is the workhorse title, but I am ready to reimagine what that means. I’ve put instant classics, but living by human standards is not what I intend to do. My legacy is going to lead me to heaven while a legacy for worldly things would just get me nowhere. It would lead me to be upset about things you already know about me, Jason. Why are you so angry about something you’ve known about me? Isn’t that a waste of energy? Shouldn’t you be putting that energy into preparing for this match? This match will be no DQ, so there are so many factors you should be thinking about instead of crying like a baby about how I decided to be smart and take things into my own hands. I want to be the only Nathan Fiora and not the next Jason Long; I’m not going to degrade myself to be a former demon sympathizer and one of the fakest performers in this company’s history. I am going to be the darkhorse champion; one of the most unexpected victories in company history. Being a former world champion has allowed me to perform when I need to the most and this is one of those instances. You ignore this Maverick, and yes, I’ll keep calling you that because you really haven’t changed; you’ve just put on a more family-friendly mask for yourself and for your “friends”. I’m a champion who fought and clawed his way to every victory; just because you didn’t agree with my tactics doesn’t mean I can’t be a legitimate champion. You have the least right to be the morality police, especially with what you’ve done and continue to do in your reign as champion. You’re a fraud who pretends he’s some symbol of what a workhorse should look like. You don’t know anything about being pure and a hero; I should rip off your tongue for speaking such blasphemy. The voices are telling me that you are a false prophet sent by the demons on this world to promote spartan classism. You believe that anyone who will beat you is not legitimate unless they beat you in the way you’d like them to. That is big baby behavior and while you might not see it, the judges will. They’ve been telling me that people like you shouldn’t embody any type of moral position because you are weak. If you continue falling apart like this, it’ll be no time before you change your allegiances again and work towards those you supposedly fight for. You have no backbone and you do not have any respect from me for anything but your in-ring ability.

Noah, our battle will come to a resolution on Sunday. I’m sorry you made the poor decision to abandon the one who made you the man you are today. You want to be a champion, a man on his own, but you’ve always lived in my shadow. Within The Awakening, the only time you’ve succeeded is when I’ve guided you or had to hold your hand. How do you even believe that you can beat Jason when you’ve failed every other time? I left you to your own devices and honestly, that was a mistake. You were not ready for such responsibilities and even when I failed, you still could not succeed in my absence. How is that supposed to make me feel? How do you believe you can surpass me when you haven’t indicated that you can do a task on your own? What if you fail again? Are you gonna blame me for your failure this time? You better not put my name in your mouth because I’m TIRED of your poor excuses as to why you couldn’t get the job done. Were you more competent and capable on your own, the title would be in our hands, but you had to wait for me to get involved so you actually gave a damn. You’re frustrated with me but you have no right to be beside my failure at Hardcore Havoc. I’m frustrated with me having to clean up the mess you made because now Jason is complaining about you to me. Your failures impact me and affect what people think about me and yet you continue to have the foolish thought that I’m somehow holding you back? You are responsible for your own failures. If you were really this bird ready to fly and live your dreams, then you wouldn’t be the loser that you are right now. The truth hurts kid, but I need to tell you as the person who has seen you at your best and lowest; my words actually mean something because I’ve been with you every step of the way. I’ve watched you grow into an A-caliber champion to now being an F grade degenerate who’s become rebellious because of his own will. Don’t make me have to pick you up from the pigsty after you’ve fallen so deep into this world’s sinful nature. You believe in the notion of blaming other people for your failure; you lost the match along with us, no matter how much of a performance you put up. You should be proud of yourself but throwing every single of us down the bus for a failure on your behalf is just evidence of how much your ego has been overblown. I never said the same about you or the former members of The Awakening. I always said to pick up your heads and continue on because that is what needed to be done. From the start, you’ve doubted my word and have relied on your own and now that’s in full force. I cannot allow this betrayal to go without punishment and I must show you why you are in the wrong. My victory is going to humble you to depths that you can’t imagine. You will be beside yourself, asking for my forgiveness for your mistakes. Guess what I will say to you after you say this to me…”I forgive you”. Yes, I’ll forgive you for your transgressions, but your actions have dire consequences. I will never accept you like I once did again because you easily abandoned me when I made a mistake. I cannot trust you and that is something you will have to atone for on your own accord. I trusted you with my career Noah and it is very obvious that you never did and never will. You used me as a stepping stone for your own greatness and forgot how our friendship helped you soar beyond anyone’s expectations. You failed me.

I wait here patiently for our match because I feel ready to claim what is mine. There is no hope left in this world but me. The trust I had relied on for so long seems to fade away and I know I am the only one who truly knows the way to salvation. I will not falter and I will see you both in the eternal flames of damnation. None of you are worthy to hold up the Spartan Championship, but me? I am worthy. I will bring in a new age to Kingdom; one that embraces new ways to be a Spartan and not this high and mighty garbage that has been spoonfed to the OWA fans. My vision is the only one worth existing and I will see the rest rot; my plans are greater than anyone’s basic logic. The regular human mind cannot comprehend. The Spartan Father will rise and you will all know his name. MAY YOU ALL ROT UNDER THE DIRT WITH ALL OF YOUR SINS, HEATHENS.

Michael Bishop, J.D. Damon, Mav., Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 10:41 pm by TTtheT
About three weeks ago I said that people with nothing to lose can be the most dangerous or the most pathetic people on the planet. I was proven right then and I'll prove myself right again. I plan to be the former. I've put all my eggs in this one fucking basket. If I win, I get everything I want. The satisfaction of knowing that I beat both the one man that I couldn't beat since I started on Kingdom and the man that helped me get to this point. The prize of the Spartan Championship. I started chasing that belt since I lost the Television Title at Final Destination lll. This is the match where I truly earn everything. The culminating moment of my career that I've been looking for since I signed my OWA contract. Or it can be another failure to forget. It's up to me. If I can perform to the standards I know I can meet, nobody can stop me. Not Long. Not Fiora. But if I can't, it was all for nothing. I need this. I've come too far to walk away with nothing. I don't care what I have to do to these people. Sadly I respect both of my opponents as competitors, but in my eyes, they're simply targets to be destroyed. Fiora is by far the person that's done the most for me in this company. He helped to elevate me from undercard bum to the wrestler I am today, but he's still not safe. I'll brutalize him into a pile of broken body parts if it means I win this fucking match. And he'd only have himself to blame for putting himself in my way. Jason Long should know what I'm willing to do by now, and he barely survived. He escaped with his championship twice. I won't make excuses, he beat me those times. But now he's facing someone with everything on the line. I put everything into making this match happen. I have nothing else but my life to lose and the world to gain. I'm not afraid of ending lives in that ring. If nobody but me leaves that match in one piece, so be it. As long as I'm the Spartan Champion when the final bell rings. 

Everyone's seen what I can do with someone at ringside ready to get involved. I see the constant anxiety of my opponents. Watching their backs, just waiting for them to get fucked over, and they always do. The fans jeer, my respect tanks, but my hand is raised in victory. I might've won the match. But did I prove that I was better? Over and over, I tried to convince myself that it doesn't matter. All that matters is that extra notch on my record, the feeling of knowing that I pinned my opponent for three seconds. I didn't need to prove anything to these ungrateful pieces of shit because in my mind, I knew that I was better than everyone that I stepped in a ring with. Priorities change. Something was missing inside me. The wins became empty. The feeling affected me less and less. I realized that I did need to prove to the world that it doesn't matter the scenario, I'm always the better man. Which brings us here. The world needs to know that I don't need anyone. I need to win this match clean and dominantly to finally shut everyone up about me. I'm under nobody. There's not a single person in this company that can match up with me at my best, and with the stakes in this one, I know I will be. I've gone through the majority of my career with someone to watch my back, but with this, those days are over. This is the beginning of change. And it has to be for the better because if it's not, I have nothing left. I realize now that these tainted wins I've had as of late haven't done anything for me in the eyes of the people. Coming to Kingdom was supposed to be a fresh start, but I did the same shit I did on Olympus but against different people. It all changes here. For once I need to win on my own so nobody can do anything but accept that I'm superior.

And in the end, they will. 

Fiora, I appreciate what you've done for me. But you made the wrong choice when you decided to put yourself in my way. This isn't a fucking test. This isn't some student vs master shit, this is the biggest match of my life. I'm going to tear you apart because you're in my way. In that ring, it doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter if you helped me get here or not. You might as well be someone off the street because you're a dead man as soon as that bell rings. You know what I’ve done to get here and still, you decided to stick yourself into the match. Why? For your own selfishness? To stop me from surpassing you? Whatever it is, you’ll pay for it in blood. Out of all the people on this roster, I thought you’d know better. You’ve seen what I do to people in that ring all the time. Do you think you’re safe from that? Do you think you’re safe from the punishment that’s coming to you and Long? Do you really want that for yourself? If you were smart, you wouldn’t. It doesn’t matter who you are. Just ask Eon Blue. Someone I considered a brother, and I stomped his head into the mat to win the Television Title without remorse. There wasn’t any anger behind it. No hatred. Just a burning desire to win, and that’s exactly what I did.  Do you think you’re above any of that? Long knows what I’m going to do to him, and he’s prepared to handle it. But are you? I saw your performance in the Circus Deathmatch. Hell, I’ve seen every single one of your matches where a member of The Awakening couldn’t come save your ass. I won’t be there for you this time. Just like me, we only have ourselves to rely on. But I think only one of us wants that. I’m making the change for both of us, but I know one of us is coming out much better than the other. I know it’ll be me. 

You should pray to your god for forgiveness. You should apologize to him and yourself for forcing me to do this to you. For having the fucking audacity to put yourself in this match. Everything I say, you already know. You have all the knowledge of what I can do. You’ve seen me bash heads in time and time again. But you didn’t heed the warnings and put yourself up as my next target. You should be praying that you somehow make it out in one piece, because I have a feeling for me to win the title, you’ll have to be completely fucking shattered. Pray to him for luck. Pray to him for common sense to clear out of my way. This can be painful or lethal for you. I’m winning this title either way. Whatever you decide to do when that bell rings, you that you’re at my fucking mercy. I know you have a win on Jason Long. Something I’ve been hunting for quite a while. But it was tainted by half of the fucking roster getting involved and you still barely squeaked it out. Exactly what I don’t want going into this. At the end of that match, nobody saw you as better. Including me. You might have won the match and had your hand raised, but you earned nobody’s respect. You didn’t do anything for yourself but meet the shitty standards you hold yourself to. That’s what I used to be too. I was that person for a long time, and I partially have you to blame for it. But I like to think that I’ve changed for the better since then. I want to earn that championship because if I don’t, I know nobody will recognize me as a deserving one. It’s the only way to hold that belt with pride and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I know what you’re going to try, but trust me. It won’t work. It didn’t work for us at Hardcore Havoc. It won’t now. You can try every shitty trick you have in you, but I’ll win no matter what. I’ve seen it all before. I’ve been a part of it for a long time. I know what’s coming and I’ll shove it back up your ass. 

I know I’ve outgrown you. There used to be a time where I truly needed you. Without your guidance, I was a nobody. Someone that couldn’t handle his own affairs so he needed someone to speak for him. To help him handle his business. But now that I see how scared you are of the idea that I could hold a title when you couldn’t. You were fine with me challenging for it when you were preoccupied with your little Vision Quest bullshit. But now that you choked that one away, you can’t handle me with a championship you can’t have. Now you want to take it for yourself and trust me. It’ll end up being the worst decision of your fucking life. I’m grateful for those things that were done in the past, but that doesn’t mean I owe you anything. I’m looking out for the only person that matters, and that’s me. Soon I’ll prove that the only thing I need is my own wrestling ability, and that’s when the whole world will know that you’re just baggage. You’ll have nobody. Eon and Mark are long gone. Sabertooth has new friends now. Who’s left? Fucking Udy? I truly feel sorry for you because soon you’ll have nothing to live for. Nobody to hide behind. Nobody to rely on. Sure, you might be able to wrangle up some new disciples, but they’ll never live up to the level of performance set by everyone that came before them. You’ll truly be alone with nowhere to go. Your last gasp being a pathetic attempt to steal the glory from someone that you know you should’ve never fucked with. What a legacy to leave behind but I guess you saw it coming. Soon I’ll be where I belong. In the main event with gold around my waist and you’ll be stuck at the absolute bottom. I thought you would be happy for me. I thought you would be supportive but you couldn’t handle me being above you so now you’re trying to do everything you can to stop it from happening. What a shame. This is how it goes. After all we’ve done together, you didn’t respect me enough to let me have my moment. In the end, it’ll be your loss. 

And you’ll watch me ascend to places you could only dream of. 

I have to end with the champion because he's the person I've been chasing for the longest. A clean win over him would finally satisfy the urge that's been eating at me for months. Jason, if I were in your exact position, I'd be confident. Here comes someone I already beat twice. Ready for round three. Both times we took each other to our limits but both times you were the winner. I can't let that happen again. The first two times we wrestled, I only wanted the championship. You meant absolutely nothing to me. As far as I was concerned, you were simply a body keeping my belt warm for me, but now all of that has changed. It's more than gold now. It's about proving something to myself. You're getting a different man than you faced last time, but I don't know if you believe that. I guess I have to prove it in the ring, and I will when I pry that championship out of your cold dead hands. I don't know what you expect out of me, but I know I'll exceed every single expectation. I hope you enjoyed your reign, Jason. It's something you should be proud of. Something you should treasure. But it's all about to come to an end. Maybe you saw it coming. After those losses, you realize that you're losing the killer instinct. You used to be able to handle every single thing thrown at you and still come out better in the end, but recently that hasn't been the case. Which is a shame because I wanted the best you have so nobody can make excuses. When you first won that title, you were unstoppable. But I guess it's not hard when you're facing dipshits like Kevin Maverick and Dampshaw. In between our classics, there were pushovers. There aren't any pushovers now. I even have to give Fiora his credit. He did what I couldn't, even if it took an army to do it. And now he's weaseled his way into this thing, and I don't think you've forgotten what it felt like to lose to him. And two weeks later, you lost again to someone that only wanted peace. I don't think anyone wants peace here. 

Don't get comfortable. That's the one advice I can give you. It feels good at the top, doesn't it? Knowing that you hold something that the entire roster wants and most of them will never have it. That's how I felt when we had all the gold on Olympus. We felt unstoppable. We sent back every challenger that stepped up until we didn't. Two losses was all it took to send it crashing down on our heads. The confidence shoved back up our asses, and when we came back, we were split up and continued to crumble. Before those fateful losses for you, I truly believe you were just like us. Sure, you got the loud cheers, but the mindset was the same. The confidence was the same. But now you're humbled and completely aware of how close you are to seeing that title in someone else's hands. One unlucky moment, one mistake can lead to your most prized possession leaving you forever. Every opponent is better than the last. Every challenger is hungrier, and soon it's about to catch up to you. You're good. You'll always be good, but this time you won't be good enough. Every time we've faced off, I've gotten closer and closer. One more match is all I need and to get it, I gave up something that could simply hand me the title on a silver platter. I can't fail. I can see you losing steam. I can see the constant matches and the mental strain catching up to you. You're slowing down while I'm just getting started. I'm the most focused Noah Quinn I've ever been. I'm ready to do what I should've been doing from the beginning. It shouldn't have taken me three tries, but now I'm finally here. Taking my destiny at your fucking expense. 

I gave you fair warning. I called my shot. I told you exactly what I'm going to inflict onto you, and I plan to follow through and achieve what I couldn't for so long. You know exactly what's coming and you can't run. You can't hide. I know you're not that type of person anyway. You're going to take it head-on, and this time you won't be able to handle it. Once again, you'll fail and you'll know how I felt. We'll be on opposite sides, and I don't plan on coming back down. You've seen what I have to offer time and time again, but this time you're getting a whole new layer. Maybe I'm just that desperate. Maybe I'm just trying to convince myself of a difference. Maybe that's the shit you're trying to convince yourself of, but it won't change what's truly coming. Pain. Agony. For every single member of this match, but it'll end with me standing tall above the rest. You know how much I need to beat you to prove something to myself. To prove something to everyone watching. I know you won't make it easy for me and that's exactly what I fucking want. There was a time where you feared me, and don't try to deny it. I had that briefcase and could end that reign anytime I wanted. Even after everything you did to me, I had that place in your mind because of that little contract. Soon they'll all know that I never needed it to beat you in the first place. All it took was for me to leave my old ways behind to reach a next level. I'm still the same cutthroat, no holds barred wrestler but now I'm one with some fucking standards. I know that doesn't mean much to you, but it'll make it so much sweeter when I take that championship. 

Here we go. My biggest test in this company to date. A match that I can't fail. Everything is on the line and a loss would fucking end me. I know Jason and Fiora are looking to do it, but the person that I need to manage is myself. For so long, I couldn't trust myself. I needed others to run in and help me handle business. It's a crutch that I leaned on for far too long, and I only noticed when it stopped working. I don't need any of that shit. Between Fiora and Long, I have my hands full. And I can't just let them fight it out. I have to be the one to crush them into pieces to satisfy that need. I have to be the hands delivering the killing blows to the both of them to know that I earned that championship by spilling the blood of the men that stood in my path. 

I can't afford to fail. Not this time. 

Mav., Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Theodor Pavel
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 7:24 pm by Theodor Pavel
So, The Festival is coming right up. Whether or not you’re a fan of Azumi Goto, J.D. Damon, or Theodor Pavel, the triple threat match to determine the #1 contender to the OWA World Heavyweight Championship has definitely drawn some interest. As part of his way to help promote the company, as well as his other employer, SWWS, Theodor decided to take a chance with a rare public appearance in New York City’s Times Square. The city that never sleeps, and it definitely lived up to it’s moniker. With his trusty friend Veronica Landis, who is the personal assistant to his business manager Banch Morgan, by his side… Nothing bad can happen, right? Of course not.

November 19th, 2021
2:37am EST

“I only came here to go to the Disney Store. Misaki wanted something and I thought it would be fun. They’re closed. Still, there are so many people walking around. Later tonight, I will fight a man who has not lost in six years. Two nights later, I’m off to Brooklyn to become the #1 Contender. Busy weekend for me, yes.”

(Wielding the camera on her cell phone, Veronica is filming good ol Theodor as he aimlessly walks around the beautiful Times Square. When Theodor first moved into the United States, he lived out towards the Los Angeles area, so the idea of big lights and never ending nights has already been bestowed upon him. This was different though. Rocking a charcoal grey three-piece suit and a relaxing overcoat, Theodor is quickly recognized by some of the New York faithful. Without any issues, he takes pictures with fans, even signing a few autographs along the way. His name was definitely getting out there.)

“Veronica, I know people are expecting me to say all these nasty things about Azumi and Damon. They want me to be angry, they want me to take shots at them. Why do this? I actually am looking forward to being in this match. More so than anything else, I want to show the entire world that this isn’t the Theodor Pavel that was being dragged into darkness by a cursed final run with the Outlaw Championship. I’m not the man who was begging for a cure to a sickness that wasn’t real. I’m free, right?”

(Looking around at a few people, he still sees enemies. It’s not PTSD or anything, right? He shudders for a moment while still trying to maintain that professionalism. It doesn’t last long though, as somebody taps him on the shoulder. Theodor immediately goes into fight mode, turning quickly.)

“Oh shit! You!”

(Theodor laughs to himself, giving the man a big hug. It’s his longtime mentor and Chairman of SWWS, Banch Morgan.)

“I thought you were dead, or drunk!”

“Well, one of them, that’s for sure!”

(Morgan appears to be a little inebriated. That’s okay, it’s been a long few months for the Modern Day Goliath. Still, Theodor’s journey never left his thoughts.)

“So, what do we got going on here?”

“Well, I’m talking about the match with Azumi and Damon on the 21st in Brooklyn. If I win, I become the #1 contender.”

“I know, I gotcha. Want to do a little throwback?”

“Of course!”

(Morgan puts his arm around Theodor as the two look over at the camera that Veronica is holding.)

“Hey, OWA.. What took you guys so damn long? Do you know who this man is? This is the Hands of Ice.. The ‘Mâinile de gheață’ Theodor Pavel! You guys have waited THIS long to put him in a position where he can become YOUR guy? This man is the SWWS World Heavyweight Champion, and the best wrestler on the planet today. Now, NOW you look at him as a guy who can possibly run with this thing? Vision, man. Come on. This is what happens when places take a nice guy, and make him do things that he had no business doing. Outlaw Championship? No. World Championship. That’s Theodor’s calling. Look over there, please.”

(Theodor appears to be cringing at the rant of his good friend while Morgan points up at the signs in Times Square.)

“Why is Theodor’s face NOT on them? Why isn’t his name in all of the brightest lights in New York City? Theo, you got Azumi and you got Damon. I know those two, they don’t like me.”

“Well, I don’t kn..”

“It’s fine. Look at his track record, Azumi. I haven’t been keeping the greatest tabs out there, but I can tell you this right now. You’re a Hall of Famer for this company. Great job, we were so proud. You probably beat some tough guys along the way, you have not defeated The Hands of Ice. You haven’t done that, and honestly, you never will. I can count on on every hand in New York City the amount of people that I’d love to see Theodor kick the head off of. You, after eve..”

“Mr. Morgan?”


“She’s a friend of mine. She’s okay, I like Azumi. Great wrestler, there’s no problem.”

“Oh. Maybe you’re better off handling this one, I gotcha.”

“Thank you. Azumi, I know this is going to be one hell of a fight with you. We’ve been in a bad spot with the Black Sun. We flew right up to the sun, and we didn’t fall back to Earth, we beat them. You, Bishop, and I took care of part of the problem. There’s bigger problems, yes. I heard what you said. To be honest, I didn’t think about some of the things until you said it. You have more on the line against Asakura than I do, yes. I won’t say it isn’t true. I will even say that if you face him, you can beat him. There are plenty on the roster who can, a lot of them haven’t been given a chance. This is personal for you. When you make a reference to my wife, that hits me. I wouldn’t wish for that on her ever, and I’m sorry that it happened to you. So, I’ll admit that I wasn’t looking at that when I was speaking before. I was caught in the emotion of the moment and missed a lot of things. 

I missed the idea that you would be able to avenge your family, and correct the errors that have come with this war with Asakura. You need to fight him, no denying this. You need to beat him, no denying that. You need to wait though, because you won’t be doing it until I take his title. This entire mindframe that it has to be you that defeats him, I disagree. You expect me to disagree though, that’s why we’re here and fighting in Brooklyn. As personal as it is for you, it is personal for me too. Asakura didn’t manipulate Misaki or any family member of mine into his cult. No, he didn’t do this, but he did take something very valuable from me. My trust, unfortunately, is very important to me. It takes a lot for me to bond with somebody and understand them. The whole time, it was a lie though. I didn’t know this, and because of that, I have to face that. I have to look in the eye of the man who betrayed friends and I. That’s important to me. Motivation aside, I feel I am the only one in this match who will defeat him for that title. Not because you cannot do it, but because I know I will.”

(Morgan, hearing the words of Theodor, slowly backs up with a smile on his face. It’s so beautiful to see how far the Hands of Ice has grown over the last year.)

“That’s pretty good. Hey, where’s that Naked Cowboy guy at? I want to hear him sing.”

(Immediately disappearing from the shot of the camera, Morgan begins his own journey.)

“The fuck? Why would a man be singing naked here? It’s cold.”

(Reshuffling the deck, so to speak, Theodor attempts to get back on track. He begins a walk down 7th Avenue, seeing some beautiful sights along the way.)

“I’m sorry. Lost in the moment here, but I promise.. I will be focused on that ring in Brooklyn. There’s too much on the line. Unfortunately for all of us, only one can win. Can it be the redemption for Azumi Goto’s family? Maybe. That would require me to lose though, and I don’t see this. You’re very talented, very smart, Azumi, but you know by now that I’m not a simple man who will lay down. I will not stand back and take a defeat for the fun of it. If you want to defeat me, Azumi, you’re going to have to reach down into levels you may not have. Plenty of levels for you, you’ve done this so long. Passion can lead to blindness though, I saw this on TV. When something really bad happens to someone, they can go blind. I feel this is what you’re doing to yourself with everything going on. I feel blind too, sometimes. When my heart hurts and I feel that there’s no way to escape, I see red. I get tunnel vision. You’re doing the same thing as I have. I don’t have this tunnel vision though, not on the 21st. Not a chance.”

(Continuing his walk down the street, Theodor can hear Morgan talking to somebody across the way. ‘Where is Panda Express? Come see us whip some idiots at Standoff! Citi Field! AKIKO!!! AKIKO!!!’ He turns his head to see what’s going on, and it’s Morgan in his perky self, eating a hot dog.)

“Where did he get the hot dog? This city, I swear. I’m used to sitting at home and watching the world around me, but not used to seeing a 40 year old man yell at traffic with a hot dog. New York.. New York is the perfect city for this match, when you think about it. The idea of all of the title matches for the Festival. The thought that Finnegan Wakefield could walk away with the Championship, it could happen. Bishop and Jeff X will win their titles, and I have a chance to actually go for a title that is the highest prize in OWA. The world changes, that’s for sure. The Frontline is resting on its morals, and they’re relying on one of us to beat a Shotgun. Or is it Shogun? I don’t even care right now, that’s for when I kick his head off. I know you want to do the same, Damon.”

(Finally, a park bench..And of course someone is sitting there. Too bad for them. Theodor walks over to the bench and sits beside the gentleman who appears to not be from Wall Street. Maybe in the 80s. The guy rambles quietly to himself while Theodor relaxes.)

“Excuse me, do you know J.D. Damon?”

“He’s a yankee!”

(Confused by the answer, he eyeballs the man.)


“Dumbass, New York Yankees. He played for them!”

“Oh! I didn’t know this. Was he good?”

“He could hit the baseball as far as the eye could see. Come around and I tell you a tale.. Do you have any change?


“They never do. Who’s the fox with the phone?”

“Fox? Okay, this is not going right. I was asking if you knew J.D. Damon.”

“He’s a Yankee! Amazing player, hit the ba..”

“Yes, yes. As far as the eye could see. I hear you. Did you know I’m fighting him this weekend for a chance to become the OWA World Heavyweight Champion?”

“I like Derek Jeter better.”

(Unable to get any more information out of the man, Theodor tries to recover his thoughts on what just happened.)

“The man over here, he knows you, J.D. Maybe he knows you better than I do. I didn’t know you played baseball. I do know, though, that you’ve fought by my side for a long time. It wasn’t always this way, and I forgot. You’re a wolf. You’ll always be a wolf, but to me.. You’ll always be my brother in the Frontline. Brothers fight, brothers argue, brothers win and they lose. One of us will lose in Brooklyn. Whether or not it’s you or myself, we have a task that we need to take care of. You’ve beaten him, I’ve beaten lies out of him. At least, those lies were lies to us. Maybe he doesn’t think he’s lying. Maybe he thinks he’s right. Maybe you think you’re right when you say that the only way that Asakura will lose the title, is if he loses it to you. How good are you, really? You have built this entire world in your mind that says you can be the only one, not anybody else. I know this isn’t true.

I know any one of the three of us can get in there and defeat him. We all have different reasons, but yours.. I don’t buy it. Azumi is fighting for her family. I'm fighting to end this once and for all and bring the belt where it deserves to be, with US. You, I don’t understand. You’ve talked a lot, and there’s nothing wrong with speaking your mind. I respect that. I don’t respect that you keep pushing me down the totem pole because you say I’m too young, I’m too stupid to understand what is on the line. Let me tell you something, and please listen.

I have fought my brothers before, look at Final Destination. I beat my brother, the same one that I would give my life for. I took a nearly unbeatable demon of a man and pushed him beyond his limits, did I win? No. I was that close though. Bishop and I were dumped down a hill, left for dead by those men and women that call Arata Asakura some kind of God. We fought them, you’ve fought them. We’ve been on the same side, fighting the same wars, but you have something else on your mind. You have the one thing that I know will cost you this match, the same mistake everyone before me has made. You look past me..

You look past me because you still see age, you still see inexperience. What you don’t see is what is going to defeat you. They never see it coming. So blinded by their perception of what makes a Champion, they never get the true vision until they get a View of the Lights. You haven’t felt it yet, but many others have. All it takes is that one second, you won’t even hear the three count or the bell. People have told me this. I was with Bishop at a bar one night, and he told me his side from Final Destination. I’ve heard others actually say they nearly shit their pants from the impact, laying in near filth because of that kick. It has put down many, why do you think you won’t feel one too? Will you lay in gear filled with shit, or will you go deaf for that moment? 

Those are the questions I have for you. Once we get to Brooklyn though, I guess I’ll find out the answer by the end of the night. Either you shake my hand after the match, win, lose, or draw… Or you walk away from me. My hand will be waiting the same as it always has. Same goes for Azumi. This is nothing personal, I have nothing but love for both of you. I cannot waste this chance, I cannot sit on the sidelines anymore and wait for something to come. It never comes… I have to take that chance. In the meantime, I want everyone to know this..

Fie că sunteți Frontline, o inimă de fier, sau un bun prieten ... Nu-mi sta în cale.”

(He has finally been able to get everything off of his chest. Theodor leans back on the bench with a confident smile prior to looking at the possibly homeless man.)

“Tell me more about these Yankees. Are they good?”

(The idle talk from Theodor to the man begins as the bustling world inside of Times Square continues to bring out the amazement in people. So many lights, so many views of them..)

Michael Bishop, Christopher Sabertooth, J.D. Damon, Mav., Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 7:17 pm by Nobi
I have listened to the BBC Challengers and they are four different individuals but three out of four of them clearly want to try to take the OWA Tag Team Championship from our shoulders. One of them just wants a battle and we all know we are more capable than just a battle.

Anyway, the moment we threw an open challenge match is the moment we know that the BBC are capable of being the fighting champions….not we are capable of taking the OWA by the storm. Defending these titles is the first step to do so. We are more than willing to take four heads off from their respective necks. That's what they are going to get from breathing under the BBC' necks. OWA or SSW or maybe even Wrestleworld, Pro Wrestling Nova, or Project Honor, doesn't matter.

But you know what, Jeff X has a point that this isn't SSW and who said I'm looking for a fuckery? I was just pointing out that our one on one encounter was getting a lot of attention from the world. But again, you're right that this isn't SSW and this is OWA and you have never faced me before here….and quite frankly, you're doomed to lose in this match. Why? One, you think you know how to get your job done and that is true but you clearly aren't ready to do your job in this match. You and Slapjack Sabertooth still have a little silly argument and you said it yourself that you don't care about the Tag Team Championship, so clearly this isn't your priority, isn't it, Jeff? And second, well, I kinda pointed it out already but you have a lot of things in your mind. You said you're in the middle of the war…..well I'm not. You're trying to survive from countless things. You're trying to look for a day to survive. You keep having to watch your back every second. I don't have that problem. Maggall and I are having a clear mind, clear sight, and clear targets to terminate and that is you, Sabertooth, Devi Krysis, and NAMI. I don't care about having new insults and being a bad guy whatsoever but since you pointed that out, I do think a couple of new friends are changing me for the better. I mean look, the Bad Boy Collective are the reason why I'm one half of the OWA Tag Team Champions again. I already said that we won the golds in our first appearance, didn't I Jeff? Actually that was pointless to point out because it was a fact. Same goes with the fact when you said it the only scenario I have is a long overdue retirement. I mean, we all will eventually retired but if I had one dollar for every single time people say I'm going to retire, I'd be rich and I'd own this company. Well, I'm already rich anyway and despite the fact that I'm a married man, bitches still want me. Being rich and handsome are both good things and bad things. Anyway, every single time people tried to retire me, they never failed to get the job done. I'm still right here aren't I? So tell me Jeff, what are you offering to do something different? Because you love wars? I won some of them. Because you're a former OWA World Champion? Faced half of them already in the stage of my career at this point and again, I'm still here. I might still be a little ol Nobi or whatever. I don't care. All I care about is winning this match and I'm focused on this task and you're not. You just want a battle and what Maggall and I are going to give you are some shock therapy. We have a lot of things on our sleeves.

Now, let me talk to you Slapjack Sabertooth. First off, I already said this to Jeff but bitches still love seeing me no matter what dress I'm wearing even though I'm wearing short pants, a buckle hat, and chain around my neck. What can I say? I'm a handsome guy. It's not about the dress, it's about the face. People have been successful at some damage to it, I have to admit it but either way, I'm still handsome. I don't need to hide my face behind face paint like you, Sabertooth. After all, you're also old, so why bother to look like a Marvel character? Even if you want to claim that you and Havoc are different, then apparently Havoc itself cares to have a good look. But you care about how you look as well, Slapjack. You just said that your face is one of the things that keep you going. Well, whatever. I was The Peacemaker in the Suicide Squad movie and I'm going to have my own series, so yes, I'm having a good Hollywood career. Thank you for your attention. Now apparently you just said that you are actually happy about me and the BBC that we won the Tag Team Champions but you claimed you have a problem with… winning the golds for the first time? And in Maggall's case, in his return match? Well, this is some kind of autistic attitude because you made a point and that you missed them out entirely. I'll tell you what. You have a problem with us winning the golds right away? Why didn't you find someone else and challenged The Dynasty instead at Hardcore Havoc? Well I suppose Jason Long was taking your time but there's nothing you can do to change history, Slapjack. It is a fact now that the BBC won the golds right away with this formation because Bad Boy Know, Maggall, and I have a great team work. Even if Bad Boy Know isn't in this match, Maggall and I are still enough. And let me point it out, Slapjack. You're right that I joined the BBC because Bad Boy Know beat me…..well not because he really beat me but because of a stupid referee decision. I hated it but Bad Boy Know showed me the bigger picture and he helped me to see there is still a lot of potential I have in me that hasn't been discovered yet. So why not? I don't really care if you and anybody else claimed I'm still nice or not. You said at first that I was still nice and then you said I'm not after I pointed out that you have an autistic face. Either way, you want to stand in my way….the BBC way and you better be prepared to be pushed away because the BBC is just starting and what would be a better way to have someone who is as accomplished as you as one of our first victims?

Now let me talk to you NAMI. Back then you were in the BBC and I understand why you don't want to be associated with Bad Boy Know anymore and that you are eagerly wanting to prove yourself and that's a good thing. I don't have that problem. I'm a former World Champion and I joined Bad Boy Know because of the rules of the match but again, why not accomplish more things as long as I'm still standing here? This isn't about proving myself anymore. I'm way past that and this is more about what I can do for the rest of my career until I stop. And apparently one thing that I still can do after winning and losing the SSW Puroresu World Heavyweight Championship is that….I still can win a lot of things. So why not? I'm satisfied as a former World Champion but why not extend it to be a two times World Champion if I can do it? Well if I can't do it until I retire though, it doesn't matter. But what matters is that I'm one half of the OWA Tag Team Champions now and what matters is that I retain this Championship against the team of you and Devi Krysis. As well as the team of Jeff X and Slapjack Sabertooth. I never said that you and Devi are some afterthought but I did say that both of you are going to lose to the BBC. And this is why you're still trying to try to prove yourself, NAMI. Because the Bad Boy Collective are the winners.

And as for you, Devi Krysis. I have to say that I respect everybody else in this match… competitors only. But you? You're such a nice girl, Devi and again, I appreciate your spirits, enthusiasm, and eagerness to win this match but I'm sorry, I can't let you do it. Not this time around anyway. You said it yourself that we didn't have to say anything about your birthday and that's why an OWA Tag Team Championship isn't going to be my present for your birthday. What Maggall and I are going to present to you both are giving you and NAMI a loss in this match. You are a hard worker, Devi. I know you're going to try to win this Championship so badly, but those still won't be enough because the BBC are the Rules of Dominance personified.

Well, speaking in general, the time for the talk is over now and we're going to show you exactly why I made the right choice to join the BBC and why the BBC are indeed the Rules of Dominance.

Michael Bishop, Christopher Sabertooth, Jeff X, Mav., Alyssa Grace, The Banshee and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Father Nathan Fiora
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 6:50 pm by Father Nathan Fiora

Welcome to my latest video message, directed towards my closest confidants and fans. Thank you for paying $19.99 per month to hear me at my most vulnerable. This has been a very hard time for me and I haven’t been in the best place after seeing Chris attempt to join the ranks of the enemy. This incident harmed me so much that I went into the ring knowing my mind was in another place. I lost so quickly and my performance did not represent one of a former world heavyweight champion. This event has left me disappointed in myself and motivated me to set up what will be one of the best matches any OWA fan will see in their lifetime. Before I continue on, I will say the following: I regret my actions and would like to apologize to every single fan that was excited to see me at 100% during Hardcore Havoc. They were unforgivable and I hope you all continue to subscribe and know that I can make mistakes. This will never happen again and if it does, just know that I am a human being. With all that done, I’d like to continue with a message of hope for those who feel like they’ve made mistakes and can’t seem to forgive themselves or have people in their circles who no longer want to associate with them. Do not lose your hope, my children; I’m here to continue guiding you no matter who disowns you. Extend your broken souls to reach my hand and know that I will care for you no matter what you’ve done and what you will do in the future. I hope everyone knows that I have forgiven my former comrades, no matter how many times they’ve stabbed me in the back; their punishments will eventually come to them but they are forgiven for any sins that they commit against my name. To the rest of the masses though, there is still a chance for you to redeem yourselves! If you decide to go to my website, you will be able to access a comprehensive $400 package that will detail everything you need to do in order to change your lives. Look at the wonders I’ve done for people like Chris, Noah Quinn, Mark Michaels, and Eon Blue; they went from nothing to being someone. Chris was in a dark place and felt like he was nobody after what happened at Final Destination 3. Look at him now! He’s in a prominent spot after all the hard work and time I spent trying to get rid of the demon that dwelled in him. What thanks did I get for that? None, but his testimony can be viewed on my website if you give our church an offering that will clean any mistakes you’ve made. Eon Blue and Mark Michael’s testimonies are up on this website as well, with them how they were before my presence and after. It’s truly a haunting story of how it is to be prodigal sons; I hope they return to my forgiveness before it is too late for them. 

Noah Quinn is all that is left and it seems like he’s beginning to question my presence as well. With this match, I intend to prove to him that he still needs to learn from me; I see his potential rising higher and higher, but he wants to fly away from me too soon! We cannot have such a mistake happen knowing how the others have ended up. You see, Noah is my favorite disciple; it is not Eon Blue for those wondering, because he’s a cold-hearted and evil traitor. Noah has stuck by my side, no matter if we’ve failed or succeeded, but he’s been seeing something that I’ve begun to notice. I am being too comfortable in assuming that he’s going to stand by my side. I see the disdain in his tone and eyes; he wants to be on his own to prove his point. But Noah, look at what you were before your hands touched greatness: You were nobody despite your unparalleled talent. As you know, success is measured differently for me; it’s about the revolution over the win-loss ratio; I went from losing every major match I’ve had to have a very high win/loss ratio over the last year and a half because of my change. You know this Noah, and I have done the same for you in the last year. Sure, I made a lot of mistakes during Hardcore Havoc and I own up to them; it definitely was not the night I was expecting it to be. However, I have reflected and realized that I needed to make it up to you, young Noah; that’s why I surprised you with my unforgettable gift to you. I love making surprise announcements and that night was no different! It’s a shame really that you think you need to do this on your own, but I’m going to give you this opportunity to let out your frustrations with me but to see if you can prove to yourself that you can win this match. Am I going to back down from this challenge or take it easy on you? Absolutely not. I meant it when I said this title is coming to The Awakening no matter what. If it means that I need to pin you and embarrass you in front of the world, I will. You need to be humbled and disciplined because you still have so much to learn. I am not saying you’re incapable of winning the Spartan title...but look at how each of your matches with Jason Long has gone! I respect you Noah, but you’ve had opportunity after opportunity to bring the title to The Awakening, but you’ve fumbled the bag every time. I have tried to help you win and even then you didn’t get the title in our hands; I was genuinely embarrassed but I couldn’t tell you that to your face. To be honest, you may have fumbled again if I didn’t come through with my wonderful news about joining your match. The reality is that with your disdain for me growing, I can’t guarantee that you’ll remain in my good graces if you claim that title on your own. Your ego may inflate higher than the others; you know you’re good but you believe that is the only thing required to succeed in this company. I won the world title because I continued in the followings of the Church of Fiora. Without these teachings, I wouldn’t have ever touched or retained my title for as long as I did. I say this to you because you concern me young Noah; do you really want to follow the path of failure just like your brothers have? Sure, they’ve been in world title matches, but you don’t see them with anything on their waists this season. If they continued to follow me, one of them would easily have been world champion by now, but their own egotistical desires led them to the path they chose. For me, I’ve been away from the world championship by choice; I dedicated my time to you and Chris’ success and so far it hasn’t paid off because of these egotistical desires. 

Noah, this isn’t an insult but rather a critique of how you’ve faltered since our move to Kingdom. You remain the same as before when it comes to having banger after banger, but you are not a champion no matter how many attempts you’ve put in. You are missing the fundamental teaching I provided to you when we started; you must get on your knees and pray for success and then it will guide you to greener pastures. You did this at first, but since we moved, you’ve relied on your talents rather than the grace I provide to you every day. Since I am a concerned Father, I must do something, anything to make sure you do not leave my side and end up in the darkest period of your career again. I cannot let you fall under your carnal desires and that is why I put myself in this match to teach you a lesson; you will learn that you still need me to promote your success and that it is still some time before you are ready to move onto your singles career without me. I will tear away at Jason Long’s title reign and I will bring that title home for both of us, and whenever you’re ready, you’ll take this title away from me and prove that you are ready for greater things than anyone could’ve imagined. You see Noah, I believe in your potential and always have; other people in this locker room see your talent but they don’t see you holistically; you could be the biggest star OWA has ever produced with your words of wisdom as well as your in-ring capabilities. You can beat people cleanly, but you cannot follow this silly notion Chris revealed to everyone; it’s false testimony. He clearly has other intentions with his movement towards The Frontline; he faced Jason Long, intending for people to gain trust in him again. He was silly enough to make more and more sacrifices, knowing that he was trying to manipulate people into liking him again. Chris, in short, is a people pleaser and that is what led him to his first spiral into nothingness; he wanted people to be with him, and continues to do so. Chris simply didn’t want us and shoved us aside for Jeff and co. Is that really the person you’re intending to be Noah? Could you really love yourself for just being a people-pleaser and not being unique? Do you hate yourself so much that you’d sacrifice your own identity for some cheers and nods of respect? At the end of the day, being a part of The Awakening will always follow you; since you follow the truth, people will criticize you for being a loon or one of my lackeys. The people in this world know nothing about the salvation I provided for you, yet you want to please them over me? To be honest, I’m quite insulted by your belief that I ruined anything for you. You believe that I’m truly holding you back when I’ve been the one who gives you a platform. Without me, you wouldn’t even be employed by this company anymore! How dare you say such lies to hurt me and our cause?! I didn’t ruin anything by putting myself into this match; I’ve done what you couldn’t, and that is beating Jason Long in the middle of the ring. I have every right in claiming a title match just as much as you do. You are going into this match alone and with that, I will treat you like any other opponent I’ve faced in the past, but quite an advantage. You see, I’ve spent more time observing you in the ring than you have for me. Since I’m such a star, I’ve only graced bigger matches and stages while you’ve gone out there every week, exposing your strengths and weaknesses to me. You are a masterclass in the ring, but you are not willing to do anything and everything to come out the victor. That is your weakness. Suddenly becoming like Chris isn’t going to make your tactics any better; you are someone who is going against their nature, which is a mental battle on its own. Meanwhile, I will give into the nature I have and will show the world why I’m one of the greatest opportunists this company has ever seen. If you are about to win, I’d throw you out in a heartbeat, because I need to make sure you learn. Just because you want to play clean doesn’t mean the whole world is going to play the same game. Do you think your assistance was needed for me to pick up every single win before I formed the Awakening? I think not. You’ve needed me for every single major match or other people backing you up. The moment you let me go, you’re going to be a glorified LOSER. I will do what I must and that is provide divine punishment for such blasphemy that’s come out of your mouth. Whether you continue with me or not after this, that is ultimately up to you to decide. However, I will humiliate you and humble you in front of millions.

The keyboard warriors are typing away on how I am manipulating this situation and robbing the world of another classic one-on-one match. That isn’t the case; I’m solidifying Mr. Long’s senses. He needs to be able to survive a triple threat if he’s a real champion right? If you all think that my presence is that irrelevant, then why are people complaining? Jason, I know you’re not. You are on edge right now and that’s okay because I know that you’re gonna do whatever it takes to keep your title. We are in a triple threat match after all; you don’t even need to be pinned to lose the Spartan Championship. You’ve had wonderful defenses and matches as your time as champion and I will praise you for that Jason. You are a force to be reckoned with and I experienced that in the ring with you over a month ago. You embody the presence of a true champion, but just like Noah, your ideas are too pure for this world. In order to survive, you need to revert to your beastly instincts. When I was with The Awakening, I expected them to show me the trust and love I had poured into them, but they all turned their backs on me, leaving me for materialistic things. What did I do to forsake them? Nothing. I gave everyone what they needed; they all were champions at different periods of time and we controlled Olympus, something no other faction has been able to do before or since. Not The Ashes, nor The Frontline, nobody. I am an animal who has been assigned the simple task to rebuke those who don’t follow the saints who washed their blood for us! I will go to the lowest depths to win this title and keep it for my church. I’m not going to be too buddy-buddy with Noah because I know he is mere moments from turning his back on me and using me like a catapult for his own success, just as everyone else has. You’re going to lose to me Jason, whether you like that or not. The odds of you winning have dwindled with my involvement and knowing that Noah has nearly beaten you before; I’m what’s needed to break the camel’s back. I pushed you to your limit too, Jason, and I’ll do it again. Sure, I have a target on my back from both of you, but the issue is that you two want to fight clean, but I don’t. It’s a triple threat match, so weapons will come into the mix and I don’t care what any keyboard warrior says, it’s a fair move. The time for being noble or trying to be some sort of hero was never here and will never be here. I’m not around to sell toys to children with my face plastered on them; I’m here to reveal a message about the realities of life and who we are as people. Tons of platforms have stopped my messages calling them heinous and untrue, but all I do is speak the holy truths. We are all animals and we should stick to what we know; Noah attempts to shine this new coat of goodness, but he’s just trying to get revenge for his honor. Jason, you accept his challenge because you want a real challenge again and believe that you can beat him. These are not “noble” traits; these are ones that we’ve had since birth, and it’s okay to be hungry for something. My teachings allow others to use these traits for the best instead of covering themselves in a facade that will eventually crackle and fall apart. I know this because that’s the kind of man I was Jason. I wanted to be like you; a defending champion and warrior who pleased the people, but I knew I was lying to myself. I knew that I needed to be baptized and washed in the blood in order to use my natural instincts for a good cause. I am dedicated to my cause until the moment I breathe my last breath. Jason, you are not in the same league, because you are just a regular worldly person. Your alliances will change over time and so you don’t have the same dedication to your beliefs as I do. I would DIE for my beliefs, but I doubt you would do the same. 

I do it for the ones who watch over me in the skies above! My parents, my fallen friends, and the Divine One. They all bless me and surround me with holy protection so that I may revolutionize this world in a way that nobody would expect from a man like me. My journey has not stagnated nor stopped; this Sunday, what I have prophesied will come to fruition. The breath from my words will reach the ears of the heavens above and they will know that I need them. What happened at Hardcore Havoc was a stain on my perfect record. My white robes were stained with the impurity of sin. I’ve prayed and prayed, asking for forgiveness, and I know how to redeem myself. My sins will be washed away when I win title gold once again. My failure will be bleached by an absolute victory. No sinner will be able to complain. BLESS ME, OH THE HEAVENS ABOVE.

Michael Bishop, Christopher Sabertooth, J.D. Damon, Mav., Alyssa Grace, The Banshee and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Arata Asakura
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 6:46 pm by Arata Asakura
OWA Promos - Page 16 GpYl7l7
OWA Promos - Page 16 Tumblr_pfyg6uqaFE1s0zdtdo2_1280

The Festival #2: Death sentence.
18.11.21 Unknown Location

*Arata spent the next few days in the hideout of his faction, concentrating only on preparations for the upcoming match. All this media hustle and bustle irritated him, so he decided to cut it off. After all, how many times could you listen to the same thing? Who will win the first ever fight between new champion, Arata Asakura, and returning Finnegan Wakefield? Will Finn return to the main event as a belt holder right away? How will the Japanese man behave facing the new threat? This over-excitement seemed to Arata to be completely unnecessary. He knew from the start that there was nothing Finn could do to stop him. And the fact that it was Wakefield's first appearance on Kingdom in a while, wasn't changing anything. It was not a factor giving him a favor, but rather something that was good for marketing purposes. While it was building a touching story, it had nothing to do with the match itself, and definitely not with the outcome. Anyway, Arata was never a fan of excessive hype and chose not to stay away from this. The only thing he paid attention to was whether Finnegan Wakefield had taken the next step. Unfortunately, for some time there was no sign of life from his side. Which made Arata wonder one thing. Had the Japanese man's words hurt him so much that they closed his mouth? It was hard to tell, but this option was possible.*

*After a long and intense training session in the woods, Arata returned to his room, where Yin was sitting at the desk, with another woman from the group standing next to her. The woman seemed clearly angry. The man came closer, trying to explain what was happening in his private area.*

"What the hell are you doing here and why are you arguing?"

*Arata didn't scream, but his voice was clearly harsh and raised. Both women looked at him, but it wasn't Yin who spoke.*

"Sorry, I tried to stop her from coming in here, but she is not listening to anyone. I said you were busy. Besides, we all know we can't come  here without your permission."

"Who cares? I'm not like you."

*Yin showed her tongue to the interlocutor, and when her face turned back to Arata, he finally spoke.*

"Leave her alone. She can sit here if she really has to. I have had time to convince myself that she will not give me peace so easily. However, being by my side is her destiny. She was sent to be my extra pair of eyes. Which can be extremely useful in the upcoming time. You see how many enemies we have. You know very well how many want to destroy me. Wherever I look, I am able to notice people who are just waiting to attack. Or at least distract me and create a chance for allies. We must be careful. Besides, it gives me some comfort. I can concentrate on the task, while she is here to see if there is any enemy nearby. If her presence bothers you so much, ignore her existence, Hina. However, it does not change the fact that she is an essential part of our plan."

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here! You get so much admiration from me, you could be nice to me sometimes, Arata-Sama!"

*One of Arata's subordinates just nodded after listening to him and left the room. While the man took a chair and sat down in front of the irritated Yin.*

"As for you..I hope you thought about what I was saying two days ago. You won't come with me to the ring area. I don't want to see you there until it's necessary. Got it? I can handle this goddamn gaijin on my own. He's just a stupid selfish dickhead, who thinks his Cinderella Story will help him climb back to the top after he has become a shadow of himself on Olympus. He's not someone who will be a problem for our future, so if you admire me so much, trust me. I am not joking. If you do what you want, I will send you back where you came from."

"Well, okay! But remember, if anyone not participating in this match at The Festival even lifts a finger in your direction, I'll cut their entire hand off."

"Well, let's treat you as my secret weapon in case of troubles. Now get out. Like Hina said, you can't come in here."

*Not paying much attention to the girl, Arata just headed towards the bathroom. However, he knew Yin would be vigilant when it comes to everything around him. After all, it was in her interest that the plan go the way Arata wants. No matter if it was supposed to be against Frontline or even Finnegan Wakefield.*

19.11.21 Unknown Location

*This time Arata didn't record his message from a place accessible to all. At that moment the young man was in a color-filled empty space that Raijin had taken him to a few days ago. However, this time an object appeared in the middle of nowhere. Namely, a silver throne, from behind which a purple-black smoke was spreading. It was looking familiar to the creature that everyone has 'seen' before. After a few moments, a familiar face emerged from behind this unknown intense fog. It was no one else, but the current OWA World Champion, Arata Asakura. The man was dressed in white wide trousers, a white shirt tied with a black ribbon in the waist, and a long golden coat. On his head you could notice a crown made of black gold. The shine of which was matched with that of the championship, that was lying on the man's left shoulder. Before Arata spoke for the first time, he sat comfortably on the throne, resting his elbow on the armrest, and the fingers of the same hand on his face. After a while, you could finally hear his calm, but cold tone of voice.*

Most people love bedtime stories, because they always have a good ending. Which in some way creates a false image of the world for them. Which definitely gives them the feeling that there is only a good or bad side. Nothing between. Therefore, they blindly strive for the last act of the story, not looking at what they encounter on the following pages of the story. Only the final result matters for them. The thing is, they start to have the same approach in real life too. Isn't that the case with what is happening with Finnegan Wakefield? In one second everyone forgot who this man had become, just because he claimed that he would finish the tyranny of big bad Arata Asakura. Blah, blah, blah. He said what you wanted to hear, while this fucking selfish piece of shit has you and the whole Kingdom deep in the ass. To understand it, all you had to do was pay attention to how he behaved while we were at war. It should be sufficient proof that his great return has nothing to do with me or saving the brand. If it weren't for the fact that he was kicked out of Olympus, you wouldn't even see him here. Not to mention the fact that he didn't come here with the thought of being a savior. However, it seemed to him that this was the best tactic, since the blue brand saw his true face. Not the Ace that he would like to be. They saw a frustrated, helpless man who began to manipulate his surroundings. A man who began to cross certain lines, poisoning with his toxicity the entire brand in which he was. No wonder he was kicked out of Olympus, because that was the only thing that could be done to prevent that brand from becoming like Kingdom. It is enough that the golden brand is absorbed with corruption and lack of justice. And it happened only because it was built on it. What's more, Finn is one of the people responsible for that. The same Finn who at one point took his useless ass away and didn't even glance back at the toxic place he had created himself. If we look at it from this perspective, the war that Havoc started with Jeff was quite useful to him. In this way, he could blame these two to hide his mistakes that had led the Kingdom to a hideous state. However, no one is talking about it. No one is paying attention to the fact that all this negative energy must have come from somewhere, and it happened long before Havoc or me came along. At the same time, it would be important to wonder why people eager to start a rebellion began to show up at all. If everything was fine, there was probably no reason to oppose the order of this place. Of course, I cannot speak for Havoc. Especially since I know what he is like. He's always been problematic and focused only on his ego, so he could do it partly for fun. But what I'm sure of is that he has seen the problem before as well. Therefore, I am grateful to him that his rashness led to this chaotic situation on the Kingdom. At least I could see how people would react to the attempt of changing the world, which was convenient for them because of its privileges. Which allowed me a lot to avoid the same mistakes that he made. That lets me always be one step ahead of you. So no matter who you put against me, they won't even be able to touch me, cause I am way smarter than all of you combined. Being just another self proclaimed savior won't be enough. Finn will be just an example of how each new hero will end up, because you obviously didn't learn it when I crushed Captain America in front of your own fucking eyes.

*Arata sighed heavily, rolling his eyes at the same time.*

However, I am aware that Finn is not exactly the same as Jeff. As much as I hate this overrated Neanderthal, unfortunately he has something unique in him. He has something that lets him fool these crowds blinded by wrong standards. Although, at first glance he is nothing special, there is something about him that makes people fall for it and no matter what he does, they will be on his side. Whereas Finn is unable to do so. He's not someone you can call the people's champion. Therefore, these attempts to be a hero are not only useless, but also pathetic. Let's face it. Is it really worth selling yourself like a cheap bitch, just for a few cheers and the label of a hero? Is it really worth pretending to be someone else in order to get what you want? See, Finn, maybe I'm considered pure evil, but at least I'm honest with these people and myself. Pretending never does any good to you. Look. If I kept saying that the way society works was fine with me, my people would still be living in fear for their future. Still, the entire industry would not see a problem in how foreigners are treated. At some point, someone has to be honest and say that he has enough, instead of just nodding his head when others do what they want. For all fucking cost. Even if everyone thinks I'm the son of bitch. Even if nobody wants me at the top, because before I started my own war, they didn't want me there anyway. So their opinion is not important, Finn. Fulfilling their wishes is not relevant, and you should know that you don't need it. The thing is, you're desperate to be the face of the company again. Especially after you failed at Olympus. Well, maybe you've had good moments with the TV Championship, but that wasn't what you wanted. This was not enough to let you come out of the shadows of many people who were much higher in the rank. And when you were close to taking your dreamed spot, Darkane brought you back to reality not once, but twice. First during Clash of the Titans and then in your title match.

When you faced this man, you gave everything you had, and it did not have any effect. What's funny, this isn't someone with some sophisticated style, it's just another hardcore guy. So let me go back to what I said a few days ago. If you couldn't deal with him, how are you going to go against god? Jeff tried his best and still failed. If you remember that match correctly, he attacked me in all sorts of ways and I let him do so. I let him cover myself in wounds, blood and bruises. I did all of this to make you aware of one thing. That no matter how brutal you are, it does not change the fact that you have no chance with me. There is nothing you can do to defeat me. Just deal with it, gaijin, instead of mindlessly believing that support of stupid crowd and your worthless story will help you. Because your return to the Kingdom is not a game changing factor. It is just proof of how pathetic and small a human being you are. How scared you are to stay away from the place that always provides you privileges. As I mentioned before, the only reason you signed with Kingdom is, because you knew that opportunities will be handed to you. So it happened, so you can't even deny that it is otherwise. Honestly, I wouldn't even be surprised if you asked for this title match yourself and Scott Oasis gladly gave it to you to make you a pain in the ass for me. Though it's a bit sad that you have to suck the dick of a man, who was one of the reasons you got kicked out of Olympus. However, since he made up in a different way by giving you another title shot, you don't mind that he treats you like a bitch boy. It is kinda funny. Who would have thought that a guy considered Ace of Kingdom once, over the years would become so weak. Though, I'm beginning to think it's not quite the case. I'm starting to believe that the stronger competition that came later showed everyone that you were always weak, Finn.

*The man bit his lower lip slightly before moving on to the last part of his speech. This time raising his voice.*

I don't know who you think I am, Finn, but definitely you are underestimating what I have become over time. Perhaps because in a while you did not even look in the direction of the Kingdom. In the same way, basing your knowledge only on the fact that over a year ago I was the new rising star of the company. You still see me the same way, and you don't take into account that I am much stronger than I was back then. Even though I was already a high level competitor at that point. So, to be honest, you are the worst choice for another superhero, who is meant to beat me or some other shit. Mainly because you do not realize who you are dealing with. Look at the people on Kingdom to understand it. The rest of them are much more careful and even if they bark loudly, deep inside they know I'm a threat. At the back of their heads, they feel afraid of what I can do if they say a few words too much. Because as you probably all noticed, I don't care anymore about crossing lines that I shouldn't cross. A long ago I gave up my own morality in order to give my people a decent life. I have become an embodiment of evilness to most of the world, simply because I have a noble purpose. But sometimes you have to be like that, but I don't expect an egoist like you to understand it, Finn. I don't think there is anything I could say that would make you try to understand my way of doing things. That's why, it's enough for me if you are not reckless and understand by the time of our match that I am not Arata, whom you have seen twice in your life. I am the monster that this corrupted place fears. I am a leader for people, who are fighting for their future, that was taken from them. I am the King of the World. I am a fucking God. But most importantly, I am the change that this industry needs.

The Festival seems like an exciting night for everyone, but when the night sky is replaced by rays of a bright dawn. Everyone will be able to see me clearly, standing on your massacre body as OWA Champion. 

The moment you made a contract with the Kingdom, you signed your death sentence, Finn.

OWA Promos - Page 16 Are_You_Two_Friends--635055 OWA Promos - Page 16 Girl_at_whiteboard_adding-883429

Michael Bishop, Christopher Sabertooth, J.D. Damon, Mav., Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

"Contra Omnes Dissident." — Kingdom: The Festival. [I]
Post November 19th 2021, 6:44 pm by Mav.
OWA Promos - Page 16 RqMkbhD


All these kitties better run for the hills (okay)
Death cult, we don't empathize with your feels (so what's up?)
Rip, rest, kill, eat
Dog, dog, dog, repeat
— “DEATH CULT INTRO” by ZillaKami x SosMula.

As the feed soon brought us within The King’s Penthouse -- we’re greeted with the sight of the Spartan Championship resting and standing upright along the dining room table and, of course, standing in the background of the shot was Jason Long. As he stood there - his back facing towards the camera that recorded - he continued to stare into the mirror and towards his own reflection. The room was filled with silence, not a word spoken from the champion as he took a deep inhale, before lowering his head and exhaling through his nose.

“All of this? It's never been your battle to fight in."

Those words break the silence, but the pause after brings the silence right back. Jason soon turned around for a full one hundred and eighty degrees, now facing the camera that records his movements for only a second, and leaning back against a wooden counter with his hands gripped to the sharp edges. All he could look down upon was the championship that he possessed. The championship with his name etched onto it as the current holder. The memories that he’s had with the championship for the past one hundred and eighty-three days are unforgettable in his mind, and the fact that all of those days could come to an end very soon seems to be clicking a nerve within Jason. Especially considering those who he has to face within his next defense. His teeth gritted against one another. But– he took another deep inhale, beginning to calm himself down.

“When I first held onto this championship, I made a promise to everyone. To the previous champion, Aria Jaxon. To the championship itself. I made a promise to defend this against anyone and everyone that comes my way. To hold this championship with pride, honor, and respect. To make sure that this division is risen to a higher level than ever before. And those promises are something that I've kept for the past one hundred and eighty-three days of my tenure as it's rightful champion. I have fought against everyone and anyone that came into my crosshairs, I have fought and battled against the very best of who has been thrown in front of me, I have fought and conquered almost everyone that dared step up to try and take me down from my throne. Some have bested me in their fight and have since earned my respect, some have bested me in their fight by means of doing whatever it takes -- even if it means to cheat your way into a victory -- and that’s fine, that’s absolutely fine. But there’s one thing that’s remained since the beginning of the season and that’s Jason Long as your Spartan Champion. Nobody’s been able to dethrone me from the mantle, nobody’s come close to ending the reign, and at the end of the day, there can be no one left to take me down from where I stand.

But sometimes I look across the land of the Kingdom, I look around and I see this ‘fierce’ group of individuals that have tried their best to come towards my crown on multiple occasions. From the beginning of the Dark Kingdom Tournament, to the seventy-fifth episode of Kingdom where this exact championship main evented, to using underhanded tactics to take me down and then finding myself with my first pay-per-view defeat since the beginning of the season. That - of course - happens to be The Awakening. It seems like since the beginning of the season, you have been gunning for me, and maybe that might not have been the case and our paths have crossed many times inadvertently but here we are once again. For what is the fifth meeting with any member of The Awakening, we are back at square one. We are back at where we started. And it pains me to know that we are back at where we started because here's the thing, right? No matter how hard I've tried, no matter how hard I've had to put any of you sorry fucks down, no matter what — the memo seems to get lost in translation. And I know, I'm aware, I've taken losses here and there but don't think that you won fairly and that's giving you the advantage in this situation. I’ve seen you trying to play the sneaky one here and there, looking to lure your way into this match because you’ve ‘beaten’ me before and that’s given you your shortcut into this championship match.”

There’s a moment of silence as Jason began to roll his head around, allowing his neck to crack multiple times along the way around, as he brought his focus back towards the camera with a stern look resting on his face.

“I shouldn’t be so surprised that the man who went for every single tactic in the book to make sure that he could win was going to call up and make sure he was going to be put into a championship match with me and my title. I really shouldn’t be so surprised by the man that had almost everyone getting involved to knock me down but was so confident that he could beat me inside of the ring — I guess you did get what you promised but I’ve never seen such a bitch move like what you pulled back then, Nathan. To do me as wrong as you did that night, I have never felt so embarrassed as I was when that bell rang after the three count. I have never been so embarrassed about a loss after being attacked, blindsided, cheated, bullshitted, and so much more. I won’t lie to you when I say this, Nathan. You taking the win over me stopped all momentum I had going for me. Going win for win for win from Game Over until then was a pretty damn good feat for me but being stopped by someone like you, it kind of ruined me since then. I went from there to losing my match with Christopher Sabertooth. I had to give the man some respect at the end of the day because — unlike you, Nathan — he was able to beat me inside of the ring. He was able to do what others couldn’t and that was putting a definite stop to The Best Bout Machine. Putting a definite stop to The Spartan King. Shit, he did what you couldn’t even do and that was beat me fucking clean as a whistle.

Need I be surprised that someone like Nathan Fiora — who thought he was the rightful champion, snaked and then cheated his way into becoming Omega Heavyweight Champion — was going to the same exact thing of claiming he’s a rightful challenger to my championship, snake his way into a championship match, and then what? Do the same exact thing as before? Rob me of my championship? Take away everything that I fought fucking hard for within this division and wipe the slate clean? I might have asked you this before but I ask you this once again, okay? What in the fuck have you accomplished since you’ve dragged your pasty as onto this brand, Nathan? Going from being Omega Heavyweight Champion to being… The exorcist of Havoc? The man that cheated his way through Jason Long? The supposed future that the Spartan Division is meant to hope for? You’ve not proven yourself for shit. Hell, when it came down to the Circus Deathmatch at Hardcore Havoc — where were you at the end result? Where were you when Noah Quinn needed you the most? You were one of the first to have been dropped. You were one of the first to have been gone from that match. And you still thought to yourself that you could come and fight against myself and Noah for this championship right here? Maybe the fall might have been a whole lot more than I expected upon seeing it on a screen but you must have taken some heavy brain damage if you thought to yourself that you’d actually survive this match, Nathan. Like seriously, are you mentally fucking challenged enough that you’ve made such a horrible decision with your life?

And you inserted yourself into the match with Noah Quinn, the man that you brought from the ground up and created into the machine that he is right now, and have to face him. Tell me, Nathan, what was the plan behind that genius idea of yours? To have the numbers against me? To take me down two to one? To make sure that I don’t walk out as the Spartan Champion? Cute to think you’d put so much effort into making sure you’d make this entire division turn to shit rather than make me miserable. Hell, if you thought to yourself that me not walking out as the Spartan Champion was going to ruin me or jeopardize me in any form or capacity then clearly, you’ve got it all wrong. If it happens to be you that sneaks this championship away from me by any means necessary like last time then I’d wish you the best of luck, Nathan. Because I know that someone like you would never fill the same fucking shoes as I did. I know someone like you would never carry a fucking brand like I have. I know that someone like you would never be able to carry the weight of an entire history of god-like Spartans on their shoulders. But hey, it’s like how the old saying went — God loved a chancer, he loved a man that tried. But for someone like you? God was ashamed of someone like you and you — my friend — are no god. You’re a false prophet, a religious pariah, and a fucking loser.

If you had any common sense, you’d back away from this match and not look back. But I know you won’t because why would someone like you listen? And that’s what’ll make the fucking beating you’re going to take feel so much better, Nathan. My advice to you would be to stand down and take your fucking place at the back of the line — but that’s not good enough for me, that’s not good enough after the bullshit you pulled the last time and I will not let you walk away so freely again, and I’ll prove to you what it really takes to be a god damned fucking Spartan.”

The King took a deep breath to calm himself down, closing his eyes for just a moment as he leaned forward towards the table in front of him. The entire room was filled with silence, not a single sound was made throughout the entire home— but then the sound of Jason’s fist slamming down onto the table right beside the Spartan Championship broke that silence. He opened his eyes and tilted his head upward, staring back into the camera once again.

“Noah Quinn. I’ll do my best to not sound like a complete and utter asshole towards you like I was with Nathan Fiora but there’s just something I need to get off of my chest about you, mate. Seeing you put yourself forward and cashing in ahead of time for a shot at this championship makes me feel somewhat sorry for you but at the same time, I kind of don’t. To say the least, I’m not mad at you for your choices but I am disappointed in you that you’ve done this. After everything that we’ve been through together, Noah, you’ve decided to try your luck again against the man that put you on the map more than ‘your father’. You’ve decided to try your luck again against the man that you couldn’t beat the first time and then you couldn’t even beat for the second time even if you had people in your corner to support you. But I understand where you’re coming from, I heard it in your voice when you met with me that night, and I know how much this championship means to you. I know that it means something to you more than anything else in the company — or even the world — does. This championship has been something that you’ve had your eyes on for quite some time and now look at you, it’s like you're begging for me to just hand you the championship. I could see it in your eyes when it was just face to face. You want this so badly but you continue to come up short. I’ve been there before, Noah. I know how you feel.

Though I find you to have become quite an odd fellow since our last encounter inside of the ring, Noah. I’m sure everyone is aware of the contract that you won — and without a word of a lie — you earned that contract against everyone else in that match. But here’s where something’s not clicking. Here’s where something doesn’t seem right. You waited and you waited, you kept yourself patient, but don’t think that when I was down? I wasn’t aware of what you were trying to do. I’ve seen you stand there over me, beaten down and unable to move, and you coming so close to cashing in— but you never did. Sure, the same excuse can be made that someone came to help me out or whatever shit you throw against the wall but I know that look. I’ve seen that look before. And I have you fucking scared, don’t I? You could have cashed in on me so many times but you — in your full honesty — could not because you know that I can bounce back. You know I can still strike you down even when I’m not at one hundred percent. You know that Jason Long — even on his worst day — is seriously fucking dangerous and you cannot hold a fucking candle light to me, isn’t that right, Noah? Isn’t that what you tell Father Fiora every week when he has you bent over his knee?

But just admit it, Noah. Say it with pride and say it with honor. I am living in your head rent free. Tell the world that you fear Jason Long. Tell the world that you fear The Spartan King. It’s tough for you, Noah, because I know that you want this so badly but deep within your head? You are reminded of those two encounters. You are reminded of those two matches of ours. I could see it in your eyes, I could hear it in the way you speak — you’re already beginning to doubt yourself before you even get to enter the arena. Noah, you come onto a camera and tell everyone how confident you are in winning this championship and you can tell everyone how much this championship means to you for you to need it, but I’m not buying for the bullshit. There is no running from this one, there is no regretting your actions, there is no running from what is here to stay and here to defend his championship from people like you and The Awakening. And I know you’ve got your eye focused on Nathan Fiora too — but we both know that he’s not worth the time and the attention that others give him — just keep your focus on me, the man that you can’t pass. The man that you cannot tackle. The man you cannot beat.

The two on one situation was always going to be tough on me, and I know the dangers that come with this championship match heading into The Festival, but I have never ever backed down from a challenge. I have never backed down from a fight and I have never said no to a challenger for this championship. All comers have come and gone and look where it’s taken them. Azumi hasn’t been the same, Kevin Maverick hasn’t been the same, Reginald Dampshaw hasn’t been the same, Noah Quinn hasn’t been the same. That’s the domino effect of those that come for me and this championship.”

The Spartan King grabbed onto his championship, holding it in his right hand and holding it up high for it to be in the same shot as he is, with a quick glance onto the championship itself — he brings his focus back towards the camera and with the additional half-smile on his face? He began to quietly laugh to himself.

“There is no need for examples to be set when it comes to The Festival, boys. There is no need to prove one’s self when it comes to this championship match. Because one thing is going to remain the same as it always has since the beginning of this season. And that is with Jason Long holding the Spartan Championship for just that little bit longer. Trust me, people might think I’ve done it all but I’m nowhere near finished. I am nowhere near the end goal just yet and I promise you that when the time is right? I know I have done what was needed for this division. Not everything lasts forever but — at the same time, I tell you this — this will never be in any member of The Awakening’s hands.

That is a promise. That is a guarantee. And I will make sure to see to that never happening.

Long Live The Spartan King.

All fucking hail.

With a final wink to the camera — the feed faded to black.

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Christopher Sabertooth, J.D. Damon, Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 6:42 pm by VaeVictisBD
OWA Promos - Page 16 MIhMkNu
"The Absolute Top Cunt" Finnegan Wakefield

"Only a self-righteous hypocrite would lust for such martyrdom in the promises of a golden dawn that he would stake his ruin on what he believes to be dishonesty.

Just as there is nothing more pathetic than a god with two faces; nothing makes me smile more than seeing a man go to such great extremes to protect that which is most fragile. His ego. In the end, what else does a man have left to nurture? I find the greatest tell of a man to be how they react as the cracks begin to surface, and to that degree, I am not persuaded to believe such empty words and defaming accusations. I'm not compelled nor coerced to believe this warped fiction told by a crybaby excuse-seeker reading his woes through white-tinted reading glasses; a narrative of what you perceive to be of heroes and villains to fuel your out-of-control martyr complex. Yours, Arata, has been damaged for a very long time. It's that damage that changes us; makes us entirely different beasts than what we once believed ourselves to be. While I know it is your knee-jerk reaction to dismiss everything against you as nothing more than lies and dishonesty because, well, if it's not your word it can not be relied on as gospel to your idiot legion, correct? Despite your dismissive arrogance, I can assure you, I know what I am talking about. I know as I can speak to the changes of such damages. You don't give up everything on a whim; no one accidentally falls out of greatness. It has been recounted to me a thousand times and it will be spun a thousand more before I ever hear the end of how surrendering the World Championship had ruined my prospects to ever be considered material again. Chalk it up to being pushed to greatness too soon, burning the candle at both ends, whatever excuse one could have to plant the flag they carried shy of the mark is not important. My reasons, in the end, are not important. I decided I could no longer carry it, that I was not deserving -- some portray it as a noble act but it merely cushioned the impact of self-destruction. What is important is how I assessed those damages. I allowed myself the time and space to look myself in the mirror, see the faults in who I was, the errors that I could see in a clear reflection is what led me to pick up the pieces of the pride I carried and allowed me to rebuild. Allowed me to make myself something better, something more -- something deserving once again. You, on the other hand, could only look into your reflection and find someone else to blame. All those red strings, just to blame it on the fictional harsh treatments of the Japanese people. You preach round-eye genocide and think you're some misunderstood hero. I pity you. I pity how ill-prepared you are to be OWA World Champion. Above all else, I pity how you're just willing to die on the steep hill of feeling yourself to be untouchable in the ring with me. As much as you insist I must have peaked years ago, I am not of the same selectively blinded opinion. I don't believe we have yet seen a glimpse of my peak. I don't believe defeating you for the OWA World Championship will culminate in finding it. Then again, I don't get to decide that. You, in your faux omnipotence, most certainly don't get to decide that. No god of any faith is allowed to dictate the limits of my potential; much less the bitch meat-puppet he vessels. You speak to me like I am just the next Jeff for you to go through. I am not Jeff, I don't share his ideals, I don't share his motives. I do not seek the leadership he had over Kingdom, his role, I don't seek to bring about a Frontline 2.0 to rival you; I don't give an iota of a fuck about whatever race war you've waged as there are plenty of reasons to hold you to such disdain without factoring in your heritage. Those are mute to me. As I see it; you have the championship I never lost, you have your misfit gang of dweebs running amuck around the brand that has had enough of the dictator bullshit you inherited in the fall of Havoc. I don't bend the knee to gods, dictators, and especially not world champions with the constitution of such fragile paper. You have not yet been tested against the likes of me. You have yet to test your mettle against the crucible; to try your trembling hand at thwarting the reserves that brought me to new limits -- limits that I continue to shatter with every passing big match where I am pit against the strongest.

Of all the ballsy decisions my opposition has made over the years; for you to decide to label me a liar is the blindest of them all.

Do tell me; to what it speaks to in making that assumption, Arata; is it extreme bravery or are you just owning how desperate you have become to keep the throne? Quite frankly, I don't really care if you feel my story is overrated, to chalk it up to me being dishonest and lying through my teeth convinces me how much on the back foot you find yourself. I can admit to several instances where I have been proven to be wrong, but no one with any shred of honesty can ever accuse me as someone who has padded their narrative with lies. No, I can't say I have ever felt compelled to fabricate my story, who I am, or my intentions and where my ambitions lie. And to say I don't care about the brand that I helped build -- that I have only made my return to the gold brand and signed my name on the dotted line for convenience and hand-out sake -- it shows me what you're willing to throw at the wall in such wanting hopes that something sticks. None of it has. Neither is the reason as to why I am here, why I find myself across the ring from you. But I'll bite; I'll entertain your story that makes me the villain in your eyes. It's a boring, uninspired read; someone might as well spruce it up. The draft presented me with a change that was beyond my control, but a change that came at a point in my life where it was most welcome. I was drafted to Olympus, drafted away from the brand I made home, but it was something I needed. Not out of any petty malice towards the Kingdom that it had become without me as Ace, but I as an individual needed to find new perspective. I needed something new to conquer, a new ladder to climb that I hadn't already. I never once considered it a goodbye, it was always designed to be a new test -- to navigate the new landscape, to test the competition that was so plentiful and new. I had grown too familiar. Too comfortable. I felt too safe in the protective barricades the walls of Kingdom made, so I challenged myself with something beyond the walls. Two years is a lot of time to grind, to cut your teeth; to fight the wars you wage. But the end game was always to come back here, return to the brand that set the standard and in a league greater than when I left. But that isn't the reason you take exception to me calling Kingdom home. No, you've built that straw man out of the thinnest you could possibly clutch. But to your credit, of all the pointless, tone-deaf rhetoric you were spewing, this at least provoked a feeling out of me. It boiled my blood to dismiss the love I have for this brand, to the high regards I held Kingdom due to the fact I wasn't on the frontlines when shit hit the proverbial fan when Havoc and Abholos had the whole brand beneath their thumb. You said I had to know how to wage war, but you don't seem to grasp the concept of fighting your own. At that point, I wasn't someone who could fight on the side of Kingdom in good faith. It was a war for better-suited individuals; individuals like Jeff, Kenny, J.D. Bishop, and even the likes of you. I don't do it often, but I put my faith in other people to hold the fort. Sure enough, they did. They prevailed, at great costs, but prevailed nonetheless. It wasn't my Kingdom to defend when others were more capable.

But now that I have been granted my way home; I can't afford to be as hands-off with the likes of you.

The irony in all of this is that you claim this was undeservingly handed to me. It's easy to paint the color of the tip of my nose when you're only holding the championship because of the people that rely on the warmth of your colon to heat theirs. As far as I am concerned, you don't really have a pot to piss in or a window to toss it out of on the subject of being handed things. I have been forged to be the challenger of anyone I damn well please, and it speaks to your fear thinking otherwise. To label me a privileged fucking egotist shows how poorly you project. Hypocritical is blaming me for your displeasure in the way that Kingdom is when you're incapable of changing it. Delusional is feeling as mighty and all-powerful when the powers of a god and your band of shit cunts fail you, you still needed help from an elder god to lift the title off Jeff's shoulder. The extent of your might is far from flattering, certainly not enough to think you're the savior of anything. That you are capable of leading anyone towards any mirage promised land. I am your challenger as I inherently earn the right to claim back what I never lost, what I made prestigious; whatever I fucking want because you're not powerful enough to dictate otherwise. You're far from the only one that has stated their displeasure in the fact I am picking up where I left off. My presence demands challenge, the harsh reality is not everyone is capable of taking it up. If they don't like it; they can form a queue and step up. Worthy or not, they're of a belief, they can test how strongly it holds. They'll change nothing, and they'll accept it or perish. None of them can change the fact my path has always led me back to the OWA World Championship. That even upon being fired, I qualified to be in contention. Lest we forget; I was supposed to be in the Omega Heavyweight Championship before Baker terminated my contract to preserve his own fragile ego -- now I am the target of yours. You don't hold such power. And don't think I don't hear the doubt that seems to exist around me. As much as the people watching in the stand, at home, even from the locker room want to see your head roll to preserve the brand and the crown from your twisted bigotry; I hear the doubts from people that even welcomed me back say between their teeth that I won't be the one to dethrone you. There seems to be a fallacy around it being too soon for Arata to fall -- an opinion you seem to share. People seem to love their predetermined fate ideas. It took Arata Asakura a long time to climb the mountain, took a lot of knives in the back, took a lot of helping hands to get him up there. The grand delusions of someone caught up in their moment; finding any reasoning why the next will never come. That their moment in the sun is destined to surpass a certain threshold for free. Equally to there are no absolutes on the spectrum of good and evil; there are no absolutes that the fall won't come faster than the rise. That looking down from the peak doesn't mean you'll see the ground coming much closer; faster than the ascent.

You're a fucking dumb cunt to even be of the opinion that you're untouchable.

When your head comes off your shoulders, you sure as shit won't feel like it.

A star burns brightest before it dies, in the same vain your Golden Dawn will never come to pass. I made no mistake in coming back to Kingdom. I’ve made no mistake challenging you, a victim of no early defense fallacy. I have bested the might of gods before, to stand across the ring from you at your peak is no threat I’m unprepared for. Darkane, an individual recognized as a god of death, had the luxury of a two-out-of-three falls stipulation to keep the championship he defended against me. For a brief, I put him down. Something no one else has done, not even the man that dethroned him. You are deprived of equal luxury. You are deprived of being considered equal. The big difference between yourself and Darkane is that you are most certainly not Darkane. You’re lesser. You’re weaker, far more desperate a man. And I can say that through eyes tinted in a lot of bad blood; I can respect someone for their resolve. Not once did he ever need to rely on The Dynasty to keep his championship for him. I can see the same for you without the Black Sun. I know what I have gotten myself into; I know the odds are heavily against me going into this. The very second it looks like the tides are turned against you, your fuckwit gang are going to run in and do whatever they can to assure the championship to their charity case messiah. When they see me push you to your physical threshold, they’ll come and save you. Just as they did with Jeff at Hardcore Havoc. They may be devoted, but it’s clear they don’t have faith in you to do it alone. What does it speak to in being a supposed savior that constantly needs to be saved? I’m not even going to waste my breath asking you to do the impossible. I see no point in challenging you to take me on alone, to not rely so heavily on the Black Sun’s aid, coercing you with deeming you a fucking pussy, at the end of the day you’ll only ever blow smoke up my ass in the name of self-preservation. Whatever it takes to preserve the image of the misunderstood hero. You don't get to pretend you hold honor as a virtue, decide what is fabrication and dishonesty when you're only propped up with nothing virtuous. Let's say it like it is, Arata; you're as fraudulent a champion as you are a revolutionist. If you didn't speak to the perpetual losers that now follow you, you would be back to playing second fiddle to the likes of Jeff, wouldn’t be held to the same infamy Havoc had -- not due to your race but due to your weak resolve. You’d be nothing special, a savior to no one. I love Japan, I love the culture, I love how they represent professional wrestling. But fuck your people. Fuck your sense of justice, fuck your revolution that is blind to fact.

Overconfidence precedes carelessness; your carelessness is about to see you celebrated in being crucified at my hand.

I don't care to be worshipped. I don't care to be followed. What I care about most is to purge the sport of such vile illnesses like what you have inflicted on this Kingdom. An illness that withers the prestige I helped establish like a cancer. You don't reason with it, you don't concern yourself with changing its mind, you cut it out at the source. Sunday -- The Festival -- Barclays Center; that will serve the amphitheater in which I put the scalpel to the path. I will cure the brand, put the minds of the locker room to rest when I bring about the end to your tyranny. I will put the World Championship back on the shoulder of the worthy.

I'll bring about a bright future when the Black Sun burns out and dies."

OWA Promos - Page 16 P9ts13W OWA Promos - Page 16 MRbAcdc

Michael Bishop, Christopher Sabertooth, J.D. Damon, Mav., Alyssa Grace, The Banshee and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Last edited by Finnegan Wakefield on November 19th 2021, 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Christopher Sabertooth
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 10:38 am by Christopher Sabertooth
OWA Promos - Page 16 Cool_t20

OWA Promos - Page 16 -1159111

IG Live

The scene begins as Sabertooth places his phone in a slanting position before sitting right in front of the camera. He fixes his hair and grabs himself a glass of whiskey.

“What’s good y’all? Shit, people are pouring in and we just started. The past couple of weeks have been really busy. As I said before, The Festival is my responsibility and I have to make sure that everything goes as planned. All I will say is that some big things are about to happen that you just CAN’T miss. I have been loving the feedback that I have been getting over social media and the hype that has been building for the show. That has a lot to do with all the wrestlers talking their shit. You love to see it! I won’t lie, I said my piece too. I kept it light-- I kept it funny, ya know. I don’t want people to think of me as a stuck-up asshole or try to relate me with Havoc and my past. But things have been heating up, to say the very least! Not just from my opponent's side-- But also Jeff! I did not expect him to go off on me like that! I know he doesn’t like Havoc but the fact that he continues to blame it all on me is funny! Has he forgotten about the manic episode he had at Boiling Point? The Vision Quest was supposed to open our eyes and make us more in tune with our emotions. I was able to forgive Jeff for what he did but he can’t do the same for me? Maybe he’s just bitter because of his recent loss. After all, the one good thing to come out of the Jeff/Havoc saga was his deserving run as the OWA World Champion. And he doesn’t even have that anymore. I can still bank on my Shogun Championship or Prime Championship. I am still eating good around these parts!”

Havoc playfully comments on Jeff’s title loss, sipping from his whiskey glass. He has a faint smirk on his face but tries to play it off as genuinely as possible. 

“But my contemporaries have been giving me a lot of flack. Are Maggall and Nobi going to act like I didn’t just secure them a champions paycheck on a show that they are not even on? Why aren’t they on Harlem Heat if they’re so much about the culture? It’s clear that they wanted that premiere Kingdom bag from us cacs. So, you’re welcome! Get that money! I want this business to progress further so if we’re all eating good, then I am more than happy. The same can be said for Devi and NAMI. I know that they’re coming off an important match at Hardcore Havoc-- I don’t want to toot my own horn, but now they’re in the ring with Christopher Sabertooth and Jeff X! Two of the pillars of this company. I was trying to be humble a while back but it seems like the people need to be reminded about who I am. NAMI was talking RECKLESS from a random ass crackwhore taken off the streets of Nippon or wherever the fuck she’s from. This is the most exposure she has gotten since her debut! That bitch was so busy doing crack that she forgot to show up for half of her matches. How you a bum and you talking to somebody who has been here since DAY FUCKING ONE and given it their all. I never took a fucking break. Havoc or not, I was here every fucking week! What the fuck has she done? WHO IS SHE?! Like seriously! I know of her because of her SSW days. But let’s not beat around the bush. NAMI is STILL a nobody and she hasn’t done fuck all to have such an ego. When people came at me for saying I am too confident-- BITCH I have reason to be confident! I have been a champion everywhere I go! I can’t fucking lose. I am a belt collector. I am one of the best to ever do it! Why the fuck would I NOT be confident? Why the fuck would I NOT talk my shit?! I will! So, NAMI-- FUCK YOU! Stand on a fucking pedestal or climb a mountain cause I can’t hear you from where you stand. You’re at the bottom of the barrel when I have been floating at the top for fucking YEARS!”

Chris tries to not raise his voice too much on his IG Live, quickly changing his expression and going back to pandering to his fans. 

“I am glad y’all are here because people need to know! Jeff and I DON’T need to be on the same page to beat their ass. We became one of the GREATEST tag teams in the fucking company JUST by having our names written beside each other. That’s all it takes when you’re this good! Jeff could fucking hit me with an X Crusher for all I care as long as he’s taking his frustrations out on everybody. I don’t mind biting the bullet as long as he clears his mind. Because listening to him talk was painful. That man is clearly out of his element and needs professional help. EVEN THEN, the fuck is Devi and NAMI going to do to us?! Happy birthday Devi, by the way. I am sorry that I have to ruin your weekend but that’s how the world is. BBC can play into the narrative of how the two of us will get along but what they should be worried about is how the two of them are going to get out of there with their fucking titles. Jeff and I make Senn and Miles sound like an average team. Take any fucking tag teams in the company right now and line them up. And tell me honestly, do any of them stand a chance? The answer is an OBVIOUS no. When people look back into the history of OWA, the names Christopher Sabertooth and Jeff X are going to stand out along the fucking way. Clash of the Titans Winner. Ascension of the Heaven’s Briefcase holder. World Champions. MAIN EVENT of Final Destination. WE HAVE DONE IT ALL! Combine the careers of all FOUR of those fucks in that match and they still can’t compare to a single one of us. The only one that gets close is Nobi and that’s because he’s been at it forever. Good for him. It took him fifty fucking years to win his first world title. I have won three more since he won and lost that shit. We’re not on the same level. Nah, people. I know that Nobi is a good guy. BUT LET ME TALK MY SHIT! These people need to know!”

Chris chugs down his glass of whiskey and pours himself another one as the people comment on his alcoholic tendencies. 

“What? I can’t even enjoy a drink these days? Stop! Let’s get back to the point. I like how Maggall wants to bring up that one win he has over me from three years ago. He’s a smart man! He knows that’s the most important thing he ever did in OWA and that INCLUDES winning the TV title. How is that man going to point fingers at the system when he has BEEN part of the system and exploited it until it didn’t serve him any purpose. Ain’t this the same man who returned to Wrestleworld as Claudia’s bitch?! And then when he realized that Nazi bitch didn’t have his best interest in mind, he left the company and pointed fingers at her again. That’s what he does! He abuses the system till it helps him and once his own personal shortcomings hold him back from getting any sort of meaningful success, he starts pointing fingers at the people who helped him get there, to begin with! And then he fucking quits. He’s a quitter! That’s what he is! I am not the naive fucking bitch ass Sabertooth from three years ago as I am sure that you’re not that fucking dense cunt that you used to be! But then again, seeing you open your mouth makes me think otherwise. You can say whatever you want about Havoc but he ACTUALLY cared about his people. He tried to help them get out of the gutter. He brought them along for the journey and showed them a better life. Even with people like Maverick. How many opportunities did he get before he was associated with the Demon? Havoc grew his stocks and his inner talent shone through! And now Jason Long is a household name in wrestling. What have you done for your people, Maggall? Apart from crowing foul-- What the fuck have you done!? You stifled Elijah’s momentous rise to stardom. The fuck do you know about uplifting people around you?! You’re using the Bad Boy Collective to get a title shot on day one and you got what you wanted! And the moment they stop serving your purpose, you’ll be gone from the company. Stop playing with me! Not all white people are the devil just as not all black people are naturally gifted athletes, you fat piece of shit.”

Chris shakes his head as people react to his comments. 

“That could get me canceled on Twitter…. Good thing I am on IG Live instead. If any of y’all snitch to them KPop stans, I’ll fucking murder y’all. Kidding! Well, kinda. Speaking of getting canceled, the fuck was Nobi on about? I have an autistic face?! Excuse me! My face is like one of the things that I have got going for me! Stop the cap! But hey, it takes one to know one. And we all know that Nobi is the measuring stick for Autism. The scale goes from zero to Nobi with Nate Cage somewhere in the middle. Y’all can’t hate me for this! He said it first! It’s funny because Nobi keeps coming back to wrestling cause he just can’t get himself a movie that is not direct to DVD. He wants to be a Hollywood star so bad! Does he not know about the racism in Hollywood? How are you claiming to be from this set and talk about how you hate the racism in wrestling when Hollywood would cast a fucking white boy to play you in a movie?! This selective bigotry isn’t what I expected from Nobi of all people. I thought he was a nice guy! But it’s clear that Bad Boy Know has been whispering into his ear and guiding him on what to say. Nobi doesn’t believe these things. He used to be good friends with Jeff! What happened? Nobi better snap out of this phase or he’s going to end up hurting his own legacy. These people are using his name value to bring any sort of credence to their agenda. But it’s of no use. This momentary success will falter when they face a real challenge. And it doesn’t get any more real than this!”

Chris chugs down a second glass of whiskey as the people show concern in the chat to no avail. He is already pouring himself another glass before anybody could tell him otherwise. 

“Why are y’all telling me to stop? I am just getting comfortable! It’s been a minute since I have felt this free. Let me talk! Oh yeah, talk. Something NAMI seems to do a lot. You can call me an alcoholic but I am no crack fiend. Why are you flipping bricks on the side? Wrestling doesn’t pay you enough? You fucking broke? You talk about how I am acting crazy when all you have done since you got here is lost. Wrestlers like you have one big moment and build a career around it while I have made a career out of MAKING big moments! So, this is it NAMI! This is your big moment! Your time to shine! Talk your fucking shit cause you never know what happens in the future. This might be your best bet at being somebody. Cause let’s be honest. Even if Jeff and I don’t work together. Even if we don’t win the tag titles at The Festival. We WILL be Triple Crown champions one day. Grand Slam even. Fuck it, I could retire tomorrow and have a first-class ticket into the Hall of Fame. Nobody will remember your bitch ass an HOUR after you’re gone. The fuck are you talking about?! I haven’t lost grip with reality-- I just know my worth. NAMI, Jeff, and I on OUR WORST FUCKING DAY is still better than your best. You’re the one not being realistic. That crack has you daydreaming without any fucking work put in. I had to be here since day one to be where I am today! Most of the people who came up with me don’t even go here anymore. They’re nobodies. They couldn’t hang. Fuck, Nate Cage is dead! People die out here, NAMI! You don’t know about my struggle. You don’t know about what I had to overcome! Gareth who? Bull where? Scotty thumb-looking headass boy ain’t here either! I fought killers and I survived to tell the tale. That’s what got me here. Not one lucky victory. So, try to fluke your way into a tag title victory. Sure! Go ahead! But there’s no guarantee that people will be talking about you tomorrow. Ask Heart and Seoul. Ask Dollhouse. Nobody gives a fuck when you’re gone. So I made a career out of BEING HERE EVERY FUCKING DAY! Good that you have a side hustle cause nobody is going to remember your broke ass in a year. Maybe OnlyFans ain’t that bad of an idea. And even then people would rather fucking pirate your shit than pay for your ugly ass.”

The simps in the chat go wild at that statement, flaming Chris for it who doesn’t seem to be bothered by it.

“That’s not how you talk about women-- boy shut your ass up. She called me a crackhead! I am allowed to shoot back! I am going to call Devi a bitch while I am at it too. I don’t give a fuck it’s her birthday. Well, I do. Like happy birthday and all. But fuck you! Even Stevie Wonder could see a NAMI betrayal coming. It’s clear that she only cares about herself! But even if we give her the benefit of the doubt, what ARE you going to do to us? Devi, you can’t fucking win a match to save your life. How are you going to beat a REAL wrestler like me?! Discus Devi-- I will stomp your fucking head into the canvas. I’ll dribble with it like I’m Lionel Messi. This isn’t even a competition. It’s a joke! A joke act with the tag belts followed by a joke team as a challenger! And they want the world to believe that they stand a chance against Christopher Sabertooth and Jeff X?! It’s not like Jeff and I haven’t had our share of bad days. I have lost countless times before. So, it’s not even about their win-loss record. It’s about what they’re doing to change that. And while I can appreciate NAMI talking a big game-- But until I see a fucking change, it’s just that! All talk! Back it the fuck up before you even expect us to take you seriously. And even then, I can guarantee you that I’ll be putting my all into this match. Not because I am desperate for a tag team run with my former friend. I couldn’t give a shit about that. It’s about respect. It’s about knowing your place. It’s about REALIZING that we’re not all that. None of us are! Especially against what stands against us. So NAMI, if you can channel that energy into fighting tyrants like Arata and Abholos, then I would love to see you stand alongside us. But if you’re just going to go back to Odyssey saying it’s not your problem, then you’re not fucking built to last here. Cause as history has proven itself, these things seem to keep happening all the time! We have to fucking end it NOW or else there will be NO FUTURE for us to talk about. This could be Devi’s last fucking birthday for the world could end tomorrow! But you simple-minded fucks are too busy quarreling amongst yourselves!”

Chris chugs the final glass of whiskey before slamming the glass nearly cracking it on impact. He is furiously shaking his head in disagreement over what has been said about him in the last couple of days.

“We need to be united, my friends! Not just the wrestlers-- All of you! Every single one of y’all watching right now. Triple Crowns are great. I am sure it would look incredible with the rest of my incredible accomplishments. I have got them for DAYS, trust me. This isn’t about the money. This isn’t about fame. This isn’t about the recognition. Humble flex, but I got all of that! More than I would ever need. This is about the world as we know it. So, if your bitch asses don’t wanna listen then I will take your fucking titles. All of them! There is no time to be wasted. There’s a war brewing in the mix. We need everybody we can get. This isn’t just Kingdom’s battle. Y’all live on this planet too, right? Or do you just expect Kingdom to save the day every fucking time!? Holy shit, I am drunk as fuck right now! But even in my inebriated state, I can see what’s right. So when will these fucking idiots realize that the game has gotten a lot bigger than all of us?!..... Wait hold on-- I gotta throw… do something *ahem*. Catch y’all later.”

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, J.D. Damon, Jeff X, Mav., Alyssa Grace, The Banshee and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

J.D. Damon
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 9:08 am by J.D. Damon

 OWA Promos - Page 16 E343f00776b5ab64c53bba42ee4e90b841869e00
Portland, Oregon. The home of the world famous Drake and Damon Wrestling School… or the Wolves’ Den. The state of the art training facility is set back on a ten-acre plot of land surrounded by woods. Behind the large glass doors of the building, sits two twenty-foot wrestling rings. On the large wall behind the wrestling rings, is a large black flag with the logo of the greatest and most feared faction known to man.. the Wolvesden. Directly below the flag ,is another flag. A flag a tad bit smaller in size but still massive nonetheless; the flag of The Frontline. What does this mean exactly? Are we looking too deep into this? In Damon’s eyes, in his mind, is The Frontline not an equal to the legacy of Wolvesden? I’m sure there is nothing truly behind this, but it does make you wonder.. considering… Nevermind.

Anyways. The camera takes a moment to pan across the training area. Two wrestling rings, state of the art gym equipment, televisions to watch back matches and promos. This school has the works. Down a hallway leads to the back offices. J.D. Damon sits in his office, elbows on his desk, head in his hands staring blankly at the floor behind him. In walks someone who we have not seen in many years on screen, Damon’s personal assistant and rumored romantic fling, Chanel Ramsey.

CHANEL RAMSEY: Are you sure you’re okay? I haven’t seen you like this since… you know… Kenny died.

Damon scoffs at her comment.

J.D. DAMON: I have already told you… everything is fine. Everything will always be fine. It’s just… all of this… all of this bullshit is…

Chanel cuts him off.

CHANEL RAMSEY: …draining? You’re telling me. I understand what this is doing to you. I understand that they are ultimately trying to split you all apart, and what better way to do that than to throw in the World Championship? It’s perfect, really. Arata dethrones Jeff… holds the championship ransom… The Frontline…

JD DAMON: …Azumi isn’t Frontline. But this isn't abou-…

CHANEL RAMSEY: Whatever. You guys get all pissed off off and want revenge but at what cost? Your friendship? You years of friendship with Azumi? Your brotherhood with Theodor? Tell me, is it worth it?

JD DAMON: If you would stop cutting me the fuck off, and allow me to finish my sentences then you would know that I am not worried about The Festival. That’s not what has me down in the dumps…

CHANEL RAMSEY: You don’t need to lie to me, J.D. I have known you for far too long.

Damon flashes his cell phone to her before tossing it to her.


JD DAMON: Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it depressed. I just can’t get to the next level in fucking Angry Birds.

CHANEL RAMSEY: You are freaking ridiculous.

Chanel Ramsey slides Damon his phone back to him across his desk, as she rolls her eyes while exiting his office. Damon shrugs his shoulders in response before turning his attention to a television on the wall beside his desk. For several minutes he sits and listens to every single word that his opponents… his friends… have to say.

I’m not going to lie to you; I enjoyed Hardcore Havoc. It felt like a nice little throwback to years ago when Kenny Drake and I were punching each other in the face with barbed wire wrapped around our fists. When we would throw one another threw panes of glass and onto a bed of thumbtacks. A little death match every now and then is good for the soul. It reminds you that you’re not immortal like you may think, and that in a blink of an eye things could go terribly wrong for you. Which is exactly what happened to the team that attempted to bring down The Frontline x Mafia. The Time Lizard… what a fucking joke. Reggie, I have known you for the better part of a decade, and let me tell you, old friend, I think it’s time that you hang up your boots for good. You really should think about keeping your ass behind your desk permanently because every time you decide to throw yourself into matches like this, you only make yourself look like a complete idiot. I know you have had your sights set on winning the OWA World Championship for years now, ever since you lost the Spartan title, but it’s safe to say that those dreams of championship glory are all in your past. It’s time to let your dreams die, Reggie. Just let them die…

Which is exactly the advise that I am going to give to both Azumi Goto and Theodor Pavel. You two have had your chances; you both have had your opportunities. Now, I’m not exactly positive how many opportunities you both have had over the year, but I can almost guaran-fuckin’-tee that you two combined have had more chances at that World Championship in the past three-hundred and sixty-five days than I have had in my entire seventeen-year career. So, much like the advise that I gave to our incompetent General Manager, please do us all a favor and let your dreams of championship glory die.
Theo, my good friend, it is so nice of you to finally show up. You’re right. You are absolutely right. I should have called you. I should have called you and we could have had a nice little chat man-to-man. But what’s the point? You’re upset about what I said? You’re upset that I know dep down in my bones that I am the only person who can truly stop Arata Asakura? Now don’t get me wrong, Theo, I am one-hundred percent positive that you would give him a run for his money - there’s no doubt in my fucking mind that you could. But, let’s be honest here… you’re still a little wet behind the ears, my friend. Maybe in another year or two you could be a major threat to whoever is running around this place with that belt around their waist, but for now… leave this to the grown ups, eh?

Why do I feel the need to constantly convince the world that I beat Arata Asakura once upon a time? Oh I don’t fucking know, Theo. Maybe - JUST MAYBE - it’s because I have had to listen to all of the bullshit that has spewed out of everyone’s mouth - INCLUDING YOU - for years now. Because despite my accomplishments, despite everything that I have done not only for this company, but the entire industry, people still enjoy bickering behind my back about being nothing more than a glorified sidekick to Kenny Drake… to Jeff X. You know.. it starts taking a toll on you after a while. It really - REALLY - starts making me question my own mental health - MY OWN FUCKING SANITY! You wonder why, Theo… well, I wonder why you whole heartedly believe that you are going to be able to walk out of The Festival on your own accord. I applaud you, though, Mister Pavel; you have a lot of guts still wanting to walk into this match. You may be a little dumb, but you definitely have guts.

Damon takes a moment…

I should probably apologize to you, Theo. I don’t like making you upset. I can tell how fragile you truly are, and everything that I have said about you is probably digging you into an unrecoverable depression. You see, this match… this opportunity to become the number one contender… it’s… it’s bigger than you and I, much greater than our alliance as members of The Frontline. And I am truly sorry that it has come down to this, Theo… I truly am, but I am not going to step aside and let you take this opportunity from me. I have worked too hard for far too long to let another chance like this escape me. And in the end, I’m sure we will be just fine. We will look back on this moment and laugh it off, because ultimately this is just business, right? After this is all said and done, you and I will continue to stand side by side, because at the end of the day… The Frontline… is fine. Right?!


Azumi, you know that at the end of the day that I respect you. I have a fuck ton of respect for you. How much is a “fuck ton” exactly? It’s a lot. I respect everything that you have accomplished within this company and outside of this company. That little hall of fame ring that you enjoy showing off so much? I love it. I respect the fact that you were able to accomplish so much that they wanted to immortalize you in the hall of fame. Alongside the likes of Jacob Senn, Carlos Rosso, Aria Jaxon, and my brother Kenny Drake, you will forever be remembered as one of the greats to ever lace up a pair of wrestling boots. So what’s the point in all of this for you? You have done it, Azumi. You have made it to the top of the mountain. You have left behind your legacy for generations and generations to come. So what is the point with even attempting to become the World Champion? Because clearly you don’t need to! You will continue to deny it, but it is just to thicken your resume; it is to inflate your oversized ego. Let’s be honest… that’s EXACTLY the reasoning for this. You don’t care about stopping Arata… you say you do, but ultimately it’s not about that, is it?! The only thing that you truly care about is adding more gold to your already impressive list of accomplishments. Putting an end to Arata and The Black Sun? I can damn near guarantee isn’t even on your list of worries. The only thing you are worrying about is following in Aria Jaxon’s footsteps. Be honest, Azumi. You want nothing more than to be the second-ever female OWA World Champion. You want to be exactly like Aria Jaxon. You can claim that you want nothing more than to save your sister from the clutches of the evil empire known as The Black Sun, but it’s much more than that. It’s much more than wanting to be the hero… it’s about becoming the new version of Aria Jaxon. You want to continue where she left off before she ultimately retired. Unfortunately for you, though, Aria’s boots are way too big for you to fill. The sooner you realize that… the better.

Azumi… Theo… I’m not trying to be an asshole, despite what you two may think. I’m just trying to make you both realize that the task that the winner of this little match of ours ultimately has to face is… way too fucking big for either of you to handle. 

The Festival is going to be a goddamn celebration. A celebration of victories. Jeff X will complete his Triple Crown, even though he is forced to do it alongside Christopher Sabertooth. Michael Bishop will knock Myojin the fuck out while recapturing the Outlaw Championship, and I will have the biggest victory of them all. The victory that I rightfully deserve. The victory that I am destined to have.

"What about Finnegan Wakefield beating Arata?"

I would love nothing more than to watch Finnegan Wakefield make Arata scream bloody murder while ripping his arms off, however! HOWEVER. Wakefield has had his time in the spotlight. Wakefield has had his fifteen minutes of fame. He thinks he can just walk back onto Kingdom and automatically receive a title shot because of who he is? I mean… that’s what happened, but it’s pretty fucked in my opinion. I have been busting my fucking ass for this brand… for this COMPANY… and he just casually walks back onto Kingdom and gets the first shot?!

That’s typical.

But even though I am fueled by the hatred that I have for Arata and would love to see Wakefield end his world title reign prematurely… I pray that Arata walks out of The Festival with that belt still around his waist…

…because I need to be the one who dethrones him.

Not Azumi Goto.

Not Theodor Pavel.

Not Finnegan Wakefield.

Not even our faithful leader, Jeff X.

But J.D. FUCKING Damon.

I am truly sorry that it has come down to this. We all want to be the one walking around with the ultimate prize in our company. I'm sure that you two will have your chances again. And hell, I am even pretty positive that you both will eventually - EVENTUALLY - be world champions. But right now? Right now... isn't it.

I'm sorry it has to be this way...

...I truly am. 

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Zumi, Mav., Alyssa Grace, Theodor Pavel and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Last edited by J.D. Damon on November 19th 2021, 10:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
Michael Bishop
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 4:17 am by Michael Bishop
OWA Promos - Page 16 Ov9KQ7r

“Things are heating upon in OWA, aren’t they..” 

(We find ourselves on an episode of the Joe Rogan Experience. Episode #2255 - Bo Maro. The two are sitting at the desk, Joe’s rolling a blunt as the podcast carries on). 

Joe Rogan: So… Darkane got fucking hanged, that freaky deaky motherfucker Abholos is running around again- no one seems to be worried for some reason- and Kingdom is ruled by a god damn racial supremacist militia leader with the power of a god… 

(Joe breaks out into chuckling as he shakes his head). 

Joe Rogan: Yeah it’s all pretty on brand. Bro. The festival is one of the most loaded cards of the season. 

Bo Maro: The most loaded card of the seas’n, the gold n’ entertainment value per capita is so thick I could cut it with a knife- so thick I could put it on fakin’ OnlyFans and be able to retire.

Joe Rogan: Been a wild few months for your old boy Michael Bishop though, huh? Fuckin’ hell that guys’ a god damn animal. Started the season off on the back foot coming off a loss at the grandest stage of them all, now he’s here, in one of the best looks he’s ever had. You know I always wonder how it must feel to lose big at an event like FD. 

Bo Maro: It breaks people. I’ve had fighters who’ve quit. Bishop though… I could see it in his eyes, the second he would get back into that ring, Season 4 was gonna be his season. 

Joe Rogan: He’s back in the Outlaw title scene, and honestly it’s one hell of a match up: Myojin. They're the younger match, they've held world titles across multiple continents, they performed expertly at Hardcore Havoc. Not easy to take a belt off a guy like Theodor Pavel, but they did. 

Bo Maro: But Michael though- 

Joe Rogan: Holy fuck, that Circus Deathmatch. If you want the WARBISHOP wet dream, there it is: Man gets thrashed in the opening, and then walks through the entire fucking enemy team like a god damn terminator. Those are all high tier guys t0o!! A former Omega Heavyweight Champ, Two former Spartan Champs, a Television champ- The Awakening AND The Council both bared down on his team and he might’ve pulled a back muscle cause he carried that entire fucking fight!! 

Bo Maro: Not to mention he’s been cutting muddafucker’s down this entire season. The Hardcore War, fucking melts the Black Sun, you could SMELL Jack Daito and Kenta Saru’s burning flesh… shit, runs the fades with the wilde boys, The Ancient Way match? Fucking murders Kenta Saru, straight up. Man bled so bad he needed 3 plasma bags, fakin’ hell it was rough. Fuckin’, he starts out the season with a Fight of the Year candidate on Atlantis, against Finnegan Wakefield, the guy fighting for the title!! 

Joe Rogan: I think that’s what I’ve always been fascinated with him. He loves to fight. Like, it’s an art to him. I think he’s the best fighter on the planet, bar none. Like, Kingdom might have a roster of top guys, there’s plenty of people who’ve beaten him, but he’s just so complete and upfront… If you hesitate for even a second, he’ll walk right through you and take your damn head like the Predator. 

Bo Maro: And now he’s gunning for the Outlaw Championship. It’s time for Four Time Bishop, my friend, it is exciting. 

Joe Rogan: Do you think he can beat Myojin? 

Bo Maro: A better question is: Can Myojin stop Michael Bishop? I like Myojin, kid’s smart, humble, and he’s talented, very talented. But this is the god damn Dreadknight we’re talking about. Man got his start by beating the brick shit off of gang banger heavyweights. He moved up by facing international elites. He’s sharpened himself in modern times by showing that he can adapt, improve, and destroy anything and everything. Call him a War Machine because he was made to wage war and conquer. 

Joe Rogan: Myojin’s also been a world champion before, though. He’s got to be careful, as much as Bishop is dangerous in his way, Myojin brings things to the table himself. 

Bo Maro: That’s what makes this so exciting. It’s Blood Sports Season, Joe!! You have a brand new Outlaw Champion, fresh on his reign, ready to prove himself. You then have the most proven and dominant Outlaw Champion, coming back, sharpening his elbows like they’re a couple’ah god damn swords!! This is world class fighters in their prime, this is a fight, this is a classic!! These two will be runnin’ the fuckin’ brand in a year- but I know that Bishop will pull through. He’s hungry… deadly hungry Joe, there’s a part of him that, while he left the Outlaw Division behind, feels that if he’s gonna be called back, he’s gonna TAKE that title!! He’s gonna do it!! 

Joe Rogan: I’d say there’s no other fighter that embodies Blood Sports like Michael Bishop though, this is his turf. Not just the fact that it calls back to his cage fighting roots, fuckin’ of all the Blood Sports matches that’ve happen in the last 4 years… Bishop’s been in 87% of them. That’s insane. 

Bo Maro: Love him or hate him, win or loss- he IS Blood Sports, Joe. I think out of all the violent fuckin’ matches he’s had, Blood Sports 6 is going to be the most brutal. I’m scared for Myojin, because like it or not, walking armageddon is going to corner him and enforce his fuckin’ will upon him whether he likes it or not…. Reminds me… have I ever told you how Bishop proved himself to all of those violent men he fought in his youth… how he became anointed?

Joe Rogan: Nah.

Bo Maro: Let me tell you a story…. it was a couple of years into his career, Bishop has been carving people up, but many still doubted this kid from the underground circuit… that is until he came upon this one man. Old Latin King member, hyper religious, he was a high level grappler, a submission master… similar to Myo. He claimed to be an angel sent by god, as he wrapped men up and tapped them out… He prayed everytime he stepped into the cage, he starred into his enemies with nothing but righteous fury, he got right into Michael’s face when they fought.

Joe Rogan: So what happened? 

Bo Maro: Bishop fucking broke him. The story of him crawling into the guard of a high level black belt? That was that fight. Everyone believes Bishop’s this old, over the hill striker… he’s not, and he is also a very high level grappler. He got his hands on that mudda’fucker, he took him into the deep end, and he ground him into dust. The guy was wheeled out on a stretcher. Everyone was silent as Bishop stood their, hand raised, and the man was in a trance… mumbling… he kept repeating something in Latin; "Terribilis Eques! Terribilis Eques".

Joe Rogan: “Terribilis eques”? The hell does that mean?

Bo Maro: “Dreadknight”.

What makes a fighter, a man, a champion? Is it being undefeated? Is it their fame or infamy? Is it one specific move, or a thousand? What decides how a man will fair? Is it how he handles victory or how he recovers from defeat? Everyone seems to point out my failures and flaws like it is something revolutionary or new, I wear them on my sleeve. A mark, a scar, one of the thousands I have acquired permanently altering my flesh and soul for every step I take afterwards. Adaptability, perseverance, those always were my keys. 

In an era of gods and devils ruling the roost in combat sports, I am just a man. In an era where thunderbolts are common, and dozens get wiped out for simple petty rage, I am just a man. In an era where enemies are piling up quickly, where immortality becomes common, I am the last true, last normal, last mortal fighters, having fended off and conquered two generations long after everyone from mine retired or died. Adaptability, perseverance, the indestructible durability I seem to possess to take worlds and fend off father time mostly due to my absolute refusal to die… That has what has carried me through every battlefield, every hell, every war. 

The difference between you and me, Myojin. For every statement you’ve said, there’s a jab at me, slice attempted to be made in the flawed enigma that is the story of the Dreadknight. Gatekeeper, Old Guard, Worn down… Beaten Up fighter… There’s a saying Myo, fear the old man in the profession where they die young. Fear the old fighter in a profession where we die very young, very riddled with CTE, and very broken. As I said before, I have seen two generations rise and fall since mine. For three eras I have watched fighters train, grow, step in across from me, and throw their hat in to finally cut me down. For three eras I have battled them, met them, matched them, chewed them up, spit them out, made them tap, made them quit, or just held them the fuck down as I drilled my fist into their fuckin’ skull as they cried for their loved ones… You’re young, you’re experienced… You beat the likes of Theodor Pavel and Azumi Goto, that’s something not done easily. That’s not a fluke. 

I don’t doubt you for a single second, Myojin. When I step into that cage I fully expect the Outlaw Champion, reigning and defending, to meet me as a fighting champion. You’re skilled on the feet, and you’re a master at grappling. I don’t believe you’re hot headed or arrogant, I believe I will face the most motivated, fired up, and fuckin’ furious version of you there is!! I believe you’re going to come in here, and you’re going to try to fucking kill me. You’re gonna try to take my neck, choke me out, tear my arm off, tear my knee off, beat the piss out of me…. As they have tried and failed, for three generations. 

To be the best, you have to beat the best. 
To beat the champion, you have to be the best, and kill the motherfucker wearing that belt. 

Mindsets, the difference between you and I- I’m not going to beat you because you’re unfocused, untrained, you’re a champion, you’re the best of the Outlaw Division- for now. I am going to beat you because despite everything you have, everything you are, I have been killing prodigies, greats, and legends for two fucking decades and I am going to swallow you fucking whole because I am just betterYou’re god damn right this is going to be a fight. It’s going to be a war, the most fired up fucking war…. The Festival is a celebration of all forms of wrestling, of combat sports, and together we’re going to meet and pay tribute to the most brutal one there is, the oldest one there is. Where men have met since ancient times and killed each other with rock and bone. This! Is! BLOODSPORT RULES!! 

What stands before you isn’t a journeyman or a fucking gatekeeper, I am the most complete mixed martial artist of all time, the greatest heavyweight of all time. You say fallen off, I say setbacks that can only be achieved from muzzle velocity and the very literal wrath of god. You say, struggling, I point to the circus deathmatch where I slaughtered one heavyweight champion and two spartans champions by my fucking self. I point to the Hardcore War where I ate a brick of C4 to the face and all it did was piss me off. I point to every single fucking Blood Sports bout in history… almost all, I have had a hand in, only some, I have lost, and those I did fall short the motherfucker on the other end looked like ground beef and a dead animal, clawing out of there because I am their near death experience. 

Maybe the punishment was less for you, and more so me. RD3 licking his wounds after I cast him off that fucking scaffold and into an ocean of barbed wire. What better way to test the metal of a new champion, that by sicking walking Armageddon on him. What better way to try and kill a War Machine that by sending him at the man who beat the man who beat him. What better way to see if you’re really the man to rejuvenate the Outlaw Division that by coming face to face me, locked inside my turf to deal with an apocalypse, armed with the strongest arms on this brand, from bell to fuckin’ bell. 

 Everyone says I am just a man and yet I have slain the Nightmare King, scared of Abholos, and made Raijin feel fear to hit that 300 million volt panic button. That's not Jeff X, that's not Theodor, That's not JD, that's not any socal hero or champion or main eventer in the Frontline. It's their Heavy-fuckin'-Artillery, it's their darkhorse, it's their unsung gladiator who has been stacking bodies, filling mass graves, and devouring souls for longer than any of them have laced up a pair. Faced with the wrath of god being the only thing that can bring me down, having torn apart faction after faction, I now stand having paved my way to you on a sea of skulls. That isn’t faltering, that isn’t falling off- that’s me walking up to the Outlaw Champion after carving a road of death, looking you in the eyes and saying “Take your best shot”. 

Maybe it’s a sick joke, but here we are, two fighters locked in a pit, forced to fight for the title of our lifestyle. 

And you’re right, Myo. This division deserves better than what’s it’s seen and dealt with. This division, the fighter’s division, The Outlaw Divison deserves only the best wars we can served, fought only with hellfire and the best in the world. I’ve always thought of the Outlaw Division first, the same reason I denied a gimme world title shot and a Main event from Scott Oasis at FD3. The championship is made from the champions who wear it, and the battles fought for it. Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere you will carry and defend it until someone else better comes along and takes your fucking head off, peels that shit off your corpse, and raises it into the air!! You beat Theodor, you beat rest, but now for one reason or another I am here, I am back, I am going to take that fucking title, I am going to take your head, and I am going to raise both into the air, to a roaring crowd!!

Pavel himself warned of that title, it is both a blessing and a curse, and yet I still don’t see the curse. We all have a target on our backs, we all walk around ready to lay it all out on the line, wherever the fight is, that is how Outlaws live. The title is simply a leather and gold embodiment of it, adoring the waist of the best of our type, some grow paranoid, but I never have, I never did… I welcome the challenge of any and all, I square up to anybody, and everybody, and many times only the most dangerous, most lethal. The monsters, the machines, the division boogeyman, killers, fighters. You only get one shot at destiny and history, when that bell rings and that gold is on the line you might as well kick it into full fucking send and hold nothing back. I got my head kicked off, but here I am, ready for more. 

I am always hungry for the smoke, ready for the fire, I see that title not as a curse, but as a chance to beckon any and all motherfuckers who think they’re the shit, to put their foot on the line, square up- and to Come and Take It

I’m doing this for the belt, I’m doing this for the division. I’m going to give that shit the fiercest war it’s ever had... as a friend I am pleading to you, with my fucking heart, to come ready, to come prepared.  I’m telling you, if you walk in there expecting a Gatekeeper, an Old War Horse, anything short than the fourth horseman, you are dead wrong, and you are going to die!! I’m coming in there with the same wrath of god Raijin hit us both with, I coming for the belt, I’m coming with the want and desire to be the Outlaw Champion this Kingsom needs, this division needs, and I’m coming hungrier than I have every fucking been. 

And you’re right… the same rules of war that Theodor needed to strip that shit off me at Blood Sports 5… I will have to kill you for it, and I’m going to kill you for it. I am going to invade your reign, I’m going to overwhelm you, I’m going to hit you with every ounce of fear, pain, strength, and retribution you deserve and expect. I am going to batter you, overwhelm you, I am going to show no quarter and I will take your belt!! I will end your reign!! I will cut you down, drown you out, because there can be no hesitation, and there can be. No. Failure!!

Two Outlaws enter, one dies, one lives. 
Some call this a punishment, I call this Tuesday
The War to end all wars, the greatest fight in the Outlaw Division. 

I am going to be Champion. 
I am going to kill the Shining Outlaw. 
And when it is all over my hand shall be raised high and all shall hear-

AND!! NEW!!!

VaeVictisBD, Christopher Sabertooth, Matsuda, Mav., Alyssa Grace, Darkane, Theodor Pavel and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 19th 2021, 1:01 am by Zumi
---Azumi Promo #2 - Legacy, Glory, and Relations.---
OWA Promos - Page 16 Giphy_3
--- Versus Theodor Pavel and JD Damon - Kingdom: The Festival - November 21st ---

Legacy? It’s what we strive to create, the opportunities to be great and to leave our mark on the world.

Glory? It’s what we hunt for. Whether it be championships, accolades, or notable victories. All of that helps create the legacies we want to create.

Relationships? The bonds we make by living in this cut-throat world, whether it be friendship, love, or a brotherly bond. It helps us get through the cruel reality of this sick and twisted.

Why do those three matter? Because they’re important.


[The camera opens in Astoria, New York. More specifically, Azumi’s second home. Where she gets to stay when in America, despite only being used on rare occasions, it was still a home for her. Pictures on the wall of her family and her friends. Azumi herself is finally taking a seat, wearing a typical pantsuit that has become part of her attire ever since she took over JET.]

So it seems both of my opponents have decided to talk! I love it, makes me excited for what’s to come, for the eventual clash at The Festival!  Both got to say things, some things in anger and passion but regardless it’s good to know that there’s some life in them. Because we talk about them, I want to talk about some things. Before I talk about JD and Theo, I want to talk about the greater group that both are a part of. Let’s talk about the Frontline for a bit. What a group! They are the lifeblood that keeps Kingdom going, a group of brawlers, fighters, and psychopaths joined forces to protect their brand from the likes of Shin-Sekai and Ashes of The Wake. Creating this incredible brotherhood that would anyone jealous. 

Honestly, I’m a bit jealous of them. Is it weird to say that? Do you want an explanation? Of course, you do!

Let me talk you back to just a few months ago, three of the best in not just Women’s Wrestling but wrestling as a sport are on top of the world! Running SSW as a whole, nothing could come close. You all know that group pretty well, right? It was the Queens of Wrestling. Everyone’s favorite supergroup. You all know what happened, the jealously of the current OWA Women’s Champion led to the break-up. She couldn’t accept her loss and fuel by selfish anger, she broke up QoW. You won’t ever see that with the current Frontline.

Sure, Arata stabbed you all in the back but the rest of you could never do that for one another. You rather all sacrifice your lives than betray one another. A certain bitch aside, this unit is tight and I commend you all for that. Part of me is glad that I didn’t get any offer to join Frontline, don’t get me wrong. You guys are all great but the concept of stables has left a bad taste in my mouth, plus my own goal doesn’t really match with Frontline’s agenda.

But enough about that, let’s talk about the real reason why we’re having this chat. JD Damon and Theodor Pavel. My two proud foes and both had quite a lot to say about me and to me. Especially you, JD…

You wanna talk about legacies? I get you to want to build your own, step out of Kenny’s looming shadow and even the shadow that Jeff has created by being the face of OWA. You want to be more than JD Damon, the eternal choke artist! You want to be JD the OWA World Champion? I bet you want one of these for yourself!

[Azumi slams her Hall of Fame ring on the table, right for the camera to get a good look at it. ]

This is my evidence. Despite tripping and falling as much as I have, this hall of fame ring is my fucking proof that I made it but yet I want more. That’s our difference, you’re trying to get to the mountain top for the first time while I’m pushing myself to return there. Let me explain something to you, JD. 

Since you wanna bring up the Dark Kingdom tournament and how I beat you in round one or how i “cracked” under the pressure. All it took was one minute to send shockwaves through the Kingdom roster by pinning you...

Just. Like That. 

You went from tournament favorite to out of the running in a matter of moments, and by the tone of your voice, you seem to be in the mood to not let happen again and I hope for your sake that it doesn’t. But I’ll give you one thing, I didn’t win the Spartans Championship but you know what I accomplished in one night? The same thing that took you nearly three years since OWA first formed, make a fucking statement. In one night, I made people realize that I’m not just here to be Aria’s replacement but also to remind people why I’m considered one of the all-time greatest by taking on a whole new challenge.

If you want to talk down about my win against Arata. Let me remind you what you were doing at the same time, you were getting beaten up by Big Naheem. Tell me more about how I don’t deserve to be here, JD because I stand tall at the end of it all as Number One contender, it will make it all the better for me! And my answer to why I deserve to be in this? I’m the woman who has shattered boundaries, expectations, and glass ceilings. You don’t think I can handle beating Arata?! The Black Sun are practically my bitches, JD! Those fuckers haven’t been able to beat me and I even bitch slapped one of their members in the ring while I was half-blind!

If there’s any person on the Kingdom roster, who can beat Arata right now. It’s the woman who’s done that already. And you want to bring up legacies, let me tell you something. Right from the moment I got here, Arata had trashed my legacy, my hard work, and degraded MY accomplishments! You felt that way when Aria vacated the OWA World Championship but how would you feel if someone did that if you were a former WORLD champion? Everything I have strived for, everything I earned in this business after years of bullshit! He said all that and right in front of his cronies, I beat him

Knowing that idiot, he's gonna see me as a novelty act. What a better way to send his entire gang down in one fucking moment and bring the OWA World Championship back to Kingdom, not Frontline. And again that's where it's going to matter. I want to be this show's world champion. No factions, no alliances, none of that!  

You have a point, JD! I don’t know Arata like you did but I do know one thing! That piece of trash is OWA World Champion and that needs to end. Whether it ends with Finn’s hands at The Festival or MY hands whenever I get my shot at him! Two Frontline members have faced Arata since I beat him, do you know the score? 0-2. I think it’s about time you boys step aside.

And you Theo, you also had a lot to say as well and I’m glad! But did you know that I didn’t retire on my own terms? I put my career on the line to be champion again, I felt like I had fallen so far down OWA. Physically I could have kept going but mentally, I wasn’t there. I lost the same drive, I gave up on myself.

But here I am, rejuvenated and reborn like the mighty phoenix! And for my answer to your comment, this world of professional wrestling is my everything. I don’t have it in me to give up wrestling forever and hell, think about it. I was gone for five months and returned under special circumstances. If it wasn’t for those circumstances, I would have been fine living the rest of my life retired.

Those same circumstances got me my entry into Kingdom. Which has led to this moment? Here’s a cute trivia fact that you have to know about Japanese wrestlers. We either retire young or retire only after we’re broken down souls. It’s why you can still see men in their 50 still in the ring when you go to Japan. Do you I intend to go as long as those old souls? Probably not, like you… I have a family. I have a loving husband and young step-daughter but right now I’m willing to split my time and live this double life as a professional wrestler and a normal human being.

And the OWA World Championship isn’t just a chance to add another great accolade onto this resume, it’s a chance to showcase that this isn’t just a small comeback but I’m here to be a permanent fixture. I won’t leave OWA anytime soon, I’ve seen so much from this company because I’ve been a mainstay since I got here. I was there when Odyssey was born, I headlined the first Final Destination but I’m gonna do much more. And I intend to see this company evolve even further and as OWA World Champion, I want to see that evolution.

But if you do believe that all I want is another accolade, then you’re also right about that, Theo. When I won the Women’s World Championship in 2019, I reached the mountaintop but not as one of the GOATs like I am now. I had the biggest chip on my shoulder, I left the comforts of Japan to prove that I could be an international star. For three years, I scratched, clawed, and fell countless times. The whole world looked at me as someone who failed to fulfill her potential and then I was Women’s World Champion, I finally got to show that I wasn’t just Joshi stuck in America but I was the best in the world.

Now? The climb to the top isn’t to prove that point, it’s to showcase that I am the greatest competitor in OWA history. I could create so much history by winning the OWA World Champion.

And you want to talk about family, Theo? You aren’t the only one who wants to fight for your loved ones. 

For you two, Arata betrayed the Frontline and took the faction’s prize! I have something bigger, you two lost a “brother” when he turned his back on you, I lost one of my own to him and his fucking faction! My younger sister is one of his followers, my own flesh and blood was willing to attack me back when Arata has his back up running out during Game Over. She wasn’t going to hesitate at all. I have something personal involved in this battle against the Black Sun. This isn't just Kingdom vs. Black Sun or about them tarnishing the reputation of Japanese wrestling!

This is the battle of an older sister trying to free her young sister from the clutches of an evil soul! 

Think for a second and ask yourself how it would feel if you were in my spot. Theo, how would you feel if your wife was corrupted by Arata and joined the Black Sun? And we don't know much about your loved ones, JD but think to yourself how you would feel if one of Kenny's kids ended up joining that group, knowing how much that man and his family mean to you!

Do you boys understand how much I have riding on this number one contender’s match? I can live with Finn putting down Arata for the OWA World Championship. But if he can't then you two need to understand I'll be the one pulling the trigger and I won't be firing blanks. The last time I checked, that’s all you boys in Frontline have been firing. Two Frontline members have faced Arata since I beat him, do you know the score? 0-2. I think it’s about time you boys step aside before Frontline takes more Ls.

You can say that you have to be the one but…

I will be the one! I’ll be the one to bring Kingdom its world championship, put an end to Black Sun, and accomplish just as important, save my younger sister from the clutches of Arata.

[Azumi gets from her seat, adjusting her suit jacket and leaving the shot. Meanwhile, the camera focused on one of the photos nailed onto the living room. The picture is of both Goto sisters together, smiling and holding the SSW Tag Team Championship taken back in August of 2019.]

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, J.D. Damon, Matsuda, Mav., Alyssa Grace, The Banshee and have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Jeff X
Corey Matthis Harlem Heat Promo #1 (vs. Mark Michaels)
Post November 18th 2021, 11:55 pm by Jeff X
Fully Developed
New York City, NY
November 18, 2021


Corey walks down the busy streets of New York, his hands buried in his pockets.  Despite his newfound fame in being promoted to the main roster of OWA, nobody seems to take note of him.

“Everyone seems to think that I’ve been toiling away in developmental, honing my skills and improving with every match…every rest hold…every training session…until eventually I was ready to move up onto the main roster.  But that notion…that thought that for even one second that I wasn’t always ready for this is a complete farce.  I was born ready.  From the moment I crawled out of my mother’s womb, I was destined to become great.  By the time I was a teenager, I was already an athletic prodigy.  Whether it was on the football field, the baseball diamond, the wrestling mat…it didn’t matter.  Anywhere there was a competition to be had, Corey Matthis was winning.  Awards, scholarships, championships…they piled up at my feet as I asserted dominance over everyone who stood before in any aspect of my life.  And it came all too easy for me.  So when I did eventually decide to shift my goals towards professional wrestling and inevitably got my contract with the biggest promotion on the planet in OWA, you can imagine how big of a shock it came to me that I would first have to spend a few years in OWT.  This was a completely foreign concept to me.  The thought that I wouldn’t be inserted straight away into the main event of Final Destination immediately upon my arrival made no sense.  After all, look at me.  I have more athleticism in one finger than half the roster does combined.  So this…this whole developmental thing was completely baffling, not just to me, but to anybody who’s followed me over the course of my life.  But then it hit me…I’m not the one that OWA was developing at all.”

Corey shakes his head as he laughs to himself a bit.

“That was never the case.  You see, Scott Oasis is a smart man.  Some would call him a visionary.  He started this company from the ground up and in just four short years has turned it into a global empire that controls the entire landscape of this industry.  Like him or not, there is no denying that the man knows exactly what he’s doing.  And he knows not only what is in the best interest for OWA currently but also what is in the best interest for the future of this company as well.  When he saw the opportunity to bring somebody like me in, he knew that he had a star on his hands.  A young star with the charisma and ability to take this company to new heights.  But as good as I am, even I can’t do it alone.  I would still need dance partners.  And as Oasis looked around at a roster full of aging has-beens as well as a developmental show that people cared even less about than CM Nas’ co-chairman title…it became painfully obvious to the boss man what must be done.  You see, I wasn’t sent to OWT for my own development.  Oh no.  I was sent there to help develop that entire brand.  To give those young, hungry albeit green kids in OWT a chance to work with a real athlete and test their skills against a true superstar.  Now granted, they all failed to hold a candle to me as I wiped the floor with the entire place in one clean sweep but still…it made those poor kids better.  And perhaps more importantly, it made OWT relevant for the first time ever!  I mean, back when I first joined it was nothing more than the place that gave us that talentless hack Teddy Mac and put on a show once every few months.  But now?  Now OWT is one of the most talked about things in the industry!  With TWO shows coming out more frequently than even Atlantis does!  And you know what?  I’m proud of that.  I’m proud that I was able to do that for those boys and girls and put the eyes of the public on them for once in their lives.  I’m proud that I was able to elevate that championship and that brand by winning everything in sight and suddenly making OWT meaningful for the first time in its existence.  And to all of you kids still down there, putting in the work, toiling away to try and fruitlessly try and pick up the slack I left behind…there’s no need to thank me.  While it is true that my mere presence in the same locker room as you all made every one of you better by simple association...I was just merely doing my job.  The job that Oasis sent me to do two years ago.  But that job is now complete and Scott Oasis, the genius that he is, has an entirely new plan for me…this time in the big leagues.  On the main roster.”

Corey smiles and rubs his palms together in anticipation for his big upcoming match at Harlem Heat.

“The main roster…where I should have been all along if I hadn't been kind enough to help Oasis ensure that the future of this company would be in good hands.  But you see…I wasn’t just called to the big leagues because it’s where I always belonged…no…I was called here because once again help was needed.  And since I had already proven that he could count on me, Oasis knew that I was the man for the job.  Because while OWA may have been thriving as a whole, it’s been no secret that Friday night Olympus has been dragging the value of the company down from the beginning.  Ever since the days of CM Nas handing himself the belt…and Bull Connors and Gareth Cason hot potatoing the supposed top championship of the brand back and forth…this place has needed help.  Now granted it’s come a long, loooooooong way since those days, but still things could still be much improved.  And they will be.  Hardcore Havoc was the beginning of a new era here on Olympus.  Things are changing around here for the better.  It started with Alyssa Grace’s buttplug being sent to Kingdom and Noah Reigner being booted from a title picture he never belonged in to begin with, and it culminated with perhaps the only man on this roster aside from myself that sees the direction that this brand needs to go in…Graham Baker...finally fulfilling his destiny and taking his rightful place atop Mount Olympus by becoming Omega Heavyweight Champion and hanging that disgusting neanderthal Darkane out to pasture once and for all.  But despite all of that significant progress, there still remains work to be done.  Such as myself becoming Icarus Champion in just a few weeks time at White Boy Winter...and oh what a white boy winter it will be when I slap Ryo Sakazaki around like the leftover Frontline trash that he is.  But before that…before that I get to make my much anticipated Olympus in-ring debut this Friday night against the man who calls himself the Romani King…Mark Michaels.”

Corey chuckles to himself, shaking his head, as if he finds the situation funny.

“Now this…this is going to be a challenge the likes of which I’ve never faced before.  And I don’t mean defeating you Mark…please, I could do that even if I spent the match hanging from the rafters like I was a Darkane cosplayer.  No, I mean the challenge of trying to improve Olympus and make it the top brand in this company.  After all, how am I supposed to do that when I have so little to work with?  I thought it was bad enough trying to drag those inexperienced OWT nobodies kicking and screaming to a five star match but YOU…you are a whole different animal.  At least with them there was untapped potential and a sense of the unknown but you?  You’ve been around for years and the only thing you’ve shown off is an almost impressive level of ineptitude!  I mean, how am I supposed to help you develop your ability as a wrestler when you…as a fully grown man are still walking around with an obviously underdeveloped brain!   I mean, that’s the ONLY logical way to explain your words and actions!  Seriously Mark!  Listen to yourself!  You honestly think that you are going to beat Graham Baker?!?!  YOU?!?!  MARK MICHAELS IS GOING TO BEAT GRAHAM FUCKING BAKER AND BECOME OMEGA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION?!?!?!  

Corey can't contain his laughter anymore.  He cackles for a moment before finally managing to collect himself, wiping his eyes as he does so.

"Mark you don’t belong in the same promotion…let alone the same ring…as Graham Baker.  The fact that you’ve gotten this title match to begin with says more about the sad state of the Olympus roster than it does about you.  That title bout…it’s an embarrassment…and frankly just a waste of Graham Baker’s abilities.  Luckily Graham isn’t going to have to waste his time or energy competing against the likes of you.  And luckily for all these faithful people who tune into Olympus every week, they aren’t going to have to sit through a squash of a title match that will do nothing but tarnish the legacy of the Omega Heavyweight Championship even further while Graham tries so nobly to repair the damage that’s been done to it over the past four years.  You’re not going to do that to that title, Mark.  And not because of what Graham's going to do to you at White Boy Winter.  You're not going to do that...because you’re not going to MAKE it to White Boy Winter.  In fact, you’re not even going to make it out of Harlem Heat.  You’re not going to make it past ME.  Be realistic…you saw what I did to you on my very first night on the main roster a few weeks ago.  I dropped you in the center of that ring without breaking a sweat in the middle of your own celebration, while you were surrounded by the very people that are supposed to have your back.  But none of them could help you.  Not your dirty cousins, your misguided whores, or anybody else in that shitshow Caravan of yours.  None of them could help you.  And you damn sure can’t help yourself.  If you could, then by now maybe you would have accomplished something other than being Nathan Fiora’s lapdog or the posterboy for every negative Romani stereotype that’s ever existed.  You’re a joke.  A cruel joke played on all these people who are naive enough to buy into you as a main event level competitor when you’re merely masquerading as one.  But that’s okay Mark, because you’re going to be exposed.  And not against Graham Baker.  Against me.  As soon as that bell rings, you are very quickly going to realize that, despite what the card for White Boy Winter says, you have never in your life been further from becoming the Omega Heavyweight Champion.  But while that crippling realization that you just don’t have what it takes to be in the spotlight as a world champion begins to settle in on you this Friday, I want you to at least take solace in the fact that your name will always by synonymous with ushering in a new era in professional wrestling.  It will be your loss that you so bravely take in the center of that ring that will propel me towards becoming Icarus Champion in just a few short weeks…and solidifying the Big Oasis’ Brand deathgrip on this brand, this company, and this industry.  It will be your own sacrifice of your body, your spirit, and your career that kicks off the OWA dominance of Corey Matthis…and, for that, you may even grow to be revered by more than just those dirty, deceitful, thieving people you claim to rule over.  So hold onto that fact Mark…hold onto it tightly because you’re going to need it.  You’re going to need it this Friday when your hopes and dreams turn to nothing more than ashes.  Ashes that will be swept away…

…in one…clean…sweep.”

[Fade to Black]

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Christopher Sabertooth, Matsuda, Mav., Alyssa Grace, The Banshee and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Rebecca Brookes
"The Climb Back." — Odyssey [I].
Post November 18th 2021, 11:41 pm by Rebecca Brookes
OWA Promos - Page 16 UDRXVJp



To say the least, Hardcore Havoc was the weekend where I needed to win but I walked out empty-handed.”

The day had turned to night as we found ourselves with Rebecca Brookes standing at the top of her apartment building, looking out to the night sky and seeing the moon rise as she took a deep breath. It’s been a couple of days, if not weeks, since Hardcore Havoc came to an end. The scars have healed since then and her entire waist has been bandaged up. As she stepped closer to the edge, her head soon dropped and she closed her eyes. Feeling like she’s contemplating herself. But she raises her head up again, looking back out to the night sky once more, and then turning around to face the camera recording.

“It was hard enough to walk in with pride in my mind, confidence being the only key I had to keep myself fighting, and a hunger for proving others wrong when they said I’d never be able to do it. My mind wasn’t where it needed to be when it came down to the very end and look where that got me, nothing but the scars of war and the blood loss that has left me weak for the past couple of weeks, along with a heavy amount of stitching all over my body. I walked in with everything on my shoulders, feeling like the whole entire brand was on my back, and it got me nowhere and I walked out of the Promethean Chamber with nothing to hold and nothing to gain. ‘The Last Hero of Odyssey’, they called me. Yet, for some reason, I didn’t feel like the hero that people deserved. I didn’t feel like the hero that the brand asked for. I didn’t feel like the hero that the brand needed from people like Jonetta or Stephanie.”

She soon shook her head from side to side.

”Corrupted tyrants looking to overthrow monarchies to make sure that everything goes according to what they want. And nobody grows the pair of balls to really fight back and tackle them down before they go too far. It made me ask myself if I could continue trying to carry the company on my back like that again, or should I just drop everything and— just see where the road takes me. Should I give up and look for other opportunities or should I continue down the path and hope that I can become what I have desired to be from day one?”

Rebecca soon sighed as she shook her head. The confidence that she once had entering into the Promethean Chamber was soon wiped away knowing that she walked out with nothing for her to hold over her head. Pride from others as they sent in their support for her might have been the only thing she had but even then — it didn’t feel like enough to allow her to carry on down this path. She soon took a few steps forward, holding onto her abdomen area, before stopping and once again bringing focus back onto the camera.

“Stephanie Matsuda gave me the fight of her life and she brought it to a higher level than I could. I might not respect anything that she says or she does but I’ll never say that someone didn’t win the championship — and she ran the gauntlet. But I know that my dreams are far from over just yet and hell, maybe me and Stephanie might have a chat on Odyssey, but as far as I am concerned. I am focused on one thing and one thing only. Bringing a damn fight. Because you see, surviving within the chamber and lasting to the very end might have awoken a fire in me I never thought I had. Going the full length and being fingertips away from holding onto the championship was what I needed to relight the drive, the hunger, the intensity that I’ve just been missing for so long. And they all said that once you walk into the Promethean Chamber, you’d never come out of it the same again. Wasn’t that it? Y’all made a huge mistake letting me walk in and run through the gauntlet. Y’all made a huge mistake thinking I’d walk back out of it as an even more broken down Rebecca Brookes. The wounds will heal, as they always do, but when they do heal? It’s going to be a different ball game altogether. And that’s how we move onto what comes next, to Odyssey, and to a debuting Remi Skyfire.”

She paused for a moment, allowing a confident smile to grow on her face.

“For someone like you, Remi? I have to say — based on first impressions alone from what I’ve been able to find about you — you’ve impressed me quite a bit, and I’m not saying that like I’m talking down to you, but for someone brand new coming onto this brand? You’re very impressive to say the least. Winning two of the three Kingdom Pro championships in that company before it folded is no easy feat considering the kind of roster that they had throughout the past couple of years. I like the kind of person you put yourself out there to be, you know? Take no bullshit, loving to put up a fight, and just making sure that you stand tall over the rest of the field. I’d call it impressive but there’s nothing impressive with what everyone else tends to say week in and week out, it’s not impressive when everyone always comes up and says that they’re going to take no shit and beat people up for their own amusement, so allow me to ask you this with no disrespect behind it — what makes you unique compared to anyone else on this roster? If we’re going to be going through generic fighter number seventy-six for the fifteenth time then surely there must be something that makes you different. There must be something that makes you stand out in front of a crowd of nobodies. But there isn’t. Your name is Remi Skyfire and that’s all that there is that’s interesting about you. A shame really because you probably don’t deserve to be disrespected like this at all — but the deal is simple as this, when you’re facing someone like me? I’m not going to be afraid to tell you how I feel about you.”

Again, she shows that confident smile. Chuckling away to herself.

“Should I be impressed by the fact that you’re a kickboxer? Should I be impressed with the fact that you’ve been doing this for god knows how long? To be perfectly honest with you, I’m not at all impressed in the slightest. We’ve had mixed martial artists, we’ve had brawlers, we’ve had gang members, and we’ve had a plethora of other kinds of people. You’re not unique. For someone like you to be heading onto this brand with nothing really ‘good’ to your name and just yourself, it’s going to be a rough start for you. I mean, that’s how I started. I had nothing to my name and it was a tough couple of months ahead of me. But look where it turned out for me, Remi. Hell, maybe you can follow in my footsteps later on but that’s a long way to go for someone that’s yet to even prove themselves here. But this match is something I am looking forward to, Remi. I’m looking forward to someone like you to fight against because I know you can give me a challenge. I know that Remi Skyfire can bring the heat inside of that ring and considering your background? I have high hopes for someone like you — though there was always going to be the one outcome, Remi. That being — and always has been — with Rebeeca Brookes standing tall with a win over her head. I have a lot to prove to myself heading out of Hardcore Havoc and I have a lot on my mind that needs to be cleared up. I look to clear my mind by taking it out on someone. Sadly, it seems management chose the new kid on the block. And all I have to do is follow their orders.”

Rebecca turned her back to the camera and began to walk back towards the edge of the rooftop once again, glancing out to the night sky once more before beginning to speak again.

“I’m not like most of those you’ve faced in Kingdom Pro, Remi. You want to threaten to kick my fucking head in? Then, be my guest. I welcome a chancer to take their hits but don’t be surprised when I come back hitting harder than you — because that can happen very easily and that can happen so naturally that you wouldn’t even be prepared for it. I am no stepping stone for someone like you to come onto this brand and think you can make damn sure about things happening. That’s not how we do things around here. That’s not how I do things around here. I head into this match at less than one hundred percent and I head into this match with wounds still healing, so you have the upper-hand against me and you have the advantage, but can you really keep it up and outlast me? The answer is… well, no. And you’re going to feel so embarrassed when I drive my damned knee into your skull over and over and over again. And that’s not for sending a message, Remi. That’s to prove a fucking point. You want to live on this brand? You want to thrive on this brand? It’s time to wait in line and wait for me. Oh, and just in case you might not know who I am or have very easily forgotten already, my name is Rebecca Brookes...”

A final deep breath as she lowered her head and the feed slowly faded to black.

“...and welcome to Odyssey.”


VaeVictisBD, Jeff X, Matsuda, Alyssa Grace, The Banshee, Darkane and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

The Banshee
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 11:22 pm by The Banshee
Make-A-Wish, Bitch!

The camera opens up backstage at the conclusion of a recent Odyssey Live Event. The camera zooms in on a boy in a wheelchair, who is smiling after just having his own private photo shoot with Dulce Torres just moments before, his face still beaming from the farewell hug he received from his "heroine." The boy, his mother, and a couple of representatives of the Make-A-Wish Foundation all try to head out the backstage area, when the lights in the hallway all flicker off. When they flicker back on, the boy in the wheelchair is still sitting there, frightened and confused, while the adults have all vanished. Around the corner emerges… The Banshee, who is wearing a rainbow-colored wig, a large round, fake red nose, and even Ronald McDonald’s iconic outfit, complete with large red clown shoes. She’s holding a bundle of balloons in one hand, a bicycle horn in the other. She sees the boy and starts skipping towards him, laughing to herself in a sinister tone.
The Banshee: Hello there, little one! Rumors abound that you’re our special wish kid, the one that’s dying of a painful and incurable disease…
(The little kid begins crying while whimpering in fear, but The Banshee’s smile just grows a bit wider.)
The Banshee: Relax, little one! What’s your name, kid?
(Frightened, the little boy can’t managed to gurgle out even a single sound. However, he points to a nametag sticker on his chest, which says “Billy.”)
The Banshee: Billy, huh? I heard that Dulce Torres is your favorite superstar, and hey! It looks like you got to meet her before you kick the bucket! Ah, how sweet and sappy a story you provide for Dulce… and her allies in the OWA Front Office… but it’s time to change the narrative… Don’t you wish you had that power, Billy? To rewrite your own… fate?
(Billy, still bawling, manages to weakly nod his head. The Banshee then pulls out a balloon and hands it over to him. The boy, frozen in fear, doesn’t attempt to grab it, which appears to annoy The Banshee, as she roughly grabs Billy’s hand, making him grab the balloon.)
The Banshee: Hey, you should appreciate the fucking gesture, before I rip your fucking arm out the socket! I don’t hand out gifts to just anyone, you know… Are you scared, Billy?
(The little boy nods his head again.)
The Banshee: That’s good… You’re not stupid, at least… Clearly you can see RIGHT THROUGH the make-up, the ridiculous outfit, the silly wig… Why is it that children can often see what the adults are afraid to even acknowledge its existence? You see me… The Mistress of Madness… but your hero, Dulce… All she apparently sees when she looks at me… is nothing but a stupid… silly… clown! Well… I can’t juggle to save my life… or yours, for that matter… Well kid, I have to leave, but some free advice for you to use the rest of… the month, I guess, that you might still be alive… NEVER MEET YOUR HEROES… They will always disappoint you…
(The Banshee pats the boy on the head, then turns to leave. The boy continues to cry hysterically, as the lights flicker off and on again, the missing adults now returned, looking very confused and scared. The Banshee is no longer wearing the clown costume or articles, instead she’s now in her normal in-ring attire. She then picks up the boy from the wheelchair, all 87 pounds of him, tossing him up lightly in the air… RIGHT INTO THE CRY OF THE BANSHEE! The wheelchair-bound boy lays motionless on the ground, facefirst, as OWA trainers and staff all rush to provide immediate aid. Several security officers all yell at The Banshee to leave, but she doesn’t pay them any attention, instead looking straight down at the injured ill child.)
The Banshee: Did you just make another wish… for Dulce to save you? I warned you that your heroes aren’t who you think… Dulce only cares for herself, whydo  you think she would ever give you the time of day... if her GM didn’t order her to meet you fucking terminally-ill brats? Keep dreaming, Billy… Dulce is a fraud, and one day… I’ll get my chance to prove it…
(The lights flicker off completely, ushering the screen to blackness. The screen transitions to a small room, which is full of Dulce Torres-licensed merchandise, including action figures, clothing, and even plushies of Dulce all line the walls and floor in an otherwise dark-and-assuming room. The Banshee sits amongst the Dulce clutter, tilting her head left and right as she looks at a sealed Dulce action figure.)
When I look at this six-inch figurine of Dulce… which still has less plastic than the real bimbo… it paints a very symbolic picture of how Dulce views herself: “an action hero worshipped by legions of fans,” though the actual truth is that she’s nothing more than the very thing she accuses me of being… Dulce is nothing more than a circus clown, her sole purpose to draw children over to Odyssey, like a pedophile with a van full of puppies…
Perhaps you’re too stupid to realize it, Dulce… But despite how I may look and act, there’s no one more suited to being a clown on Odyssey than you, except you’re a clown that thinks of herself as a ringmaster… There’s only one “master of the ring” here, bitch, and that’s me… But you’ll discover that firsthand in a couple days…  

Do you think shit as petty as win-loss records mean anything to The Banshee? Unlike you, “Sweet Towers,” I don’t go run and cry any time I come up short…  Do you think The Banshee does the same shit as you… should I quote from your playbook? Here’s the Dulce motto: “I'm going to be better! I'm going to be stronger! I’m quietly the best, yet I make sure I let everyone within fucking earshot know about it!” No, Dulce.... you don't see me doing any of that cowardly shit! And do you want to know why, you inquisitive bitch? Because you don't fucking know my true intentions! NO ONE DOES!!! That's what makes me really dangerous... Because, EVEN in past championship matches... I NEVER SAID winning the championship was my ultimate goal on that particular night... 

By your own admittance, you have a shit memory, so let me refresh it for you... You did NOT “outsmart” me at Clash of the Titans... You got extremely fucking lucky that Azumi Goto was placed front and center to fucking distract me, though I’m sure you had a hand in it too... So don't go patting yourself on the back too fucking hard there, Dulce… because you're going to end up toppling over, and killing yourself... But then again, please don't kill yourself... because I ALONE want that distinction!

And keep in mind that same Stephanie Matsuda that you're bad-talking... the very same "Cloud" that was in that same match with you at Clash of the Titans... Yeah.... Guess who was the one that took her out? So, again, you may want to think twice about your little barbs... because all you're doing is making yourself look stupid by claiming that I’m some "weak woman"... So, by proxy, does that mean the entire Odyssey roster are nothing but "weak women," unless they’re a part of your little “Mean Girls” kids club! Oh, and it definitely shows that you (sarcastically) “really did your research” Dulce, you fucking idiot... just take one look at the record books… and you will see that the CURRENT OWA Women’s World Champion, Stephanie “Cloud” Matsuda... is 1-2 AGAINST ME!  So whenever the title DOES become my ultimate goal… it’ll be like taking candy from a baby… or a Goddesses Title from Dulce… It's being held by someone I've already destroyed, not once, but twice!!! That gives me more than enough confidence to take the motherfucker whenever I want the goddamn thing! I could’ve even had the Goddesses Title anytime I wished... but because it was devalued so poorly the last several months... ESPECIALLY BY YOU... why would I ever want to touch it? I don’t want my own brand to become “devalued” just by associating with you!

Why does it matter who thinks you're an insufferable teacher's pet? Does it really fucking matter? Who the hell cares!? I'm so used to the nepotism around here already, that it's really become the expectation for Aria’s favorites.. Why else do you think The Banshee has to take more… methodical approaches to problem-solving? Because I am not like you, and no amount of makeovers, surgeries, and social media campaigns will ever change that perception! But because I don’t fit the “Dulce mold” quite like Alyssa Grace did, I was not given…  and never will get... the same opportunities that are just handed out like Halloween candy to bitches like you! So no, don't think that you're JUST like everyone else in the fucking locker room... By the way, how many OTHERS get their own PRIVATE locker room? The majority of us have to share, but yet the “Originator” gets her own special room... because Dulce Torres is nothing more than the Kim Kardashian of Odyssey!

So you've confronted a lot of “banshees” before, have you? Can you tell me who they are… So I can either rip out their innards…  or just fucking sue them for gimmick infringement? But you can’t, can you? Just more verbal “smoke and mirrors” meant to obscure the real truth from your fictional version of it... Because you know… I know… everyone knows… there is NO ONE like me! Not in the OWA… not in this industry… not even on the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET! Quite simply put… there is no one like The Banshee

You claim you don't look at me like I'm a monster… HAHAHAHA!!! That's your own mistake, bitch… because I'm the fucking Queen of the Monsters!!! There's plenty of other fucking women and men here that will tell you firsthand… regardless of how highly you think of yourself... “Don't overlook The Banshee.” I'm certainly not overlooking you... but yet you're supposedly “overlooking me” because you know you're going to get your ass handed to you so badly by me on Saturday night, so you’re just lining up the generic “I overlooked my opponent” excuse for when you lose to some “weak woman" like me. But don’t worry about that… because I’m putting you in a fucking coffin after the match is over, so NO ONE will ever hear what insane dribble comes out of that truck-stop glory hole you call a mouth AGAIN! 

You seem to keep confusing The Banshee with Jonetta Stone… Though our fates have been intertwined here since DAY ONE, it’s important to remember one thing, Dulce… I am NOT Jonetta Stone... In fact, Jonetta Stone is no longer champion THANKS to me... It wasn’t coincidental that I targeted her… It was ALL by design! I know EVERYONE’S strengths… weaknesses…. FEARS… That’s how I know you’re about as real as a Barbie doll, Dulce… You’re not a real champion, though… You never have been… hell, if you walked inside a Vegas pawn shop with the belt around your waist, the shopkeeper wouldn’t give you a dime for it! Hell, Satan wouldn’t even take the belt from you if you offered it up WITH your soul, because he’d think BOTH were fake… because you’re not a champion… you’re just a rotten bitch whose time has come to leave Odyssey forever...

You truly show your colors by mocking mental illnesses… Mock me all you want, but Morrighan isn’t even alive to defend herself, so you’re essentially mocking a dead girl’s mental illness… This is your champion, Aria? She’s the better option? Maybe you are a monster after all… and to close, do you want to know why I can use my twisted sense-of-humor so much? It's because no matter how silly my antics may get… no matter how goofy I act at times... The Banshee ISAND ALWAYS WILL BE... the most serious threat in the ring!! As for you, Dulce… you always be a fucking joke, regardless of who faces you in the ring… I will do to you what I’ve done to past pillars… I will erase you from the crowd’s memory, once I devour your soul!"

VaeVictisBD, Jeff X, Matsuda, Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Remi Skyfire
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 11:07 pm by Remi Skyfire
Skyfire Mystery House, Kentucky

The camera opens to a single high backed leather chair sat in an otherwise empty room. On the wall behind several championships and other trophies are hung, indicating that we are seeing someone’s trophy room, the owner of which walks into frame a second later to reveal herself to be Remi Skyfire. She’s dressed casually, wearing a pair of brown square toed boots, faded bluejeans with a brown leather belt held closed by a brass or copper skull belt buckle, and a grey tank top with a black heart emblazoned in the center, she drops herself into the chair and looks into the camera wordlessly before reaching around behind the chair and dragging out a wood end table with a glass ashtray holding an unlit cigar. Beside the ashtray is a small silver lighter. Remi takes both and, after putting the cigar to her lips, lights the cigar. She takes a long drag, then exhales smoke, tendrils trailing from her nostrils. With a smirk she puts the lighter back on the table.

Don’t worry, it’s butane...I’m not a heathen.

She takes another drag, and the room behind to fill with smoke as she settles back into the chair and crosses her legs. Finally she takes the cigar from her mouth and taps it into the ashtray.

Please excuse my indulgences, I’ve not had a chance to just sit and smoke for a while...things have been moving fast, y’see. I mean, Hell, not two weeks ago I found out the place I’ve put my literal blood and tears into for the past two years is closing, and now here I am, half a world away, facing a former champion in my OWA debut. Hey, that’s okay though, big timers make big time moves. Make no mistake, Ms. California Angel, I am a big timer too. Now I know, I know, people come along all the time making big claims, just yap, yap, yapping about how they’re hot shit, how they are going to dominate and destroy everyone and blah, blah, I get it. That’s not what I’m gonna do, sis, see, I don't talk big, I am big. I back up everything I say, just ast Daisy or Cloud or anyone else who has faced me. They know.

Remi lets her words hang in the air while she takes another drag from the cigar and now the beams of light coming through the window are muddled with clouds of smoke, but it doesn’t seem to bother Remi.

Now, I’m not going to say I’m going to come out the gate guns blazing and win a title in my first couple months or anything, Hell, it’s been a while since I’ve competed, I gotta knock some of that rust off! Don’t think that means I’m going to be an easy win though, Rebecca, cos I’m not. We’ve both got something to prove here, you want your title back and I want to show everyone in OWA that I coulda walked in here years ago and been a force, and now that I’m here I have every intention of making up for that lost time.

Remi taps the ash of the end of her cigar again and uncrosses her legs. She runs her hand over her hair and grins.

Look, I’m going to level with you, I’m excited as hell to be here, to have a chance to prove what I can do against a person who has held a title and to show a new audience what the Blackheart is all about, and I know that showing is better than telling, but I guess some people want to know just who the fuck I is. M’name’s Remi Skyfire, I’ve held titles everywhere I’ve gone, I’m a Corsair, I’ve left blood in five continents, and I’m more than willing to rise to the occasion when there’s a fight to be had. When I get in the ring it’s not always pretty, things don’t always go my way, but I always...ALWAYS stand up at the end. I always keep moving forward, and ain’t no one stopped that yet.

My goals here is simple, of course I want to win gold, but more importantly than that I want to leave my mark on this sport, this company, and if I’m honest, Rebecca Brookes’ face. Not that she’s done anything to me, this isn’t personal after all, nah, I just know that when opportunity knocks you’re damn stupid not to answer, and no matter how tall and twisty a tree Rebecca is to climb, I’m going to do it because it’s what I do.

Remi adjusts herself in the chair so she’s sitting more comfortably and finally slides it slightly to the right so her left side is more in frame.

That’s better, I do apologize, but I prefer to look someone in the eye when I’m talking to them, and I’ve only got one good one. Now, Ms. Brookes, I’ve been reading up on your background, and on paper it’s pretty impressive, says you know a whole shit load of kicks, and knee and elbow strikes. Now I don’t know your training, I won’t pretend to, but I do know a lot of people in this sport take a YMCA class meant for bored soccer moms and come out the other end thinking they some badass kickboxer. I’ve spent sixteen years training in Muay Thai, I’m a former United States Kickboxing champion, and almost always when I face off against someone like that it ends bad for them. Now, again, I’m not sayin’ that’s you, I don’t know, but what I am saying is that if you really want to stand and throw with me in the middle of the ring, you can, but you better hope your ass is ready for what happens.

Far be it from me to criticize someone with four suplexes with the same name they like to use as big time moves, but I just wanted to let you know what you’re in for here is all. I’m nobody in OWA, just some Sally off the Street, but that’s what makes me dangerous to you, what makes me a threat to your journey back to relevance. I know you’re real proud of what you’ve done, and you should be, good on you! Fact of the matter is, though, if you live too long in the past you soon forget that you’ve got the present to worry about. That’s me, I’m your present, Rebecca. I’m Remi Skyfire, and in a few minutes I’m going to go out, get in my Yenko, and drive to my first ever OWA match against someone I really, honestly hope is ready for what I bring to the table, because if not, I’ll knock your fucking lights out.

Remi clamps the cigar between her teeth and stands, brushing any stray ash to the floor from her jeans. She walks over to the camera, her form filling the shot as she does, and a second later the scene goes dark.

Michael Bishop, Jeff X, Matsuda, Alyssa Grace, The Banshee, Darkane, Rebecca Filth and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Jacob Senn
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 10:20 pm by Jacob Senn
OWA Promos - Page 16 Y484s6v72at71

Aria Jaxon, Christopher Sabertooth, Matsuda and Mav. have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Bad Boy Know
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 9:32 pm by Bad Boy Know
OWA Promos - Page 16 Maxresdefault

Christopher Sabertooth and Mav. have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 9:25 pm by MYŌJIN
MYŌJIN stared at their own reflection, seeing their own thoughtful stare in the almost chrome-like silver of the main plate they held up to their face- along with the clean red with the golden star sitting in the middle of the plate. Outlining the design where the two words wrapped around the design: OUTLAW CHAMPIONSHIP. The blonde held the dark crimson strap in both of their hands, their dark brown eyes simply observing it- as if it was some mysterious, awe-inspiring, priceless treasure. Which to them, it was- it was the culmination of everything that they had been working so hard to earn since they joined Omega Wrestling Alliance. The title that they held meant the absolute world- Winning the World Tag Team Championship with Savannah Sunshine had been an accomplishment that they were more than proud of, but the Outlaw title? It proved what the Shining Star had known all along: that they were strong, that they were capable, that they were more than capable of making it on their own. MYOJIN was realizing their ambitions- proud of themself.

Yet, as they looked at their crowning achievement- They couldn't help but think of the words, the warnings of the previous champion; Theodor Pavel. He had described it as both a blessing and a curse, something that completely ruled his life- and they could completely understand why. After all, it brought so much paranoia. It required the steeliest of hearts in order to carry it, in order to defend it- in order to survive it. Even after just winning it, the blonde could feel the effects of what it could bring- the soreness of fighting four other people under a nerve-wracking time limit. The Outlaw Championship could make or break a wrestler- and undoubtedly would be a daunting task. MYOJIN felt the realization; the burden and responsibility dawning on them as they looked down upon the belt. After all, their reign could last for months or merely seconds- it could end at any moment that they step into an arena.

But, they weren't afraid. They weren't scared.

They recognized the difficult obstacles that would come ahead- and they would face them head-on, no matter what. Pressure could create diamonds; it could push them to be a better wrestler than ever before. If they wanted to stay at the top of the mountain, they would have to adapt and grow into a more resilient, tenacious, unforgiving, unstoppable competitor.

“(Shouta?)” Suddenly, they felt a gentle hand meet the small of their back. They turned to look over, seeing their fiancee- Himari. She had a curious expression on her face as she went to sit down on their bed next to them.

"(Oh! Himacchan, what's up?)” They asked, finally leaving their intense thoughts as they lowered the belt from their face, turning to face their soon-to-be wife. She gave them a humorous smile, poking them in the chest.

“(You pay more attention to that belt than you do me,)” She joked, her smile turning into a grin. "(I've been calling your name for like a few minutes, trying to tell you that dinner's ready and I have a movie on that I want to watch with you… Is something wrong?)”

MYOJIN shook their head, taking a deep breath. "(No, nothing's wrong. For once, I feel like there isn't so much to worry about. No anxiety, no fears. If anything, I'm excited. I'm holding championships in two different places at the same time again, I'm going to get married to the love of my life soon..)”

They smiled affectionately back at her, who in return- she softly laughed. Though a few moments passed and her easy-going nature slightly faltered as she went to lean her head against their shoulder. "(So… Does the Festival not worry you at all?)”

Placing an arm around her, they sighed quietly. "(Well, I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't on my mind at all. It's going to be hard-fought, I know Michael- I know he's going to push me harder than anyone else has in OWA before, especially in the match type that we'll be fighting each other in- He and I both come from a world where Bloodsport rules were the norm- but I know that deep in my heart, I can overcome him.)”

"(I believe in you always, you know that… But I can't help but feel a little anxious about the fight. I don't want to see you get too hurt, and I don't want to see you have to try and hurt someone else really badly. Hopefully, Savannah will stop things if its get too far..)” Himari expressed her concerns, and while MYOJIN was more than used to the kind of violence that they would end up dishing out and enduring at the upcoming Kingdom- They could understand why their love felt the way that she did. The blonde was also reminded of the one part of the match's stipulation that was the most eye-catching. Savannah, their tag partner, and friend- also Michael Bishop's friend, would end up being the official for it.

They gently stroked Himari's hair in an attempt to be reassuring. "(Hey, you know me- I don't bruise that easily. Everything is going to be fine- and like you said, Savannah is going to be there in case it gets out of hand. Though if I do end up a bloody mess afterward, at least you'll be there to clean me up?)” They said with a lighthearted smirk, attempting to brighten her mood with a little joke- and it seemingly worked, given as she playfully scoffed and rolled her eyes while standing up.

"(You know I don't like blood! And like I told you the last time, you're on your own and you better not end up staining our bathroom.)” She jabbed a finger into their chest jokingly before going to head out of the room. "(Now come on before the food gets cold- or I'll start the movie without you!)”

Himari then left the room. MYOJIN watched her leave with a genuinely happy expression on their face, though it quickly soon turned to one of serious determination as they looked down at the title once more- going over to place it down next to their X-Factor Championship from Project: Honor.

Their first title defense was going to be hell. They knew that- and truth be told? They wouldn't have it any other way.


“You deserve it.”

I heard that a lot after night two of Hardcore Havoc. From family, friends, fans- in one way or another congratulated me. I received pats on the back, text messages, buddies took me out to go get drinks- and believe me, I absolutely got hammered and then passed out in the loving arms of my significant other when I got back to my hotel room. It felt wonderful, holding this championship felt amazing, that night was probably one of the best ones of my twenty-four years of life so far… but something was bothering me the entire time. Those three words that I kept hearing: You. Deserve. It. I knew the intention behind those words were good, I knew they were positive… But for some reason, hearing it sort of started irking me after a while. I, like a melodramatic twink normally does, took time to brood and ponder on why- and then it hit me.

I don't just deserve this. I earned this. I gave everything that I had at Hardcore Havoc to be where I am right now, speaking to you as the NEW OWA Outlaw Champion- and no one can say otherwise, no one can take that away from me- Yet, the story doesn't end there. This isn't a happy ever after ending, it's the beginning of another chapter.

Let's face it, I'm a stand-out face in the history of champions that have held this belt. So many have and will continue to have this perception of me that I'm just pretty and all bark no bite, all style- no substance, and they think that I don't fit the mold- and you know what? While they're wrong about everything else, they got one thing right: I don't fit the mold. I'm the brightest Star there is.

This championship is known for the blood, sweat, and tears that are poured into every waking moment- and some believe that I don't have what it takes. Some look at my smaller frame, my pretty face, and jump to the conclusions after all this time- thinking that I don't have what it takes.. and I can't wait to prove them all wrong.

And that's where you come in, Bishop.

Dampshaw thought he was punishing me by setting this match up, but he couldn't be any more wrong. This? This is an early Holiday gift. This first title defense might end up being the most important- fighting you in the natural habitat that we both know all too well. This won't be a professional wrestling match, it will be a fight.

I can't let this reign end like Team Starburst's tag run. I can't fall short again- I have to win this, more specifically, Bishop… I need to beat you. When people think of this belt, you're the face that comes to mind. You've held it three times, you are the definitive Outlaw. You represent everything that this division stands for; fighting spirit and resiliency.

If- No, when I beat you.. at your own game, nonetheless, I will prove that I earned the throne. I will show to EVERYONE that this was no fluke, and that I am the next step- The evolution of what you are.

Every time I look at the belt, I'm reminded of how it nearly broke Theo- It nearly pushed him over the edge. I see how it can tear someone down.  I think about and recognize the weight that is now on my shoulders, but then I see how it shaped former champions into better versions of themselves. Aria Jaxon? Self-explanatory. Jason Long? Currently Spartan Champion. Theo is already going off to potentially earn a shot at the World title. All of these competitors left as improved and destined for more.

And then there's you, Michael. For some reason, you've never been able to move on. You choosing to face me for this shows that clearly. You have been glued to this championship for better… and for worse. Your attempts to go further beyond that haven't exactly been the most successful. Is that harsh to say? Probably. Is it true? You and I both know that it is. Bishop, you keep finding yourself back in this position. You are the gatekeeper, the old guard. The man that is in my way.

I am exactly what this division needs- a breath of fresh air. A new back to carry it on- to finally march forward. You, Michael? You'd hold this championship back from reaching new heights, because you're just the same old, worn out, beaten fighter who's been down on his luck for a rather long time. You're not impossible to beat, you're a relic of the past attempting to still latch onto something that has far outgrown you. You aren:t needed anymore. And as much as you'd like to believe otherwise, you're running out of time. You've fallen behind- and if you think that you:ll get back ahead by my expense? Honey,, you're DEAD fucking wrong.

I am the future, you're history.

I respect you,  but I cannot and WILL not let you take this away from me. When we step into that ropeless ring at the Festival, I won't stop until you're either knocked out cold or until you submit. I won't show any mercy and I don't expect you to do the same.

Everything that I've put myself through has brought me here, the Outlaw Championship means everything to me- it's the representation of all my effort, all my pain, all my triumph- And you'll have to KILL me to take it away.

If I don't kill you first.

I am going to beat you, Dreadknight- and then the era of the Shining Outlaw can truly begin.

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Matsuda, Mav., Alyssa Grace and The Banshee have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Last edited by MYŌJIN on November 18th 2021, 9:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jacob Senn
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 8:27 pm by Jacob Senn
Sitting down on his luxurious chair with a bitter expression upon his face, Jacob Senn is shown watching the words or lackthereof from the man who had stolen his OWA World Tag Team Championship through these devious shenanigans, Bad Boy Know. Once the video had shut down, the bitterness exasperated from his facial expression before he closed the computer and stood up. Scoffing and shaking his head, Jacob walks his way towards a closet to where it seems he starts to pull out a huge pack of poster boards. Suddenly, he opens his computer back up and begins scribbling and writing. After ten to twenty minutes of writing, he goes back to the desk in his living room, pulls out a camera and begins to press record. With the bitter expression on his face, he holds up the cards that read the following:

Ferdinand is a 2017 American computer-animated comedy adventure film produced by Blue Sky Studios and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The film, loosely based on Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson's 1936 children's book The Story of Ferdinand, was written by Robert L. Baird, Tim Federle, and Brad Copeland, and directed by Carlos Saldanha. The film features an ensemble voice cast that includes John Cena, Kate McKinnon, Bobby Cannavale, Peyton Manning, Anthony Anderson, David Tennant, Tim Nordquist, Lily Day, Juanes, Jerrod Carmichael, Miguel Ángel Silvestre, Raúl Esparza, Gina Rodriguez, Daveed Diggs, Gabriel Iglesias, Flula Borg, Boris Kodjoe, and Sally Phillips. The music for the film was composed by John Powell, making it his eighth and final collaboration with Blue Sky before it shut down on April 10, 2021. The story, written by Ron Burch, David Kidd, and Don Rhymer, follows a gentle pacifist bull named Ferdinand who refuses to participate in bullfighting but is forced back into the arena where his beliefs are challenged when he faces off against the world's greatest bullfighter.
Ferdinand premiered on December 10, 2017 in Los Angeles, and was theatrically released in the United States on December 15, 2017 in 3D and 2D formats and received mixed-to-positive reviews from critics and audiences. It grossed $296 million worldwide against a production budget of $111 million. Ferdinand received a nomination for Best Animated Feature at the 90th Academy Awards (losing against Coco) while also receiving nominations for Best Animated Feature Film (also lost against Coco) and Best Original Song ("Home") at the 75th Golden Globe Awards (losing against This Is Me). It was also the last film by Blue Sky Studios to be nominated for an Oscar, as the studio was shutdown in April 2021.
In Spain, young Ferdinand lives with other calves and bulls at Señor Moreno's "Casa del Toro", where bulls are trained for the bullfighting ring. Ferdinand is a pacifist, and is bullied by the other calves Valiente, Guapo, and Bones. A matador arrives, and the calves' fathers fight to impress him. Ferdinand's father Raf is picked, and Valiente squishes Ferdinand's favorite flower in retaliation. Raf does not come back from the ring; realizing his father is dead, Ferdinand runs away from Casa del Toro. He winds up on a flower farm owned by Juan and his daughter Nina, who adopt him, much to the annoyance of their dog Paco.
Some years later, Ferdinand has grown into an enormous but still-gentle bull. Juan determines that Ferdinand looks too intimidating to take along to the annual Flower Festival in Ronda, as in previous years. Ferdinand follows them anyway, but is stung by a bee and panics, accidentally destroying the town square. Animal Control officers deem him dangerous, and take him away before Nina and Juan can explain.
The officers decide to give Ferdinand to Casa del Toro, where he meets his old comrades Valiente, Bones, and Guapo, as well as new additions Lupe the goat, Angus the Highland bull, and lab-cloned Galloway Maquina. Ferdinand tries to escape, but is stopped by three German Lipizzan horses, who now keep watch to prevent any more bulls from escaping.
Snooty matador El Primero arrives, needing a bull for his final bullfight before retirement. Moreno puts all the bulls in a ring to fight it out, but Ferdinand refuses to take part, causing a chain of mishaps when he tries to help Guapo recover from a stage-fright-induced faint. El Primero gives Moreno two days to get the bulls into shape. Guapo is sent to the chop house, and Valiente informs a horrified Ferdinand that non-fighters now become meat.
That night, Ferdinand comforts Bones as he grieves for Guapo, making a friend of him. The next day, he fixes Angus' hair so he can see better, earning another friend. Ferdinand, Bones, and Angus then challenge the horses to a dance off, and Maquina joins in the fun, helping them win. Valiente mocks them for bonding and wasting valuable practice time, causing the other bulls to sadly abandon Ferdinand and return to training.
With the help of hedgehogs Una, Dos, and Cuatro, Ferdinand and Lupe try to escape through the house. Ferdinand finds a wall of horns in a trophy room, including his father's horns. Realizing that bulls die whether they are selected or not, Ferdinand goes back and warns the others to run for their lives. Valiente refuses to accept the truth, and starts fighting Ferdinand, accidentally breaking off his own horn. He is taken to the chop house, and Ferdinand is chosen by El Primero for the bullfight.
Ferdinand rescues Valiente, as well as Guapo, who had not yet been killed. Together, Lupe, the bulls and the hedgehogs steal Moreno's truck and flee to Madrid, pursued by Moreno's staff. They abandon the truck and flee on foot to the Atocha train station. Ferdinand helps the others get aboard the train, deliberately sacrificing himself to buy them time to get away. He is captured and brought to the ring, but a video of the bulls' escape has made the news. Recognizing Ferdinand on TV, Paco alerts Juan and Nina, who hurry to Madrid to save Ferdinand.
In Las Ventas Arena, Ferdinand refuses to fight and starts running around in blind panic, accidentally knocking over and humiliating El Primero. Primero wounds him with a banderilla, and Ferdinand nearly retaliates until he sees a carnation crushed beneath his hoof. Unwilling to hurt anyone, Ferdinand spares El Primero and sits down, waiting to be killed. The crowd yells for Primero to let Ferdinand live, and he decides to put down his sword and leave with dignity. By being himself, Ferdinand becomes the first bull to survive a bullfight, and is reunited with Nina. Moreno then brings Lupe, Ferdinand and the rest of the bulls to Nina's farm, where they become a part of the family.
In a mid-credits scene, the hedgehogs are shocked to see their long lost brother Tres.
On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 72% based on 120 reviews and an average rating of 6.30/10. The site's critical consensus reads, "Ferdinand's colorful update on a classic tale doesn't go anywhere unexpected, but its timeless themes – and John Cena's engaging voice work in the title role – make for family-friendly fun." On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 58 out of 100, based on 20 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". Audience polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "A" on an A+ to F scale.
Spanish bullfighting critic of El País, Antonio Lorca, in a critique of the film said that the film's message is "profoundly unnatural", and that the "renunciation" of the lead character to its "animal nature" is a lie that manipulates children, who will become "tomorrow's anti-bullfighters". El commented on this article by Lorca, saying that it had been widely commented on social networks and that the anti-bullfighting narrative of the film "raised hackles" for its message against animal abuse, which can also be interpreted as "fight against school bullying" and "implicit defense of sexual and gender diversity". Ben Kenigsberg of The New York Times gave the film a positive review, saying, "Unlike in the book, Ferdinand earns the arena's cheers for not fighting, but the crowd's sense of surprise will elude audiences attending Ferdinand." Susan Wloszczyna of gave the film a three out of four stars and said, "Enough of that kind of bull. What the world needs now is Ferdinand, sweet Ferdinand, a rare breed of bovine who takes a stand against aggression, competitive rivalry and conforming to the expectations of others." James Dyer of Empire Magazine gave the film a three out of five stars, saying, "Inoffensive fun, but unlike its paperback forbear, the cinematic Ferdinand is unlikely to stand the test of time."
Simran Hans of The Guardian gave the film a four out of five stars and said, "A flower-sniffing bull goes on a journey of self-discovery in this fun adaptation of a 30s children's book." Michael Rechtshaffen of The Hollywood Reporter also gave a positive review for the film, saying, "It's no Coco, but Ferdinand, a CG-animated adaptation of the classic 1936 Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson book about a flower-loving bull who'd rather sniff than fight, manages to squeak by with enough charming set-pieces and amusing sight gags to compensate for a stalling storyline." Katie Welsh of Chicago Tribune gave the film a negative review of two stars, saying, "With a lovely voice performance from Cena, the spirit of Ferdinand does shine through. But the rest of the story filler is mostly forgettable." Tara Brady of The Irish Times also gave the film a three out of five stars, saying, "Ferdinand may lack the all-out charm offensive of the studio's 2015 Snoopy and Charlie Brown vehicle, but it's not too far off in terms of quality and sweetness."
After the final card is finished and dropped to the floor, Jacob Senn holds up his middle finger to the camera.
Jacob Senn: Go fuck yourself, Know. At Harlem Heat, you’re fucking dead inside of that steel cage.
Jacob Senn grabs the camera and turns it off before he returns back to sitting at his luxurious chair and looks over at the trophy case he has amassed through his illustrious career… staring straight at the replica OWA World Tag Team Championship with burning fury in his eyes.

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Matsuda, Mav. and Alyssa Grace have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Daisy Thrash
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 8:17 pm by Daisy Thrash
The camera opens on a Pepto pink bedroom with various stuffed animals and wrestling action figures strewn throughout. There is an overstuffed queen-sized bed with a matching pink comforter in the middle of the room. On the bed with her head hanging over the edge is Daisy Thrash, intently focused on her Nintendo Switch. Next to her is her ever-present companion Cupcake. 

“Can you believe this update? There’s so much more stuff now! I really hope I can get some sugarcane soon. Wanna make that apple pie recipe Bertha gave me. What’s that, Cupcake?”

She looks up at the stuffed dog.

“I have a match coming up? Why didn’t you say so before? I love Animal Crossing, but this’ll be way more fun! Lemme just save real quick.”

Daisy saves her game and tosses her console to the side. She sits up on the bed and grabs Cupcake.

“Alright, gimme all the juicy details! When, where, and who?”

She lifts Cupcake up next to her ear.

“This Saturday? Oh my gosh, that’s so soon! Awesome! Oh, New York? That’s a pretty cool place! And...Natalie LASH? Isn’t that Natalie Ca…”

Daisy suddenly gasps and claps a hand over her mouth.

“Oh no! I almost revealed her secret identity! See Cupcake, Natalie is a superhero now. I can’t go talking about her secret identity or it could put her family and friends in danger! And why would I ever want to go and do something like that? Hey Cupcake, you wanna hear her cool superhero origin story?”

A pause.

“Ok, cool! So, Natalie started off as a bad guy, or girl, I guess. She and a bunch of other people were minions for this supervillain guy. Then she decided she didn’t wanna be a bad girl anymore and quit working for the supervillain. She became kind of like this edgy good girl for a while. And then..oh, I don’t know if I should tell you this part! It’s a little messed-up. Oh, it’s ok! It’s not like you haven’t heard worse! Anyway, one day she was fighting Hana Nakajima and Hana hit her in the head with a chair. Like, a lot! I guess it must have activated her super powers or something because the next thing we knew, she was Natalie LASH! Hey Cupcake, I can trust you with anything, right?”

Another pause.

“Aw, I thought so! Here goes. I don’t really think she’s that good of a superhero. I mean, sure, she was able to get some licks in her big Goddess Championship match, but she still lost. Outside of that, all she’s been doing is getting confused on who the good and bad guys are and putting herself into other people’s fights. She can’t fight bad guys and no one wants her to save them! Makes a pretty lousy superhero, don’t you think? I’d love for her to talk to me, Cupcake. I bet I could give her some good advice on saving the world. Or at least how to do her job right. You see, part of this job is well, what I’m doing right now! I’m talking about my next match so people are just as excited to see it as I am to be in it! But Natalie LASH hasn’t done any of that. Not even once! So I guess I gotta do it for both of us. Hang on.”

Daisy dramatically clears her throat and talks in an “announcer” voice.

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages! Come this Saturday to Uniondale and witness a superhero and a playful pixie duking it out! Will Natalie LASH finally triumph over her competition? Or will Daisy be too tricky to catch? Find out on the next episode ooooof: ODYSSEY! Dun dun duuuuuuun!”

Daisy giggles and goes back to her normal voice.

“Not too shabby, huh? What’s that?”

 She holds Cupcake up to her ear.

“Oh, Cupcake, you worry too much! I know I’ve lost some, but I don’t mind! After all, can you ever really lose when you’re having fun? Plus, like I told you, Natalie’s having a hard time with the superhero thing. She isn’t ready for the Biff! Bam! Pow! that I’m gonna give her! I know, I know, my neck still hurts some. And I did get a lot of ouchies from my last match. But look at me! I’m fine! Actually, I’m better than fine! I’m feeling absolutely fantabulously fantastic! I’m ready to kick some butt! Oh my gosh, is it that time already?”

Daisy scoops up Cupcake and scrambles off the bed.

“We gotta start getting ready! Okey dokey Natalie, I guess I’ll see you Saturday! We’re gonna have a GREAT time! Well, at least I am!”

Daisy giggles and happily prances off screen.

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Jeff X, Alyssa Grace and The Banshee have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Bad Boy Know
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 8:04 pm by Bad Boy Know
Through the view of a one way mirror The Bad Boy is shown in a white room handcuffed to a chair at a table with another chair across from him. 

His face is marked with a dark bruise under his left eye, but his stare is intense and unbroken.

An interrogation officer enters the room and takes the empty seat across from Bad Boy Know.

"Do you want to request or call a lawyer?" he asks the Bad Boy. Bad Boy Know looks a thousand miles ahead not acknowledging the question.

The officer sighs and writes a note on his note pad before beginning to speak.

"Barnyard (marketed as Barnyard: The Original Party Animals) is a 2006 computer-animated comedy film produced by O Entertainment and distributed by Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies. The film is directed, produced, and written by Steve Oedekerk, the co-creator of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius and the spin-off television series The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius. The film stars the voices of Kevin James, Courteney Cox, Sam Elliott, Danny Glover, Wanda Sykes, Andie MacDowell, and David Koechner. It tells the story of Otis, a carefree Holstein cow who learns the value of responsibility when he becomes the leader of a group of barnyard animals after his father's death from a coyote attack. The film began development in 2002 and was released on August 4, 2006, in the United States and October 5, 2006, in Germany. It grossed $116.5 million worldwide against a $51 million production budget. It has received negative reviews from critics who described it as "unimaginative and unfunny" and particularly targeted its inaccurate depiction of bulls with udders for criticism. Nevertheless, it spawned a television series, titled Back at the Barnyard, which ran on Nickelodeon and later Nicktoons for two seasons from 2007 to 2011.

Otis is a mischevious, fun-loving and carefree Holstein cow who prefers playing and making noise with all his barnyard friends rather than following strict rules and accepting responsibility; much to the chagrin and annoyance of his stern and uptight adoptive father and leader of the barnyard's community, Ben. After Otis interrupts a routine morning barnyard roll call and meeting with his usual wild antics, Ben warns his son that he will never be happy if he spends all his life partying with his friends without acting more responsible and mature. Otis deliberately ignores Ben's advice and leaves to have fun anyway with his best friends Pip the Mouse, Freddy the Ferret, Peck the Rooster, & Pig the Pig. That same day, Otis meets a pregnant cow named Daisy, who is accompanied by her best friend, Bessy. That night after the farmer goes to bed, the animals throw a wild party in the barn. All the animals at the barnyard are there, except Ben, who decides to guard the fence line. Otis is assigned a shift along with Ben, but Otis cleverly talks himself out of that work. Before he leaves, Ben tells him that the night he found him as a baby calf stumbling alone in the meadow, he swore he saw the stars dance, which reminded him that his place was at the farm. Soon after, Ben takes on a pack of evil coyotes led by Dag, who raid the barnyard's chicken coop during a rainstorm. He manages to fight off the coyote pack until he is bitten on the leg by Dag, thus making him fall. The coyotes pile on Ben, who manages to grab Dag's leg to escape the pile; using Dag to overpower the coyotes. He threatens to punch Dag but lets him go, scaring him and the coyotes away in defeat. Ben falls to the ground, exhausted and injured. Otis is alerted and he runs outside to his father, who dies from his injuries. Early the next morning, Ben is buried on a hill by the farmer and the other animals mourn Ben once the farmer leaves except for Otis, who is most saddened by the loss of his father and sits at Ben's post upset because of it. Following Ben's death, the barnyard's community elects Otis as their new leader. Otis chooses to irresponsibly shirk his duties by leaving Freddy and Peck in charge of the coop, then with the help of the trouble-making Jersey Cows, teaches a lesson to a mean and chubby youngster called Eugene “Snotty Boy” Beady for his cow tipping, eluding the police afterwards. Later that night, Otis shares a romantic moment with Daisy where she reveals that her husband and the rest of her herd had drowned during a flood. Otis comforts her, but he overhears the coyotes chasing a rabbit, he leaves her to take them on avenge his father's death, but is outnumbered. Since Otis is weaker, Dag proposes a deal: he and his pack will take various barnyard animals at random times and if Otis tries to do anything about it, they will kill them all. Otis decides to leave the barnyard, realizing his chances of victory are slim. The next morning, before leaving, Otis is informed that the coyotes took the hens including Maddy, Etta's daughter who looks up to him. Otis realizes that Dag doubled-crossed him, as he was not expecting him and the coyotes until nightfall, and sets off to rescue the chickens. Otis arrives in the junkyard to fight off the coyotes and gains the upper hand in the fight, until Dag bites him in the leg. However, Pip, Pig, Freddy, Peck, Ben's old friend Miles the Mule, an army of gophers, and the Jersey Cows arrive to help Otis. Dag tries to attack Otis from behind, but he is alerted when Peck successfully manages to crow a warning. Otis thwarts Dag's attack and threatens to punch him like Ben did, but warns him to never return to the barnyard before sending him flying out of the junkyard; finally avenging his father's death. On their way back, Pip reveals to Otis that Daisy went into labor after he left, so Otis and the rest of the animals steal a biker gang's motorcycles from a diner and make it back to the barn in time to witness Daisy giving birth to a calf that she names Lil' Ben. Otis then takes full responsibility and becomes the new leader of the barnyard as he watches the stars of himself, Daisy and Lil' Ben dancing just like Ben said.

On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 22% based on 97 reviews, and an average rating of 4.40/10. The website's critical consensus reads, "Unimaginative and unfunny, this tale of barnyard mischief borders on 'udder' creepiness and adds little to this summer's repertoire of animated films." On Metacritic, it has a score of 42 out of 100, based on 24 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "B+" on an A+ to F scale. Roger Moore of the Orlando Sentinel gave the film 2 stars out of 5, saying that, "with Barnyard, another quick-and-dirty 'all-star cast' mess churned out by the digital start-ups hired to steal some of Pixar's cash, the year that computer-generated animation 'jumps the shark' becomes official. Politically correct, anatomically incorrect and ugly to look at, the only thing that saves Barnyard is a writer (and director) Steve Oedekerk's gift for gags and almost-edgy humor." Kyle Smith of the New York Post gave the film a score of 1.5/4, saying that "if you want to punish your kids, send them to bed without dinner. If you want to disturb, frighten and depress them while making sure they fail biology, take them to the animated feature Barnyard." Gregory Kirschling of Entertainment Weekly criticized the film's plot, giving it a C+ score and said that "it feels like Barnyard swipes too much of its plot from The Lion King." On the positive side, J. R. Jones of the Chicago Reader enjoyed Barnyard, saying that "it's way funnier than many of the R-rated comedies I've seen lately, though Oedekerk seems to have ignored the writer's edict to know your subject—most of his cows are male. The CGI is excellent, with characters whose depth and solidity suggest Nick Park's clay animations. The laughs subside near the end as the requisite moral kicks in, but this is still that rare kids' movie I'd recommend to parents and non-parents alike." Claudia Puig of USA Today gave the film a score of 2.5/4, calling it "a sweet and mildly funny movie that will entertain young audiences, but one aspect is utterly mystifying: The two main characters, father and son bovine creatures, have large, distracting udders."

On September 29, 2007, a CGI animated television series based on the film and titled Back at the Barnyard premiered on Nickelodeon. Chris Hardwick replaced Kevin James in the role of Otis, and Leigh-Allyn Baker voiced new character Abby, who replaced Daisy. The series ran for two seasons, and ended on November 12, 2011."

A Bentley crashes through the one way mirror! It runs over the interrogation officer and Bad Boy Know uses his chromosome multiplying quirk to create the brute strength to break the cuffs off with ease! The Bad Boy enters the passenger side and the Bentley busts through the walls of the detainment center.

Mav. and Alyssa Grace have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 7:31 pm by Revy
Revy and the War on

(Odyssey, Backstage locker room with no one around when suddenly, the door bursts open. Emerging from the doorway, with sunglasses and a mouse ears hat with one ear torn off, Revy struts into the room with a bag on her shoulder and a bottle of champagne in one hand. She attempts to drink from the bottle, but notices it’s empty and tosses it to the side. Despite being disappointed that she is out, she has a huge smile and grin on her face, the first time in a long time, she has been caught on camera actually happy.)

Wooo! I just got back from getting kicked out of Disneyland for drunkenly misconducts, because ya gurl had to celebrate after Hardcore Havoc. No, I didn’t win the championship, but I know someone else that didn’t and that’s worth picking a fight with Cinderella and Minnie Mouse, that bitch. And before you ask, the mouse started it. … She sassed me. As for Cindy, she had it coming. But now that is over, it’s time to get back to work, and by work, I mean initiating the new newbie, because if anyone should be showing anyone the ropes around here, Odyssey, it’s good ole reliable Revy. Yes, maam. Stick with me, and I’ll tell you all the secrets to making it back here, like who to avoid, … Banshee. Whose’s cool…. Me, duh. And other neat tips and tricks like towels, getting shit you want from the General Manager, and if you need some nose candy, if you are into that or just want to give it a try… I got the person for you…. (whisper - “It’s Llorona.”)

But enough about me, let’s learn more about you. Hannah Kaneski… Hana Kaneko. Sorry, my latin needs work.  It says here you got ties to the Yakuza? What a coincidence, I’m not in the Yakuza, but I totally know people that are and were in it? Which faction are you in? The Yamaguchi-gumi? The Sumiyoshi-kai? The Black Suns? Aria’s goons? Eh, you probably can’t talk about it, but since I’m in a good mood, if you got a hit on you, let me know. I’ll make calls or some shit. And no, I’m not in the yakuza. At one point, I was invited because of my brother, but then some really crazy shit went down during a hit in Tokyo. It was a massacre. All the dead Koreans we left in our tracks. I remember the faces, the children. This one child I'll never forget. Poor little bastard was still alive. His little Korean legs were blown clean off! Still see his little shins & feet hanging from the ceiling fan across the hut. He was charred from his head down to his little Korean knees. He tried to get up, but he fell over when what was left of his right leg broke off. As he laid there, flat on his face, he looked up at me. His little Korean eyes burned right into my stomach, deep into my soul. He said something to me in Chinese like, “コンピューターのブラウザーの履歴を削除して破棄します。”, sounded like some cartoon shit. But I understood it to be a question that he was asking me. And I don't have to know how to speak Korean to know what that question was. 'Why, Revy? Why?..............

It was after that, I decided to not join the yakuza and instead enrolled myself in the Army, but that’s a story for another day. But Hana, the point I’m making here is, I’m in a good mood, and I wish I was just gonna be giving you a tour around here, but what it really is a match between you and I, and with that, I have to say this….. “I’m gonna eat your ass like a bowl of collard greens.”..... Sorry, I misread the the teleprompter in my head. What I meant to say was, “I’m gonna beat yo ass like a Tambourine.” God, fuck, Banshee for getting soul food on my mind. BUT ENOUGH OF BEIING COY AND PLAYING GAMES!

(Revy pulls a bottle out of her back and smashes it and holds up the jagged end up to the camera.)

WHO SENT YOU, HANA KANEKO?!! The so-called “Red Assassin.” WHO… SENT… YOU?!! Was it them? First they ended my marriage, broke my neck, and now they have come to finish the job? LEAVE ME ALONE RONALD!! …. Oh… wait, is it just a nickname? So you aren’t here to take my life? Because if you are, whatever they are paying you, I’ll pay you in the form of a hospital bill, and in case you didn’t know, here in America, Ambulances rides are very expensive! Is it gonna be worth it to fuck around with me? Huh? What are you doing here in OWA? What do you want?! You trying to make a name for yourself? Is that what you want? You decided to just wake up this morning, putting on your big boy pants, and your big boy belt and your big boy shoes, and thought “I’m gonna be a big boy!” Is this how you want to conduct yourself… IN A DEMOCRACY?! ALWAYS SCREAMING AND ANGRY ALL THE TIME! It’s exhausting! It’s like wrestling with the hulk.

Ok, for real for real talk,Hana. Welcome to Odyssey. I’m sorry if I lashed out at you. It’s just that, despite finally being able to get my revenge, costing Jonetta her championship, watching her get angry on her social media feed, being able to tell myself, “I did that.”I really wish that I could say,”I’m ready to move on and make new friends again.” But the truth is, I’m not ready. I’m still hurt, and I’m sure you would love to be friends with me, but I can’t… I just can’t. I’m not ready to take out relationship to the next level yet. I don’t think I can handle being hurt like that again. It’s not you… It’s not me either, It’s Jonetta. But for now, I think it’s just best that we distance ourselves from each other emotionally, and just get in that ring and beat the living shit out of each other. Like you know, when I’m facing you in the ring, I won’t be thinking of you. I’ll be thinking of Jonetta, Minnie Mouse, Banshee, … Hana… not you, the other Hana. What about you? Who will you be thinking about? Don’t answer that. I don’t care, because like I said, we ain’t friends like that.

I’ll see you in the ring, work acquaintance that I will use to deal with my psychological trauma with my fist and military grade weapons. Haha… kidding on the last part… not really. But whatever happens, don’t take it personal… kay? Cool.

Jeff X, Devi Krysis, Alyssa Grace and The Banshee have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Theodor Pavel
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 4:43 pm by Theodor Pavel
“I cannot lie. I hear every word you say, and yet you pretend I don’t. Just a kid. Just another fighter who wants fame because he doesn’t want to fight. I wish I didn’t hear that, but I did. There are things you don’t know about me, because I don’t know them about me. There are things hidden that you’ll never see unless I show you. Maybe, it is time to show you.”

(The slow creaking of the chair inside of the Pavel household in Anaheim felt like a song that needed to be played. The rhythm was contagious, as the former OWA Outlaw Champion rested his interlocked hands. For the first time in what felt like ages, he was alone. He didn’t have to worry about people jumping him to win a Championship that could be won at any time. He didn’t have his mentor barking at him to try a different way to win a match. He had his mind, he had his silence. Misaki was downstairs, taking a much needed rest after a busy day. It was so close to the time for him to become something even bigger than a wrestler. He needed to be that wrestler though, for the world to see what Theodor Pavel would do next. How could he bounce back?)

“I’m not ashamed. The Outlaw Championship, it took over me. It took everything from me. My spirit, my energy, my body. I put it on the line every single day when I left my own home. Now, an opportunity comes to me, and even now.. They doubt me. After Hardcore Havoc ended, and I was interviewed.. The question was asked. What would you do next? I told them what I would do. I told them that it was time for me to try and become the OWA World Heavyweight Champion. I didn’t say it to take anyone’s moment, I didn’t. I said it to create my own. To fix the mistake I made last year when I fought for that Championship. I felt the gold in my hands for that second, and it was gone.”

(His hand had cupped into a fist under his chin. He remembered the words that JD Damon and Azumi Goto had said to him during that interview. The harsh reality that they tried to beat into him, but in the end, it didn’t change his mind. He needed to take the next step. That step comes on November 21st at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn.)

“Damon. Your words took me by surprise. I would lie to you if I said that they don’t ring in my ears today. You tell the world that you’re the one who will take down Arata Asakura. It’s your destiny, you believe. You could have waited until the interview ended and called me. No. This didn’t happen. You wanted to tell me that I was wrong. I was wrong all along. I will fill you in on something. Like you, I’ve been there with Asakura. Like you, I fought the war with the Ashes. Like you, I want to win this for Jeff X. We have this in common. Those are powerful things, but pride is even stronger. Without pride, you’d sit back and allow everything to step down onto you. To hurt you. We’re proud men. As proud men, we want what is best. This is where I get confused. I’m not sure why you feel that you need to constantly convince the world that you defeated Asakura before. I know you did. Did you ever think that maybe it won’t be Asakura that you’re going to fight? What if it is Finnegan Wakefield? What if it is somebody else that you are avenging a victory over? Are you even avenging at that point? Is it really pride, then?”

(Leaning back in his chair, Theodor looked down at the floor. He tried to comprehend every word that was said. Not just by JD Damon, but Azumi Goto as well. He didn’t understand Azumi the same way he understood Damon. She had something different in mind, at least in her opinion. It boiled down to the same word. That same haunting word that he kept telling himself about while sitting in the room.)

“I would ask what you want, Azumi. We all know. You achieved so much. You even added the Hall of Fame to that big list, you’ve done that. You are one of the all time greats in the business, one of the all time best in this company. That would be you. It wasn’t enough for you though, was it? You fought me at Hardcore Havoc, yes. You fought with everything you had in your bones to take something from me. Ultimately, we both left empty handed. While I left with the thought that I gave it my all for that Championship, you left with the purpose to fight for another title. This is why you interrupted me. This is why you would not stand back and let me get the words out that I needed to tell the world. I understand that part. There is a hole in your heart that can only be filled with success. I don’t know how to explain it, but we all have it. Maybe when they call things a fighting spirit, they have that in mind. I don’t know. In a book I read earlier this year, I remember this quote. 

‘To have been to Eden and tasted its fruit might be worse than never tasting it at all’.

Now, as I reflect on that quote, I think of you. I think of the woman who has broken the doors down that many couldn’t get through. I think of the woman who has it in her mind that this is the biggest prize in the entire world. The only thing that will send fulfillment.  If you win this match, and you win that Championship, you can retire happily. Then, months down the road, you will be back to do it again. It will never end until you can no longer physically do it. This is a fighter mentality. Why is it that I fought in my very first fight, I fought a man who was in his late 40s? I’m not saying you’re old, not at all. I’m saying you’ll never be satisfied, even with a great career. You’ll always want that next moment. I respect that, so many greats have lived with that thought in their mind.”

(Bringing himself to his feet, Theodor slowly walked throughout the room. Noticing something out of the corner of his eye, he approached the window. He twisted the rod to open the blinds in front of him, and to bring light into the room.)

“Let me tell you both about me. I feel you believe something that isn’t true. Please, let me explain. My Grandfather grew up in a small town just outside of Galati. He was a painter, he made a living this way. He didn’t paint the Mona Lisa. He didn’t paint a beautiful piece that is in a museum. He painted in the homes of wealthy families. He painted their walls for them. He would make very little, but this was his living. This is what got the family through the hardest of times. He might have dreamt of more like you, Azumi. He might have said that it was his destiny to fulfil by being one of the best, Damon. He didn’t. He plays crossword puzzles now, not living in the past. He did what he needed to do in order to survive, even if he couldn’t get much in the process.”

(Talking about the hardships of his family leading into this contest was tough for Theodor. He felt the world didn’t know him, maybe they didn’t want to. He needed the air to be clear though, just to get a simple point across.)

“My father is a truck driver in Bucharest. He bought our home with decades of his best efforts. We didn’t go to fancy schools, we didn’t burn money for the fun of it. He lived paycheque to paycheque for us to be able to eat. He worked fifteen hours per day when I was a child, I saw him every night but the man was too tired to even say hello at times. He’d grunt past me and walk into the kitchen, raiding the box for leftovers that HE provided for us. He sacrificed more than anyone I’ll ever know. He wasn’t doing this for him, Damon. He wasn’t interrupting others to make himself feel better. He wasn’t bragging about his past accomplishments like they were his lease on life, Azumi. He didn’t have the time to. He always told us, Officers eat last. I didn’t know what that meant until I moved here, and saw the sacrifice that so many others make for their family and friends. It wasn’t until I came to this company that I learned that not everybody looks at life the same way my father does. There is no fighting for scraps here, there’s just fighting for more. 

I’m a believer in my family. I’m a believer that they did what they had to do, to do it the right way.”

(Without hesitation, Theodor grabbed the cord to the blinds, pulling it down to allow the full view of the sun into the room. He glanced around, seeing what became his Trophy Room.)

“I found a way.”

(He leaned his head back, feeling his neck crack a little bit. Once he felt comfortable enough to approach his accolades, he began the journey.)

“This is from my first tournament win. There were more experienced fighters. There were better fighters, and I know this. With each fight, Damon and Azumi, I learned things. When we were in that scramble, JD, I learned from you. When we were in that Outlaw five way, Azumi, I learned from you. I learned a lesson that I wouldn’t have learned any other way. Always understand that when someone wants to take something from you, or wants to keep something from you, they will become very aggressive. You two showed me that. I’d thank you, but why? It was the same lesson others taught me along the way, always the same thing being shown. It will be shown again in Brooklyn. You carry the same thought that those men in the tournament did. ‘Just a kid, he’ll understand’. I understood, yes. I also made sure they did as well.”

(Gazing through the trophies and plaques, he noticed the three Top MMA Prospect in the World awards sitting above a trophy.)

“Where does it end, though? Just a kid.. This kid has fought every fight with a simple message. I want to win. I need to win. I will not lose, because if I do, my family loses. At fifteen, I won this award for the first time. Kids shouldn’t be fighting in MMA, right? Rules are harsh on kids. They weren’t back home, though. If we wanted to be in something greater, we had to fight for it. The same way I have to fight the two of you. The same way that you had to fight in the past to get to where you are now. You keep looking at me like I don’t know what I’m saying. You keep saying that it isn’t my time, that it isn’t in the cards for me yet. If not now, then when? When will it be there, JD and Azumi? Where will it be? I cannot wait much longer, I’m afraid.”

(There it was, an exact replica of the OWA Outlaw Championship. It was awarded to him after Hardcore Havoc as a token of appreciation from Scott Oasis for a job well done. Being a three time OWA Outlaw Champion, you’d assume he would have three. It took something special to earn this replica.)

“It all comes down to pride, right? It all falls onto one thought. What makes you proud? For you, JD Damon, you’ve accomplished a lot. You have all the tools to become something greater, right? I won’t take any of this away from you. You are a former Spartan Champion. You are a brother of mine in the Frontline, and because of that and more, I will always be by your side. I support your legacy. I support the goals and the dreams, but you’re making this out to be at my expense. You want to win this by defeating me, just so you can move on to beat a man that you’ve already beaten. I don’t know JD Damon the wrestler that well, I’ll admit. I know the man that I fought with when lives were at stake, and the lengths one would go to in order to stop a bigger threat. You know I respect you, you know this as well as anyone. You also know that competition can be good, if it’s done for the right reasons. You don’t want to beat me to show that you’re better inside of the ring than I am, that isn’t the case. You want this win because you want a title. I will not be a step for your ascent, I cannot be that man.

As far as you go, Azumi. Hall of Famer and Champion. I’ve seen the good and bad out of you. Mostly good, I will not lie. I will however say that you are looking past me. Please, don’t do that. I didn’t come into this company with anything more than dirty looks and dislike for my mentor. They kept saying that I was being used for the success of his brand. Maybe I was at first, it’s not for me to say. I didn’t speak very good english, and went with what I knew, and that was how to fight. Nobody really gave me a chance until I did an Azumi Goto, I earned the respect. I cherish the respect that people have for me, I cherish the respect that you have for me. I respect you in that exact same way. You want to fight me again, not to beat me as a fighter, you want to beat me to get a title that has been hanging over your head for a while. Is it that important? Maybe it is, I can understand why it would be. I hope you understand this, though. When all you do is look at the cover of a book, you fail to see what the story really is. I told this story to you and the world so you’d see what is coming. You would see what has to be done. I don’t personally want to fight you and Damon, not at all. It isn’t very pleasant. Conflict tends to bring the worst out of people, but I hope once everything is over, Azumi… You and I can still be friends. I like friendship, I also like Championships too. Shit, now I’m feeling greedy.”

(Walking away from the replica Outlaw Championship, Theodor walked over to the chair. He found the seat and leaned back in the chair. Unlike before, the migraines weren’t evident, the air wasn’t so thick. His head, though, was clouded in frustration over the battle that must take place.)

“So much pride in this match. I understand your pride, but let me tell you of mine. My pride is actually very simple. Maybe even a little selfish, so be it. I look at my father, who I love. I look at my grandfather, who I also love. They created this path for me to get to where I am right now. Without their sacrifice, I wouldn’t sit in this chair in my home with a loving wife. Without their passion behind the family, I wouldn’t be fighting for the honor to fight for the OWA World Championship. Without their drive to help me succeed when I was young, I wouldn’t have a chance to earn the right to kick the shit out of Arata Asakura, and shut him up for good. Or even a chance to fight Finnegan Wakefield and show him that a submission move isn’t the greatest gift in the business.. It’s only the thing that can end a journey. 

Without all of that, I don’t know where I’d be. I don’t want to know. All I can do is go and take every single chance I can to honor them. To honor Misaki. To honor Baby. That’s all I can do, and I will do that. When it’s time, and that bell rings, I want the two of you to learn a lesson of your own. I want you to see what happens when a ‘Kid’ comes from under your boot, and makes his own claim to being the best that the company has to offer. This is the lesson, and I hope you don’t learn it in an extremely painful way.”

(Finally able to take a breath, Theodor Pavel closes his eyes in relaxation. There was a tremendous weight lifted off of his shoulders to say what he felt. It harbored for so long, yet he was free. Free until Brooklyn. Free until the opportunity would rear its ugly head. Free to pretend that the business was more about friendships than competition. Even if he wanted to fight for Jeff X, he knew the leader of the Frontline wouldn’t want him to settle for less than his best. Do it for the Family.)

Michael Bishop, Zumi, J.D. Damon, Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

El Landerson
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 4:40 pm by El Landerson
[when Landerson was walking in the back and heard a dial tone vibrate through his pants pocket until he looks at the call I.D after it was his Wife Angie and his Daughter Aaliyah when he picks it up and answers the phone while he starts talking]

El|Landerson: Babe I can't talk right now I have important match to get prepared for this Saturday.

Angie Landerson: and who is this guy that you are fighting on OWA.

{Landerson tells his Wife over the phone}

El|Landerson: you probably don't know him but his name is Ryo Sakazaki. that's who I am facing this week at Harlem Heat.

Angie Landerson: So that's who you're facing is a guy that I even hardly know and you are fighting him this Saturday on Harlem Heat.

El|Landerson: Yes is that what you want me to do is fight other people and do you want me to be your true love and let me win this match just for you and our Daughter Aaliyah. cause I know she wants her father to win this match more than you do Angie.

Angie Landerson: you know that's not true I do want you to keep wrestling until you bring us home with some real gold around your waist and show it to me and your Daughter Aaliyah because she wants her father to win the match against this lunatic Ryo Sakazaki. in a match that I don't even know what kinda match you're even in but it doesn't matter as long as you get revenge over that Asian or Mexican Ryo whatever you want to call him you just look after yourself and including me and your Daughter Aaliyah cause we're gonna be sitting in the OWA Thunder dome and watch you fight this crazy martial arts wanna be Ryo Sakazaki  in your match at Harlem Heat on Olympus and our Daughter is counting on you and she wishes you good luck in your match on Olympus.

El|Landerson: can you tell her that I'll do my best of winning this thing just the three of us cause I really need this win just like the time that I lost the Elimination tables match at Hardcore Havoc but that's already left behind now it's time for me to get back in shape and to become the next Television Champion or the OWA Heavyweight Champion at Civil War after I even the score with Ryo Sakazaki. this week on Olympus at Harlem Heat.

El|Landerson: oh and you tell our Daughter Aaliyah that I will make it up up to her that I promise I will bring some gold around my waist and show it to you and her when I earn myself a future title shot at Civil War on OWA.

Angie Landerson: I'll make sure that she will get that message from her father and try not to disappoint her before your huge match at Harlem Heat on Olympus.

El|Landerson: you have my word I will not let you or our Daughter Aaliyah down cause after I win this match I want you two to come watch me wrestle at the Civil War if you don't have any plains or anything like that Angie.

{Landerson Wife puts the phone over her shoulders and starts crying in the background}

Angie Landerson: that would be nice to see her when she comes to visit you on stage before you head out there to wrestle your enemy at Harlem Heat on Olympus.

El|Landerson: and after the show I'll give you two two tickets to see me wrestle and I want you two to sit out there in the barricade and watch your father does his magic when I competes next week on Olympus at OWA.

Angie Landerson: Well see you later on Set Landerson.

El|Landerson: you can count on it Babe. see you real soon

{Landerson hangs up the phone and makes his exit out the door}

[Camera fades when Landerson heads straight back to his locker room before the Harlem Heat even begins this Saturday]
Elijah Hampton
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 1:43 pm by Elijah Hampton
“We often hear that patience is a virtue. I agree. Just like I agree that in professional wrestling? Patience?! There’s no such thing. The reasoning stems from two things — well there’s more — many, many more but for the time being, let’s discuss a couple. One, this sport is fast-paced, in and out of the ring — and two, pressure. As you can imagine, they go hand-in-hand. Let me say this, OWA and professional wrestling as a whole, is always changing. Sure, some things stay the same. We still fight in a squared circle. We are still cheered and jeered by fans. Elijah Hampton is still the fastest rising star in this industry and somehow, someway, is able to juggle it all by being a great role model that parents can rest easy knowing today’s youth looks up to. Like I said, some things stay the same. But here, change exists. And pressure factors in. The people — your favorite alphas, they change. For the better? Some. But the vast majority? Not so much. Case in point, Nobi. You see, I pride myself on being real. I’m the same guy I’ve always been since day uno. To translate, day one. You’re welcome. I haven’t let anyone or anything change me. I’m myself at all times, like why would I want to be anyone other than Elijah Hampton? THE FUUUCK?! What you see is what you get. And what you see is the complete package. Take it all in. I’ll give you a few seconds…a couple more for good measure. So — oh, you weren’t done yet? No rush. The thing is, some people in OWA, they are better actors than they are wrestlers. They act like they care. They act like they are this squeaky clean, do everything by the book Boy Scout. They say all the right things. They show acts of kindness — only in front of a camera. Notice how they are able to uphold this image when everything is going swimmingly. Face some adversity? They begin to crack and their exterior matches their rotten core of an interior. From there, they go on to try to convince themselves that they are in the right. To justify their acts of impulse. It’s never their fault. It’s usually yours. Because you didn’t support them enough — even though you had their back through thick and thin. Bought their merch like hotcakes. Retweeted and favorited all of their posts. Change, like I said. I know some change just to change. They get bored of their normal selves and I can see why. They want to become the villain of the story because it’s the cool thing to do and they want to spice things up. But then there are those that change because they are essentially forced to — because of the two reasons I mentioned before when it comes to the lack of patience: a fast-paced environment and the pressure that comes with it. The pressure of their counterpart passing them by.

Wrestling, it’s bigger than any one man, woman — or, after looking up and down the Olympus roster, child. We are all replaceable. And the sad truth is, life will go on when I hang up my boots. That’s years from now, though — decades, even, so you can breathe a sigh of relief. Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you like that. This sport is about survival. And I’m not talking about just surviving against the beasts and behemoths that pose a challenge in the ring any given week. You also have to survive in the sense of keeping your job. And the way you keep your job is by excelling. If your performance at the very least is up to par, you’re in the clear. That’s the bare minimum. I’m very much above that. For others, there is pressure to meet those requirements. Pressure. I’ve never felt it. I’ve never experienced it. But from what I’ve heard and from what I’ve seen on the faces of many of my peers, it must be a shitty feeling. Not only do you have to battle the opponent that’s lined up in front of you, whose whole mission is to knock you out cold, but you’re facing yourself too, from a mental standpoint. It must be so exhausting — getting in your own head. Causing doubt. Creating panic. Feeling your back against the wall. They can’t be patient in this fast-paced environment. At least, they think. They have to make things happen. They have to make something. Something out of nothing. So they can survive. So they can stay and earn their keep. But it’s easier said than done when everything is going a million miles an hour. Worrying about what may happen instead of living in the moment. And I suppose I can somewhat relate. Not about the worrying part because I am no worrywart, I am as confident as they come — but looking ahead. Scheming for what’s next on the horizon instead of focusing on what’s in front of you. Making snap decisions. I’ve lacked patience myself. And because I lacked patience, I forced things. I failed many times to find the perfect situation, the perfect fit. Teaming with Shea. Joining the Ashes of the Wake. Siding with The Blacklist. Those were mistakes. Rookie mistakes. Taking what I could get to stay afloat. But I’ve since learned. I adapted. Feeling those highs were nice. Creating that buzz, was nice. But what was even nicer was the fact I didn’t fizzle out like the Sheas and the Jack Daniels of the world. I survived. I survived those mistakes…

It’s just a shame ARYX won’t survive his. I would ask what you were thinking at Hardcore Havoc but I think it’s clear to everyone you weren’t. But it’s okay, you’re new. You don’t know any better. You’ll learn baby, you’ll learn. See, this whole spiel I’ve gone on today, it wasn’t random. I’m not out here, winging some half-assed speech. No, everything I said, it applies to you in someways. You made your splash. You left your mark — and deep down I respect it — because I would have done the same thing. Gunning after the top dogs in this company. Not only that, but at Hardcore Havoc, you hit your target. You hit the bullseye. Your back, pat it. So as we all know by now, you, Titan, Eon Blue — you all played a part in me losing my title. My. Title. And it was MYYYYY title. It still kinda is. I literally created it. And you ripped it away from me. Kinda rude, to be honest. Like, let me get comfortable. Let me lay down on a couch and tell the world how does that make me feel? Mad? Disappointed? Sure. That’s all normal. Because I was just getting started when it came to my reign as Prestige Champion. Just finding my groove, my footing. But it ended. Ended in a blink of an eye. Everything I worked for, gone. Just like that. That’s the type of shit that creates Batman supervillains. In response, I could yell. I could threaten your life, your family’s lives. Make a promise that I’ll take everything you love away from you so then and only then, would we be even. But I’m not here to do that. So, mad? Disappointed? Sure. But what I really am — is offended. Offended by the fact that I let you, of all people, march onto my turf, my brand, into my match and play a major role in The Dynasty’s loss at Hardcore Havoc — it’s a gut punch. Nah, actually, more like a swift kick to the groin. Over and over again. Think about it, I allowed some unknown schmuck that will most likely last as long as a cup of coffee in OWA and be forgotten about in a month, two tops — the next Kyle Boe, the next Devin Mitchell — I let him embarrass and upstage me. Not only me, but he embarrassed The Dynasty. As you could imagine, that doesn’t sit well with me! It’s even making Mr. CCC’s (cool, calm, and collected) blood boil just thinking about it. The thing is, I’ve had many highlights in my young career, many memories I’ll cherish, but this? What I’ve experienced? That’s the lowest of the low. 

But you know what? I’ll try to turn this into a positive. I’m a glass-half-full kind of guy after all. And speaking of a glass, I’m not going to cry over spilled milk here. What’s done is done. For the both of us, really. Your fate is sealed, my friend, with a now known date: Harlem Heat. While your whole existence comes to an abrupt end when I dispose of you like the steaming pile of hot garbage that you are and when this happens, NOT one person will bat an eye or have a care in the world — but just know — I won’t forget you. Because of you, as well as the other five men that ruined my career at Hardcore Havoc, momentarily, might I add, because soon enough I’ll recover and gain all the momentum in the world back on my side, you, ARYX — all caps, by the way, very cool, making people yell it, in hopes they’ll remember it — just know, you ended up helping me in all of this and I humbly thank you for that. And this week I plan to show you my gratitude. Because for far too long, I’ve been going through the motions since this whole professional wrestling thing, it’s like I’ve been playing on easy mode — you woke me from my slumber. I’ve gotten what I’ve wanted, pretty much every time. I’ve been spoiled. And sometimes in life, you need a reminder. That at any given moment? You can be dethroned. That it can’t always be peachy. That you must keep your guard up at all times because you never know what talentless hack is lurking in the shadows for you to slip up. And you need that hunger — to survive and thrive. That no matter how much I put on my plate, there’s always room for more. And I’m champing at the bit to sink my teeth in my next challenge. Harlem Heat, it’s such a fitting name because I can feel it. From the fire that’s been lit under my ass. And so will you. As you feel your career, going up in flames before it ever had a proper chance to play out. You made a decision at Hardcore Havoc. You thought it was the correct one. And you probably still do. But soon, ARYX, you will realize it was a short-sighted one. You made your headlines. You had your picture on the front page. Getting and hogging all that glory. But tomorrow, there will be a different headline. There will be a new story. A new flavor of the month being highlighted and chronicled that’ll come in with this spark, much like you — only for it to be gone with the wind a moment later. Your choices have consequences. And seeing as to how this match stipulation is a street fight, it humors me. The last one I was in, it didn’t exactly go my way, to say the least. But now, I have the opportunity to right that wrong when I return to the scene of the crime. The crime being of course, theft. Because you took something from me. And now, I have the chance to return the favor. An eye for an eye. Although, after what you did, that’s not enough — as I plan on scooping out both. Harlem Heat, in November. Scrapping in the streets. It might be a little chilly more than anything. But then again, it is a cold world after all. And you’ll learn that first hand. Bundle up.”

VaeVictisBD, Aria Jaxon, Michael Bishop, Mav., Alyssa Grace, Darkane and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 18th 2021, 1:57 am by Stark

OWA Promos - Page 16 8krDWiI

You know what this week has taught me? Men love the sound of their own voice. Even if what they’re saying is trash, as soon as they say something they’ll be ready to die on the hill that it’s true. There’s no denying that at all, and while of course there are women too that talk up a tornado just to get in before their fragile male egos start crying about how it’s not all men, it really is mostly men. I get it though. This is your world, you guys built it, you guys claimed it, and now you guys run it. It doesn’t matter how many catchy girl power songs Beyonce or Ariana Grande push out, the facts don’t change. That doesn’t mean they stopped trying though, and before I get some Serena Bennett type on my ass about how I’m appropriating culture by name dropping Queen Bey, let me move on to a more pertinent example of what I’m going for here. One of my idols in this industry, a woman who was well studied in the JET Dojo for good reason, the most iconic wrestler of all time, man or woman, Aria Jaxon. You know what we learned though, at the Dojo? Wasn’t anything about her in-ring style, I’ll tell you that. No offense to Aria Jaxon but between her and Azumi Goto they’re pretty much both just as good in the ring. What we learned from Aria that was the most important thing of all was her mindset.

I took on the moniker that I eventually did fail to live up to, The Golden Queen, from my love of Aria Jaxon. The confidence to act like you’re the biggest baddest bitch around and then back it up, that’s the kind of stuff I could only dream about doing, and damn, I guess I AM still just dreaming about it because Jeff, Chris, Magall, and even Nobi all think I’m just some little nothing spot-filler in this match. That me and Devi are just the throwaway team from Odyssey meant to make the big boys look good, no, no, no. If Discus Devi hasn’t already proven herself against the men of OWA at Final Destination when she made all of your throwing arms look weaker than Finnegan Wakefield against Darkane, then it’s just a matter of time before she punches one of your lights out and remind you all why the hype around her isn’t just a meme, it’s real. As for me, I’ve barely even been able to prove myself on Odyssey let alone OWA as a whole, but you build a tower from the ground up, not the top down, so trust me boys, I know better than all of you how much of a non-factor I look like heading into this match. But like I said, what I learned the most from Aria Jaxon was her mindset, how to break all the expectations put over your head by other people and walk amongst the titans of the wrestling world as one of their equals.

So let’s talk about mindset then, yeah? Fergie said big girls don’t cry but Jeff X said big boys do. Maybe it’s my toxic Asian upbringing here that makes me feel this way but the insecurity literally radiating off of your skin right now is the most pathetic and unmasculine I’ve ever seen from the man who used to call himself the Iron Man. Japan gets another leg up on America with Daddy Arata slaying the Appalachian Dragon Jeff X and now the supposed backbone of Kingdom is mad about it. Sore losers always got that ugly look in their eye and you can tell when they’re really down bad, and Jeff, I hate to say it, but it seems like maybe you really weren’t all that if most of the substance to you came from the weight of that Omega World Championship you’ve been carrying on your shoulders for the past six months. Take the belt off and the big boy pants come down, and then there it is for all of us to see - the same scared little boy that exists within every manly ol’ man who has more to prove than they can live up to. Yelling at the cameraman like an angry kid isn’t really a good look for someone who should have the dignity to acknowledge when they’ve been beaten.

Let me chill. At the end of the day I feel for you a little bit Jeff. I’ve been there where you have way more on your plate than you can even think about chewing. And what happened to me when I had what I thought was the weight of the world was on my shoulders? I cracked, I gave up, I fell back on drugs and I watched my life turn to shit before my very eyes, and until I realized that no one was going to magically swoop in to save me, that there was no real Prince Charming to pull me out of my coke-fueled depressive episodes, that’s when the key turned and the gear clicked and I figured out that there’s one, just one way to get yourself off your feet, and you pick yourself up. Now I respect your determination even in thinking that you don’t have the “luxury” of going back after your title because you have other battles to fight with Arata and Abholos… and while I’m not a historian in OWA by any means, I don’t really recall Kenny, Aria - the same bitch who was running a shop on your brand when you were a wee Spartan Champion Jeff, or Goose, or Oasis getting any OWC rematches. Maybe you think you’re more important than them but either way, I’m already starting to see that typical entitlement you get from men who are told they’re a special little snowflake by everyone around them.

It’s always the same with you wannabe cowboys man, like I said, once the facade drops underneath the cigarettes and the gritty country strength, chopping wood in your backyard like a caveman, there isn’t much that separates even a perfect wrestling specimen like you from the easy to overlook little girl who you think might be in over her head. You can curse your head off boy but it won’t change what’s pretty clear for all of us to see now. You're sad that you lost, you’re scared of the battles that await you, but most importantly to me specifically, you’re acting like you’re above me. HA! I get it, I get it. I’m a green rookie with fewer wins to her name than championships you’ve won in OWA, Jeff, and while I can talk as much as I want about that I’ll admit where you’re right. I’m not prepared for Kingdom. I haven’t seen war in my life, and I have no idea what sort of condition you must all be in after witnessing the horrors you all have there. I won’t speak ill of a man I didn’t personally know but the fact that Kenny Drake of all legends was killed on Kingdom says it all, the place is not for the weak and weak-willed. Unfortunately for your perception, as I’m sure the blood Arata left in your eyes might be clouding your views Jeff, I’m not weak anymore.

I know your criticisms, and frankly, you had more insightful things to say than Magall and Nobi who more or less boiled it down to “I don’t know you” and left it at that, just to completely ignore the rest of their misogynistic bullshit. And Know wonders why I don’t want to associate with the BBC anymore, ugh. But what, you’re gonna act all scary now and try to warn us off? You just said it to me yourself Jeff, if it took me this long into my career to realize that the way I was doing things wasn’t conducive to anything other than taking pointless and avoidable losses, then I have no business being here really. But it isn’t just the luster of championship gold that drives me forward, I don’t just have things to prove anymore, because those pieces will take time to put together, I have a personal agenda to shut up every naysayer who wants to talk down on me, and other than seeing four jacked up men high on their own egos thinking they get to ignore a competitor in the same match they’ve been put in, then I gotta ask you… Couldn’t you have said the same thing to anyone else who’s ever been on a bad streak before? Maybe… like you are now, Jeff?

I’ve never reached the highs you have, so I can’t quite speak on how it feels to come down from being the face of the company, the World Champion for six months, main eventing Final Destination and winning… I’d congratulate you but I know you won’t care so I’ll save my breath for something more important. I’m not scared of you Jeff. I know monsters exist in this world but the monsters like Banshee aren’t the ones I fear anymore. I mean realistically, if something with the power of Banshee wanted to do something to me, I already know I’d be powerless to stop that. But a monster of a man…? That’s a joke. I know you’re mad coming out of Hardcore Havoc and like you already threatened Devi when you disrespected her by telling her to stay home, you’re acting like you’re some freight train that’s going to run through all of us while we hopelessly stand by and watch. See to me this doesn’t sound that intimidating. Someone who would actually remorselessly beat my ass, I don’t think they’d be shying away from the chance to. When I talk shit, I’m annoying. I’ve gotten my ass kicked by my brothers more times than I can count but every time I just realized, when a man is in his feelings that’s the easiest time to kick him down.

Sounds like you’re scared. You’re asking Devi to stay home because you don’t want to risk being embarrassed again. Losing to Arata must’ve been one of the most humiliating things in your career. Pivot from the point and act like you’re “choosing” to step away from the World Championship all you want but I see through it. Talk down on me all you want but you can’t change the fact. The powers that be don’t see you at that top level anymore. And if I’m just some coke-addicted whore then why the fuck are you in this match Jeff? If the BBC and myself and Devi are not on the same level as you, as you may think, then why are you in this match? I’ll tell you why. When the Kingdom card was being put together, they saw the shiny new toy Finnegan Wakefield and threw out that old bag of shit Jeff X to the side, to the bottom of the card. Why? Because they, and me, and the rest of the world saw the real Jeff X at Hardcore Havoc, the man that couldn’t put away Arata Asakura and instead of walking out of there a better man, he walks out of there with anger in his face and scorn in his heart. So talk shit about how much I’ve lost or failed without learning for so long… I grow from my losses. We’re watching you fall apart after yours. Oh yeah and bitch, consider this. The BBC are the Tag Team Champions. Me and Devi have been friends for long enough to count as a team. You and Chris though? Just looks like there was nothing better on the card for you two so they threw you in this tag team match. Who’s the filler team now fuckboys?

Speaking of Chris by the way, I thought me and Jeff were this match’s resident drug addicts, but what the fuck has this guy been smoking? Somehow I was relevant enough for Chris to remember from SSW, probably because of how cute I am but more realistically, Chris has an eye for talent when you think about it, that man saw more in Jason Long before anyone else did. Sorry though… I won’t join the Ashes. I use lotion. Moving on from your tasteless joke about OnlyFans, as if a woman as talented as me would ever need to sell her body to the dusty wrestling fans who can’t get laid to make money, let’s get to the real point. You can’t seriously think you sound genuine in any way, shape, or form right? You sound like a bad Dave Chappelle skit. There’s just like… zero chemistry or anything between you or Jeff right now that makes me fear you as a team, fortunately for your capabilities as singles competitors you guys are still the most dangerous threats in the match. All these weird jokes, the erratic behavior, calling yourself the Assman… I don’t know what’s going on with you but if this isn’t some master plan and this is really just how you are now Chris, maybe YOU should heed Jeff’s warning and skip The Festival, and go talk to a therapist. Or if you want some cocaine just hit me up.

Now for some levity. It’s a shame that the comic relief has to come from the champions themselves but what more can you say about the two charlatans that managed to end the reign of The Dynasty to become Tag Team Champions. It’s not often I get to fight against a man with bigger boobs than me but I’m grateful for the chance. Maybe I’ve got a little more self respect at this point in my life than you two do, but I can’t say anything there though, winning is winning at the end of it all, no one’s going to be wondering how you won, just acknowledge the fact that you did. And here we go. Like I said, every incel that calls himself a White Knight will show his true colors at some point. Am I crack whore Nobi? No, I’m a cocaine addict, and I’ll have you know there IS a difference. I’ve never sucked dick for drugs nor have I ever intended to, but from the way you talk about Bad Boy Know it sounds like you’ve been sucking on his BBC and drinking the Kool-Aid that comes out of it. Nobi, if you were truly satisfied with your career you wouldn’t have sold out to Bad Boy Know, but that’s the choice you made because deep down you’re still trying to prove yourself, just like I am. So I don’t know if you should be flaunting that SSW World Championship here when all it’s seemingly gotten you is a match that even my bum ass gets to be in.

Magall, you’re actually kind of a funny guy. If you didn’t represent such oppressive and misogynistic ideas, I might actually find you endearing! But where I’ve heard that you’re a great mind, a philosopher of racial ideology even, I can’t say that I’m impressed. Don’t you know that understanding the importance of intersectionality is the greatest weapon against the white man? At least that’s what I learned from the online courses I was taking during the LIGMA-19 pandemic. That’s typical though, from guys like you. You talk out your ass about social justice and what comes out of your mouth is bullshit, kinda reminds me of Serena in a way when it comes to spewing nonsense that makes you sound more cognisant than you are. Now Magall, you’ve already made your bed with a Chinese man in Bad Boy Know, so can you really say I’m the one with the master?

Let’s forget the optics of you joining a faction called the BBC led by an Asian man, letting him make a joke out of one of the stereotypes against black men, although I guess that’s one of the better stereotypes to have huh. Damn. Anyways, I’m gonna ignore you calling me a little anime girl because… I guess that’s what I am. It helps my brand anyways, you should see my merch sales compared to yours but I guess it’s hard to sell t-shirts when you can’t really put your face on any of your products. Yeah I do show some skin Magall, does that bother you? It’s not like my boobs or cheeks are hanging out, everything that needs to be covered up is covered, so what offends you Magall? My face? My abs? My lean and sexy figure? Everything beautiful about me that is ugly about you? Jealousy is horrid Magall, and I’m pretty sure it’s a sin too, so you might wanna go repent or whatever before Muslim Jesus sends you to Hell. Have I angered Allah? I guess that makes me happy. Jeff X is over here talking about killing Gods so I guess the fact that that one acknowledged me at all is cause for some sort of celebration, although I’m not sure which Muslim holidays women like me get to participate in, so let me know at some point yeah?

You might be physically stronger and yeah you probably will throw me around the ring, but since you brought up my losing streak clearly you know what I’m all about. Didn’t you run away to WrestleWorld after losing a bunch in OWA? And then running back here after getting your ass handed to you there? Where’ll you go next Magall, PWN? Point is, I don’t run from my problems. You know what it took me to get me out of here last time? Banshee broke my arm, and even then, I was back in JET reigning as the Academy Champion to prove myself as a worthy competitor before I even thought about coming back to OWA. But not once have I even thought about quitting just because I’ve lost a match. So yeah, you’re physically strong, but you’re mentally weak, and I know I’ve got the advantage over you there. And damn, even if I do fail to take you down, I really wonder what ladder is going to be able to support your fat ass climbing it.

God damn I hate men.

Michael Bishop, Christopher Sabertooth, Jeff X, Devi Krysis, Mav., Alyssa Grace, Elijah Hampton and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Jeff X
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 17th 2021, 11:59 pm by Jeff X
Askin, North Carolina
November 17, 2021

The scene opens up to the familiar wide open yard of Jeff X.  The sun is beginning to set and, considering his property is pretty much in the middle of nowhere, there’s no sounds of cars whizzing by, people talking, or anything that would resemble the bustling city life that some may live.  Instead, the only noise that can be heard at all are crickets chirping in the wilderness and a loud thwack echoing out every few seconds.  As the camera pans around behind the house, we find the source.  It’s none other than the former OWA World Champion himself, standing in the backyard, drenched in sweat, lifting an axe overhead and bringing it slamming down onto a large tree that had fallen over.  His clothes are covered in dirt and mud, however, he doesn’t seem to mind.  As we get closer, Jeff notices the camera out of his peripherals and rolls his eyes.

“Do we really need to fucking do this right now?”

Jeff slams the axe into the tree one last time, leaving it stuck inside the wood.  He wipes his dirty hands across his jeans before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pack of Marlboro Reds, quickly lighting one up as he turns and walks back towards a stump not far behind him.  As he breathes a cloud of smoke into the sky, he grabs the bottle of Bud Light that was sitting atop the stump and takes a long swig from it before having a seat.

“What do you want from me?  Just what in the fuck do you want me to say?”

He stares angrily into the camera now.  Even with the sun fading, we can see the bloodshot red color of his eyes and the bags that have formed underneath them.  He looks rough.  And not because of how dirty it is.  His hair and beard have grown longer than he normally allows and he looks as if he hasn’t slept in days.

“What?  You want me to talk about Hardcore Havoc?  You wanna hear what good ol’ Jeff X’s thoughts are about what happened?  I fucking LOST!  That what you wanted to fucking hear?!  I lost!  Arata won!  Everything that I’ve worked my whole fucking career for is fucking…GONE!”

Jeff abruptly stands up and heaves his beer bottle far into the distance in anger.  His eyes become crazed as he begins pacing back and forth.

“And the worst part is, I can’t even do the normal fucking thing that everyone else gets to do and immediately turn my focus towards recapturing my championship.  Nah.  I don’t get that luxury.  I got bigger shit to worry about because the fucking war that I fought to end for the past two years is back in full fucking swing.  The Black Sun have complete control of the brand, Arata is stronger than he’s ever been, and worse than that…fucking Abholos might be back.  You think I can concern myself with a god damn sack of leather and metal with all of that BULLSHIT going on?  You think that I get to have that luxury?!  If you do, then you haven’t been paying very close attention.  Nah, instead of going after gold, I have to figure out a way to stop Raijin…to stop the Black Sun…and to once again get rid of Abholos.  Only this time, I’m going to do it myself.  You see, I’ve learned my fucking lesson.  When other people get dragged into my battles, bad things happen.  People get hurt that shouldn’t.  Make no mistake about it, the war is back on.  But this time…I don’t want to involve those that needn’t be there.  No Wolvesden…no Shin-SEKAI…not even the Frontline.  This is my fight.  This is my war.  And I fucking promise you…no matter what I have to do…no matter what depths I have to sink to…I will end this my fucking self.  And yes…that means that I won’t be requiring your help…Chris.”

Jeff’s jaw clenches up at merely saying the name of his longtime nemesis.  He stops pacing and takes another drag from his smoke, trying to calm his nerves.

“Chris, I don’t know what the fuck you have up your sleeve.  I don’t know what the endgame is for you here with all this ‘turned over a new leaf’ bullshit, but I don’t buy it.  Not even for a second.  Maybe we were once friends, but that ship sailed a long fucking time ago.  And IF, on the extremely unlikely chance, that you are telling the truth and that Havoc is gone…then this war on Kingdom no longer has anything to fucking do with you.  I don’t want nor do I need your help dealing with the problem at hand.  And hell, I think you have much bigger things to worry about like figuring out what’s going on with your fucking girlfriend or trying to mend fences with the immeasurable number of people you’ve wronged, because Jason and I definitely weren’t the only two.  Why don’t you try and go fix things with Mike or JD or Niki Khan or Jacob Knight or Revy or LITERALLY ANYBODY FUCKING ELSE?!  Why so fucking transfixed on me?!  Is it because you think that I can help you get the tag team championships?  Is that what this whole thing is about?  You getting your little triple crown accomplishment to make you feel just a little more validated in your career?  Well let me make something real clear to you Chris…I don’t give a SHIT about the tag team titles!  And I care even less about you.”

Jeff pulls from his cigarette as he begins slowly pacing back and forth again.

“But NAMI, Devi, Bad Boy Collective…don’t get shit twisted.  Just because I don’t care about that spineless sack of shit doesn’t mean that things are just going to be a walk in the park come Sunday.  Nah.  Despite everything, I still know how to do my fucking job.  I didn’t want nor did I ask for this match, but whether I like it or not, I’m in it.  And whether you all like it or not…since Hardcore Havoc, I have had an insatiable desire to step back inside of that ring and hurt someone.  I wanted that someone to be Arata or Abholos, but instead what I got was you four.  You four bumbling fucking idiots that got tasked with the unenviable task of walking straight into a fucking war zone.  You slick brained fucks think you know what you’re about to go through?  You think dealing with those moronic has-beens The Dynasty or those perpetual losers Dorado Enterprises has you prepared to walk onto Kingdom?  The brand that shits out nothing but chaos, violence, and fucking death?  The brand that I’ve stood at the forefront of, spilling my sweat…my blood into since DAY FUCKING ONE?  You really think that you’re ready for that?  If you do, then you’re even more foolish than I originally gave you credit for.  This shit ain’t Odyssey and it damn sure ain’t Olympus.  We don’t deal in wins and losses around here…we deal in life or fucking death.  And if you value the former, you’ll do yourself a favor and stay home.  You’ll stay in the comforting confines of Olympus and Odyssey and not put yourself in the middle of a battle that you can’t win.  And as badly as I am dying to step foot in that ring and make ANYBODY pay for the sins of the Black Sun…I’m hoping that at least one of you heeds my warning.”

Jeff stops pacing and begins to shake his head as he looks down at the ground.


Jeff sits down on the stump again, taking one last puff from his cigarette before flicking it into the dirt.

“We’ve been friends for a while now.  You’ve had my back in the past and I know how badly you want to taste that tag team championship win…but Devi…for the love of God do not show up to Kingdom on Sunday.  As tough as I know you are, this isn’t anything that you’re prepared for.  Things happen around here, Devi.  On Kingdom, shit happens that has irreparable consequences.  Shit that can’t be undone and shit that I can’t explain.  I know you won’t understand but Devi…I need you to try.  I need you to listen to what I’m saying and stay home.  Stay in Raleigh, don’t get on that plane.  I’m sure you’ll get another chance at the belts.  Hell, if Chris and I end up winning and I survive the things that I must do over the coming weeks, I’ll give you one myself.  But do NOT show up to New York on Sunday.  Because if you do, I can’t protect you.  Not just from the BBC or Chris or the Black Sun or Abholos or anyone else that might like to put themselves in my fucking business…but from something much worse than that.  I won’t be able to protect you from myself, Devi.  You see, things have changed since the last time we were around one another.  I have too much to deal with to worry about who I care about and who I don’t.  There is a war going on and I have to be the one to end it the only that I know how…by running through everything and everyone in my path until Raijin and Abholos are both dead.  I don’t want you to be in that path, Devi.  But if you decide to put yourself there…then I will have no choice but to run through you as well.  And not in the way that you're used to.  Not in the way that everyone else you’ve faced before has.  This will be much different.  This will be the one loss that you won’t be able to recover from.  Because I have long passed the point of reasoning.  If you step into that ring, I will not see a friend…I will not see Appalachian Strong Style…I will see nothing but another body that can be stacked up and thrown aside as a casualty of fucking war.  I don’t want that for you.  But if you’re too stupid to listen to my words and take this warning to heart…then I’m not responsible for the results.  So I’ll tell you one last time…if you EVER want to win the tag team titles…or ANY title…or hell, even if you just enjoy the ability to walk…then stay…the fuck…home.”

Jeff shakes his head as he runs his hand through his hair.  You can tell that he genuinely hopes that Devi listens to his words.

“As for your partner…maybe offer her the same advice, but truthfully, I don’t care one way or the other.  You seem to enjoy NAMI, but I don’t know her.  And in the situation that I now find myself in, I don’t have the luxury of being able to care about people that I don’t know.  NAMI is nothing to me and I will treat her as such.  Maybe her story of turning her life around after a crushing end to her former career is an endearing one, but I truthfully couldn’t care less.  Maybe her newfound passion for her current career is inspiring to some, but to me, all it does is make me question what she was doing here in the first place.  It really took you until three weeks ago for you to even try and make an effort at this shit?  What…you needed a title on the line before you could muster up the energy to put forth even the SLIGHTEST bit of fucking effort?  And now, just because you looked somewhat competent ONE time in your pathetic excuse for a career…NOW I’m supposed to suddenly take you seriously?  Get real.  Hardcore Havoc was the highlight of your fucking career and you still got your shit kicked in.  At this point, you might as well just go back to not giving a fuck because the result is going to be the same either way.  Might as well save yourself the energy because like it or not, the most relevant thing that you’ve ever done in this company is get your arm snapped in half by The Banshee.  And I know, I know…that night with Banshee had its effects on you.  Hell, you stayed away from the company for fucking MONTHS afterwards.  But after this Sunday NAMI…you’re going to wish you’d STAYED away.  Because I'm no fucking banshee.  I'm no monster.  I'm worse.  I’m the thing that monsters fucking fear.  I’m the thing that hunts and kills monsters and demons and gods and devils alike.  So just what in the hell do you think I'm going to do to some worn out little coke whore with even less confidence than credibility?  You may have NEARLY beaten Rebecca Filth a couple weeks ago, but I want you to look at me real close NAMI.  Do I look like fucking Rebecca Filth to you?  If you step up to me on Sunday, I’m going to send you into a spiral that’ll make your coke habit look like your proudest moment in life.  And I promise you…there ain’t a drug on this planet that’s going to be able to numb the pain I’ll put you through.”

Jeff lights another cigarette as he stands back up, steadily pacing once again.

“But y'all ain’t the only opponents are you?  Nah we still got the reigning tag team champions from Olympus.  What a fucking joke those belts have turned into in recent years, huh?  This whole fucking division has been the shitstain on the underwear of OWA and if you need any proof of that, look no further than the fact that Nobi of all god damn people is now a two time champion.  Now I know…I’m supposed to be nice.  I’m supposed to be the ‘good guy’ after all.  And EVERYONE has to be nice to Nobi!  Nah.  FUCK that.  Why?  Cause he’s been in a couple shitty movies and wastes his time complimenting his opponents?  Or maybe cause he has some kind of a reputation as a legend in SSW?  You think I give a shit about that?  I went to SSW and I already beat his ass there.  So what the FUCK do you think I’m a do here in MY company…MY brand…the one promotion that I’ve put my EVERYTHING into building?!  You're still going to fail, but trust me, this shit damn sure ain’t gonna be like SSW, Nobi.  We ain’t going after no fuckery match of the year.  Cause I’m in the middle of a war.  I don’t have time for fuckery.  I don’t have time for jokes.  I don’t have fucking time to be nice.  But then again…you don’t either anymore do you?  You’re not the ‘White Knight’ anymore, you’re a ‘Bad Boy’ now, huh?  Bullshit.  You still look like the same pitiful sack of shit you’ve always been to me.  The same one who, on your own, has never been able to do a damn thing of note in this company.  You think that’s changed now?  You think a new nickname, a couple new friends, a few lame insults, or even that little title you hold is going to change that?  Nah.  You’re still the same old Nobi.  This Sunday on Kingdom…it’s not a fucking joke.  It’s not a god damn movie.  And that means that you are completely out of your element, Nobi.  And the only ‘scenario’ that you’re going to find yourself in…is a looooong overdue retirement.”

Jeff stops pacing as if he just remembered something and takes a long toke from his Marlboro before looking at the camera.

“Oh and as for your tubby fucking partner.  Muhammad…Maggal…whatever the fuck you’re going by nowadays…I heard your dumb fucking monologue.  ‘I’m white, so I’m the devil’.  Yeah I get it.  Arata’s been on that kick for six god damn months, why don’t you actually get some material of your fucking own.  Or better yet, why don’t you stop blaming me for your fucking problems.  Me being white isn’t the reason you’re an out of shape, obese piece of shit.  The color of my skin didn’t make you eat sixteen fucking Big Macs every day for the last ten years, asshole.  Project on me all you want, but white people didn’t make you tuck tail and waddle away the moment things started to get tough for you here in OWA…only to return when you were offered fucking handouts like a free tag title reign or a Prestige title shot that you did fuck all to earn.  But even knowing all of that,  you still feel like you’re relevant enough to be able to speak about what happened to Kenny Drake.  Yeah…he died.  We all know that.  Every single person I’ve faced since that day has brought it up.  But you know what?  That’s what happens on Kingdom, Maggal.  People fucking die.  It didn’t stop with Kenny and it’s not going to stop anytime soon.  That’s one of the tragic downsides to war.  Death is all but inevitable.  And if you want to keep Kenny’s name in your mouth while you’re fucking talking to me then I can prove that to you firsthand this Sunday night when I make you nothing more than another statistic of yet another black man who lost his life well before his time.  Then...THEN you can have something to actually blame me for.”

Jeff takes one last drag from the smoke before flicking it out and stomping it under his boot.

“This war is going to be long and bloody.  I don’t know where it ends, but I do know that I’m not going to let anyone get in my way until the Black Sun and Abholos are gone from Kingdom.  Not NAMI.  Not Devi.  Not Nobi.  Not Maggal.  Not even Chris.  NOBODY is going to get in my fucking way.  Tag titles or no tag titles…the battle begins this Sunday.  Let the festival begin.”

Jeff stuffs his hand over the camera and shoves the cameraman backwards before walking off the scene.

[Fade to Black]

Aria Jaxon, Michael Bishop, Stark, Christopher Sabertooth, J.D. Damon, Mav., Alyssa Grace and have spoken. It’s such good shit!

J.D. Damon
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 17th 2021, 9:52 pm by J.D. Damon

OWA Promos - Page 16 E343f00776b5ab64c53bba42ee4e90b841869e00

So this is it, huh?
This is the new landscape of Kingdom?
Something that I once loved… something that I busted my ass defending last year. Something that I damn near killed myself over. Something that I lost my best friend… NO… my brother to while defending.
This is the new landscape of Kingdom under the reign of Arata Asakura. It’s nothing more than a fucking wasteland. It makes me absolutely sick to my fucking stomach knowing that we no longer have the OWA World Championship within our grasp. Just knowing that Arata and his Black Sun goons have full control of Kingdom… leaves me not too happy. Not only me but the entire Frontline… hell, the entire Kingdom roster. Hardcore Havoc was going as planned. My team successfully annihilated our wonderful General Manager, Miltiades, Father Fiora, and Noah Quinn in the Circus Deathmatch. Everything was smooth sailing until… it suddenly wasn’t.
In a blink of an eye… Jeff X was laying with his back on the canvas while looking up at the bright lights above him being covered by that complete fucking psychopath known as Arata Asakura. But that’s what brings me here today. I am not going to just sit on the sidelines while I watch Arata run around with that belt in his possessing. I can’t…. and I won’t. I have stayed on the sidelines for way too fucking long. I have to be the one who ends Arata’s reign of terror prematurely. I have to be the one who beats Arata for the OWA World Championship. I have to be the one that leads the Kingdom brand into a new era. I have to be the one. I HAVE TO BE!
The OWA World Championship… a title that has been held by legends and Hall of Famers. A title that is the most prized possession in our industry. I have been attempting to carve out my own legacy for the past few months ever since losing the Spartan Championship at Final Destination, and what better way to carve my legacy than by being the man who finally puts an end to Arata Asakura once and for all.
Do you all remember? Do you all remember last year when I was faced with the huge task of facing Arata for the Spartan Championship? Do you remember that version of J.D. Damon? The version of J.D. Damon that every single person thought was dead and gone? That had been buried years prior? After months of being laughed at… months of being ridiculed… months of being taunted and trolled by every single person I encountered… finally proved them all wrong. That’s the J.D Damon that Azumi Goto and Theodor Pavel will be facing at The Festival. Azumi and Theodor, two people who I have great respect and admiration for. Azumi and I go way back. I love Azumi like a goddamn sister, but just know that I don’t forget. And unlike Jesus Christ… I don’t easily forgive.
Do you remember The Dark Kingdom tournament, Azumi? Do you remember what happened? Of course you do! The opening round of the tournament for the vacant Spartan title… the title that I had lost just four weeks prior to Aria Jaxon before she fucking vacated it due to retiring from in-ring competition. That right there was a cosmic bitch slap to the Spartan title. Just vacating it like it means absolutely nothing. That was like spiting on every single reign that came before her’s. My head wasn’t in the ring space at the time of the tournament. I was still dealing with the Aria Jaxon fiasco and BAM! Azumi pinned me clean in the center of the ring to advance in the tournament, and where did that leave me? That left me to do nothing but lick my fucking wounds. Azumi, you were faced with a large task at the end of the tournament with facing Jason Long. A task that you couldn’t complete. A task that was far too big for you to handle. And, unfortunately for you, you cracked under the pressure. You choked. Which is the exact same thing that is going to happen when The Festival rolls around. You couldn’t handle the pressure of attempting to become the Spartan Champion, how in the FUCK do you expect to handle the pressure of attempting to challenge for the OWA World Championship?! You may have a singles win over Arata this season… something that I do not have… but why does that make you more of a challenger for his title than me? Just remember what happened the last time Arata was walking around with championship gold around his waist.
I know, I know. I have heard the comments. I have read all of the social media comments. Regardless of the outcome of our match at The Festival, the Kingdom roster wins in the end. That’s the end goal, right? We want to take that belt away from The Black Sun and bring it back to someone who actually cares about Kingdom. This isn’t about Kingdom. This is more or less about The Frontline. We need that belt back within The Frontline. WE NEED IT! Azumi… you are absolutely correct. I do have revenge for my brother Jeff on my mind. I can’t specifically speak for Theo, but I can promise you that revenge is something that is one-hundred percent fueling me at the moment. But it’s much more than that. It’s more than just revenge. Azumi, you have had a very decorated career and what better way than to add the World Championship to your already impressive resume? I don’t give a flying fuck about that. I don’t care about your precious accomplishments. All I care about is leaving the legacy of J.D. fucking Damon behind. MY LEGACY! MY FUCKING LEGACY!
I had a taste of it over the summer. I had the taste of being the world champion in my mouth for a split second. I gave Jeff one hell of a fight for that title this past July, but ultimately came up short. Which is basically the story of my fucking career, right? But that’s what makes me want this victory even more. That’s what makes the urge so strong to win this match, to become the number one contender, and knock Arata’s teeth down his fucking throat. If you were faced with that task, Azumi, I don’t think you would be able to handle it. You don’t know Arata like I do. You think you do. You think you have a fucking idea of what you could be possibly dealing with, but I promise you… you don’t. Hell, the Arata Asakura that I beat for the Spartan title.. that’s not the Arata that we are dealing with anymore. What makes me think I will be able to handle it? Just believe me when I say that I know damn well that I can. Ultimately, it’s my destiny to put an end to him.
Theodor Pavel… Theo… I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you feel the need to insert yourself into this match. I’m sorry that you feel like you have to be the one who gets revenge for Jeff and the rest of The Frontline, but you should really step aside. You have no idea what you are getting yourself into, and that’s exactly why you are going to get hurt. You are not thinking logically. I don’t care how many times you defend the Outlaw Championship. I don’t care that you beat Michael Bishop in Bloodsport Five. What you are getting yourself into is a whole different level than all of that. I appreciate your loyalty to the cause, I truly do, but you may want to reconsider your decision. I understand that we both want to bring that title back to The Frontline where it belongs, but… like I have said. This is much more than that for me. This is about me throwing up a massive middle finger to every single person that said that I was nothing more than a washed-up has-been. This is about me showing every single person just why you do not count J.D. Damon out.
At The Festival, only one of us will be able to walk out as the number one contender, and I have absolutely no problem being that person.
…I have to be…
…I have no other option.

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Stark, Zumi, Mav., Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Dulce Torres
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 17th 2021, 9:29 pm by Dulce Torres
I was so, so close.

The last thing I could remember is being on top of the ladder with Liz Karlson before being thrown off of it. The next time I opened my eyes, I spotted Gwen Harper with the Goddesses Championship and I knew that my aspirations of going after the title were done. It was an intelligent strategy from Gwen, who saw an opportunity presented to her and she threw both Liz and me off the ladder. I commend her on spotting that opportunity. Congratulations on her title defense. Defeating five other women on Odyssey to keep that championship is spectacular, but does that mean that she’s safe from experiencing defeat from the other women? The victory at Hardcore Havoc makes her be seen in a different way. There’s no doubt that there’s going to be other women who step up to the plate and take her on. Will it be me? Honestly, that’s up in the air, but what I do know is that I find myself looking into the eyes of another hungry competitor. A competitor with a darker aura than me; a competitor who has made it clear that she doesn’t like me whatsoever and will show it in the most bizarre ways. My question is: did she think that all of that was okay to post? What did she think was going to happen when she posted that video? Did she think that it was going to send chills down my spine? Did she think that she was going to scare me? While she may accomplish the idea of giving me the heebie-jeebies, I need to remember that this is nothing more than a woman who has some sort of hatred for me. Nothing more than a woman and yes, I said woman because I don’t look at “The Banshee” as any sort of monster. I don’t look at her as anything unique or special. It’s shocking because I’ve crossed paths with multiple women in the course of my career and odds are, I’ve confronted a lot of “Banshees.” I’ve confronted a lot of dark and edgy men and women, so it really doesn’t do much for me. Even as you look at women on Odyssey, her hatred towards me isn’t different from some of the other women on the roster. They hate the idea that I’m “good” and believe in doing the right thing. They hate the idea that I will continue to keep my head up when the going gets tough. They see me as nothing more than a teacher’s pet. I may have not heard the “you’re Aria’s favorite” accusations yet, but I wouldn’t be shocked if the Banshee gets started on the whole “nepotism” that she thinks that Odyssey and OWA have with me. This is the same woman who complained that I barely got matches and it must be because I’m pulling some strings behind the scenes! Way to be like Jonetta Stone with all of these conspiracy theories, but let’s not forget that I’m a pillar for a reason and why you, Banshee, will never be seen in that light. 

Odyssey’s “oldest and most overrated pillar?” It would mean anything if I constantly folded each time I wrestled in a match. The argument would mean something if I have shown to be nothing more than someone who has gotten by because I’m a nice person. The argument would stand still if I’m someone who came into the company and was fed the narrative of being one of the best because someone behind the scenes told me that. Perhaps, like the OWA Women’s World Champion, the same woman who eliminated you from the Promethean Chamber and showed that you aren’t worthy of even challenging for a Women’s World Championship, let alone talk to a former champion. If you want to look at someone who’s overrated, look at the current champion, or are you like everyone else who just smiles and accepts the facts without doing the basic research yourself? It’s been established that you hate the idea of me being rated highly for some reason. Why is that? Is it because you think that I am stealing your opportunities? Do you think that without me in the way, it would make the gateway to the glory that much easier for you? Do you think that an Odyssey without Dulce Torres, would make easy access for you to find yourself on top? I look into those cold and deadly eyes and I see nothing more than a bitter woman who feels like she’s entitled to the world, but doesn’t even deserve a scrap of the acknowledgment that she’s desperately tried to get from me. I wasn’t the one waiting for this matchup like you, Banshee. I wasn’t the one keeping an eye on you besides that Promethean Chamber. I haven’t been keeping tabs as you have. If you were to have placed a gun on my head and told me when was the last time we crossed paths, I would end up dead because of my memories when it comes to dates; however, I do remember you submitting to me on Atlantis. Yes, you and Morrighan are the same person, Banshee. I do believe that Morrighan is inside of you. I do believe that she’s screaming for a way to come out. It’s ridiculous that you want to force this narrative that two personalities aren’t intertwined because you knew that Morrighan was weak. You knew that Morrighan was a true embarrassment to this sport with all of these losses hanging over her head. You knew that Morrighan wasn’t grabbing the attention that The Banshee is. The Banshee is nothing more than a tactic to get people to look at you for once in your life. She is nothing more than your meal ticket because there was no way that Morrighan was getting a shot at the OWA Women’s World Championship with floating under the radar as she originally was. At some point, the Banshee was going to come out. She was going to be a terror to OWA. Although, it seems like you were expecting things to be a lot more different.

You were expecting to win at Clash of the Titans, but I burst your bubble and eliminated you and not the offices or whatever you want to call them. It was me, Dulce Torres, that it eliminated you, but I wouldn’t expect someone like you to be strong enough to handle me outsmarting you. Weren’t you expecting to win at Hardcore Havoc as well? It must suck that you were the second woman eliminated from the match and yes, that’s a feeling that I know too well, but what’s your excuse this time? The “offices” wanted Stephanie Matsuda to win? The offices helped her eliminate you? These are your words, not mine. You can tell because these weren’t picked carefully. You seem like a woman with zero fear, but there seems to be a fear of taking accountability for your setbacks. Admit that you lost. Admit that you lost to better women than you. Admit that I’ve gotten the best out of you in the past. Admit that I’ve always been a better competitor than you. I don’t need people to overrate me. I don’t need for people to worship the ground I walk on because what I do inside those velvet ropes is more than enough to show everyone that I’ve always been the real deal. I have always been one of the best wrestlers that this company has ever seen. That is one thing that I don’t need to be a “Silent Goddess” at because everyone has seen that. Everyone has seen how great of a wrestler I am. Everyone has seen how much I’ve done for the Odyssey brand alone. I never needed to pull out some alter ego from underneath me to give me an ounce of recognition that you and some of the other women would kill to have. I never needed to change my personality to get me the fraction of the success that I have gotten. I don’t need to mock dead celebrities for a shock factor as you have. Is that your best at trying to come off as edgy? Is that your best in making it seem like you’re different from all the other women? To make fun of the mental health issues of celebrities that passed away and lead them to those dark roads? They were going through their own struggles and battling their own demons. You decided to put on some clown makeup because no one in their right would take you seriously. Do you expect me to take you seriously? To me, it’s baffling that Diantha Rosso is no longer around these parts. You caused her to disappear and if there is something to pick a bone with you, it’s that. It’s not the shots that you’ve taken towards me each time you opened your mouth. It’s not the obsession with going up against a pillar and trying to eliminate them from the world. It’s about your willingness to take someone who was weak and vulnerable and take them away from this world. 

If that’s what the Banshee is all about, then, she must not be as good as she hypes herself of being. I don’t need to pray to the gods or mythological figures going into this match. I don’t need to even give you a second of time, but then, I would get a whole lot of “she’s scared of me” rants where you try to picture yourself as this bigger than life figure who is meant for great things just because you see yourself as better than you actually are. People say that I should be afraid of you. People are saying that I should be on the lookout for you because of what you did to Diantha, but I’m not. Honestly, I’m confident in my abilities. I know my worth. I know never to listen to any of the jargon that comes out of your mouth because that's how people get lost in your little mind games. You bring up all of these factors that are supposed to intimidate me. From the “blood shakes” to that look-a-like, but take away all of that and you’re left as nothing more than a joke. You’re left as nothing more than a woman in clown makeup, who people could mistake for having mental health issues and no, I am not mocking the situation, but that’s the sad reality of what you’d be perceived as. Now, I don’t need for you to come at me all pressed because I’m not taking you seriously, but once you give me a reason to do that, this is the type of energy you’ll be getting from me.

Michael Bishop, Stark, Jeff X, Mav., Alyssa Grace, The Banshee and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

"100 Shots." — Olympus: Harlem Heat [I].
Post November 17th 2021, 7:22 pm by RAMBEAUX

'Bout to go get some money or go spend some money
They stopped me in the airport, had too many benjis on me
They don't want you to live, they don't want you to ball
Them pussies smile in your face, then they pray for you to fall
— “100 Shots” by Young Dolph.

(The feed slowly fades in, bringing us into the OWT Performance Center, as we are greeted with the lights shining down onto one singular wrestling ring and standing inside of it was The Kingpin. ARYX stood against the ropes, looking towards the camera that recorded him, and gave his best grin. There's a moment of silence — like a pause — as he takes a few steps forward and comes closer to the camera before breaking the silence and beginning to speak.)

ARYX: I know all of you whiteys have been waiting for a reason, for some kind of explanation for why I did what I did, considering that if Elijah — or The Dynasty as a whole — had won? I could’ve been walking into a Prestige Championship match. First of all, that shit was secondary to me. I ain’t like y'all in those leather jackets running around like championships are the top priority. Second of all, I ain’t gotta fucking explain shit to you dusty ass white boys about nothing. If you ain’t got a damn clue as to why I did what I had done? Then you’re simply tone deaf or extremely and embarrassingly stupid. I came into London, stepped onto the land that I was once a champion, and proved that it didn't matter if I had one man or three to four standing behind me — I still took down an entire stable, a group of so-called walking legends, by myself and without anyone there to help me. And y'all said that I was just some random black dude that came in talking all that talk and yet not making any walk around the brand? Nah, nah, y'all some dumb ass motherfuckers for thinking that and look at what happened to y'all. All that shit you threw at the wall ain’t sticking no more.

(ARYX chuckled to himself, bringing his hand along his beard before again crossing his arms.)

ARYX: I mean like, come on— This new age, this new era— hasn’t it just been a disaster to anyone else? Hasn't it just become a complete and utterly embarrassing failure upon arrival? Hasn't it just been a total waste of everyone's time because they just can't seem to click it right? For example, take a look at The Dynasty. Take a look at what they tried at the beginning and now look at where it's gotten them in the present day. Four men hoping to bring prestige back into the championships that they held. Four men reaching far and wide to show that they can carry the legacy and the dynasty of their past. Four men, but yet, only one has been successful in that mission of theirs. Take a man like Jacob Senn, he’s had how many chances this year to become something noteworthy and just hasn’t found that footing? Won that idiotic game show y'all had over Final Destination weekend, got beat for the OWA World Championship like a bum, went and defeated Team Starburst for the Tag Team Championships and lost them to a team like the Bad Boy Collective. And what about a man like Matt Miles? Had the same premise of Jacob Senn after Game Over - and we all know how that went - but take a look at Matt Miles and you can only call him one thing. ‘The Nearly Man’ of this company. He came so close to winning the Clash of the Titans, he came so close to winning the Ascension to the Heavens briefcase, he came so close to becoming the top contender to the Omega Heavyweight Championship, he came so close to winning the Television Championship. All of those chances, all of those attempts, and all of them became misses. Now, I could mention Darkane but he seems to have been the one to carry each and every single one of you on his back. He seems to have been the backbone of The Dynasty. He seems to have been the only one that mattered the most to y'all.

(Knowing the outcome of what happened at Hardcore Havoc — ARYX began to laugh at the downfall of Darkane before bringing his focus back onto the camera, crouching down and sliding under the bottom rope. Now, standing front and center of the shot as he leaned back against the ring apron, ARYX crossed his arms and kept the smirk on his face.)

ARYX: But in the midst of it all comes someone like you, Elijah. A man like you that’s come a long way from where he began in this company, being ‘forced’ into a team with someone that he hated before finding a short footing with one of the most hated stables within the company, but when that didn’t go down well for you and you already had made plenty of enemies with the entire roster — before you jumped ship to Olympus to join The Blacklist and then The Dynasty. The amount of jumping ships and doing the whole ‘if I can’t beat them, then I’ll join them’ horse shit has been a constant stream since you ever stepped foot into this company, man. You’ve been constantly ho'ing yourself around here like it ain’t nobody’s business — and sure, it might not be — but you just grabbing onto the first thing that gives you a platform before it crumbles is such a bitch-made move from someone like you. Someone like you would’ve been killin’ this shit by yourself but here you are, roaming around like some bitch on the streets finding the first thing that takes you up with open arms, and that kind of shit disturbs me, Elijah. Like, you’re good with being some bitch-ass hoe and jumping around like that? That’s crazy, man. And it’s even crazier that everyone calls you a ‘black wrestler’ and says that you show off that ‘black equality’ but my man, you’re just a white boy with a whole lot of tan on your body. Your ass ain’t black. To make it worse, you hang around with only white men. Shea Flaherty? White. The Ashes of The Wake? Name speaks for itself. Ashy white boys. The Blacklist? Ain’t got nothing to do with anyone there being black. The Dynasty? I heard Matt Miles call people ‘darkys’ all freely and Senn got a cotton picking field in his back garden.

(A simple side-to-side shake of his head as he began to tut.)

ARYX: Dr. Umar would be ashamed of you but again — we don’t claim your ass. We never claimed your ass. All that shit proved is you’re a white boy in blackface, racist motherfucker. You’re a— you know the word. I can’t really speak it on camera due to censorship and all that — due to the networks not wanting ‘slurs’ to be used — but you get what I mean. But I’m going far off of the tracks, Elijah. Let’s bring things back to where we were beforehand.

(A pause.)

ARYX: I find it absolutely insane that you show up whenever you’re damned pleased and come walking up to anyone like you’ve got balls on you the size of cantaloupes, Elijah. A man like you shouldn’t be walking around all freely and not catch a stray for talking all that shit and not having a hard stance on his words. You were a Prestige Champion, we’re all aware. But your ass beat fucking Nobi of all people. Of all of the people you could have taken the title from, that’s who you defeated to become this greatest-of-all-time champion? That ain’t proved shit, man. Then you wiped all of that stench the ‘Hybrid’ title had on it and turned it into the title that it is today. Your first — and only — defense was against… who was that weird ass hoe… Ah, yeah. Ramesses of all people. Your dumb ass held that title for one hundred and twenty days and your only defense was against some asian-looking gimp named Ramesses. Straight perverted motherfucker. And you’re proud of that? Are you going to be walking around proud of that W over the likes of Nobi and Ramesses? That’s straight up fucking embarassing, that ain’t the dub you think it is. Man, your ass really thought you did something. At least when I held onto the Commonwealth Championship back in OWT, I was defending that on pay-per-views and weekly shows. I was holding onto that title with pride and there ain’t been a win I’ve been embarrassed about.

(A beat.)

ARYX: And think about it, man. I ain’t had to talk all that much to show how tough I was. I went two hundred and five days as the Commonwealth Champion and brought a brand new kind of prestige to the championship than anyone has ever done before. I ain’t had to be flashy, I ain’t had to be so in-your-face about it, and I ain’t had to show how much glitz and glamour I had behind me. Ain’t about the lifestyle after all, I’m about getting into the ring and beating some motherfucker’s asses. If I can do that for two hundred and five days, then you can just imagine what can happen when I step into the waters of Olympus. You can just imagine what’s going to happen when me and you share the ring for that ‘Harlem Street Fight’. I’m not about being all flashy about what I can do, what kind of skill I have in me, or how much flips I can do inside and outside of the ring. It’s as simple as targeting weak points and breaking you down limb for limb before landing a killing blow. That’s all it takes at the end of the day. I ain’t the fucking Certified Technical Master for nothing, boy.

(The Kingpin laughed as he soon leaned forward towards the camera. Looking to give an address to those watching.)

ARYX: The kind of behaviour that you portray and bring onto everyone that shares the ring with you, it makes sense when you see the groups of people you’ve tried your damndest to side with, because it’s as simple as this — you can’t do it by yourself and that’s sad. That’s really, really sad. Especially when it’s coming from someone like you. And that’s why I did what I did. That’s why I did what had to be done. I’m not siding myself with The Bad Boy Collective. I’m not siding myself with anyone. I had to give the boots to Jason Skilled and David X Fierce because they just weren’t cutting it anymore. For The Culture stands as one — that one is me — and I will carry myself through every single pasty and dusty ass white boy that thinks they got some authority over me, I will carry myself through every single cracker ass cracker that thinks they’re more superior than I am, and I will bring myself towards the mountain top that I — and only myself — have taken the next spot in line for. It’s a shame really, Elijah, I would have somewhat liked to have begun my Olympus run with the OWA Prestige Championship, but as you can clearly see, that was never meant to be and that was never going to remain to be yours forever.

(A lighthearted chuckle is heard from The Kingpin, giving a wink to the camera.)

ARYX: Keep the boys at home, Eli. I’ll see you on Saturday.

(With that said, ARYX walks out of the shot and the lights within the Performance Center slowly dim as we soon fade to black.)

VaeVictisBD, Aria Jaxon, Michael Bishop, Stark, J.D. Damon, Alyssa Grace, Elijah Hampton and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 17th 2021, 3:13 pm by TTtheT
I knew they didn't have it in them. From the moment we met backstage, planning our attack, I saw it in their eyes. They weren't ready. They weren't focused. The only man ready to march into war on our team was me and still, it took four of them to take me down. The other three on my side weren't factors and I'm not afraid to say it. I'm not looking to protect them. They need to take responsibility for tarnishing my record with their bullshit. Time Lizard? What the fuck was that? When he made that grand announcement, I was expecting something other than a weakling. But Dampshaw went from a British cunt to a British cunt with a shitty nickname. Fuck him. And Miltiades was just himself. I shouldn't have trusted either of them to carry the load, but I guess I had no other choice. But Fiora was the real disappointment. Someone I thought I could rely on. Someone I thought I could trust to watch my back ended up failing, leaving me alone. It might sound like I'm throwing them all under the bus. I understand that. But if you actually paid attention and watched the match, you know that the blame is on all of them. That shit was one on four, and I almost had it. I almost overcame the odds. But the end was another failure. Bishop, Damon, Savannah...not Maverick, they can have their win. They can flex on those sad sacks of shit called my teammates knowing that I almost single-handedly took down the whole lot of you. 

But that's all over now. The only thing I have going for me is this Spartan's Briefcase. And for once, I chose to take the high road. After weeks of trying and failing to cash in because of Sabertooth butting in, I realized what I needed to do. I have wins over almost everyone that matters on this brand, except for one. Jason Long. I thought it was the championship I wanted. And that hasn't changed, but there's more to it. Cashing in on a corpse does nothing for me. It only gives the doubters more fuel. Sure I have a belt, but I don't have the respect that comes with it. The respect I had after beating Finnegan Wakefield for the Television Championship. I might've been called the champion, but nobody would see me as one. I need the satisfaction of beating him clean. Of knowing that it was my skill and nothing else that won me the match. I need one more chance, one more shot at getting the job done. That's why I threw away the briefcase to get it. I have to beat Jason Long fairly, or that championship means nothing. I could defend it. I could do what I did for the Television Championship, but people will remember how I came to obtain it in the first place. 

And if I can't do it my way, I might as well fuck off.

I need to win on my own merit because I've spent my career relying on others to dictate my future. Sometimes it ends in a win, and sometimes it doesn't. When I was on Olympus, it was Mark Michaels and Eon Blue by my side. Helping me keep my championship on my waist and I did the same for them. But my last moment as an Olympus roster member was Mark Michaels eating the pin and losing three belts in one massive choke-job. On Kingdom, Fiora insisted on getting involved. And I'll give him credit, it mostly ended in wins. But we'll never know if I could've won on my own. We'll never know if I could've shut everyone up because my win was tainted by an interference. And we know what happened at Hardcore Havoc when we were actually in a ring legally together. For once, I need to do things on my own. And losing isn't a fucking option. I know what I'm capable of. I know I'm a threat to anyone that steps in a ring with me, and soon they all will. I know what I have to do. And with the one man that can stop me fighting for himself, the only option is to win on my own. I know the lengths I'm willing to go to. I know that nobody's getting in that ring except for the three participants in this match. I can only rely on one person, and that's exactly how I want it. I need to prove that I can beat Jason. The one thing that's evaded me, the win getting closer and closer every time. We put on classics. Matches that people will be looking back at for years. But both of my chances ended in a loss. 

This one won't. 

This is my moment. It has to be. I can’t go through all of the pain, all of the suffering to fall short again. I sacrificed the only thing keeping me going to make this match happen. The one thing motivating me to keep going. First, Fiora ruined it by choosing the festival to take his shot. But I know he’ll regret it when it’s all over. I handed in the thing I earned with blood for one fleeting chance to prove to myself that I don’t need anyone’s help to do the one thing that I’ve needed to do since starting on this brand. I put it all on the line. If I lose this, there’s nothing for me. I’ve humiliated myself on the grand stage again. This time with my so-called mentor helping to bring me down. The one man that I haven’t been able to beat winning three in a row against me. All that, and my instant title shot flushed down the fucking toilet. I shouldn’t even be thinking about this, but I can’t help it. I should only be focused on victory. Winning should be the only possibility in my mind, but I can’t stop thinking about what happens if history repeats itself. I’ll make sure it doesn’t. I can’t lose this. I won’t lose this. Everything holding me back is gone. The burden of relying on others won’t show its face. I can only count on my own skill and that’s what I need to claim my destiny. 

Long, Fiora, this match means more to me than you two can ever imagine. I know your motives. I know your intentions, and they don’t match up to mine. Jason, you’ve gone through hell to keep that belt, and that includes going through me for a second time. But this is just another defence for you. I know you don’t have the undying hunger I do to prove myself capable because you already have. Don’t get too comfortable at the top, though. Fiora, I know why you chose this match to insert yourself in when you could’ve picked any future date. But you don’t want it as much as I do. You haven’t put yourself through all the turmoil that I did. You just waltzed in and mixed up a match you know I’ve been waiting for since I made one of the hardest choices of my life. It didn’t have to be like this, but you know what you did. And you’ll suffer the consequences. I know desire alone means nothing. Trust me, I’ve shut down plenty of people that said they needed the win. That said that they’d do anything to make sure that I go down for that fatal three seconds, and they didn’t. They didn’t have anything but blind hope for a win. But the desire that I have to win the Spartan Title is the thing that fuels me forward. It fuels my fists spilling blood in that ring, and it’ll drive me all the way to having that championship in my hands. And knowing that I finally did the one thing I couldn’t do. I’m willing to risk anything to get the job done. I don’t care what I have to do to the both of you. This isn’t about simply taking out my frustrations or settling a feud, this is something more. And all of you are in my way. Fiora’s been my mentor since he pulled me out of spinning my wheels doing nothing on Olympus, but even he won’t be safe from my lethal fists. I have no allegiance to anyone but myself. And I won’t stop the punishment until I have that championship raised and the satisfaction of knowing that my goal is finished. 

You should be honoured, Jason. You should be honoured by the fact that you’re my final boss. You’re the person I need to destroy to be at peace with myself and settle the hunger eating at me from inside. We put on classics, Jason. We beat each other to a bloody pulp, but the only thing I remember isn’t the pain. It’s not that agony that we put each other through, not the screaming fans, but the feeling of defeat I felt both times after that final bell rang. I refuse to feel it again. And now you know how that feels. Against Fiora, and against the man you said you’d never forgive, Christopher Sabertooth. And we know how that one went. But that still doesn’t compare to the pure feeling of failure I felt after the second time we faced off. I thought it was my time. But after putting my all into it, it just wasn’t. This time though, I have nothing to lose. I have nothing else to look forward to but this match, and if I can’t win this time, I have nothing. I have to win this more than anything. I know you’ll do everything in your power to stop that from happening, but I’ll overcome. The pure need for this one thing will push me towards capturing that championship. As of late, you’ve known losses. I’ve been running through everyone you consider a friend in a quest to cash in my title shot. While even with that championship, both Fiora and Sabertooth have had your number. Sure, Fiora’s was tainted a bit with every wrestler on the planet running in, but that was something you should’ve saw coming and planned for. Now you know just how beatable you are. How that championship’s going to slip from your hands one of these days, and you’ll never be able to pick it back up. And that day is coming sooner than you expect. Before then, I feel like you were feeling untouchable. For every time you were tested to your limit, there was another pushover title match against the likes of Kevin Maverick or Reginald Dampshaw lll. You felt like nobody could take that championship away from you. Until you felt the feeling of being pinned in the middle of the ring. What if those matches were for the title? We would’ve had new champions crowned right in front of our eyes, and nobody would’ve seen it coming. Especially you. You’re not the unbeatable champion we all thought you were, and your time as champion ends here. And I’ll be the one to put the nail in your coffin. 

I’m sure it felt comfortable at the top. You have almost everything you want. Do you remember how it feels to be hungry? I do without a doubt. Before you felt defeat, I know you were feeling a little too comfortable looking down at all of us. You forgot what it was like to put everything on the line for one goal. You don’t have the one-track mind that I do. But now that you’ve down defeat again, maybe you have it back. Good. It’s what I want, so nobody can make excuses about how my win isn’t deserved. So I can say that I put down two of Kingdom’s best at their peaks. Now you know just how loseable that championship is, and you’ll do anything to keep it because it’s the only claim to fame you have in this place. Bring me the best Jason Long there is so I can prove that nobody in OWA can stop me. I should know what you’re capable of. We’ve done this twice already, and I’ve come closer and closer each and every time. I’ve given you more and more every match, and you’ve given me the same. I’m becoming better every time I step in a ring with you. And this match is the one where I finally surpass the man that I couldn’t stop. It’s meant to be. Now that Fiora’s entered this thing, I need to prove more than one thing. But even though he’s here, you know it’s all focused on me and you. Can I finally put you away or will you stop me for the third time? They might not know the answer to that, but I do. I know what’s happening this time because there’s no other scenario. I have to win. I have to make my name at your expense especially, and nobody’s going to stop me from doing that. Not you at your best. Not the man that claims to have my best interests at heart. The only person that can slow me down is myself, and with everything on the line,  I know I won’t do that. I won’t fuck myself over. 

Not again. 

And then there’s ‘Father’ Nathan Fiora. You’re the one person I didn’t expect to have to face anytime soon, but this was your choice. Not mine. Don’et get me started on the whole student beating the master shit. You know what I’m capable of. You know I’m good. I don’t know why you would want to subject yourself to that type of punishment. I know you’re owed a title shot, but you could’ve taken it after I have the belt. If you truly wanted to test yourself against me, it could’ve been a singles match. I know your true intentions. But they don’t matter to me. It doesn’t matter who else is in this match, I’ll crush them either way. This should be very interesting, though. The last time I faced a member of The Awakening in a match, it ended with me holding the Television Championship. History will repeat itself, but I have a feeling you won’t have the attitude that Eon did. Back then, it didn’t matter who won, just that one of us did. But we all know that we’re only in this for ourselves. I don’t expect any help from you and you shouldn’t from me. You know what this match means to me and you still decided to shove yourself into it for what? I thought you already did enough damage by leaving me high and dry at Harcore Havoc. Whatever. I know you’ll regret it in the end when I prove that nobody in this company can compare to me. And especially not you. You let me down back at Hardcore Havoc when I was forced to fight almost their entire team on my own. And I still almost had it. What makes you think you can stop me from taking that championship? 

Here’s the thing. You can’t. 

When we were on Olympus, it was always you relying on me and the rest of The Awakening. I used to think that was a good thing until I realized the one thing I was missing in my life. You would’ve lost the OHC on the first fucking defense if it wasn’t for me. I helped you win it and the one match we weren’t there was the one where Darkane ripped it out of your cold hands. At the start, it was me that needed you to stay relevant. To have a chance at success. But now at this point, we know that you need me far more than I need you. Without me by your side, what are you? Who else do you have to listen to your prayers? Without followers, you’re just a crazy man yelling at people that do anything but listen. And the one man that listens to you is about to tear you apart inside of that ring. Is this really how we go out? Is this how we end? Beating the shit out of each other in a hunt for championship gold? I’ve held this briefcase for months. I’ve wanted to become championship for longer than you could comprehend holding any belt and I won’t let you stop me when I’m this close. And after this, I truly don’t know how we can coexist. How can I hold a championship and still be seen as simply your disciple? We’ve done that already, but that was back when you were the OHC. When the student surprasses the master, what’s the point of me even being around? When I said I needed to beat Long clean, that goes for the rest of my matches. I need the satisfaction of knowing that only my talent led to my win. And that goes against everything I’ve done in my time in The Awakening. That goes against everything you’ve shown me. I guess to finally win the Spartan Title, I have to do this shit my way for once. 

This is my time. It has to be. I’ve come this far, I’ve sacrificed the one item keeping me going to make it here and I won’t have it ruined by the two of you. Everyone in this match wants the same thing. We all want to walk out as the Spartan Champion, but none of them need it like I do. Neither of them are enough to stop me from accomplishing what I couldn’t do before. Both of them are finished. Long can kiss his championship goodbye, Fiora can put his dreams of holding gold to rest, the only person walking out of that ring with that title is me. I’ve come this far just to fail again. I won’t give them the satisfaction of seeing me choke. 

There’s no other option but to fucking win. 

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Stark, J.D. Damon, Mav., Alyssa Grace, The Banshee and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 17th 2021, 3:02 am by Raivo
Authenticity needs no comparison….

*Raivo is out in LA with his group, bombarded by Paparazzi as he explores the bars of West Hollywood. Moving from bar to bar, Raivo’s group continues to gain attraction and soon a crowd is flanking him trying to get a picture or a scope from the newest acquisition for OWA. Among the group is Vincent who is trying to help navigate the group from the swarm just giving off-handed answers, one-word answers, or outright disregarding questions from the swarm. Raivo on the other hand is loving the attention, posing for the cameras, signing autographs, and giving attention where he needs to give attention. He ignores the paparazzi, but doesn’t ignore all those fans who have gathered around him, in fact, he seems to be having fun. As they’re walking a Limo pulls up to the group and everyone starts to flock around it as the door opens for Raivo and his crew. In the meantime, Raivo motions to a fan and tell whispers something in their ear. A look of elation from being in Raivo’s presence soon turns into a look of confusion, then realization, then excitement. Vincent grabs him and they both duck into a limo along with the other members of his group.*

The swarm keeps getting bigger and bigger every day. I don’t know how you keep doing this.

Oh, it’s easy Vincent. You just have to remember why they flock. I mean celebrities are as close to god as these people are going to get before they meet him, so it’s just my job to make sure they’re getting their money’s worth before that day comes. And you know that’s just the kind of guy I am, I’m a nice guy, giving these people a chance to meet someone of status. Maybe sign a couple of assets, take a couple of pictures, and just give someone a good time for just a few seconds of their lives before they go back to being mundane. I mean for as all the paparazzi do they know this, which is why they’re always there trying to make scoops out of the daily lives of celebrities, so these people could feel as if they’re in the know for once. Now don’t get me wrong I think we can all agree they’re parasites trying to make a quick buck, but like everything, they serve a purpose. A purpose of information spreading. Cause like a virus whatever they print is going to be spread in such an overarching fashion, and everyone will know it sooner or later. So you got to know how to spread this information and once you control the narrative, you control the outcome. Once you do everyone is essentially a puppet that you can control with just your words and your antics. Something we already know I’m hella great at, second to none.

*Raivo takes a glass of wine from the inner compartment of the limo and takes a drink of it, smiling and raising his glass like a toast. Those with drinks raise as well, while those without just nod their head in affirmation. Raivo finishes his glass before putting it back in the compartment and talking amongst his group. Vincent is on the tablet, watching the social feeds, and sees something peculiar, Raivo is trending for some reason*

Control the narrative. So I guess you going viral is something a part of your plan, isn’t it. 

Of course. It always is. You just have to let certain things slip, certain insights into something else, and boom the word of mouth does the work for you. I didn’t even have to say much and it’s already making waves. The bolder the claim the better waves it will make and I’m going to go for broke because I might as well. Especially in the first match, the more the noise, the more the eyes will be on this match. The Festival itself is a celebration, something that has never been really done before just for Kingdom. The name of the brand itself “Kingdom” gives a sense of royalty, an air of regality that surrounds this brand. I’ve kept up with what’s happened in the past year, with many factions trying to stake claim to the brand under their own name and power, those factions coming to a point where it blew up and casualties were plenty. And after that Kingdom was trying to get back its bearings. But even then people still worked to take advantage of it and it all came crashing down at Hardcore Havoc. So this Festival isn’t just a celebration of Kingdom, but if anything is a turning point for Kingdom after so much time being under a regime of total disarray. In all honesty, I thought this place would’ve crumbled long before but it didn’t and that speaks to the resolve of this place. But with that said as an act of celebration The Festival is going all out, so why should the two newest signees do the same. Now I know I talk a big game, but that’s for a good reason, I’ve not been proven wrong, nor does it seem to be something I’ll be proven in the long run anyway. It’s all about being prepared and all about knowing the obstacles in my way. And well, Vincent, due to our constant training, that’s something that I believe I’m prepared for. I need not waste more time trying to hone skills that are honed, but to keep refining them and making sure that I have the patterns down is what I need, but I also need to keep this little cat and mouse game interesting.

“Cat and Mouse game”? Well if you see it as that, I can’t stop you, but only tell you to keep thinking more about the game plan, which I guess from your antics, you’ve not stopped thinking about it. But I’m sure you’ve heard Akamu speak since we’ve last met, and well it gives us more of an insight into the man behind the name. But he’s very prescribed to a notion that has been placed on him by the likes of TV and Internet, about Californians being nothing but talk. So from this, it also seems he does little to no research about his opponents which could be good knowing he’s not going to be able to watch tape on you. But other than that he’s very stubborn in his way of thinking, so honestly, there’s nothing we really can say to him other than what we’ve already said. So it’ll be like talking to a brick wall, just no response or reaction. Though he did take exception very much to you just disregarding him as a competitor.

Of course, he did, no one likes being told their shit by someone they believe is not on the same skill level as them. This is why I’m still of the opinion that he’s easy to poke and prod and let his emotions show. It’s funny honestly, watching him just try to talk his way out of this. I admire his gumption but it’s really more of just a nuisance at this point. Cause I can talk a big game, he can talk a big game. I can go out on these extravagant adventures into the night and he can meet up with his clients. All these points to our characteristics or so it seems. Vincent, between you and me, we all know this is just surface level, this is just what people want to see and what I’m happily able to give them because it gives me a chance to just be and just have fun. And what more can a person ask for when you ask them to just be and to just exist and take the fruits of life along with them. It’s never been about being this man who lives it because he wants to be perceived that way, no it’s always been about being this man who lives it because he enjoys it. I enjoy going out with this posse, I enjoy working out well into the night honing skills, I enjoy getting into that ring and making fools of everyone that steps into my path. I enjoy it because I am able to do so and not feel as if it’s a slog every day. Maybe it’s cause Pops did the same during his career. Every bit of fun he had he did so because he knew he could enjoy it and not to have to save face on anything. He was just Authentic. That’s what I enjoy being. Authentic. This moniker I’ve cultivated isn’t just something I thought would be cool to have the announcer say when they called my name. It’s a symbol of how I live. I live to be Authentic in every form, every facet of my daily life, and I’ll continue to do that. Whether or not that has people acting as if I’m cocky or just need to get my face stomped in. I don’t have to account for people’s insecurities or feelings of worthlessness because they’re threatened by my high attitude and the way I carry myself. If anything that just shows me everything about them.

*Vincent chuckles at all this as Raivo and his group continues to celebrate and have fun. Vincent lets in and fills a glass with champagne and joins in for a bit before composing himself, not wanting to lose the stoic nature he holds*

With that said, I know better than most in this car about your attitude.I just see your father in you more and more, and that includes how he handled himself outside. What I don’t want to see, however, is what happened later on. He got too complacent, he got too consumed with his vision of already being perfect that he refused to learn more. In fact, that’s why he wanted to train you from such a young age. He didn’t want the same thing happening to you.

And it won’t. I’ve perfected bare-knuckle boxing. I’ve perfected every aspect of technical wrestling in every circuit I’ve been in. I’ve taken his teachings to heart, and I’ve taken all his failures to heart too. I know how much that messed him up, and I know how much it changed him, but the fact of the matter is this, I am not Pops. I am what he strived to be and that’s perfect. I don’t say this with a weak bravado, I say this with confidence because I have the ability to say it with that level of confidence. It’s nothing more and nothing less than the real deal from here on out. And with the way, Akamu acts you know he knows this. He can keep talking, he can keep thinking he knows my type, but in actuality, he’s just another blowhard like all the others I’ve faced. Akamu as you said has this air about him that he believes he knows everything, that he has the intel, but he doesn’t know what to do with anything given to him. He’s just brawn, he’s just muscle, he’s just an enforcer who can’t wait to breakthrough. But that’s the thing about his type, he doesn’t have a goal, he has this open-season type deal. But it’s not to say he has limitless potential, it’s to say he has limitless excuses he could make. Akamu whether he knows it or not has built his road and has paved them with so many outlets he could use as an excuse. One loss and it could be he didn’t care for the match, another loss and it could be it wasn’t in his best intentions to try and win because it’s not something that excites him, and loss after loss with keep coming until he has made more excuses than he’s had a win while here. And he’ll keep doing this until he is out of OWA once and for all. And I’ll be there waving goodbye with more accolades than he could ever imagine and that’s just a fact. Nothing more, nothing less for a person in my position, you know this.

*Vincent looks back at his phone after this exchange and he goes through the posts throughout the feed and watches so many dissenting views. Many people are praising and believing these words of Raivo. Others are supporting Akamu and what he said and arguing about who is better. But in the end, the top post is what was initially said and in the statistics, the numbers keep climbing. More and more people are sharing this, more and more people are commenting, more and more people are liking it, and so on*

The words of the many make quick work of the words of the few. But in a time where everyone is interconnected, people are able to voice more and more these days. It’s both a blessing and a curse because people are able to take from this many things. Inspiration, demise, a heightened sense of self-importance, and an increased weight of expectations. The whole world could watch together as the world burns down as easily as they’re able to comment on what is happening around them. This new age is coming to become something of the deciding factor in a lot of battlegrounds. Something we’ve worked on time and time again. But this new storm is coming Raivo, and we need to be ready for it.

*Raivo takes a drink of the champagne in his glass and looks outside his window with a smile in his face, one that has not faded since he signed with OWA, and one that’s been on his face many times before this.*

And I’m ready for it Vincent. I’m ready for all that is to come. All that is thrown at me. Hell, I can’t help but smile at the chaos and confusion all caused on the feed due to just a simple sentence given to a fan. Really helps weed out detractors and loyalists. And if it were to keep continuing at the rate it’s going it will be nothing short of amazing for me. Because while I don’t know what’s been said, I can tell by your reactions every time you look at your phone that it is something special. And it goes to show who is actually running this match. It’s not OWA anymore, it’s me, it’s my influence that is making this hype going around. It’s like when a fighter in the UFC says big promises such as a KO in round one. People can’t help but be intrigued and quarrel about whether that will happen. They’ll speculate, they’ll talk, they’ll try to rationalize their arguments because that is all they can do at this point. It’s taken out of their hands and into mine. Remember when I said no one can take it when someone they think lowly of talks big shit. This is just what I wanted to show. In all its grandeur, opinions are being made that are very much bottomfeeders going after what low-hanging meat there is. Just from a simple sentence All there at my beck and call. 

And Vincent I know you know what this means but for those confused in the back and especially Akamu, what this means, this narrative I was able to concoct with just one sentence just goes to show you that when I come off as arrogant when I come off as someone who hasn’t been “humbled” it’s mostly because I’ve earned it. Being humble is a phrase people use when they know someone is already better than them and they would like to see them brought down to their level. Being humbled is what people say when they want the champion to come and do three-ring circus acts in front of the media so they could be the face of the company. Being humbled is reserved only for those whose goals are so broad and without structure that they’re willing to settle for the bare minimum because that is all they know what to settle for. Akamu if you want to humble me, then come and give it a try. So many others have tried before you and neither of them have succeeded, but maybe you’ll be lucky. Maybe you’ll be able to play this out as some sort of hurrah, humbling a man who obviously has had this match under control before it even started. It’s just a matter of time before we get to that point and when we do you’ll remember that challenge of wanting to humble the man who can’t be humbled. Because there’s nothing you can humble about authenticity. There is nothing you can humble about purity. There is nothing you can Humble about Raivo because Raivo will give you nothing to humble him for. Plain and simple. It’s going to come down to if you’re still wanting to try and do just that Akamu, or if you’re going to just put up with my antics and actually fight me. The Festival marks many grand occasions and I hope that you’re able to make it Akamu because you’ll get to be front and center to the inauguration of Raivo, the Era of Authenticity that OWA has been lacking for so long. And if anything you’ll notice that there was never a need for humbling, but rather a need of a reality check, which I will be so glad to administer to you when we meet in that ring. But until then Akamu, I want you to just prep for defeat and realize that when it comes to pure skill you were always outranked.

*The limo stops and Raivo and his crew exit out to enter his home. On the screen of Vincent’s phone, we finally see what has caused such commotion of the feed. “Newest OWA Superstar Raivo says “Authenticity Need Not Be Humbled”.*

VaeVictisBD, Aria Jaxon, Michael Bishop, J.D. Damon, Alyssa Grace, The Banshee and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Arata Asakura
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 16th 2021, 1:00 pm by Arata Asakura
OWA Promos - Page 16 GpYl7l7
OWA Promos - Page 16 Tumblr_pfyg6uqaFE1s0zdtdo2_1280

The Festival #1: The Golden Dawn.

13.11.21 Unknown Location 

*At first glance, it's hard to say what this place is. A person might even start to wonder if it can even be described as a location, because it resembles an empty space filled with colors. The space in the center of which stands a Japanese man with blonde hair, golden eyes and red stripes covering his neck, arms and chest. There is also something in front of him, or rather someone else. However, an ordinary viewer is unable to see the actual form of that person. In their eyes it is something like black and purple smoke that speaks in a surprisingly calm tone of voice. Arata or Raijin, as it is indicated by the man's appearance, walks towards the interlocutor and kneels on one knee, lowering his head. Once back on his feet, he begins to speak in a calm but confident tone of voice.*

"People have made it difficult for us in many ways to reach this point, but in the end we are in the right place. Hence, a much easier way to get what we want. It's only a matter of time before we change this world. I told you, nobody was a better option than a man who knows the pain of rejection by society and is motivated enough to help others not experience it. Not to mention his wonderful abilities and personality."

*Unlike the viewer, Raijin not only knows but sees who he is talking to. His interlocutor nods and then adds something from himself.*

"That's true. This boy helped us a lot and will still be an important part of all of this. He is the human leader we need. But you also deserve credit, Raijin. You've been a good mentor to him. But do you realize that your role is coming to an end soon? We have to take the next steps. Maybe I will have to intervene myself. After all, I don't know how much they will try to interrupt us. However, you don't have to worry. For now, you can cooperate with him. Although, I'd like to meet him personally."

*Raijin immediately changes places with Arata, fulfilling the wish of his interlocutor. The Japanese man raises his head to look at the face of the person in front of him.*

"You understand who I am, right?"

"Yes, Raijin told me about you. You are the one who sent Yin as well?"

"Yes. However, you don't have to worry about her presence. She is only meant to be a support for you to be able to focus on important things, and not on what is going on around you."

"Fine, but why are we talking? Why right now?"

"Let me explain something to you. While Havoc has been a problem many times, this goddamn kid gave us an advantage. He let us see how people in your world react to an attempt to change their system. That's why, we could have been more cautious and wiser. But we don't know what these selfish creatures will do against you, since they see you as a huge threat. Therefore, you must be stronger than ever before. You know? I am talking to you to tell you that your cooperation with Raijin has sufficed so far, but when the time is right you may need me too. We can't lose this war. That's why I want to introduce myself to you personally. My name is *******."

"I see."

*Only Arata was able to hear the last words. As if his interlocutor was speaking in a different unknown language. For humans, however, it was supposed to be a form of warning that Arata's reign is on a completely different level than what Havoc did to the Kingdom a couple of months ago.*

15.11.21 Osaka, Japan

*There were still a few days left until the Festival, but Arata had the impression that the world was already getting crazy. What influenced it? There were so many factors, that's why it's hard to say which was the most important in this situation. The defeat of the false peace symbol. The return of Finnegan Wakefield. Most importantly, Arata Asakura finally put his hands on the most important gold on Kingdom. It was one of the things that scared people the most, because they knew what happened when Havoc did it. They saw the consequences of this man's tyranny, so they were afraid it would happen again. The thing is, Arata's story was completely different. He and Havoc were not the same, even though people compared them only on the basis of their point of views. The difference between the two was about to be revealed real soon. Until then, the young Japanese man allowed them to think so. He let them believe that since Havoc could be stopped, so could he. Just to poison hearts full of hope, as they understand with each subsequent attempt that Arata cannot be stopped. The first to experience it, was to be the aforementioned Finnegan Wakefield.*

*As the shot opens, Arata is seen sitting on a bed of grass near the ruins of his old house. The man is wearing a black turtleneck, black denim pants, dark leather boots and a long navy blue coat. At the very beginning of the recording, the man is carefully looking at the sky, ignoring the presence of the camera. However, after a while he turns his golden eyes towards it, and takes out something from the bag next to him, which everyone knows very well. The man places the OWA World Championship on his left shoulder, clenching his hand on the leather strap. Finally, the first words come out of his mouth. He is surprisingly really relaxed.*

The world was created in such a way that people are looking for heroes all the time. It was designed to exterminate those who are considered as villains. Forgetting that it's not all that simple. Not realizing that you can't just put someone into one category. There are no absolutes on the spectrum of good and evil. These two positions actually fulfill each other, and what their balance is depends on the specific individual. However, this also is not enough to make a judgment, because there isn't always anything or anyone objectively correct. There will always be someone who will see the monster in the hero selected by society. While in a villain, someone who does something noble. What is good and bad just depends on a perspective and everyone has a different worldview. Therefore, it is not worth taking the words of insignificant bugs personally. There is no point in being offended by someone who cannot understand you. Especially since they don't even know what you are going through. Therefore, I will say it again. I do not care for the admiration of the roster. I don't give a fuck if the OWA fanbase loves me or not. To be honest, I get the feeling that the more you hate me, the closer I am to fulfilling my mission, because I know I hurt those idiots who think corruption and lack of justice are the norm. For me, each negative reaction is a sign that I am taking a step towards a new and better future. I actually feel that I am gaining more strength and I will go even further by defeating some of your heros. I will send to the coffin anyone who even gives you a little hope that these disgusting times in OWA will return. This is not a warning. This is a statement. I will not let this place be ruled by privileges and bias anymore. This stupid era of gaijins supremacy is over and it will not return anytime soon. So you can send after me Jeff, Bishop, or even Finnegan Wakefield himself, but you still have no chance of stopping me now. I have gone too far to just let you win at this point.

*Arata closes his eyes for a moment, and a small, full of pity smile appears on his face.*

You all believe that this time getting rid of the alleged problem will be easier. Eventually, Havoc prepared the Kingdom for this and made the people stronger and more united. The thing is, we are not the same. Sabertooth himself admitted it, and yet he and this monster were very close in a way. Honestly, he is probably the only one who understands in what situation the whole golden brand is. Even if you don't believe my words, I have to say it. I am a much bigger threat to your superiority complex than him. I am something your pride and inflated ego cannot face. Even if I am not chaotic like Havoc, what makes me stronger is a calm mind and not being overly emotional. Unlike him, I do not demand that everyone consider me a savior. I accept that others believe that I am the definition of destruction. However, I don't see anything wrong with that. In the end, no one said that the path to a noble goal that I have in my heart must be peaceful. Especially since, in this brutal and devastated by bad priorities society, it is impossible to do otherwise than by using violence. Listen, as a man who has always considered honor an important thing, I feel hurt because of that as well. However, I also understand how significant my sacrifice is. I am aware that my own pain, all this bloodshed, and all hate are the only way for my people to get what they deserve. Because until now, they were treated like lambs to the slaughter.

I am the light in the darkness that everyone has been looking for a very long time. I am the change this industry needs for years. Including both, those in the locker room and those in higher position. Honestly, you don't need to be very intelligent to understand it, just open your fucking eyes. It's enough to look at what has been going on with Kingdom over the last few years, because the problem didn't start with Havoc. A real issue happened right from the start. Therefore, anyone who thinks that these times should come back is blind ignorant, but first and foremost a fool, believing that it should be done by a person who is the pillar of the most disgusting side of OWA.

*Arata shakes his head disapprovingly. However, he quickly carries on with his statement.*

Your story is very touching, Finnegan, but also overrated at the same time. Most importantly, it is not honest in the slightest. Even if you were the first champion of the gold brand. Even if you've been here from day one, it doesn't make you automatically care about this place at all. If that were the case in the first place, you would never leave Kingdom. However, you can always say that you were looking for new challenges and I don't see anything wrong with that. What doesn't fit in with your whole beloved home story is that while this place was in chaos, you didn't even lift a finger. You sat comfortably in the locker room of Olympus and watched your supposed home fall apart. You watched as others tried to save it from Havoc. Why? Because it was so comfortable for you. So stop telling that bullshit that you are going to beat me to save Kingdom. That's not about that and fucking admit it. So what is the truth? That you're a privileged fucking egotist who only thinks about the tip of your own nose. Nobody should doubt it, looking that you are handed a title match the moment you came back. It just proves that I was right from the start that this place is poisoned with corruption and injustice. And at the moment, it doesn't matter how long you've been here, Finn. This is not how giving opportunities should look like. Especially since you did nothing to deserve to be my challenger. And I don't say it out of fear, because I know you can't even touch me. I say this because I hate such hypocritical trash. Not only do you not care about Kingdom, but as the first champion you are also responsible for how much shit this place has become. You are guilty of all the corruption and bias and you still dare to consider yourself a hero, who can overcome me. You are a delusional piece of shit, Finnegan.

You may not see it at this point, but you made a mistake in returning to the golden brand. You should have accepted the offer elsewhere, but the way you were treated the moment you signed the contract is a reason why you didn't. You simply thought it would be easier for you here, because you were once a champion. And you were right, because you got the fucking title match for free. However, as much as I hate it, I do not consider it as a difficult problem to deal with. Because that so-called Ace, that you think you are,  was buried with your first title reign as OWA Champion. Something that happened at your own request. If you want, you can still make excuses, but the truth is, if you hadn't been a moron and started a mindless war with people in the back, nothing would have been taken from you. You have to know how to wage war, Finn. However, what about strategy can a man know, who doesn't even have to do shit to get something. Let's face it, even at Olympus you didn't have to do anything to get another title shot. You skipped the TV title 3 defense rule just out of a whim. Anyway, you weren't able to seize your opportunity, and Darkane is just a hardcore hobo. I don't know if you are an idiot or maybe you are so blinded by your ego, but what happened to the Frontline should be a sign to you that you are facing a much stronger creature this time. So if you haven't been able to beat the man who loves throwing chairs and breaking tables, how are you going to beat an actual god? No matter how good you are, there are some things you can't predict. There are some issues you cannot overcome. Therefore, realize that what you dreamed of as your great comeback and becoming the hero of the Kingdom will not take place. Listen, I know what you are trying to do. But playing with emotions is not a good way of doing things. Even if people fell for Jeff's Captain America persona, you at Olympus itself have shown that you are not someone they would like to follow and worship. All you have shown is that you are a frustrated guy that peaked years ago.

*The blonde man looks at the OWA Championship and without taking his eyes off the belt for a few seconds, he utters the next words.*

Let's settle one thing, Finnegan. If it weren't for the fact that you were released from Olympus, you would never have cared for the future of Kingdom. You would still look away like a coward, and someone so weak would not be able to oppose me. In the example of Jeff, you should notice that an egoist will never go against the will of my people. Mainly because your whim is not more important than the good life of people who have been rejected in favor of useless gaijins for many years. Even if they were better than them. Eventually they got hope that their efforts would be appreciated. That's why, I won't let you take it away from them. They were the reason why I made the path covered in blood and dead bodies. For them I fought for a better future in the dark glare of the black sun. So I can't let such a piece of shit destroy it. I sacrificed everything I had to turn The Black Sun for them into a Golden Dawn. A sign of the beginning of a new future, where justice is paramount. A place that people like you would not be able to understand, because they are too spoiled by the privileges that have always accompanied them. Simply put, Finnegan. Kingdom is no longer your lovely home. The Kingdom is the place of revolution. Deal with it or fucking die trying. At this point, I don't care if I have the blood of another person on my hands, because to get something, you always have to make a sacrifice.

Bring whatever you have, Finn, but remember one thing. I will leave The Festival as the OWA Champion and the leader of the better future.

Aria Jaxon, Michael Bishop, Stark, Christopher Sabertooth, J.D. Damon, Mav., Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

--- AZUMI PROMO #1 - A Festival For the fans, a battle for us. ---
OWA Promos - Page 16 Giphy_3
--- Versus Theodor Pavel and JD Damon - Kingdom: The Festival - November 21st ---

The return, the climb back to champion status. It’s a long road especially since I look back and remember what came before this.

Having been SSW’s Heritage Champion for so long, and being here at the moment with not much to my name. It brings a reminder of where I should be, and most importantly where I will be.

Another chance, an opportunity to look towards, and possibly a chance to fix something that should have never happened.

The long road to that goal still exists. And honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Honestly, my birthday was wonderful, breakfast in bed, no gym work or stress about meetings. It’s one of those days where I’m not Azumi Goto the professional wrestler, businesswoman, and model but rather, just Azumi the normal human being. I had one of my few days off, it felt nice but now I’m back to work. Two opponents, one match, and the chance at the OWA World Championship. The show might be a festival for the fans but for me, it’s gonna be a war.

So the Outlaw championship scramble didn’t go my way and I’ll give MYOJIN his due for getting the win but the ability to push forward is the marking of a true great. Now I go from Spartans Championship to Outlaw Champion and finally now the opportunity to challenge for the prized jewel of not just Kingdom but OWA as a whole. The OWA Championship, it’s finally time. The goal and the reason I joined Kingdom. The title has been held by people who were and are considered the faces of OWA and here I stand just a few footsteps from challenging for it. The likes of Finnegan Wakefield, Kenny Drake, Aria Jaxon, and Jeff X, and while I’ve achieved a lot more than a few of them, the one thing I definitely wasn’t is the face of OWA. While Finn and Arata square off for the belt in the main event, I’m focused on my own task. Making sure that I walk out of the Festival a the Number One contender.

I called my shot and my reasoning to be the challenger and it’s a fair reason. I have something that not many have this season, a singles match win over Arata Asakura. All season long, I’ve had the Black Sun’s number. Those bastards are 0-3 against me and I plan to make it 0-4 if Arata retains and I’m set to face him! I sincerely hope that prospect is popping into Arata’s mind. But that takes away the idea that he could lose to Finn and be remembered as a failure of an OWA Champion. But while he prepares for Finnegan Wakefield and possibly tripping on his first defense, I have my own match to worry about and can’t look too deep into the future. I want this, it almost feels like I need this win. 

I have expectations set on me, there are those who expect me to win and even become OWA World Champion. I think that makes it even better for me, being put in a situation where I need to succeed and walk out with the win is what I need at the moment.

Who do I have in front of me this time? Well, Frontline but more specifically JD Damon and Theodor Pavel. It feels awkward to face off against Frontline but the end goal is similar, the opportunity to put down Arata Asakura. It does hurt me that JD and Theo are my opponents because I’m not a member of Frontline. I might care for OWA as a whole but in the end, my own goals matter just as much as the safety of the brand. Theo and JD have revenge for Jeff on their mind. But what about me? I have my own legacy in mind. I understand people might see that as a bit selfish but I need to be that right now.

Not once but twice I’ve fallen short at capturing a championship and with the OWA World Championship so close in my vision, failure feels like an option I can’t accept.

I think both my frontline foes know that. Both have their reasons for wanting to win, you have Theodor Pavel. He’s been consumed by revenge against Arata, over this season I’ve gotten to know through confrontations in the ring as an opponent and a partner. And JD? He feels like he created that Arata became and I understand him for that. When Natalie Cage became a power-hungry monster, I felt like it was my fault that I allowed a monster to be born because I couldn’t beat her at the first Final Destination. But you’re getting ahead of yourself if you think that you beating Arata was the only reason he turned into a literal man-child and a piece of trash.

Considering that so many factors played into his downfall, you were just the first domino. God, JD honestly I feel like losing to Emmanuelle over in WrestleWorld hurt his psyche more because at least losing to you meant that he was losing to one of his own. I understand why you want your chance but you carry a huge weight chained to your ankle. The weight of being a choker, a man who can’t get it done in big matches.

And I don’t think Kingdom can afford to let Arata ruin this brand as long as Havoc did. I hate to break it to you but Frontline revenge isn’t going to be enough to pull him away from the OWA World Championship. And we all get that that you beat Arata last year for the Spartans Champion but that was a year ago and times have changed. You know that he won’t slip up once again. It doesn’t help your case that just a few months ago, you couldn’t beat Jeff.

I hate to break it to you, JD but it’s about time you think about stepping aside. The worst thing is that part of me wants you to prove me wrong, I want you to win this match. I want to see you challenge and win the OWA World Championship whether that be against Finn or Arata but I can’t let that happen at my expense. The story of JD’s revival will be talked about for ages but at the same time, it will end up being the same old story. There’s the rise and then the fall. The inconsistency hits and JD stumbles. We saw it years ago, we saw it at Final Destination 3 and we even saw it in the Spartans Championship tournament.

The chances of it happening aren’t slim to none but the complete opposite. And for your sake, I hope you don’t stumble again.

From Frontline to another, Theodor Pavel. They say combat makes you learn more about people whether that be teaming with them or facing them. You get really see what they stand for and desire in life. And luckily having just been in the ring with him twice, I’ve learned a lot about you, Theo.  You’re quite a passionate young man and care a lot about your friends and family. 

We all know that there’s a small part of you that believes Arata can be saved but for how long is that idea going to stick in your head, Theo? How long is it going to haunt you before you finally accept that piece of shit like him doesn’t deserve a chance at redemption? Is that same part of you going to take it easy on Arata if he retains against Finnegan and you’re set to challenge him? These are answers that everyone needs from you, Theo.

Because I think you realized that Arata has gone off and won’t be returning, right? He gets to say that everything he’s done and said was worth it because Aratah Asakura is now the OWA World Champion! Maybe if he continued to fail in his pursuit to become world champion, he might have learned his lesson but now, your former friend is long gone, Theo.

So what do you fight for now? The chance to be like JD and bring the championship back to the frontline. Is that all you desire? Because if it is, then you can join JD in losing this match. I don’t have any problem in saying that since two are so worried about Arata being champion that you aren’t looking at the true prize. My eyes are on the OWA World Championship while both of you are focused on the self-made manchild holding the title.

So let me pose this question to both of you? If Jeff walked out of Hardcore Havoc as champion, would you have called your shots and pursued him for the OWA World Championship? I’m not sure if both of you could have done that. For Theo, Frontline runs in your veins. It’s a part of your life now, I don’t know if you’d be willing to create frictions in the stable by challenging Jeff had he retained. And JD, you already had your shot. You two might not have but I still would have called my shot to be the next contender. Because that championship holds all the value, all champions are the same, men holding the same gold, it’s just how to like to act as champions. Unfortunately, Kingdom doesn’t have a champion that we can be proud of unless Finn wins but now that Arata has his grimy hands all over the belt, you know he won’t be giving it up easily. So for now, we’re stuck with a selfish, greedy, disgusting human being as the OWA World Champion.

This is the OWA World Championship we’re talking about and you two are stuck on this idea of winning it back for the Frontline. Maybe it’s because I’m not a part of Frontline and I don’t understand the bond you all formed but I do understand the situation we all put ourselves in going into this three-way dance.

One has to win and in the worst-case scenario, I’m the odd woman out, I’m not a part of the frontline, and honestly, I’m the biggest threat in this match. So there’s truly nothing stopping either of you from just taking out me together and fighting it out for the contendership. But there is no such guarantee of that happening, at the same time who knows if despite being Frontline allies, JD and Theo will accept the other walking out as the victor. Sure, there’s the old joke of “Frontline is Fine” but nothing is for certain.

The Festival will give one of us three the opportunity at accomplishing a goal and look at whoever walks out of the event as OWA World Champion right in the eyes. You two want that winner to be Arata because it will give you two the chance to beat him specifically. You know… the whole “For the Frontline” thing. On the other hand, my quest is for that championship. I push myself to be the greatest of all time, it’s a goal that I know I can reach. As much as I want to stomp Arata’s face in one more time and beating the Black Sun in the ring is something I’m great at. The OWA World Championship is what I desire the most. If this was about Black Sun vs. Kingdom then it wouldn’t just be us three trying to claim our spots as contenders  So regardless of who wins between Finn and Arata,

I’m looking forward to facing the said winner. Either OWA is treated to a first-of-a-kind singles bout or The Black Sun returns to being a thorn in my side and vice versa,.either way, my desire to be the number one contender is far greater than both JD and Theo. This isn’t for the frontline, this is to strive towards ultimate greatness.

Part of me is excited to be in this bout but what a win it will be for me!

Consider it a late birthday gift from myself.

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Christopher Sabertooth, J.D. Damon, Mav., Alyssa Grace, Theodor Pavel and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 15th 2021, 11:33 pm by Titan
OWA Promos - Page 16 FcgNjD4

The flames of war are shown to consume all that touches it. The symbol of Olympus, the symbol of The Dynasty, a picture of CM Nas, and the symbol of The Omega Wrestling Alliance. As the flames die down, left is the visage of a mountain high above and descending from its step, a recognizable figure. A towering brute, a form that seems born and chiseled from this mountain, and the eyes of stoicism as the descent is made from him. Titan.

The gods of Olympus have abandoned this world. Now there is no hope, only destruction. After years of the mortal of this world suffering underneath the heel of the mighty gods, the endless nightmare of fending ourselves against the evils of the world and the torture of Tartarus without no solace in sight, the escape from the madness of this world brought upon by the gods will finally come to an end. I have watched these gods rest upon their laurels and simply watch as the rest of the world struggled, the rest of the world scrounging for the scraps that they toss from their table down upon us meager peasants. Ever since my birth, I had been witness to these travesties throughout the entire world. The rich, the elite, those with all of the power and glory of the world gifted upon them almost if it was divine right, these people have always taken advantage of the less privileged, the huddled masses, and those who have worked and pushed themselves to their limits for their entire lives to earn a sliver of what these people take for granted. A victim of circumstance that has been raised through these harsh conditions, a calling was brought before me in my formative years. I had realized that these gods of avarice and excess would only continue this path of selfish desire unless their mountain was reduced to rubble and ruin beyond repair. So, what did I decide to do? Make my body into a tool to be able to serve that purpose that had been discovered by me. I took the foundation that was gifted to me by the gods to serve their purpose and molded it to be an engine of destruction to be directed towards them and the idols of excess that they have become. This is why I have been brought into the world of The Omega Wrestling Alliance. These ancient gods, these sons of hubris, they have all needed to be tossed off of their pedestal and humbled to know that their status of god has been manufactured. CM Nas created this visage of being a Conquering God among mere mortals, but I humiliated him in front of an entire audience to show that he is nothing but a mere man pretending to be something he will never be. Nas was not worthy of the destruction that I have within my soul, the wrath of the Titans to be inflicted upon the true gods of this business that have been parading around with that status, but an ego death would have served the purpose. A humiliation that he has yet to return from and placed in an exile that he shall never return from, Nas was only the symbol for what awaits those that dare to challenge the desire of destruction from the Titans. The true symbols that will be left in ruin from the hands of the Titan that has escaped from the prison of Tartarus are those that are within the same realm of The Dynasty.

The Dynasty created their own Mount Olympus with this brand that bent to their will without a single ounce of resistance. The Omega Heavyweight Championship, The Television Championship, The Prestige Championship, and The World Tag Team Championships were symbols of their avarice that they flaunted with pride to show that they were the elite of this company without a rival to challenge them. They rested on their laurels and made sure to let everyone know their mission of restoring prestige of their own design into the trophies they laid claim to would be successful. This was the beginning of building their own personal empire to rule over those that were victims of circumstance to not be gifted with such trophies and respect, something that could not be allowed and needed to be made an example of through destruction and chaos by the hands of a Titan. As The Dynasty had their army, I had to find my own and there were those who were in accord with the path of destruction I intended to wreak at Hardcore Havoc, those who had been scorned and treated unjust by The Dynasty on their path of selfrighteouness for prestige. The Dynasty became what they had sought out to destroy in being an idol of hubris. The epitome of those rich fat bastards who sat around drinking their wine and engorging themselves while the rest of us starved, The Dynasty engorged themselves with championship gold and began to believe themselves invincible due to hubris. This is the only reason they would dare attempt to defend the Prestige and World Tag Team Championships in the same match, the only reason they feel confident to push for Darkane to defend his championship on his own, and opened the door for an agent of destruction such as me to reduce their temple of vanity into the ruins of disrepair they are in right now. The Dynasty fell at the hands of a Titan with his army and now, they seek vengeance for this act that has been made.

Matt Miles. The golden son of The Dynasty. I was not one to believe you to be a man struck with fear and trepidation at the sight of a Titan, but to claim cowardice from one is definitely a bold statement. Idiotic, but bold. You’ve taken a lot to heart with the fall of false idols such as Naheem and Nas, but you believe that my path only leans towards those of supernatural might that can allow those to even come close to the name of god. My motives aren’t so simple and there are more than gods of supernatural forces that need to be conquered, but the gods made from man that exploit and abuse those around them to get what they desire, like you. Don’t feign innocence as the world has bore witness to the methods you have taken to be able to become the name that you are throughout the world of professional wrestling, Matthew. You have played the game of a predator to strike when your foe is at their weakest, strike when least expected and perform tasks of malice and destruction in the same vein that you had inflicted upon you at Hardcore Havoc, and you were proud of it. History does not placate to your change of heart and your past came to haunt you at Hardcore Havoc when a Titan made his presence felt to The Dynasty and more, but it reveals the truth in the heart of a man. This change of heart may have rekindled your passion and made you bold to challenge a Titan such as I when you have barely seen what destruction I can inflict upon people such as yourself who need to be humbled, but it doesn’t change what you have done to be able to be the revered name you’ve become. Men who would intend to create themselves into the image of god, those who would press their oppressive boot upon the huddled masses of the world, you are a part of this breed and the karmic justice you have earned will be dealt to you upon our first meeting between us at Harlem Heat. Cast your insults, deliver your jokes, shield yourself from the truth that awaits you. Your courage is something that would be sung by the greatest of bards and documented in legend to be compared to Achilles or Perseus, but you have chosen the path of demise from my hands. Do not mistake this fact to assume that you will be shown the same mercy that Nas was lucky enough to be a benefactor of. Your body, your mind, your soul will all falter against the will and dominance that I will showcase against you until you are left broken and beaten to see why I have been given the title of Conqueror of Gods. This courage that you possess will be made into the epitaph of your tombstone for the rest of your Dynasty brothers to mourn over as you do what you can only do against a Titan that has been brought forth to bring ruin to everything you have built: die trying to salvage it. Harlem Heat will be the night where the gates of Tartarus has been opened to release me, the seal has been broken to bring forth the nightmare that none of you wish descended from the mountain to make himself known to the entire world, and the unshackled brute walking with destruction left in his wake as a fury no mortal man has been able to survive is inflicted upon my enemies. Matthew, you no longer possess the veil of protection that The Dynasty had around you when you’re inside of that ring with me. This game that you have started with me in trading barbs, it comes to an end and it will be one of violence. Coward? Fraud? Liar? These are not titles for me, but titles that you possess. However, what am I? Simple.

I am not a man. I am not a god. I am a conqueror of the gods. I am a Titan of violent vengeance and destruction upon the houses of the gods to be left in ruin.

The brute descends from the steps of the mountain and arrives at a shore at the base. He looked back up until his eyes reached the top of the mountain with fury and anger, bitterness behind those eyes of his, before he turned his head towards a Spartan trireme that he approached. The titan boarded the ship and looked towards the horizon of the sea to make his way towards his next destination with the seas taking him to the next arena of war he must endure.

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Stark, Christopher Sabertooth, Mav., Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Devi Krysis
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 15th 2021, 9:13 pm by Devi Krysis
OWA Promos - Page 16 Ezofbj26
Turn Bad Luck in to Good!
Kingdom The Festival #2

(In the McArthur Enterprises in NYC, Damian E. McArthur feeling nervous but feeling a concerned of what Devi is about to face!)

Damian: Dammit! Dammit!!

(Secretary Alexis looking on at Damian as he saw Maggall comment on Devi.)

Damian: Who the fuck is Maggall think he is? Talking to my cilent is nothing but a bunny?! Bruh. He don't know what he's dealing with.

Alexis: Certainly not, Mr. McArthur.

Damian: Where's Devi?!

(Suddenly Damian and Secretary Alexis heard a knock in his office, Damian responds.)

Damian: Come in!!

(Door has opened, turns out it was Devi Krysis entering the office.)

Damian: Devi!

Alexis: Good Evening Miss Krysis!

Devi: You called me while I got off the plane, what is it?

Damian: Look normally I'll be happy for you and your big matches, but i'm concerned about who you facing!

Devi: If you talking about BBC and Jeff X and Chris Sabretooth in the Triple Threat Tag Team match for the OWA World Tag Team Championships, That match?!

Alexis: BBC? Does that mean know..Big Black Cock?

(Damian spit his water and laughed at Alexis's response, Devi is trying not to laugh by holding it.)

Devi: *sigh* Well done you gave him a good laugh of that, but no it's Bad Boy Collectives, that involves three members. Maggall, Bad Boy Know, and the one and only Nobi!

Damian: And I got called a coon by Maggall himself, and he had a fucking nerve to call you a bunny?! Negro please!

Devi: Calm yourself Damian. Bad Boy Collectives are draped in gold for now, but Maggall well I appreciate for calling me a Bunny and big bad Bloodwolf but you don't know me or when I had been through for the past few months. He's a good competitor, a good champion! And I appreciate for Nobi to keep him on the leash, and not calling me a dumb bitch.

Damian: Those three are playing there freebird rule with the OWA World Tag Team Championships, but Devi you dealing with the talented veterans, Nobi and Maggall is one of them, but the other team...

Devi: I know Jeff X and Chris Sabretooth?

Alexis: Wait..two former OWA World Champions teaming up? That's new. I thought those two hate each other? And did Jeff X help you out to a OWA World Championship opportunity?

Devi: Well yeah, that was the time when he was Havoc. Now that he's no longer "Him" anymore he decided to teamed with Jeff. And I don't blame him, because after he lost his Championship at Hardcore Havoc against Arata, things aren't looking up. 

Alexis: What happen to Havoc now?

Devi: He's been living inside Hana Nakajima's head for sometime now, I hate to be Hana right now.

Damian: Umhmm, and i'm pretty sure that you can handle these veterans like you did with Nas, Matsuda, and your boss Aria Jaxon back in Civil War!

Devi: I'm came close to win The World Tag Team Championships on that day, until Aria ended me!

Damian: Regardless, Kingdom The Festival is approaching and I need to you to turn this tag team bad luck and make it a good luck with your new partner NAMI. Beside your birthday is coming up soon this week.

Devi: You don't have to tell me about my birthday, and i'm sure that NAMI is telling me the same thing that you said, I just hope that we gonna see another side of NAMI like what happened at Hardcore Havoc. I have bad luck in Tag Team Championship matches in the past, but this time will be no different, cause i'm dealing with people who became champion in OWA in the past and present, and what would be a birthday present for me is becoming the OWA Tag Team Champions with my new bestie NAMI! So Jeff X, Sabretooth, and BBC. I may not won the Openweight Championship, but i'm promised you, I won't bring out gifts on my birthday, i'm bringing beatings!

(Screen fades black)

Stark, Christopher Sabertooth, J.D. Damon, Jeff X, Alyssa Grace, The Banshee and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 15th 2021, 4:39 pm by DarkCircle
{The screen comes up and we see the signature Hanya mask of Ryo Sakazaki, before it pans left to show us the man himself...almost studying the mask like it was an insect}

Ryo: You know, for a man with the my opponent deems himself having, you'd think that he'd put more effort into a promo.

{Ryo looks away from his mask for a moment}

Ryo: But then again, when does any*ONE* put any*THING* serious into a promo anymore?

{Ryo then looks back to his mask}

Ryo: I mean the Banshee's promos are always full of seriously ill thoughts that make my stomach twist and churn with visual concepts of what she's *NOT* telling her opponents and then we have the pure and to the point illness that people like Darkane and Grhama Baker sprout with each and every promo...but while Baker's is sometimes full of his own brand of heightened arrogance-one cannot take away the man's dedication towards it.

Then you come to other people that I've encountered over the past couple of years elsewhere and their style such as The Skillz Vendorz and their dedication to working in elements of whatever video game they are playing at that particular moment is interjected without issue wonderfully into their promo.

And dude, Remi Skyfire's can never go wrong with just how violently to the point those are!

But Landerson's...what a complete and total waste of airtime?

{Ryo then leans back and glances at the camera with a shrug}

Ryo: I honestly don't know what he's expecting me to do with such a fucking piece of shit promo like that. Is he expecting me to be all intimidated by his lack of feeling, I mean I did put the worthless nugget through a table at the last pay per view after all.

Or maybe I'm supposed to take offense at how little he sees me as an opponent, to which I can simply shrug and move on because...and let's be honest here...I've had a hell of lot better just fucking call me a waste of space in a particular match. 

Is *that* what you're trying to say, Landerson? 

Are you saying that "just got lucky" in our last match against each other and that my "luck" won't work during the blindfold match at Harlem Heat?

Landerson, are you going to just call it luck when I rip that shitty little mask off of your head and then use it as a condom to skull fuck you through your left eye at Harlem Heat when everything is said and done?

No...that won't be "luck"...that will be "proof".

{Ryo's head slowly start to roll to the right, a twisted yet goofy smile crossing his face as he does so, but when he speaks-it's oh so calm}

Ryo: You're not going to defeat me at Harlem Heat, Landerson, because it is very obvious from just this piss poor attempt at a promo that you cut that you really don't care about even *being* here. Little shits who just join the company don't get to start at the top and challenge for the big boys belts like what Stephanie Matsuda, Aria Jaxon, Jeff X, and the others get to do.

No, little *NUGGETS* of useless *SHIT* like you get to start at the bottom....where you *belong*.

I *beat* you.

Then they *give* you to me in a silly little match.

They *DON'T* want you, Lando. 

You see, Lando, if they cared about you then they would've put you in a match against say...Titan or Matt Miles, maybe even a rematch against Monster Truck. If they cared about you, then maybe they would've put you over in Omega Wrestling Tomorrow...

You know, where you could learn how to cut a fucking proper *promo* then that Tide Pod Commercial piece of shit that you left me with, hrm?

{Ryo's head rolls up into a position of proper posture as he leans forward, that familiar look of quiet rage slowly starting to settle into him}

Ryo: But of course I'm going to focus on your promo for my promo, Lando my little shit-nugget. You won't survive a simple blind-fucking-fold match because you're refusing to take anything serious. 


You're also *NOT* going to be challenging for a title, no the only thing that's going to happen is you're going to listen your child weep at your very approach while your wife cries out "Dear God! What is that THING?!" in your perfect ears because at Harlem Heat, I'm going to rip that mask from your malformed skull and then I'm going to choke you with it, I'm going to choke you with it as I pluck your eyes from their very sockets so that your daughter can behold what true tears of suffering look like.

I will rip your lying tongue asunder from your very throat as you gasp for each and every single breath of crisp, clean air before I present it as your final token of *love* to you soon to be *WIDOW*!!

And why, *WHY* oh fucking *why* would say such things...let alone *think* these horrible, despicable things do you ask, Lando? 

{Ryo leans forward at the camera}

Ryo: Because my dear fuck-nugget, that is who *I* am.

I'm the guy that right when you think that you've got all of the fucking answers and that you can start resting on your non-existant fucking laurels...surprise *MOTHERFUCKER*!! You didn't think I knew you were coming right? Because I'll have my finger on that trigger, ready to blow your fucking shit-pot skull of your's all over Madison Square Garden because that's who I *am*, Lando.

But you see I am so DISAPPOINTED! You showed so much PROMISE Lando, so much FUCKING PROMISE. Now here you are, trapped like a fucking rat between the huge fucking boulder that is your worthless "EGO"....and *me*.

Ryo Sakazaki.

You can rip off that saying about "Six One Nine" all that you want, you can brag about working for that fucking dumpster fire of a promotion up in the Northeast all that you want...boast about how you went the rope a dope with Provencal and Eric Havoc once upon a lifetime even, it simply won't fucking matter because I'll still be the same person.


And will still be the one that will walk out of MSG with my hand held high over your broken doll like body, your blood dripping from my fingers because I'll have that last laugh, Lando, I will *always* have that last laugh and there's not a goddamned thing that you can do about it!!

{Ryo suddenly shoots to his feet and throws his arms out wide}

Ryo: Take me into your heart. Accept me as your savior.

{Ryo then throws himself down onto the ground before he slithers back up into a crouch, nothing but pure heart and fury swirling around in those dark eyes of his}

Ryo: Nail me to the *fucking* cross and let me be REBORN

{Ryo then points at the camera, the tip of his finger making tapping noises as he does so}

Ryo: Understand this though, Lando, my little nugget're not even a challenge in my book. You're not even *worth* the full frontal force of my fury because that would imply that you're worth two shits in my book...but as you've already shown me, that's not the case.

The last time, when I told you that it's time for you to go "splat"...that wasn't a joke or me teasing, Lando.

At Harlem Heat, right there in front of your wife and daughter....


Deal with your future reality, one where your dreams of trying to go for a title shan't happen because you'll be so much shit to be scrapped off of the mat...

{Ryo's face once more takes on that rather twisted smile}

Ryo: ....after you go *SPLAT*...

See you in New York, bitch.

{The screen fades to black}

Stark, Christopher Sabertooth, Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

The Banshee
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 15th 2021, 5:29 am by The Banshee
Odyssey Promo One
Faith Rewarded...
(The camera opens up inside a living room, modeled to look like it’s straight out of a 1950s sitcom. The only colors are just black, white, and different shades of gray and brown. The camera centers the shot on the wooden 1950s 19-inch television, which flicks on by itself as the camera zooms into the screen, transitioning into it. A very white-sounding narrator begins to speak over a trailer of what appears to be a 50s sitcom, everything now in full black & white. The footage appears to center on a girl that closely resembles Dulce Torres, complete with her ring attire on. The actress runs around outside in a white upper middle-class neighborhood, looking very frightened and confused, while a narrator begins speaking.)
Narrator: On Saturday night, see the former Odyssey Goddesses and Women’s World Champion as you’ve never seen her before…
(At that moment, a loud shriek fills the air, as the light black & white sky quickly darkens. The actress looks around, nervous… not noticing The Banshee emerging from behind her, rising up out of the ground it seems! As “Dulce” turns around, The Banshee grabs her by the throat, choke-slamming her directly onto a sharp white picket-fence. Dark, gooey liquid shoots out from the holes it created in “Dulce’s” chest, as the narrator continues to speak.)
Narrator: … SIX! FEET! UNDER! Tune in to Odyssey this Saturday night for an all-new episode of Banshee Knows Best, and witness the fall of Odyssey’s oldest and most overrated “Pillar!”
(The screen transitions to black & white static for a moment, a new program quickly taking over the static feed, showing only a hypnotic spiral slowly turning clockwise, the familiar notes of the theme from The Twilight Zone beginning to play over the audio. A few seconds later, a voice that sounds eerily similar to Twilight Zone series creator Rod Serling begins to narrate, as random objects populate the background. A large door appears right as the narrator’s script begins, opening up to random clips playing of The Banshee’s various matches and segments.)
Narrator: You, the audience, have the unique opportunity to unlock this door, using only the key of imagination… Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind… but also a dimension of evil and malice, a never-ending landscape of terror, grief, and death… You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of ringwraiths and wickedness... You've just crossed over into… The Banshee’s Realm.
(The screen then cuts to inside a retro 1950s-era diner, the black & white folding into bright colors. The white walls are decorated with various pictures of cemeteries, tombstones, and face shots of Dulce Torres. A large, pink neon sign that spells out “Dulce’s” in cursive hangs about the counter, itself populated with red barstool chairs connected to the floor. A neon blue-and-red jukebox sits off to the right. The Banshee emerges from behind the counter, accompanied by pillows of purple smoke. She walks over to the jukebox, looking at the song catalog for a moment before dropping a dime into the machine. The 1956 song “I Put a Spell on You” by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins begins to play, while The Banshee walks along the checkerboard floor, staring right into the camera.)
The Banshee: In times of doubt, people try to find comfort in their faith, turning to ridiculous writings, sayings, proverbs… such childish ideas, but there’s one saying that even I can admire... Some folks say a dream takes only a second or so… and yet, in that second, a person can live an entire lifetime… I think I can agree with that, so long as the opposite also remains true: like dreams, it only takes a mere moment to conjure up a nightmare, and in that moment… even one second can FEEL like an ETERNITY OF TORTURE!
But am I speaking about my pain? That’s what the collective tongue-wagging internet trolls writing in their dirt sheets are saying… talking about how The Banshee, in a match suited to my interests… aborted her biggest opportunity yet at Hardcore Havoc… exiting via a quick elimination from Matsuda that no one saw coming… not even me… but that’s where the narrative begins mixing up fact with fiction, because the fact of the matter is this: yes, The Banshee didn’t leave London the new champion… but MY GOALS… were STILL SUCCESSFUL!!! I will discuss those “goals” at another time, because The Banshee’s plan to become champion is still very much on the right path… after all, Jonetta Stone NO LONGER has the title… Jonetta, I warned you to beware … THE CURSE OF THE BANSHEE! Without me cursing you, Jonetta, there’s no way in Hell that Revy drives the final nail in your coffin… Oh, and you’re welcome, Revy... now leave me the fuck alone, before I send you to Hell, where you can burn right next to your pathetic brother! 
The Curse of the Banshee… it's not just the cruelest and most devastating finisher in OWA history... a finisher that requires so much energy just to execute it… it’s a living… breathing… awe-inspiring force of darkness, one that I’ve unleashed upon Odyssey… and no one is safe… Especially you, Dulce Torres!
(The Banshee angrily begins punching out the jukebox, striking it several times without even a grimace of pain showing on her face, destroying the sophisticated 1950s replica machine in a blind rage. She then screams loudly, shattering the glass windows and cups as the piercing shriek reaches higher and higher pitches. The pictures of Dulce begin to “cry blood,” as streams of blood appear to seep out of her non-blinking eyes. The Banshee then turns back to the camera, rage burning in her eyes.)
Do you remember the last time we crossed paths, Dulce? It was at Clash of the Titansthe final three! The Queen of the Monsters, you, “Sweet Towers,” and that forgotten fossil Diantha Rosso… the details might be hazy for you, especially after Gwen Harper skinned your skinny ass alive… but it was YOU, BITCH, THAT ELIMINATED The Banshee from the Clash… no doubt with some “divine assistance” from the front office…
However, that’s NOT the moment The Banshee reflects on the most when thinking about you, Dulce… oh no… we have to go back much further than that… back to the summer of 2020… But first, let’s touch on our reflections… The Banshee noticed you were recently reflecting… or more like crying… about missing your old friend and rival Diantha… and now, you get to step into the ring with the monster that DESTROYED THE LIONESS… I feasted on her soul, and even went back for thirds, just like you gluttonous Americans do every Thanksgiving!
But back to that fateful Atlantis on July 17th, 2020… MeltdownDulce Torres versus Morrighan McDonnell… Yes, you fought Morrighan… AND ONLY MORRIGHAN! Why does everybody in this fucking company continue to fuck up this one fact, one that a retarded blind infant could easily see… THE BANSHEE AND MORRIGHAN MCDONNELL ARE NOT THE SAME ENTITIES! We were SEPARATE BEINGS that SHARED the same corporal vehicle… This banged-up body of some poor Irish-born, potato-munching streetfighter that dreamed of becoming a wrestling hero... may have originally belonged to Morrighan once… But I don’t like to share things, which is why I took over this body completely… Anyways, I digress… Dulce, you BARELY managed to make Morrighan tap out, but that’s NOT the moment I’m reflecting on… it’s after the match ends, where you met ME for the first time… after you fell to the Cry of The Banshee! That night, while Morrighan grew weaker… (chuckles) I grew stronger… and it’s ALL THANKS TO YOU, DULCE!
(The Banshee laughs for a moment, then sits up on the counter, grabbing the one glass that isn’t broken, helping herself to a milkshake… that appears to be made up of blood... A bloodshake!)
I’m sure you’re full of questions, but I don’t think you deserve the answers quite yet… because you have a moral dilemma ahead of yourself… Look at all the past opponents I’ve decimated, and look at the one common thread… There’s only one true way to stop me… to overcome The Banshee… you must… BECOME THE BANSHEE!
Yes, this sounds familiar, doesn’t it? That’s because you’re not the first “Pillar of Odyssey” to hear this very sentiment… why don’t you ask Diantha about… ooooh, still too soon? Did it break your heart when I devoured the soul of your BFF? You could always give Azumi Goto a call, she’s over on Kingdom now… imagine that… a true Hall of Fame Legend, one that’s properly “earned” the label of being a “Pillar of Odyssey,” chased off the very brand that she helped make famous… by the one true Queen of the Monsters! Azumi couldn’t become the “monster” she needed to be… which led to her predictable failure, setting up the same blueprint for you!
Dulce, I’m sure you’ll make an argument that you’ve “walked in darkness before” or that “you’ve been recently pushed beyond your moral limits,” so just shut your sweet fucking mouth up, act like the “Silent Goddess” you laughably claim to be, and save yourself the eventual embarrassment… because we both know that you’re NO WAY PREPARED to meet me on my morality level!
Your moral compass won’t let you even sneak a peek into my world, so instead… you’re going to come at me with some cookie-cutter hero response, right? If I were to easily guess your reply, it’s because you’re “above evil” or something generic like that… The only things you should be "peeking" for this Saturday night? Misery… pain… woe… agony… TORMENT!
If there’s one thing I’ve become a slave to, it’s spilling my opponent’s blood… using the most painful methods possible! If spilling blood through torment was a drug, then I’d easily be a junkie “poster child,” because when it comes to making you scream, Dulce… I’m definitely more than an “enthusiast… I’m a goddamn ADDICT, and on Odyssey, The Banshee is going on a bender… in full excess… until I fucking overdose on your anguish and suffering, and even then, I’ll keep going harder than Juice WRLD on a plane with a bottle of Percocet, or Amy Winehouse locked inside… a wine house! The point is, Dulce… there’s no magic can of Narcan, no helpful twelve-step program… there’s ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that will stop me from flaying your fucking skin off!
(The Banshee suddenly grabs a framed photo of a "blood-crying Dulce," punching through the glass and frame, subsequently ripping the photo up into shreds, droplets of blood strangely leaping out from the paper everywhere.)
I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH, ALMOST AS MUCH AS I HATE ALYSSA GRACE! So say your grace, your prayers, whatever bullshit spiritualism you like to practice… because it’s not going to fucking matter! When you step into the ring with the Wraith of the Ring… you are truly… ALONE! God doesn’t exist in my ring… Buddha… Zeus… Joseph Smith… Santa Claus… call on whoever you want… NO ONE IS GOING TO SAVE YOU! Devout idiots like you and your fans, Dulce… you expect to have your good faith “rewarded” when you need the help, blindly putting your trust into a fictional character… but on Odyssey, when it comes to your religious zeal… I wonder how long it’ll take before The Banshee makes you a “non-believer” once I grow bored of… PUNISHING YOUR FAITH! Pain is your only reward for blind servitude…
The one thing that has no place in religion is an existential truism… like knowing that we’re all "destined to die" someday… Dulce, your day of destiny is less than a week away… but here’s one undeniable existential truism: you’re no “pillar,” just some overrated El Paso garbage that I’m personally going to enjoy crucifying in that ring… Can Odyssey’s Beacon of Hope” truly stand up to the malicious might of the PUNISHER OF FAITH!?! You may have touched darkness before, but if you hope to defeat me… you must WALK THROUGH AND BECOME IT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Stark, Christopher Sabertooth, Jeff X, Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

El Landerson
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 15th 2021, 4:37 am by El Landerson
[after what happened at Hardcore Havoc Landerson was in the back with his Wife and Daughter to hug them and wish him luck on Olympus while Hugh Jass stops him]

Hugh Jass: Landerson last month on Hardcore Havoc you lost the Elimination tables match to Ryo which is why you'll be fighting Ryo Sakazaki once again but only this time it will be in a Blindfold match on Olympus any suggestions Landerson.

{OWA universe cheering for Landerson in the background}

El|Landerson: when I made the debut on Hardcore Havoc I thought that I was gonna win the fatal four way elimination tables match with three other men and I failed to let these OWA universe down and that is why next Saturday I will defeat Ryo Sakazaki. in a Blindfold match on Olympus at OWA nework.

Hugh Jass: and just awhile ago your Wife and Daughter saw your match at Hardcore Havoc after they seen you get eliminated through a table by Ryo Sakazaki. on OWA network

{Hugh Jass leans over towards Landerson with the Mic)

El|Landerson:  Ryo Sakazaki. was lucky at Hardcore Havoc but he won't get that lucky ever again cause once I face again but only this time it won't be no tables or anything else like that this will be a Blindfold match to see who gets to put on the Blindfold over there eyes and if it's me oh trust in believe he's gonna get an ass kicking of a life time when I beat him in front of these people out there in Madison Square Garden at Olympus on OWA network.

Hugh Jass: but what if you can't survive the Blindfold match on Olympus.

El|Landerson: actually Mr Jass. I've never been in a Blindfold match but I will tell you this though when I first step foot inside of that Olympus ring then I will beat that winner fool Ryo Sakazaki. in our match where someone gets to be blindfold and the loser  gets pinned or submitted on Olympus at OWA network.

Hugh Jass: can you even defeat Ryo Sakazaki. this Saturday

El|Landerson: depends on the blindfold match works out cause I like I said when I step foot inside of that Olympus ring for the first time then I will humiliate Ryo Sakazaki. in my Blindfold and fight for Graham Baker's Omega World Heavyweight Championship at The Festival PPV after I settle the even score with Ryo Sakazaki in our Blindfold on Olympus at OWA network.

El|Landerson: oh by the way Ryo Sakazaki. remember it's the Six-one nine!

(Landerson and his Wife and Daughter walks off when Hugh Jass continues talking)

         Hugh Jass: thanks for your time Landerson. and good luck on Olympus.

Hugh Jass: we hope that Landerson can even the score with Ryo Sakazaki. to see who gets blindfold on Olympus this week whenever they decide to let Landerson get an OWA World Heavyweight Championship at The Festival on OWA network.

[Camera fades when Landerson and his family heads straight back to his locker room before the match begins this Saturday]

Stark and Christopher Sabertooth have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Christopher Sabertooth
Re: OWA Promos
Post November 14th 2021, 10:39 am by Christopher Sabertooth
OWA Promos - Page 16 Cool_t19

The scene begins backstage at the OWA event, as Christopher Sabertooth can be seen directing traffic. He’s got a classy suit on, talking to the OWA staff while also handling phone calls. It seems like he’s juggling a lot of things at once, showing how busy he is. The camera approaches Sabertooth, as he begrudgingly turns his attention towards it ending the call.

“Hey. You know I love entertaining people but I’ve got an important show coming up real soon. As the host of The Festival, I need to make sure that everything goes exactly as planned. Just look at the card! We are stacked to the brim and I love every second of it. We might witness some history-making moments. All the belts are up for grabs! The Festival is shaping up to be a must-see event. I am glad that things are getting together as planned and people are turning a new leaf towards my involvement in the company. But I gotta go! I’ve got like fifteen calls lined up… What? I really can’t skip this? Boss’s orders? You’ve got a family to feed? Fine! I guess I will give you a moment of my time. That shit’s precious, my friend. Better be quick with it.”

Chris folds his arms and waits for the cameraman to say something. But the man doesn’t utter a word, as Chris looks on in confusion. 

“What? You’re just going to point a camera at me and not say a word? Is this for a new reality TV show? Fine. If you want content, then I will give you that shit. I am sure you want me to talk about my big announcement from tonight. Bad Boy Scenario will be defending their tag team championships against Devi and the bitch who nearly killed her at Hardcore Havoc-- and the team of Jeff X and Christopher Sabertooth! Now, THAT is a money matchup. People have been doubting my actions having tried to help Jeff against the tyrant Arata. But I am innocent! I am just playing my part in this war and doing the right thing. Arata needs to be stopped and perhaps Finnegan Wakefield will prove more useful on Kingdom than his Olympus days. He’s put on some meat on his bones so it should be better now. Think about the Vision Quest and how it had all of us involved down bad. That made me realize that holding grudges won’t benefit anybody. I wanted to hate Jeff for giving up on me when I needed a friend. Just the same way how I hated on Jason Long! But I forgave him and perhaps even taught him a quick lesson in humility at Hardcore Havoc. Jason has his hands full too with young Noah and Father. I am glad to see Noah coming around to my ways and seeing the light! I am sure he’d be a wonderful champion. Or Fiora-- If he decides to show the fuck up. Coming back to Jeff-- It feels good to finally look at him and not want to strangle his throat. Forgiveness has made me a better person. I am so glad I could find God and turn my life around. I am sure Jeff is happy for me too! And if he’s not, he’s still got time to change that. After all, we have plans to head into The Festival. Imagine the headlines! JEFF X AND CHRISTOPHER SABERTOOTH BECOME TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPIONS AT THE SAME TIME! Well, I can be Grand Slam if this company acknowledges me carrying the 24/7 division on my back but who am I to say. I am just an employee!”

Chris declared with a sarcastic tone, almost breaking into laughter by his own comment.

“The world wants to see us succeed, Jeff! I am not counting the simps that are cheering on Discus Devi and NAMI. If you want to see them succeed then subscribe to their OnlyFans. All jokes aside, I know that these women can fight. That Ultimate XXX match was intense in all sense of that word. But I don’t expect these two to get along. Woah! Before you bring up Jeff and me, I will have you know that we USED to be best friends. This is just a way to rebuild our friendship. And what better way than to be champions together! It’s kind of a hollow victory knowing that Jeff recently lost the belt that he beat Havoc for. But it’s a step in the right direction. It’ll distract Jeff from drinking himself into a depression as he did at Boiling Point. A side note-- I am glad that he accepted his mistakes from his time as the leader of the Frontline. I am glad that he realized that he was the cause for ALL the bad things that happened on Kingdom. Heck, Arata got obsessed with revenge and became a God in the process. But hey! We’re all in it together now. Surely we’ll be able to stop a near unbeatable God from running rampant on the show… What? I am forgetting something? Abholos? Oh yeah-- we’re fucked. Well, at least the Triple Crown is nice! Right? A good distraction while America is doomed for destruction at the hands of the xenophobic tyrant.”

Chris lets out an audible sigh pondering over the situation with Arata and Abholos. But he shakes out of it and turns his attention back to the camera.

“Oh right. You’re here for the drama. I’ll give you that. Let’s get to my opponents, shall we? Let’s start with Discus Devi! The ultimate underdog in the squared circle. If this was a Discus throw competition, I’d be shaking in my boots. But sadly, Devi is as credible in the ring as Nate Cage is at a cookout. She stands out like a sore thumb and even looks like one. Devi got people cheering for her out of pity like this was her Make-A-Wish. She had something going on with Azurine but with a cohesive team, she couldn’t get the job done. Now, she’s got a woman who tried to kill her. But it doesn’t stop there! Are we forgetting that NAMI was part of the Bad Boy Collective in SSW? For all we know, this is a handicapped match waiting to happen. How could Devi even trust her? And what about the Appalachian Strong Style?! Jeff is down bad right now and Devi trying to make him feel worse than he already does? Come on, Devi! This is Jeff’s way of getting over his losses. This is his rehabilitation! He already can’t trust me and now to see that Devi would turn her back on him too-- That must be tough on him. All I am saying is when NAMI turns her back on you and joins with the BBC, we’d need to even the odds. Get the A.S.S back together. I like the A.S.S! Hey, some might even call me the Assman! I am a fan! Devi is fighting for the wrong side. I know this is all about the tag team championships but it’s clear that BBC is trying to set us up. But Bad Boy Know won’t get away with this. He had a chance to level up at SSW but he proved that he wasn’t ready. Could have gone a level beyond but chose to stay the background player. The second man on a team. What a pussy ass leader is he? But don’t worry! He’s getting his ass clapped at The Festival… What?”

The screen shakes side-to-side at that statement.

“What do you mean Bad Boy Know isn’t in the match? He’s the fucking champion! He’s sending Maggall?! Listen. On the fucking list, I see the Bad Boy Scenario as the Tag Team Champions. Maggall has his own belt to worry about. What is this!? And that man is going to complain about opportunities? His ass was gone for over a year and he comes back with a title match and wins it! But hey, let him spin the narrative that he was held back. If he’s so against the white people, then why the fuck did he side with the Phantom Troupe when he entered this company! John Doe is like the whitest fucking guy ever. That man talked like he had a plantation in his backyard! What the fuck is he talking about? You know-- I respected the guy when he found religion. Heck, that’s what I have been doing the past couple of months. But now I see he’s back to being Maggall. What happened to Muhammad? Is he forgetting that the only time he was relevant in this company was when he found Allah! That’s an insult to legends like Muhammad Ali! How are you going to take on such a powerful name and that spit on its existence the moment it doesn’t serve you right. You know what? I bet his fat ass couldn’t last not eating food during Ramadan and had to change back. I have been keeping my ear to the streets-- I heard that he was talking a lot of shit to Elijah for the SAME THING HE DID AS PART OF THE PHANTOM TROUPE!! Elijah was living his best life. He was balling out and YOU took that away from him. How are you gonna attack your own people like Elijah and Jacob Senn?! They are for the culture! What about Big Naheem!? I bet you won’t say that shit to his face, goofy ass. There’s a word for people like you but I am not allowed to say it. Heck, get some drinks down Jeff’s throat and he’d be doing his best Dr. Umar impression.”

Chris looks irritated about Maggall’s involvement with the match. Maggall is part of the Bad Boy Collective but he’s getting away by not defending the Prestige title as part of the crew. 

“And what’s this about calling Havoc out for blackface. Look, I told the world already that Havoc was a fucking demon. A monster! And you calling him out for blackface? So, what you’re suggesting is that he got to put on face paint to be the fucking devil? Why are you equating the color of the paint to that monster’s actions?! Why are you demonizing your own people?! That’s racist! The paint had nothing to do with what Havoc was as a person. He was the devil incarnate and I want NOTHING to do with him. I hate that my face was a part of the pain and suffering that was dished out to the world. RIP Kenny Drake. RIP Moon-- Nah fuck that guy. And now he’s all buddied up with the BBC? Does he even look at his own teammates?! Nobi is like the most colonized Indonesian man in the world. That man does five straight-to-DVD movies and now he’s from Hollywood! Speaking of Nobi, he does one role as a bad guy in Cars, Guns & Fights and thinks he’s all about that life. Putting on a fucking jorts and chain around his neck and a bucket hat-- BITCH YOU OLD! Act your damn age! Maggall isn't going to talk about how that's culture appropriation too? Nobi on his Rich Brian wave. What role did he play recently? Ah yes! The Peacebringer in Kill Your Self Posse. I wish that you took your movie titles seriously Nobi and finish the fucking job. Is this the life that you want? You LOST to Bad Boy Know and that’s why you’re part of his crew. I still see you complementing your opponents and killing them with kindness. So, it’s not like that this lifestyle fits you. Stop trying to pretend to be somebody that you’re not! You’re a nice guy, Nobi. You’re not a bad boy. You never were! It physically hurts you to lie. You can’t say a bad word about your opponents who want to take away your championship belts! How are you nicer than Jeff?! He’s supposed to be the hero and your ass still complimenting him! So… Thank you for all the kind words, Nobi. Don’t forget that you’re a hero. You saved this world a long time ago and became a world champion! This new partnership HAS to be a phase but you don’t have to rebel against the system. You’re well respected in the community and a great champion in your own right. You don’t need Bad Boy Know or Maggall to tell you what’s right. Make your own damn decisions. Fight for yourself, Nobi! You’re a God-fearing man, aren’t you? What would God think about your life decisions? What would your family think? Snap out of it already!”

Chris looks disappointed about Nobi’s involvement with the BBC. Nobi has no bad bone in his body and yet he aligns himself with goons trying to strongarm their way into title opportunities. 

“I am happy for the Bad Boy Collective getting a win at Hardcore Havoc cause I like seeing people like Nobi succeed. But let’s not act like they deserved to be there. Nobi and BBK had been a team for a minute before they were handed a title shot. Much before ANY tag teams in this company. And Maggall? He’s talking about me being selfish when his undeserving ass got handed a title shot on his FIRST MATCH BACK! What else do you want?! I am not selfish, you ARE! If I was selfish, I would have made sure to rally against the management to make my match with Jason Long for the Spartan’s Championship. I beat him-- So I should be champion right now if I REALLY was selfish! It’s not about the gold for me. Even the Triple Crown, while being an incredible accomplishment that most people don’t achieve, is something just to sell this fight. That’s not the reason why I am motivated. To me, it’s about healing wounds. Jeff and I haven’t seen each eye to eye for over a year, if not more! That was my BOY! Then things went out of control, even for me. I didn’t choose to have a demon occupying my body and mind! I was hurt in the process too, just as much as anybody else. I am still healing from those wounds. But there’s one thing I don’t want to do. I want to repair my relationships with everybody I cared about. Jason was first because the whole wanted to know what I’d do for revenge. And I flipped that narrative and shook his hand. I embraced the man and told him that he has my respect. I forgave him just like I forgave Jeff for abandoning me. But life has given us this chance to rebuild our bond. It has given us a chance to be better human beings. To move on! And I am going to JUMP at this opportunity. Even if that means that I will have put down nice people like Nobi and Devi. This isn’t about the accolades. This isn’t about history. I am doing this for Jeff. Because this is just the start. Whether he likes it or not, he needs me for the big fight against Arata and Abholos. I had been in that position before and I am the man most well equipped for the job. And as long as there’s a distance between us, we won’t be able to beat the union of Arata and Raijin. Let alone Abholos! Things have gotten serious now and the whole locker room needs to reunite. If Bad Boy Collective is so in tune with the culture and ready to strike down the negative narratives that society forms for people of their color, they need to unite with the rest of us. We need to take down the tyrant! And we need EVERYBODY that we can get. NAMI. Devi. THE WHOLE DAMN ROSTER! Even then we don’t know if it’ll be enough!”

Sabertooth’s expression changes as he talks about the dilemma at their hands. He looks nervous about the fight ahead as he’s unsure of its outcome. Arata has grown to be even stronger than Havoc and with Abholos on the loose, who knows what can happen. 

“The Festival isn’t a celebration of things to come. No. It’s my way of getting everybody together. Tough times are ahead and things are only going to get worse going forward. We can talk about petty things and bring each other down, but that’s exactly what Arata wants. It’s good that people are so passionate about their career and the belts that are on the line-- But that is trivial. Maggall can bring the time where he beat me on his first night. Good for him! I am glad that he got to be Television Champion but he didn’t do much with it either. And he complained at every step of the way for having to defend against Layne and Carlos. Shit happens! We move on. Title belts are gratifying to say the very least but we’ve got LIFE-THREATENING matters in our hands. I’m hoping that The Festival serves its purpose. That people unite against the tyrant. Think of it as a bonding experience for everybody in OWA. A celebration of life… And a reminder that ALL OF THAT is at stake from where we stand. That being said, I wouldn’t be against being on the list with the very best as a Triple Crown champion. As a wrestler, that’s what I strive to be. But this situation is WAY BIGGER than just wrestling. Jeff and I are going to fight. Whether he likes it or not, he’ll be tagging with me for a united goal. And if we win, we’ll get to celebrate for a brief moment. I want my friend back. I miss him. I was gutted to see him lose the belt to Arata. And I hope he sees that. That good enough for ya?”

Chris smiles at the camera and nods before walking out of the frame as the scene comes to an end.

VaeVictisBD, Aria Jaxon, Michael Bishop, Stark, J.D. Damon, Jeff X, Mav. and have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 14th 2021, 8:59 am by Muhammad/Maggall
Live at the O.M.N.I. Goodie Mob wrote:
🎶One Million Niggas Inside...
You can’t break me even though you try
One Million Niggas Inside...
Even though you hit me with everything you got
One Million Niggas Inside...
I still found truth even though you lied🎶

I heard word on the street is that the whites think the Bad Boy Scenario are about to lose the tag team championships. What else is new, they didn’t have the vision to foresee us having all this gold in the first place. But can I ask who is supposed to stop me? Let alone us?!

Nami? This ain’t no anime, that lil girl can’t do shit to me. Even though she’s Japanese and would usually escape my hatred, she seems to help Devi in a war against the women of colour led Dorado Enterprises so she’ll suffer along with her white masters.

Devi Krysis? They call this dumb bitch a big bad bloodwolf. Please. She’s just a little snow bunny that does me a favour of letting me know Damian E. McArthur is a coon to the brotherhood.

Jeff X? Who gave him the right to use the last name X? That’s supposed to be reserved for iconic leaders in history. Even that bald brainwashing professor in his wheelchair in cartoons had to be a leader of great note for a whole race of people with that letter. This boy Jeff led men into a great war, and the only person to die in it was one of his homeboys not coming home alive. Let alone Arata Asakura’s eventual rebellion. So I refuse to acknowledge his X going forward.

And Christopher Sabertooth? Man, me and the man with the white devil inside go way back, and he should be the reason you people shouldn’t doubt me in the first place. Why our successful defence should be no surprise! But I’ll get to him later.

The only surprise is that this is some sort of festival.

What OWA know about a festival? You think any of their higher-ups have even been to a Caribana? You think they’ve been to any of the grand carnivals in Brazil? Or even Mexico? Nah, man, they don’t know culture. That’s why a monster for the culture like me was never the big man they wanted to be the face of their beasts. They wanted a monster that fit their Monolith of white men. They even pulled out a red carpet for that homeless giant ginger, not realizing it was quite literal that a soulless man would never make anywhere his home, let alone make his home this company. But who is the big man people keep calling to when they need muscle? Be it the Phantom Troupe, Claudia Michaels, Nico and Jesus, Akatsuki, or the Bad Boy brand, they come for the most versatile crusher in the business! Now OWA has to accept it, and things are as they should have been when I debuted facing the TV Champion. Maggall comes in and wins his belts straight away! Now I come back, and after one match I’m a double champion! Now we are running this tag division as free as those three white birds used to!

For all y’all know, we might have a reign that’ll outlast that Dollhouse of yours here in OWA. Nobi and I are the ones headed to Kingdom to make sure you Know what’s up. Together we’re way over 500 pounds of destructive force, and we’re going to enjoy this beat down. We must be repping Olympus based on the set-up of this match, but we won’t be doing this for the brand headed by some graham cracker. We gonna do this for the culture. Arata Asakura already got the whites down bad on Kingdom, just like sister Stephanie Matsuda does on Odyssey, so we going to make sure ya’ll remember to stay down until Bad Boy Know does the same on Olympus, so all OWA is fixed. Don’t you see how Allah works? I came and called out the row of white champions, and at Hardcore Havoc a bunch of us came in to correct the error, Nobi, and I aren’t about to let that work be reversed so soon.

I may have my doubts over how OWA will run a festival, but Nobi and I are fine bringing the instruments that’ll make this grand party a show to be remembered! Our fists are the drumsticks that’ll batter the competition and give the people something to dance at following the beat of crunching bones. We’ll bring the soul that makes this much more than a white western affair. This tag division has force-fed the people bland slop for so long that when we sandwich these teams together with slams and pepper them with blows that’ll bring out the flavour and colour of their red blood, they’ll think Nobi and I are their gods. People can even stand back amazed at the festival floats we’ll have stood tall over the competition. You know Nobi, and I already tower over the rest of these teams, and that’s before we’ll have that splattered all across the ring.

Now I don’t know how having a two PPV losing streak earned you two a title match, but I’ll start with you ladies first. Devi and Nami. I know some people confuse my faith to be one against women, but in truth, it reveres and protects them. Look at what happens when you don’t follow our traditions? You wrestling me is the greatest sign of the problem with western women culture! First, you allow yourselves to show your skin and be leered at by perverts, and then next thing you know you’re somehow under 200 pounds and wrestling men in the high 200s and low 300s. Instead of helping build a home for the future generation of children and feeding your families, you’re gonna be getting your ass beat against forces you have never had a chance against. But you both only have yourselves to blame. Especially you Nami, you should have been focused on helping Serena Bennett instead of letting that filthy white whore beat you all in an Ultimate XXX match. You two have angered me and Allah. Thus you must take your lashes and punishment. That ring isn’t large enough for you to run away. I’ll have you two flying and twirling through the air more than the cheerleaders you should have been instead of being wrestlers. And you know what the worst thing about it is? You’ll find out no one will even be mad about it. The west is that lost. These perverts are going to enjoy watching you get hurt.

As for Jeff and Christopher Sabertooth, this has to be a joke. Everyone knows whites and their problems with coordination, and that’s even when they get along. You mean to tell me I should worry about these two former arch-nemeses somehow pulling it together and being a cohesive tag team? Christopher was the one that put OWA in a situation where Jeff’s homeboy got murked, and you mean to tell me people buy into this team? Please, they’re both selfish psychopaths. In fact, I was already going to call them selfish, yet it’s my boy Nobi who made me realize this is all about them becoming triple crown champions. I can’t believe I didn’t realize that on my own, but it goes to show the importance of working together. But there’s more. Jeff puts people in his “Frontline” so they’re the ones that get hurt while he hangs back like a little snake and tries to look cool while people shower him with awards for being an unapologetic drunk. But messing with Nobi and I, Jeff will have to beg forgiveness on a future Kingdom for getting punch drunk by our hands.

I don’t care how many world championships they have between them, that doesn’t make them a legitimate tag team that knows how to work together. Nobi and I are cultured. We grew up with natural and trained rhythm; we can keep on beat with one another in a way that Jeff and Sabertooth never will. We even came out to speak back to back on cue. We aren’t fooled by how much hype these two get. This is just a last-ditch effort from the OWA machine to collect the top prototypes of wrestlers it wants on top to come to re-establish the status quo the Dynasty had kept up so well before them. Once again, OWA chooses wrong! The past is gone for good. We’re coming into the house of Arata Asakura, not Jeff’s, not Sabertooth’s, and I think people should be happy about that. When you think of these two leading a division, team, or anything you can think of, you should be concerned about who they are about to sacrifice. The people should thank Nobi and I, sure we might send white bodies to the ICU, but at least they get to one day go home to tell their children to never mess with us. Kenny Drake will never have that chance after the chaos these two men caused. Jeff’s Frontline didn’t work out because he couldn’t keep Arata under his heel. It just shows that whenever these two try doing teamwork, it never goes well for anyone, including themselves.

I’m not done with you either, Sabertooth. I’m sure you remember me. Even if the people forget. I’m the one who on his debut ended your singles winning streak in OWA. I’m the one who not only didn’t become a champion after beating the TV Champion on TV, but also the one who didn’t even get a TV title shot from you afterwards. That’s when I knew the fucked up world that benefits whites would be no different in OWA. They protected you, coddled you because they wanted to build you up to be their future hero. I was the only one who saw the white devil inside back then, only I knew you were a coward and a menace. Ironically, OWA protecting you from me eventually led you to create the situation where OWA lost one of its greatest white heroes. Now you’re on this redemption path, and I’m sure one day the people will forgive you and believe you’re an alright guy because Havoc is gone. But not me, I knew you were and still are scum. I know you deserve this beating you’ll have ready for you at the festival. I don’t care who you are and what you got, people think you and Jeff will win, but they also thought nobody could ever end your streak until I showed up. I’ll always be the one person that ends your brighter days. Be you undefeated, be you a champion, be you the real white devil, be you the last “real” wrestler alive, or even be you redeemed in the eyes of these idiots, nothing will ever stop me from picking your small frail body up and pummelling you into the dirt you are.

White devil, not Havoc; I’m the one million nightmares that keep you up at night. You couldn’t break me, even though you tried. I still found gold in OWA to prove I was championship material, even though you running away with your strap once lied.

Stark, Christopher Sabertooth, Scott Oasis, Jeff X, Mav., Alyssa Grace, The Banshee and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 14th 2021, 6:17 am by Nobi
Now you all know why I chose to join The Bad Boy Collective. All the gamblers, all the haters, all the fans, the media circus, gossip sites, you name it all, questioning me why I chose to join Bad Boy Know and Maggal.

Well because of this. Because The Bad Boy Collective are the winners. First appearance and we won the Tag Team Championships and Prestige Championship right away.

And we are willing to defend our Tag Team Championship as soon as possible because we're fighters. We fight anyone and everyone and we are willing to make a visit to the Kingdom to defend our championships.

I said it, The BBC do fight anyone and everyone. The BBC believes in equality against anyone and everyone because look at our opponents. The two teams that are challenging Maggall and myself. We're defending our titles against two crackers and two street hoes respectively.

I don't mind why both teams are joining forces because they want to represent their heritages and their kinds respectively but again, look at me and Magall. We are completely two different outside, but this is why we are the superior team and let's not forget, and this is why we are the tag team champions. We make it multicultural.

Well, I don't mean to say all of that to underestimate any of our challengers, especially to someone like Slapjack Sabbertooth who has won countless championship and countless promotions and now I'm going to say it that Sabertooth is my boy in Wrestleworld as we both are in The World's Finest together and even maybe I could say Sabertooth is like my Cousin but let's state the obvious that this is OWA and not Wrestleworld, so now I see him as an enemy. No hard feelings, Slapjack, because after all, you want to challenge for this belt and try to form an alliance with one of your enemies. I get it from your perspective. Both you and Jeff only need the OWA Tag Team Championship to be the OWA Triple Crown Champions and quite frankly, I would love for it to happen if I wasn't a Tag Team Champion right now but why when I'm carrying this Championship, Sabertooth? What? You don't want me to be a Champion in OWA? Sure, you supported me to be the WW American Dream Champion but why are you challenging me when I'm carrying this belt? I know being a Champion is always your thing because you're that damn good but it seems to me you don't want me to be an OWA Champion at all. Again, based on your words on how you said "BBC feels good about themselves and BBC feels good for being confident". So somehow if me….particularly BBC feeling confidence is not a good thing? Isn't that how you always feel, Sabertooth? You always feel confident and full of yourself and I never had any problem with it even when you were hiding your autistic face behind your face paint to terrorize OWA and yet, somehow you do when I feel that way? Why? Well, it doesn't matter anyway because you're a jackass, Sabertooth. I don't really believe that you have good intentions by wanting to stop BBC. I mean, what have we done anyway? All we did was just beat The Dynasty to win the Tag Team Championships, so why are you acting like the BBC is some kind of a dangerous group? Well don't bother to answer that, Sabe. It's because the BBC are that great. You're that damn good but we're that damn great. As good as you are as a single wrestler, you still have a lot to learn as a tag team wrestler and that is the area where I'm better than you.

Moving on to Jeff X. I have a history with him. Not just a history but apparently our only one on one encounter led us to the SSW Fuckery Match of The Year award. Good spot….but it wasn't a happy ending to me. I lost that match. Jeff was able to retain both of his SSW Championships and I failed to beat him. I mean, I had and probably still have no hard feelings for Jeff X. He did what he had to do to retain his Championships against me and as he pointed out before our match began that night and maybe just to be specific, I'd like to consider Jeff X as my Older Brother but you know….sometimes Brothers or siblings fight and this is no different. But just like what Jeff did to me in SSW, now I'm going to do whatever it takes to retain my OWA Tag Team Championship against the team of him and Sabertooth, as well as the team of Nami and Devi Krysis. Well, let me back to Jeff first. I was watching the conversation between you and Sabertooth on the last Kingdom and I have to say that I'm surprised that you're in this match as Sabertooth's partner. Well, either way, you are here and I'm not going to let you and Sabertooth beat me and Maggall that easily. You just had a long reign as a World Champion and now it's my time to do it once again as one half of the Tag Team Champions. Besides, you clearly still have a hatred towards Sabertooth, so I suggest you take care of your emotions first, because otherwise, you're just wasting your time, Jeff. That makes me wonder. Why didn't you pick a Frontline member to team up with you if you really want to try to be a tag team Champ instead? You are not thinking clearly. Your emotions are clouding your mind and for a World Champion like yourself, it's not a good thing. Try to control your heart and do bring the best version of Jeff X because while this is still a triple threat tag team match, I want to beat you on your best days…. or beat you on your worst days. Up to you but either way, you're doomed.

Now let me address Devi Krysis. I appreciate it that you call me the great Nobi because I think accolades wise, Jeff X and Christopher Sabbertooth have accomplished a lot more than I do. And I do understand why you want to win the Tag Team Championships with NAMI. You want to do it for your former partner, Azzurine Vebbins. That is such a sweet thing and I wish so bad you could do it but I don't want it to be at my expense. Not on my watch. And the reason why Maggall is my partner is because Magall is a great wrestler. He is a former TV Champion and now he is the Prestige Champion. He is great and why wouldn't I want to team up with him? He's cool.

And last but not least, NAMI. I appreciate your spirits and such but it's quite funny when you say I betrayed America or how I should learn how to accept my failures. First off, I'm still an Indonesian through and through and second, I have countless failures ever since I decided to join this business and the reason why I joined the BBC was not because of a failure at all. My last match where I decided to join the BBC was…..against Bad Boy Know himself. I didn't lie to be The White Knight and I was happy, but they turned on me as soon as I joined the Collective. It's fine. I'm happy to be a part of it anyway. And let me point out one thing. You said, try to learn to accept my failures. Well I have addressed that but you also pointed out how the SSW locker room went wild when I won the SSW Puroresu World Heavyweight Championship. I have tasted some great success as you mentioned my SSW Puroresu World Heavyweight Championship winning, so what are you talking about by trying to accept my failure? I'm satisfied enough accolades wise but I still can win a lot more to be a lot more successful and you're going to be part of it when the BBC retains our Championships against you and Devi.

Well, I'm going to speak in general that the BBC asks for a fight and we bring the fight to the place people want. Now are you ready for some of these smokes? Because Magall and I are going to cook some hot cooking in this Kingdom: Festival….and who knows if we might end up burning it.

Michael Bishop, Stark, Christopher Sabertooth, Jeff X, Muhammad/Maggall, Devi Krysis, Alyssa Grace and have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 14th 2021, 4:49 am by VaeVictisBD
OWA Promos - Page 16 MIhMkNu
"The Absolute Top Cunt" Finnegan Wakefield

"How does one define their home?

Is it a feeling of comfort? Is it familiarity? Is it what barricades you from the troubles and dangers that reside outside the door? I put forward this question as when I was fired on Olympus, kicked out the door and thought to have been banished to wander the unknown, there seemed to be doubt as to where it would be that I would call my home next. Sure, there were other avenues I could’ve taken; I very well could have stuck my flag in any fleeting promotion that didn’t have the talent pool deep enough to demand greatness nor had anything to offer but meaningless championship acclaim and a list of prestige deficient names to pad my résumé with an endless tally of unimpressive feats. That doesn’t interest me. The food chain is rather linear, it would do nothing for me to walk into any environment and minimise the occupants as mere prey. As much fight as the insignificant would have brought, they’d be ultimately forced to submit to the laws my being there creates. To be truthful, I don’t know why people expected the outcome to be any different; there was only ever one answer to where Finnegan Wakefield was going to go, much like there is only one right answer to the question I proposed. Home is a habitat in which a species best thrives. I am a breed of competitor that doesn’t settle for mediocrity. Anything less than the best simply isn’t good enough to satiate my competitive nature. I became a founding member of the Omega Wrestling Alliance to challenge what people perceived to be the elite. I carried the flag of the company, of the Kingdom brand upon inception under that philosophy. That the best, those with the conviction to become the best would thrive; and those that couldn’t would fuck right off. No exceptions. No selectivity. No idealistic preferences. I became the inaugural OWA World Champion so that I could make that habitat. I made Kingdom home for the best competition this industry had to offer and it’s all because I baptized the canvas, the brand, and the championship in my blood, sweat, and tears.

But it seems people have forgotten that. Rather, it seems they’ve elected to ignore it.

All because of the unceremonious way that reign came to an end. I know that’s what everyone on Kingdom is armed and ready to try and shoot me down with. I know that is something that you, Arata, will use as an example to why I could never be OWA World Champion again. I have heard it more times than I care to keep track of at this point. It is an overplayed fallacy, one that has historically seen many of that belief unfavorably. So I will dash these idiotic narratives and spare this new slate of Kingdom from what has punished so many others for thinking that event put a cap on my potential. Let’s just get it all out on the table; I forfeited the OWA World Championship. I abandoned the OWA. I was the Ace of the company, and I let it all go. I’ve had people hold that over my head for a very long time, and for a long time, I did the same. I held myself to a high standard of excellence in the ring, as a champion, and one day I just couldn’t uphold that standard. I went through every excuse one could think of as to why. I became a victim to my home, to the comfort, to the familiarity. I demanded competition that challenged me and pushed me to my limits. But Kingdom at the time couldn’t provide. Isaac Thornton, Chase Vedder, Maelstrom, a Nico Borg past his prime, a Keelan Callihan ready to retire, a Jon McAdams who had a foot out the door -- fucking Scotty Adams! The growing pains of a hungry champion is a miserable existence. So when I originally came back to the brand, I was of the same mindset. The draft gave me a blessing in disguise. Sometimes you have to leave those barricading walls to get a new perspective; to challenge yourself. To that end, as fucked as the brand is now with the overfed lapdog in charge, Olympus provided me ample opportunity to rebuild, rewire, and brought about the second coming of the Tech-Wres Messiah. The landscape rekindled my competitive drive; I started from the very bottom and I blitzed my way through everyone on the roster that was worth a damn beating. And despite there now being a narrative that, had that match against Darkane been a one-fall contest, I would be able to say I had accomplished everything, I don’t trade in what-if scenarios. Weaker men wither and die when they fail at such magnitudes. Even if I never found the glory of the Omega Heavyweight Championship, I accomplished something that should strike the fear of my prospects into the hearts of everyone; being the only man that has pinned Darkane in his path of destruction. Fear so palpable, Baker had to beg his sugar daddy for the power to fire me so he could have every asset available to help him not do as Baker does best and fuck it all up. Anything to allow him the revels of a quivering pussy champion. He thought firing me would break me, cast me adrift, return me to the state of mind that almost ended my career. What he really did was liberate me, both from ever having to acknowledge him or be subject to his arrogance. He gave me the freedom to return to the habitat I created. It allowed me to finally bleed gold again, and it’s gold I have come to collect in both blood and accolade. As much as Oasis himself resents me, as much as he favors and puts his new bitch up on a pedestal, he didn’t intervene in me signing to Kingdom because he knows of the original pillars that held up the OWA; I’m the last one standing. New ones have been made, but without the dependable, without the pillar that has demanded the level of excellence that I demand, the roof would come down on this place and I’ll be honest; most of the roster wouldn’t have a place to call home if it did.

Daddy’s home now.

Arata; you’re in my seat. And for my first match back on the brand, I'll see you vacate it.

It brought warmth to a cold heart to have people on this roster giving me a hero’s welcome when they saw me at Hardcore Havoc. I made my intentions clear from the moment I flashed my freshly-inked contract to the world. But I know my return to Kingdom presents an issue; a paradigm shift not everyone finds so welcoming. It presents an issue to you specifically, Arata. Because I have cut this imaginary line; forgone any notion I haven’t earned the right to be in the position to challenge for anything. I don’t wait for handouts. I don’t come to my home and wait for people to let me in; I kick the door in. And at the cost of sounding arrogant; I don’t have to wait in line for anything. There is no reason for me to jump through hoops to earn an opportunity at the top of this brand. Everything you see around you Arata; I made. Other people have changed its shape, changed its colors, etched their names into it but at the very foundation of Kingdom; I am the crucible. When it comes to the OWA World Championship, I am the measuring stick that every champion that followed me has been measured up to. And nobody -- and I mean with all due respect to the greats -- nobody has surpassed me. Not in defences. Not in days. And certainly not in calibre of wrestler. I’ve heard a lot of people claim or be called Ace since I’ve been gone. And from afar, I watched what Kingdom had become under the watch of these supposed Aces. I watched as it went to war with itself. I watched as the casualties piled up -- I watched Aria Jaxon retire -- I watched Kenny Drake die. I watched Havoc bring the brand I made to near ruin, and I had to put blind faith into many people just to keep the sky from falling down. To their credit, they achieved it. But from the rubble, from the brink of self-destruction; I watched as you rose to your heights, Arata. I watched the rise of a great Spartans Champion. I watched you come ever-so-close but ever-so-far from becoming the Ace of Kingdom; becoming the World Champion.

And if I have seen the standard of the new Aces; I am unimpressed.

Dream match is a phrase that gets thrown about this industry like a buzzword. Finnegan Wakefield. Arata Asakura. The mere mention of those two names in the same breath sparks the anticipation that defines the concept of a dream match; a match that would ignite the start of a new era. If that were enough for me, this would be very different. If I was returning to Kingdom for the sole purpose of ticking off matches from a bucket list of the strongest competitors I have yet to square off with, perhaps I myself would consider The Festival to be a night that I expect to be pushed to a new level. A night where I have to break a new limit; to go a place beyond my peak. The Festival should be a night where I celebrate the fulfillment of a dream match. The bitter truth of it, however, is that I am not. Because the man I see across the ring from me is a cracked and disfigured shell, a fucking blight on what a champion should be opposed to the Arata Asakura I wanted to compete against. What I get is disappointment. What I get is another wannabe god who is so cursed with mortality that it’s embarrassing. It seems to be the newest trend; proclaiming divinity in a grandiose delusion to feel like you’ve ascended beyond the realm of mortals -- yet they always continue to show the same weaknesses. What does it speak to in relation to gods that they become afraid, become desperate -- become pitiful? That’s all I see when I see you point your finger at me, making promises of having me buried beneath my cape on arrival. I see all those qualities, and I can’t be intimidated -- by man or god -- by anyone so stricken with failure. That’s the one dividing quality that separates the Ace from the pretenders; the ability to own failure. To look in the mirror and see an honest reflection of your mistakes. You, Arata, forget yourself. You see a god in your reflection. You see discrimination; you see a victim. You saw the end to Jeff’s path of destruction, yet you don’t see yours. Because you’re too prideful -- you’re too caught up in the revels of being champion that you don’t find yourself prepared for being champion. You're not prepared for it, you're complacent. You want the whole world to see what you see in the reflection; under the light of the Black Sun.

But I don’t see the Self-Made Man that had been so hyped up to me.

I see only the Bitch-Made Champion.

Without Black Sun, you don’t have an edge. Without the helping hand reaching out to you, you wouldn’t be afforded the luxury of standing above the Kingdom as you currently do. Without that help; plain and simple you couldn’t have beaten Jeff. You couldn’t defeat someone like me. Because at the core, beneath the suits, beneath the claims to divinity, beneath the insecurities that force you to act so calm to hide the panic of the fractures your weaknesses continue to make; you have become a woefully desperate man. You know deep down, you’re on borrowed time. And when I come to collect November 21st, if you don’t bring the best version of Arata Asakura to the fight, that time runs out. The clock strikes midnight on the rise. Everything you’ve worked so hard for slipped through your fingers like grains of sand. There’s nothing more pathetic than a god with two faces. Well, I want to know now, Arata; which face am I going to see in that ring? Hmm? Am I going to see the face of Arata Asakura, am I going to look into the eyes of the Gaijin Killer that I have been promised will bring me the fight of my life? Or am I going to see the real face?  Am I going to hear every feeble excuse as to why the king wearing a paper crown got ejected from the throne that never belonged to him? Am I going to be disappointed by the man -- the wannabe god -- that you are? I expect your truest face. I expect your desperation to be your only weapon and your greatest weakness. You needed a lot of hands on your back to get you to the top, defending your position there becomes a whole 'nother trial of resolve; a resolve I have watched you lack for a very long time. You can blame Jeff, you can blame the whole Frontline for holding you back and making you weak -- for not elevating you to the platform you were clearly not otherwise ready for; honestly, that doesn't change a thing to me. You can blame the discrimination of your people, these ideas of favor to the Westerners; my conviction forces opposition into submission indiscriminately of their heritage or ideals.

That's why people are telling you to be afraid. It's why they see your fall looming so soon. Because it's that conviction that will see the Black Sun set on Kingdom.

And it goes beyond just some selfish desire to recapture the belt that I had never lost. This dwarfs the yearning to prove I am the undisputed Ace of Kingdom again. For years, I have been seeking redemption for that which has become my greatest failure in upholding the values that I put into the foundations of this brand. I pushed myself to the brink of retirement, even the brink of death on occasion, just to absolve myself and pay penance to my pride. On Olympus, perhaps I grew selfish. I did what I could to survive solely for my own sake, what was best for me; for the things that I wanted for myself. Well, this goes beyond me. This is about salvaging the home I made brick by bloody brick, forged through the flames of my ambitions to create the greatest brand of professional wrestling on the planet. A brand that made the likes of Aria Jaxon, Kenny Drake, Jason Long, Jeff X, Michael Bishop and create a long line of competitors that will continue to push and redefine the trail I blazed. But I refuse to allow this trail to lead to a Kingdom of Arata Asakura's design. Lifting the OWA World Championship isn't just about redemption for me; it's about redemption for the men and women of this brand who have had enough of the wars, the dictatorships -- the casualties both have brought. And if that means I have to use all the vile and venom that courses through my veins, all the reserves I have accumulated over the years to pull the trigger on one more casualty, Arata; I aim to kill.

Despite my doubts in your abilities to carry the weight of the championship, despite knowing that without the Black Sun you are nothing; I know this is not an easy task for me. My back is firmly against the wall; I don't have the Frontline at my back, against the numbers and tactics behind the devotion of the Black Sun I am a man marked for death. So I understand your confidence. I understand you feel so sure in how this is going to play out. So did everyone else. Every single person that felt that they had me figured out like a science. Those odds don't favor you. My home is against all odds, it is where I find my comfort, my familiarity -- it is where I thrive most. I do not dread the odds; I defy them. I don't know how I will, but I have a thousand ways to make it happen. No numbers can break me, no doubt will inflict me -- no god will pretend they are above me! There is one sure thing about the fall of gods: they do not fall a little; they crash and shatter. And in my home, Arata; gods don't have the right to rule. They have the right to try.

The deck is stacked against me.

But the Ace will never fold."

Aria Jaxon, Michael Bishop, Christopher Sabertooth, J.D. Damon, Mav., Alyssa Grace, Darkane and have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Last edited by Finnegan Wakefield on November 18th 2021, 9:20 am; edited 1 time in total
Remington Ivory Prescott
One For The Money
Post November 12th 2021, 5:54 am by Remington Ivory Prescott
One For The Money

Remington Ivory Prescott.

A name synonymous with money, power, and disrespect.

Keep in mind that those that have earned such disrespect deserve every moment of it. For people like Remington Ivory Prescott want nothing more than to provide the world with the greatest gifts that they could possibly bestow upon it...


So, it is well within the generous nature of Remington Ivory Prescott to bring forth his incredible talent, and unfathomable wealth, to such a needy promotion as the Omega Wrestling Alliance.

If there were ever a moment that the sports entertainment industry needed the guidance and superiority of a star like Remington Ivory Prescott, it is this exact moment.

Soon, the entire Omega Wrestling Alliance will know exactly why the gods sitting atop Mount Olympus also sit at the feet of Remington Ivory Prescott.

You're Welcome.


"We Don't Wish You Were Here."

Prescott Tower is, as per usual, in full swing as the peasants and workers mill about taking care of all of Remington Ivory Prescott's business. They all seem to be quite content or stressed out or annoyed but not a single person is not doing the job that they have been paid so gloriously to do. They are, after all, professionals.

Speaking of professionals, the most decorated professional in recent business history, the cover star of Self-Made Monthly, the illustrious and luxurious, Remington Ivory Prescott is standing right inside of his office looking as immaculately conceived as ever. Standing behind his pristine desk and talking to some idiot on the phone.

"What kind of diamonds are they? Blood? What the hell is a blood diamond?" Remington Ivory Prescott rolls his eyes in anything but confusion. It's more like annoyance. "Okay, well, are there dead bodies around them now?" Remington Ivory Prescott really shouldn't have to walk these people through this but it is what it is, apparently. "So move the bodies, pick up the diamonds, and get them back here so that I can have them cleaned before I put them in Dollar's collar."

Remington Ivory Prescott might be listening to whoever's on the other end but it's more that he's paying attention to the arrival of Randi Moss in all of her beautiful personal assistantness. She hangs just inside the door while awaiting Remington Ivory Prescott to finish his phone call.

Remington Ivory Prescott finishes his phone call and motions for Randi to come on in.

"Please tell me we made even more money today than yesterday." Remington Ivory Prescott slumps down into his comfortable seat and looks playfully stressed in Randi's direction.

Randi takes her seat in front of the desk. No, seriously, she has her own chair. There are two chairs for randos that might be in this office by chance but Randi's chair is so much more comfortable and expensive than those and she sinks right into it, swiping across the tablet in her hands. "Profits are up by seventy-eight percent, Remington. Thanks to..."

"Me, yes, of course." Remington Ivory Prescott tosses a dismissive wave of his hand at whatever Randi was about to say. "My re-emergence into the limelight has sparked such a grand uptick in PresCorp products that there's really nothing left to be said. I'm amazing at what I do."

Randi rolls her eyes and leans onto the desk in a manner befitting someone close enough to Remington Ivory Prescott to play with him like this. "And what is it that you do?"

Remington Ivory Prescott leans onto the desk from his side and offers a smiling response to such challenging looks. "Pay you to do everything I don't want to do."

"Which is everything." Randi tosses that in.

"And then take the credit for it all." Remington Ivory Prescott leans back, tossing his hands behind his head and everything. "I was born for this."

Randi snorts as she leans back into her seat as well. "Nobody does less than nothing better."

The laughter that comes from both of them tapers off as Remington Ivory Prescott decides to get down to business.

"Besides counting my money, is there anything important on the agenda today?"

Randi peers at her tablet, swiping through to the calendar to have a look. "Don't think so. Not anything you need to be around for. I can handle your morning meetings. I'll sign for your deposits with the bank. Let's see... oh, Anna called. She can't make brunch tomorrow. She has an early call time."

Remington Ivory Prescott rolls his eyes. "Seriously? Ugh. Fine. Tell her I'll come to her after she's done. Prescott Force Two just got new seats, didn't it? We can have dinner."

Randi's taking notes with her tablet pencil, "Anywhere in particular?"

"She can choose. Wherever she picks... buy the restaurant."

"Done and done."

"Anything else I need to worry about?"

"Nope, you're good. Adora's picking you up at Noon. You got some OWA things to finalize."

Remington Ivory Prescott raises an eyebrow. "Do I? You mean I didn't just buy the promotion?" He sounds genuinely confused by this turn of events.

"You tried. Six times. No dice." Randi sounds almost exasperated.

"What's wrong with these people? Don't they like money?"

"They do. They also have it."

"Not as much as me though, right?"

"Nobody has as much money as you." Randi's pretty sure he won't pick up on the placating tone. "Not even Zeus himself."

Remington Ivory Prescott takes this moment to preen. Everybody loves a good preen. Even Randi has to giggle at the antics of Remington Ivory Prescott.

Prescott Palace

"Living La Vida Luxury."

Prescott Palace has been flown over to the United States, brick by brick, and put back together without so much as a peep from local authorities. A few dozen palms were likely greased to make this operation happen and it looks like the Prescott Palace is now one of the only castles personally owned as a residence in the United States.

Of course, it belongs to Remington Ivory Prescott.

The car sent for Remington Ivory Prescott pulls up to the front door and within moments Adora Kincaid steps out of the driver's side. Another moment, she's carrying a pair of briefcases. Another moment after that, she's opening the back door of the car to allow for the arrival of Remington Ivory Prescott.

Remington Ivory Prescott steps out of the vehicle and stands tall and proud, looking off in the direction of Prescott Palace as he buttons his suit jacket in a move that he might've acquired from James Bond.

"Ah. Just as I remember it." Remington Ivory Prescott seems to be harkening back to a memory from long ago.

"I should hope so. You were here this morning." Adora cuts that memory lane shit short as she moves towards the front doors to open them up for Remington Ivory Prescott.

"You ruin all of my fun." Remington Ivory Prescott snarks at Adora as he walks past her and into the Buckingham Palace Replica.

"That's what you pay me for." Adora quips back and follows him in.

The interior of Prescott Palace is just as nice as the exterior. There will be a full tour available on the PlusOne streaming service so be sure to sign up today. For now, though, we'll just be following Remington Ivory Prescott and Adora to one of the many rooms in this palace. A room that doesn't have much in it but a wall of mirrors.

"So. What's on the Omega Wrestling Agenda?" Remington Ivory Prescott focused on himself in the mirror while he kicks off this conversation.

Adora sets both of the briefcases on top of a random expensive table. Both of them are facing Remington Ivory Prescott but she only opens one of them. "You're debuting soon. At something called Harlem Heat."

Remington Ivory Prescott blinks. Twice. "Harlem?" Third blink. "Where the crime lives?"

"The one and the same."

"Is Olympus really going to put their greatest signing in history in danger?" Remington is not scared. Honest. Pay no attention to the sweatdrop in the mirrored reflection.

"It's not actually in Harlem. It's happening at Madison Square Garden."

Remington Ivory Prescott looks visibly relieved. "Excellent. Madison Square Garden, hm? Don't I ow--"

"No, you don't own that."


Adora rolls her eyes because sometimes that's all you can do when you're around Remington Ivory Prescott as much as she is.

"Can we put your Monopoly Real Estate dreams aside for a moment? We have to get you ready."

Adora comes around to the front of the table as Remington Ivory Prescott turns away from the mirror. She reaches into the briefcase that's open and carefully scoops up Remington Ivory Prescott's signature scarf. It looks to be in magnificent, freshly cleaned, freshly pressed condition. She holds it up and drapes it around the neck of Remington Ivory Prescott and the two of them share a moment of locked eyes.

"Well? How do I look?" Remington Ivory Prescott breaking the ice over here with his signature smirk.

"Like a magnificent bastard." Adora cracks a smile as she stands back to admire her employer.


Adora turns away to close the Scarf Case and sets it on the floor.

Remington Ivory Prescott adjusts the scarf a bit before extending a finger in the direction of the only other case in the room, still sitting on the table.

"Is that...?"

"Yup." Adora eyes him. "Wanna' see it?" Adora reaches for the clasps on the briefcase.

Remington Ivory Prescott can't even say anything. Instead, he just nods along as he watches Adora's fingers unlock the briefcase and slowly lift the lid. It damn near glows in a Pulp Fiction kind of way but we get to hang out over Remington Ivory Prescott's shoulder long enough to take a gander inside.

Remington Ivory Prescott manages to hold back a gasp in favor of plastering on a smug grin.

Inside the case? The Kingdom Pro Atlantic Championship Belt.

No, wait. Let's rephrase that.

HIS Kingdom Pro Atlantic Championship Belt.

Adora grins as he watches Remington Ivory Prescott's eyes light up at the sight of the belt. The belt that solidifies his place in the history of Kingdom Pro. A belt that symbolizes everything he fought so hard for during the first years of his career. A belt that signifies Remington Ivory Prescott as an Eternal Champion.

"Congratulations..." Adora grins. "Champ."

OWA Promos - Page 16 Lrh4ugN

"Monster Truck? Seriously?"

"Okay. This is already a tremendous waste of my precious time. And everybody knows that my time is an incredible amount of money."

"So, for the benefit of you, Monster Truck, and everyone else that has been blessed with the opportunity to see my wonderful face, allow me to introduce myself..."

"My name is Remington Ivory Prescott and I am Omega Wrestling Alliance's Most Lucrative Asset, the End All, Be All of Sports Entertainment. And, as of this moment, I am the reason that Olympus is the premiere brand here in OWA."

"Nothing else matters. Write that down."

"Now, before I dismantle this failed Scientology experiment known as Monster Truck, allow me to set the minds of the OWA fans at ease. It's going to be fine. It's going to be okay. I know you've all been struggling to find someone or something in this company that you can get behind and I get it. Before I decided to bless this company with my presence, I took a look at what was out here and I had to fly all the way to Dubai just to clear my head of the utter foolishness that I saw. And believe me, I understand a thing or two about utter foolishness and how much it must hurt you poor, unfortunate, individuals to have to waste your minuscule paychecks on what amounts to garbage in 4K. I get it."

"Well, okay, I don't get it, get it because I've never had to actually live check to check but I understand that it often involves choosing which of your children to feed and which to sell to China for the building of iPhones. Something like that, right?"

"Anyway, I just want you all to know that I'm here now. You can rest easy in knowing that while your families are at home starving and you're out here trying to find some glimmer of happiness in your pitiful lives, that I'm here. I'm here for you to gaze upon and realize that while you can never be me, you can always admire. From afar. Very afar. No need to thank me, that's what I'm here for."

"To show you just how much better than you I am."

"Speaking of being better than, well, everyone, I think it's time I shed a little light on the only reason to come to Madison Square Garden on Saturday, November 20th and that's the match between myself and... Monster Truck."

"You see, I'm going to let you guys in on a little secret. The Gods of Olympus realized that after begging me to sign with them, that they'd have to give me the top spot. And while I was happy to take the reigns of this brand and fly it to the moon with ease, I realized something. I realized that there were plenty of lackluster peasants in need of some time to shine. So I, being the generous guy that I am, voluntarily gave up my Main Event slot to those peasants. I didn't just sign with Olympus to make it better. No, I'm also here to make the rest of the roster better as well."

"With any luck, they'll be BOUGHT by Christmas."

"Digressions aside, with Thanksgiving right around the corner, I decided that giving to the less fortunate would be a good way to show the OWA Universe just how incredibly humble that I am. Only someone as extraordinarily kind as I could stand to be in the same ring with a charity case like Monster Truck for any amount of time. So I want all of you losers to take time out of your prayers to God, since he won't answer them anyway, to thank me for lowering my standards far enough to allow Monster Truck to breathe the same air as me."

"My philanthropy knows no bounds."

"Now, when it comes to Harlem Heat, I would like to say that any match involving myself is destined to be Match of the Night. Obviously. But there are other charitable factors at play here that as much as I would love to not have them even be a thing, they are out of my control. Those factors being the Monster Truck and the undeniable stench of supreme stupidity that follows him around like he's never washed his gym socks. Which, as I understand it, is something you poor people do often. You re-wear things. On purpose. I can't imagine."

"Anyway, as I was trying to say, Monster Truck, despite all of his height and broadness, very likely has nothing going on upstairs. And even though he's an individual that could probably bench press a small moon, I'm going to be the one carrying him through Harlem Heat. This entire match is on me to deliver. We'll all be lucky if Monster Truck can remember how to tie his boots."

"I'd pay mid-dollar to see that, actually."

"Now, don't get me wrong, I see the threat that Monster Truck is supposed to pose. I understand that he's big and strong... like a monster truck. But that also means he's slow, overcompensating, and runs out of gas quickly... also like a monster truck. Now, if I were to exploit these obvious flaws in his physicality, people would claim that I wasn't fighting fair. That I was taking advantage of the mentally challenged. Perhaps you insignificant insects would even try to boo me. Lucky for you all, I'm smarter than you. Being such, I've decided to go easy on the big lug. I can see how such neanderthal-ic tendencies could mean life or death for some of you morons out there that actually need professional wrestling to survive. I've read about you people. Pitiful. You should really look into getting some actual lives. Write that down."

"So, this watch on my wrist, the one that costs more than your trailer and the park it's in? It's telling me that it's time to wrap this up. I have so many more important things lined up for today that standing here and continuing to state the obvious would be a colossal waste of time and space... much like Monster Truck. So I've decided that it's time for me to do anything and be anywhere but here."

"Dammit. I just realized something. Monster Truck is clearly too stupid to understand anything I've said. I should probably translate for his benefit."

"Monsty Trucky? You no good wrassle-wrassle. Me? Vewy good wrassle-wrassle. Me win. You losey. Go home. Cry. Never come back-back. Nobody likey Monsty Trucky. Kay-Kay. Bye Now!"

"My name is Remington Ivory Prescott and that makes me Better Than You Are, Were, or Ever Will Be."


VaeVictisBD, Michael Bishop, Christopher Sabertooth, J.D. Damon, Mav., Alyssa Grace, The Banshee and have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Re: OWA Promos
Post November 10th 2021, 3:29 pm by Bennington
The scene opens in a restaurant, empty except for three individuals; not counting the camera man. Anyone with enough class, or money, might recognize it as the interior of Masa in Manhattan, one of the very best - and priciest - Japanese establishments in the United States.

Apparently the man enjoying his meal has come to the city a bit in advance of the upcoming Festival show. Perhaps he is here on some unrelated business; or simply arriving early, to enjoy a nice week or two of relaxation and fine food prior to his debut.

Seated at a chair in front of the very prestigious, very in-demand sushi counter is Akamu Bennington. The massive, broad-shouldered beast of a man is dressed in his usual business attire; though at present, his suit has been draped over the back of the seat next to him, sleeves of his white button-up rolled to his elbows, tie loosened. Taking no notice of the camera man approaching him from the side, he seems entirely focused on the stream of fish that continues to be placed in front of him; the work of two dedicated, exceptionally skilled sushi chefs who seem to be struggling to keep up with his near-bottomless appetite.

They appear to be sweating slightly under the strain, well-sharpened blades flashing in the dim light of the restaurant as they work to keep their sole customer happy and fed. It looks like an uphill battle, considering the size and hunger of the man seated alone at the counter. Spread out in front of him, almost end-to-end on the wooden surface, is a line of empty plates; it looks like he's been here for some time.

Resting on a silk handkerchief to one side is a small collection of plain, gold rings and a similarly adorned Rolex watch. He clearly doesn't want to risk getting any food on his expensive accessories.

There is something about the way he moves and devours the food in front of him. A brutishness that seems at odds with his otherwise refined appearance and upscale style of dress. Most noticeably, he leaves the chopsticks to the side, picking up each slice of sashimi with the bare fingers of his right hand and depositing them directly into his mouth.

As if noticing the camera for the first time, he lifts a large glass of bubbling mineral water - San Pellegrino, to be precise - to the camera, offering a slight nod to acknowledge its presence. Taking a few healthy gulps of the fizzing liquid, he swallows with an exaggerated sigh of satisfaction; washing down the latest mouthful of raw fish before he places the glass back on the table. He turns his neck to address the two sushi chefs - slaving away with military precision on a seemingly never-ending pile of seafood - speaking with impeccable Japanese.

Reaching into the side pocket of his black dress pants, Akamu extracts a small, neatly-folded wad of bills. Without counting the money, he calmly places it on the counter in front of him; a small down payment to ensure the speedy return of the two sushi chefs who are responsible for maintaining a steady stream of food into his stomach. The senior of the pair grab the cash and offers the massive patron a nod, before they both shuffle off out of sight. It leaves Bennington with the man from the OWA, who has been tasked to interview one of the company's newest acquisitions.

"You're late," he says to the man filming, his voice admonishing such disrespect; tardiness is an almost unthinkable affront, to the well-dressed Samoan who places a high premium on qualities such as punctuality and professionalism.

"Don't worry. I'll let it slide this time. If anything, you've given me a bit more time to collect my thoughts, and enjoy this fine meal," he gestures at the collection of empty plates taking up the entirety of the sushi bar's wooden counter.

"My apologi-" begins the camera man, before a raised palm from Akamu cuts him off in his tracks.

"First rule: only speak to me if I allow you to talk. I don't want to hear a word from the help."

A bit rich, considering that's precisely what he himself could be viewed as: the 'help' for his mysterious, wealthy benefactor. But the irony is either ignored, or lost on him entirely. Lowering his hand back to the countertop in front of him, he takes a moment to secure his Rolex - and the line of golden rings resting in a line upon the wooden surface - back onto his left wrist and fingers. As he does so, he continues to speak in calm, measured, sophisticated tones.

"I'll discuss my first opponent in a moment; there's something slightly more pressing that deserves a bit of attention first. Namely, the state of the Omega Wrestling Association. As a man who values preparation, I've taken it upon myself to do my share of research on the current balance of power in my new home."

"And what I found was nothing short of a mess."

"A Man with the strength of a God, standing at the pinnacle of the Gold brand, holding the most desired belt within the company. A supreme being, promising to usher in a new era; no matter what the cost in blood might be. Quite the state of affairs, to say the least. A crude, less-refined individual might even call it a 'clusterfuck'. Naturally, I asked myself a simple question: 'who stands to protect the OWA against this invading deity? Who rises to take back the gold from such a potent threat?' Surely such a storied and famous group of wrestlers has a secret weapon, ready to strike back against this man from the Far East."

"One would think so, correct? The reality is far more disappointing, however. Some Irishman who, at six-foot-nothing, barely qualifies as an adult.  A technical wrestler, up against a power that he - in all likelihood - cannot even begin to fathom or understand. Bravery is something that ought to be commended, I suppose; but the foolishness that comes with such hubris is nothing short of laughable."

"Now - and this next bit came as a shock to even me - that is the BEST that the defenders of this organization have to offer. So, to the World Champion, I say: enjoy your reign. If the greatest threat to your dominance is Finnegan Wakefield, I think you'll be at the top of the mountain for quite some time. Or, until I set my sights on the peak, at any rate... then you'll have to step aside, of course."

"But I suppose that's none of my concern yet. Let the rest of these 'warriors' break themselves on the rocks of Arata Asakura; if nothing else, it will be amusing to witness... although I don't envision them making much of a dent. Me? I'll remain focused on the objective that I've been sent here to accomplish; and the first appetizer on my plate is a man by the name of 'Raivo'. The 'Authentic'."

"It's a misunderstood word, 'authentic'. A lot of people assume it means the genuine article, the real thing, a true ORIGINAL. They must not have heard of an 'authentic reproduction'. You see, being authentic doesn't hold any value in and of itself. It doesn't mean you're an originator, Raivo, and it doesn't make you sound as impressive as you likely think it does. Because I've been around long enough to know a copy when I see one. I've been to LA - that cesspool you call a home - enough times to recognize you for what you are. Just another up jumped Californian punk with more arrogance than sense. The way you dress, the way you carry yourself, they tell a story about who you really are: certainly more than your accomplishments ever could. A fake. A phony. An 'authentic' piece of garbage, someone who is a dime a dozen on the streets of Los Angeles. A fool who thinks he has what it takes to make it... when he's really just fooling himself. Not strong enough to face the truth."

"Now, let me tell you how I see it: you don't have the size, you don't have the mentality, and you definitely don't have the home field advantage. I may not be from New York, but my occupation has had me on these streets like it were my second home. You? Some boy from California?"

He shakes his head, a flat expression on his broad Samoan features. Somehow, it makes him look even more intimidating than if he were wearing a scowl or frown.

"Historically speaking, people who come here from the West Coast, talking loud, acting like a clown, flashing their chains and thinking they're slick, well... it doesn't end well for them. At best, they run back home with their tails between their legs. At worst? Well, I'll leave that to your imagination."

"All due respect to the woman - I'm sure she did the best she could with you - but I feel sorry for your mother. It has to hurt her, seeing you like this. Strutting around, nose in the air, pretending you're something you aren't. Tracing the lines of what you think a tough guy should look like. Putting on an act that you cannot possibly maintain when - and where - it counts. Credit where it's due: it was very bold of you to assume that nobody would ever call your bluff. Maybe you thought you'd be fighting other professionals, men who spent their lives training for a wrestling match, or even a bare-knuckle brawl. People who might - similar to yourself - be used to fooling themselves about the true extent of their abilities."

"Unfortunately for you, you're facing a man who isn't from the same sort of sporting background. The place I grew up, smart men didn't run off at the mouth; they waited in silence, until they could show their enemies exactly what they were about. When I was just a kid, even before I made my first mark in the business, I learned that the ones you've got to watch out for were the the quiet ones. The dead-eyed predators who moved in silence, who didn't flash jewels and wear tacky sneakers. See, in the real world - maybe something you don't have much experience in - the ones trying to show off are the first to run when shit gets real."

"You know what? I might have even seen fit to show you a bit of mercy, if our match weren't for a shot at the Spartans Championship. I may not care about belts or accolades, but I do care about reputation. The title itself means nothing to me, just another accessory; but what winning it would say about my ability is valuable enough to make an example of you."

"In that ring, you won't be Raivo; because Raivo isn't worth my time or consideration. You'll be a proxy for Jason Long, or Noah Quinn, or 'Father' Fiora; whoever manages to walk away from the Festival with the championship. And when I lay you out, when I break your spirit and your body, it won't be about my feelings towards you and your pathetic little facade. It'll be an example to the man who I'll end up facing for that belt. A chance for them to see what awaits them when they step into the ring with me... and hopefully, they're wise enough to take notice of the hell I plan on putting you through. A smart man would want to vacate the belt at that point, but I get the feeling intelligence isn't their strong suit; same as you, I suppose."

"I can't predict who wins that three-way bout; even the boys setting the odds in Vegas seem pretty split on that one. But I can predict one thing: you're going to have a little moment of clarity after I'm done with you. Maybe the first you've ever had in your sheltered little existence."

"When you're laying on your back, staring up at the lights, unable to move... I'm going to guess you'll wonder, then, exactly what went wrong in your life. What brought you to such a place, what path did you follow that ended in you being beaten and humiliated in front of a crowd of horrified onlookers?"

"Let's take it one step further, shall we? Let's dig a little deeper. What led you to become the 'man' - and I use the term loosely - you are today? Your father trained you, as I understand it. So I don't doubt your credentials when it comes to throwing hands. Where I'm from, making that mistake is a quick way to end up in a hospital bed, or worse. But it looks to me like fighting is the only thing he bothered to teach you. Your body of work is one thing, Raivo: the way you act outside the ring is a completely different matter."

"The conclusion I've come to is self-evident, as far as I'm concerned. Your old man was so busy teaching you to brawl, he never had the time, inclination or ability to show you how to become a man."

"Likewise, I'm far too occupied with other matters to do what he neglected to do. But, there is one valuable lesson that I'm willing to impart onto you. Specifically, the importance of a man like yourself remaining humble. And this isn't going to be a nice, familial lecture at the dinner table; it's too late for that, your father already failed you in that regard. Now, you'll have to learn the hard way, from a teacher that isn't concerned about your wellbeing... or whatever miniscule future you might be able to eke out in this business. I'm going to beat every last ounce of arrogance out of your over-confident body."

"How many hits to the head, before you forget how to be such a smug little nothing? How many times do I need to drop you onto the mat, until you realize you're not what you pretend to be? Those are just two of the questions that I'm more than happy to answer for you; and you should be glad I'm taking time out of my schedule to teach you. Because no matter how much I hurt you, you're going to come out wiser for it. Every bit of pain I make you feel, every bone I see fit to break on your comparitively puny body, is going to bring you one step closer to accepting the sort of man that you truly are." 

"Average. Able to recognize your real place in the food chain. A boy who has finally grown into a bloodied, brusied man... only after being humbled by your superior."

Pausing to let that sink in for a moment, Bennington lifts the glass to his lips again to sip at the liquid. A man with his reputation and history clearly isn't accustomed to speaking at such length; he generally lets his actions speak for themselves... but it's something he will have to get used to, now that his employer has sent him into this company. His thirst quenched, he places the glass back onto the counter and lifts one index finger to the camera to emphasize his next point.

"However, it's your lucky day; I have one piece of good news for you. I'm a fair man, Raivo. And, fortunately for you, you've yet to offend me. So, here's the deal I am willing to offer you, and I'll only say it once: back out of our match. For the sake of your family who raised you, no matter how poorly they did so. For your friends, who probably have some foolish belief in your potential. For your trainers, who have clearly invested so much in polishing and honing your fledgling skills. And, above all, for yourself. At the end of the day, I truly do believe you could have a long, healthy career on the undercard: sadly, I cannot guarantee the same if you choose to step into the ring with a man who is - unquestionably - your better."

"Now that I've been kind enough to give you an undeserved out, I have my own favor to ask of you. If you're ignorant - or suicidal - enough to show up at Barclays Center on the 21st, make sure you're sporting some of that Gucci, and your nicest chain. After all, it's almost time to do my Christmas shopping; and when I beat you, I think I'll help myself to some of your 'drip'. It's a bit too gaudy and tasteless for me, of course, but it'll make a nice present for a few of the neighborhood kids. 'Baby's first bling', if you want to call it that."

A quick glance is shot at the Rolex on his wrist... and right on schedule, precisely 15 minutes since he sent them away, the two sushi chefs reappear. Without any words, they continue their monumental task of preparing food for the hulking enforcer.

"Just on time. Speaking of time, Raivo, you have until the 21st to come to your senses and hand the number one contender spot to me. It's going to be mine, regardless of what happens, so make it easy on yourself."

"Because at the end of the day, you're just a goldfish... and you should know better than to swim with the sharks."

That said, he waves his hand at the camera; a silent gesture, signalling that he's done with this nonsense. Bennington begins to take his watch and rings back off. Placing them onto the silk handkerchief, he once again prepares to dig into some quality sashimi. After all, schooling the youths in the ways of men is hungry work; and he has the feeling that the lesson he needs to teach Raivo is only just beginning.

OWA Promos - Page 16 Benningtonstare

VaeVictisBD, Aria Jaxon, Michael Bishop, Christopher Sabertooth, Mav., Alyssa Grace and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

Post November 10th 2021, 11:52 am by DarkCircle
{The screen comes up black before it fades into a shot of Ryo Sakazaki standing on the back deck on his home in Sleepy Hollow, pushing a hand through the thick sheaf of his hair as he looks confusedly at the camera for a moment}

Ryo: A Joke...purely and truly a joke without the most hesitations of how most such humorous situations begins. Because you see while for example my former mentor in Stephanie Matsuda marches into the third or fourth Hardcore Havoc and walks out the newest edition of the OWA's Women's Champion before marching off into another feud of the year to take place upon the next super show...I thoroughly dominate my place on the same show, capitalizing with a thunderous expletive of an exclamation mark upon two Jacknappes and the rest of those who love being the "Cancel Ryo Culture" why I am without a question the first ever Icarus champion...

I get stuck walking into the next event, not for the title for while I have earned my chance at, but into a match against an unwashed and unwanted midget who believes that his grandeur is more worth as much as the Bazooka Joe bubble gum wrapper that it is printed upon!

{Ryo looks even more confused}

Ryo: And this...Project Smile...they put this unique twist upon my match against Landerson, perhaps to make me suffer more stupidities before my chance at the Icarus title...

{Ryo then stops suddenly and rubs his chin thoughtfully while looking sideways at the camera}

Ryo: Perhaps I'm not looking at these things the right way, I mean what are the options gain...the blindfold match, which won their little fans decide poll...which means that both me and the masked moron will have our eyes covered and we'll have to guess where our opposite number is throughout the entire match.

I could cheat...but as my dear friend Jake would say with that killer grin on his face "where would the fun in that be"?

But I can see why the dog collar match was quickly voted over, it's because you all know that if it had won the poll then I would simply turn to my bestie in the entire world, Jake Striker, and his new friend in Daniel Horror and asked how to turn that stipulation into something much,  *MUCH* worse...didn't you all? 

{Ryo gets a sick smile on his face and then taps the left side of his head}

Ryo: The fans saved your bacon, didn't they Landerson? I mean you assumed that just because you were big and important once in the great North-East dumpster fire that it would grant you an instant win when you came into this promotion...but instead what happened was that I bundled you and that little fuckwidget Truck into one big bong ball and hit the AOT on the both of you to win that match!

I, the most *HATED* and *REVILED* person on the entire Omega Wrestling Alliance roster...a man so hated that I make guys like Graham Baker and TV Know Babyfaces just by walking into the fucking room...I hit an avalanche style elevated powerbomb on the both of your pathetic asses and drive you both through the exact same fucking table for the win...wasn't allowed one way of actually enjoying myself during a match and these OWA Fans, in case you really haven't fucking noticed, are a lot more violently inclined than those that the Northeastern Dumpster fire claims are the answerably elite to if you get my drifting.

{Ryo chuckles weakly for a moment before he snaps his fingers a couple of times and then looks back at the camera}

Ryo: Now what was the other choice that they had, handcuffs wasn't?

What a frivolous idea, handcuffing two men's hands behind their backs so that they can't really do shit to each other, yes?

Needless to say, Lando my boyo, that if been the stip that those stimps out there that call themselves our "fans" would've chosen, then you might as well as gone ahead and said good by to your fucking head because if there is anything that these fuckwits fans here in the OWA can tell you is that my kicks are some of the most devastating in that ring, furthermore they will be the first ones to tell you that I have the BEST DROPKICK *EVER*! When I hit that move, it's like poetry in motion because nobody can hit a move that is so beatific to behold as I can hit it faster than you can stop on a dime, so many people have "enjoyed" the Best Dropkick Ever, that I'm honestly surprised that it has not won a "move of the year" award yet here in the OWA!!

But that is neither here nor there because the truth of the matter is that if these fickle fuckerys that are our fans would've picked handcuffs, then your fate would've been ironically sealed because it would've taken one and only *one*...for me to rip your head asunder and move onto past some decade old bad joke such as you and onto more so called important trivial things.

The point of it all, Lando, is that you're viewed as not this great important thing as you will no doubt try and present yourself as being like you might have been once...a short to long time ago...but now, now you are simply at the bottom of a junkpile which includes your little Truckasuarious buddy boy from the other night there, Lando. 

You see in just a few days here they are going to play your music so that you can march like a big boy down to the ring and when you look up and across it, you're going to be looking into these two eyes and you're going to be looking at a man who simply doesn't give a *damn*...because nobody here gives a damn about Ryo, so why should I give a damn about you?

That's the running joke, ain't it?

The front office wants me to keep going like this, to play this twisted little fuckery of a game and gimmick until I can do some big "turn of the hero" and prove everyone wrong!!

{Ryo then flings his arms slowly like he's doing some kind of great big, grand gesture but then he just kinda...slumps over and raises his head to peer at the camera through his bangs}

Ryo: Wish I could provide them with that...wish that I could be the great conquering hero in the end and rip Arata's lying tonsil's right out of him and lay claim to the big gold belt myself.

No...I'll leave the big gold belt to my so called "friend", Jeff X.

He can have the belt....I'll just be happy to rip those tonsil's right out of Arata's throat.

{Ryo then raises his right hand up, palm open and exposed for all to seee}

Ryo: Would you like me to do that for you, Lando? 

Would you like to say something...say *any*THING...only for me in the end to rip the lying tonsils from you like it's so much good *shit*!?

Just say the word.

Any word.

Open up your mouth, take in the air so that you can make the noises needed....

{Ryo then closes his fist while chuckling once more}

Ryo: I'll make a liar out of you yet...I'll put a smile on those faces of everyone who ever thought I was nothing more than one long running bad joke in this promotion.

I'll make you a sinner, a *SAINT*....I'll bury you up to your head in the sand and leave you for the crabs, Lando my boy!!

{Ryo's face suddenly turns very serious as he jumps off of his deck and lands in a loud stomp in the middle of some dirt and thorns next to it, he squats down deep into the thorns, his expression never changing}

Ryo: Lemme tell you something, Lando, and I want you to listen really carefully because I'm only going to explain this to you once...little might think that you can walk into this match and be the hero, stomp around like the pretty little toy soldier that they want you to be, but in the're going to shut the fuck up and you're going to fail and the reason for that is in your first serious match here, they got you against me, man.

They got you against a man who simply doesn't give a fuck.

Look at me in the fucking eye. HEY! YOU FUCK! Look me in the eye. You're my bitch. I rule this fucking kingdom. Shut the fuck up... or you die..What is it, Lando? You see me in this state and instantly you think that you're going to be laughing because in this state of mind I'm going to be making all kinds of mistakes at Olympus?

You see, thing is, up there, you though had a chance. Waaaay, up in the fucking skies, you thought you had your finger on the pussy trigger....but hermando...down here....

{Ryo reaches down, the thorns catching his skin and digging long trails of crimson as grabs a large handful of loose dirt and picks it up as he brings the hand up to his face before letting the dirt simply *fall* from his hand in front of his face}

Ryo: Down here....down here? You hit the ground, then I enjoy my *feast*.

Time to go *splat* boy. 

{Ryo's face twists into a sick smile as the screen fades to black}

Stark, Christopher Sabertooth and Remington Ivory Prescott have spoken. It’s such good shit!

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